District 9

Chapter 1129 It’s useless to persuade anyone! (Leader update)

Qin Yu left the Xinyuan District Council and immediately went to see Feng Yunian. He interviewed him for more than half an hour and finally reached a unified opinion.

On the street next to the Xinyuan District Superintendent, Qin Yu was about to get in the car when he saw Wu Di waving to him: "This way!"

Qin Yu immediately walked over, pulled open the car door and said, "Let's talk in the car!"

Wu Di and Qin Yu sat in the back seat of the car together and were silent for a few seconds.

"Do you understand Coco's intention in doing this?" Wu Di asked with a sigh.

"Understood." Qin Yu nodded.

"She did it for the company and for you." Wu Di loosened his collar and replied obviously nervously: "The matter could have ended with her."

"How many years will Keke be sentenced?" Qin Yu asked.

Wu Di was silent.

"Taking a step back, if the matter is really over with her, then all the anger of the party and government will be directed at Keke." Qin Yu said with a trembling voice: "Can she still come out?!"

Wu Di lowered his head, hesitated for a while and said: "But are you sure about counterattack!?"

"No!" Qin Yu responded with some excitement: "Emotionally, I didn't give Coco a good explanation, but in terms of career, I can't give up on her. It's too unfair to her!"

When Wu Di heard this, he already understood in his heart that he could not hold back Qin Yu who had already made a decision.

"I protect Keke, and I also want to protect you. If there is no way to end this matter, the result will be that I am out of the game and I will break up with Keke, but the matter will not get to you." Qin Yu seemed to be out of control, but his words were clear. Very layered: "... When things really come to a head, Tiancheng Group will be disbanded. You will take over the pharmaceutical industry, reorganize several other subsidiaries, and take good care of my brothers."

Wu Di looked at Qin Yu and suddenly smiled and said: "You are so naive. You are my partner. If you die, I won't be able to get better. Forget it, the party and government have really pushed too hard these days. They have already We are not allowed to continue to expand in Songjiang! If you want to do it, I will still support you. From the upper level, I will win as much as I can!"

When Qin Yu heard this, he felt an inexplicable warmth in his heart. Wu Di was different from Gu Yan, Chen Jun and others. He was his partner and his boss. There was no need for the boss to fight in person. of.

"Dip Lingling!"

A phone rang.

"Hello?!" Qin Yu answered the phone.

"As soon as you arrived in Songjiang, word spread in the military and political circles that you were going to fight against the Fengbei investigation team and the Songjiang judicial department, right?" Lin Xiao asked bluntly.

"Seek justice!" Qin Yu acquiesced.

"I made a phone call to my family just now." Lin Xiao frowned and persuaded: "The family's intention, as well as the opinions of many military and political leaders in Fengbei, are that they don't agree with what you did."

Qin Yu was silent when he heard the sound.

"First, there is no turning point in the case, and Coco has taken the initiative to take the blame, so it would be ideal for the matter to end with her. Second, if you involve yourself, once things get out of control, your outcome will definitely be worse than Cocoa is still going to be miserable, but have you ever thought about it? The reason why the military and political leaders have allocated resources to you in recent years is so that you can stand in Songjiang and stabilize this plate! But your decision now is to take many people You have to devote all your efforts to a meaningless thing." Lin Xiao said very straightforwardly.

"For the higher-ups, it doesn't matter whether Keke dies or not, but for Tiancheng, for the family, and for me, it is intolerable that she was treated like this. It is also intolerable that Ma Laoer's wife died." Qin Yu He frowned and replied: "I have already made a decision on this matter!"

"What are you going to do? Is there any way to make the other party surrender to you?" Lin Xiao asked, almost shouting.

"Whatever advantages I have, I will use them to speak."

"...!" Lin Xiao was startled: "This is absolutely not possible! There will be no way back for you!"

"I have no way of turning back now." Qin Yu emphasized.

"Why are you so stubborn?! I said, the military and political leaders want you to play a greater role, rather than just playing all the cards for a company executive. If it doesn't work, you can still stay in Songjiang You can't even save your life." Lin Xiao roared: "You must listen to me on this matter, you can't do it!"

Qin Yu was silent and did not reply.

"Okay, I don't need to restrain you with the wishes of the military and political leaders. Can I restrain you with our personal relationship?!" Lin Xiao changed his angle and continued: "My family doesn't agree with you doing this. My father said it himself, the one where you are Position is very important, he can help you up at critical moments!!"

"I understand what you mean, but I have already decided on this matter." Qin Yu licked his chapped lips: "The upper level supports me and I do it. If the upper level doesn't support me, I do it too."

Lin Xiao was speechless.

"...Thank you Uncle Lin for me. I appreciate the kindness, but my foundation lies in Songjiang and the people around me." Qin Yu calmly replied: "That's it!"

After saying that, Qin Yu hung up the phone.

In the car, Wu Di turned to look at Qin Yu: "The Lin family's opinion is also very important to you."

"I don't want to say more." Qin Yu waved his hand: "It's decided, it's decided."

Wu Di nodded and didn't say anything.

five minutes later.

Lin Xiao's call came to Lin's father's mobile phone. After hearing this, the latter couldn't help but shook his head and sighed: "It's still immature!"

From the Lin family's point of view, they would never agree with Qin Yu's conflict with the party and government at this time. Firstly, the resources of the military and government were tilted towards Qin Yu, and they all hoped that he could slowly develop in Songjiang, because His position is very important. He can not only control the ground in Songjiang, but also form an offensive and defensive alliance with the two superintendents of Xinyuan and Pingdao. Once the situation changes, Qin Yu's energy in Songjiang will have an impact on the situation in District 9. , so the superiors do not want him to cause a complete commotion just because he is a senior executive of a group, because in the eyes of the superiors, Coco is just a name. To the big shots, the team of Wu Di and Qin Yu is far from a matter of life and death. time.

In fact, not only the Lin family disagreed with Qin Yu's current actions, but many of the military and political leaders in Fengbei naturally disagreed as well.

But there are conservatives and radicals, and some military and political leaders have publicly expressed their support for Qin Yu. If the other party makes moves again and again, then he should show his sword!

In short, Qin Yu's series of actions when he returned to Songjiang had already triggered a chain reaction. The military and political leaders were having heated discussions, and Songjiang was gradually getting excited.

Two days later.

The legal department of the pharmaceutical group suddenly filed a lawsuit with the court against the investigation team of the Fengbei Economic Investigation Bureau for abusing their power and detaining senior Yu Jinnian without reason. At the same time, the lawyer also complained to the police supervision department on the grounds that they had received routine interviews. Yu Jinnian was rejected.

This kind of prosecution and appeal is impossible to win, but it instantly attracted media attention. A large number of private media began to report on the matter. At the same time, the various charity projects that Coco did while in charge of the pharmaceutical group were also dug up. The positive image also attracted public attention.

That night.

Qin Yu once again organized a meeting with people on the ground, and the real drama officially began.


This chapter pays tribute to the reader "False Ring Book Fan 009", and congratulates on being promoted to the leader of the alliance. Three chapters have been posted after eight o'clock, and two chapters will be posted at ten o'clock.

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