Disaster Shelter

Chapter 224 Demon Hunter Chu Wei

no Zuo no Die……

Wen Wen raised his eyebrows, this man spoke loudly.

He is just a power user with the highest level of mastery, and he didn't even discover Wen Wen's identity as a power user. You must know that when Wen Wen first entered the door, he didn't deliberately hide his aura.

However, his inexplicable self-confidence made Wen Wen feel that this person might indeed have two talents.

Suddenly, the dazzling light disappeared, and a square plate appeared in front of the statue, and inside the square plate were a dice cup and a dice.

Over there, something seems to have happened. Wen Wen pointed to the statue and reminded Chu Wei.

Chu Wei glanced back, and then said to Wen Wen: That's the game we're going to play, this time it's a dice roll, it seems that the person with the smallest dice points should be the 'prey'.

'This time' is a roll of the dice, which means that every game may be different.

As soon as the dice appeared, the old man and the woman acted and began to roll the dice. One rolled four and the other five.

They knew that once they stopped dancing and hadn't chosen a 'prey', a random person would die.

Chu Wei got a plate of peanuts from nowhere, and while crunching the peanut shells, he said to Wen Wenjie: The woman's name is Wu Fengxia, and the old man's name is Zheng Shengli. They are the operators of this motel. They have at least A game that has survived seven or eight times seems to be very lucky.

Then, the shrinking young man also stepped forward and rolled the dice, and he got three points.

After seeing three o'clock, he almost cried, what if he was the youngest.

That useless little brother, his name is Lu Yu, he came with me, just treat him as a marginal figure.

Finally, the little girl stood up, and Wen Wen finally saw her face, her eyes were red, swollen and tear-stained, but... Wen Wen always felt that her eyes seemed to be looking forward to it.

She rolled the dice with a very standard action, and the number on the dice was six!

While she was rolling the dice, Wen Wen saw a corner of something she was holding in her arms. It seemed to be a box of something, and the pattern on the box was somewhat similar to that of this hotel.

However, before Wen Wen saw it clearly, the little girl hugged the box, and then glanced at Wen Wen and the two, as if she was looking forward to seeing the value thrown by the two of them.

After that, she returned to her position, buried her face, and only showed a pair of eyes to observe the outside.

You think that little girl is weird, don't you, and I do too. Chu Wei threw a few peanuts into his mouth and said, I don't know how many times she lived, because no one would tell me her information.

Wen Wen nodded, then glanced at Chu Wei and asked, You've said so much, what about you?

Chu Wei froze for a moment, then smiled and said, I, I just came here last time, and I only survived one round.

Then how do you know so clearly?

Chu Wei looked at Wen Wen in surprise and said, Are you stupid? You are still a detective. Of course you are investigating. The time between two games is enough for me to investigate some things clearly.

You are stupid, your whole family is stupid!

If Wen Wen had Yan Xiu's mask, there must be a hashtag on his forehead now...

Then why are you telling me this?

Chu Wei pointed to the rest of the people and whispered, I'm going to deal with that statue in a while, so help me keep an eye on Wu Fengxia, Zheng Shengli, and that little girl.

Under this game mechanism, if they can live for so long, they are definitely not as harmless as they appear. Just help me keep an eye on them when the time comes.

This person may really have two talents, Wen Wen continued to ask: Why did you choose me to help you?

Those who came before me may have problems. You came after me, so you are more reliable. Besides, you are a detective, so you are more reliable than that Lu Yu.

Wen Wen chuckled and said, If it were me, I wouldn't be less suspicious of someone just because he came after me.

He was going to show the superiority of his IQ as a detective in front of Chu Wei. He was called stupid just now, but he couldn't pretend that he hadn't heard of it.

But Chu Wei didn't intend to reply at all, he pushed Wen Wen and said: Go and roll the dice, if you don't finish the game quickly, that thing will kill again.

Wen Wen walked up to the statue helplessly, picked up the dice, threw it casually, and his face turned black.

It turned out to be two o'clock, and he was the lowest one now.

Wen Wen almost got angry, he suspected that the statue was targeting him.

Chu Wei patted Wen Wen on the shoulder and said, Don't worry, I'm here, you won't die if you don't die.

As he spoke, he confidently rolled the dice.

a little!

After rolling the dice, Chu Wei said with a hint of bitterness in his smile: Look, this kind of death game, as long as there is no accident, I will lose, and if there is a random death, it will only be me.

Wen Wen looked at Chu Wei with a weird expression, this guy is simply unlucky.

After choosing the 'prey', the statue stopped dancing. Chu Wei raised his hand and said loudly to the other people in the hotel:

Everyone, I am still the prey in this round. You should know that I cannot be killed, so I hope you will stop wasting your time targeting me.

Seeing that the 'prey' was still Chu Wei, except for Wen Wen, his expression was not very good-looking.

Chu Wei, who will not die, is a prey, which means that no one can be free in this round.

And if no one dies, when the next game starts, the statue will kill someone randomly!

Regardless of everyone's expressions, Chu Wei swaggered up to the statue and said, Next, I want to see who you are.

After speaking, Chu Wei took out a piece of chewing gum from his small bag, twisted it and stuck it on the statue, then turned around and ran away.

Just two steps away, the statue exploded violently. The whole house was shaken by the explosion, dust was flying and flames were flying everywhere. If it wasn't for the distance, other people would have been accidentally injured by Chu Wei.

The little girl screamed piercingly in fright, and the others also looked ugly.

Chu Wei, who was closest to the bomb, was directly blown to the ground.

Wen Wen looked at Chu Wei who fell on the ground with a strange expression. Is this guy really a disaster-level power user? Is he really the same person who controlled the audience before?

Why do you feel that you are not as good as a well-trained ordinary person?

Chu Wei quickly got up from the ground quickly, turned around and looked at the unscathed statue, pouted in dissatisfaction.

This containment is very strong.

Wen Wen couldn't help complaining, But you're not strong.

All the clothes on Chu Wei's back were blown away, the skin on his back was burnt, and a piece of wood was stuck in his butt...

Then try something more exciting.

Chu Wei fumbled in his bag for a while, and this time he took out five pieces!

The aftermath of writing a graduation thesis, when I saw a small space when I coded, I had to delete it... But all these small spaces can be solved with automatic typesetting.

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