Disaster Shelter

Chapter 223 Death Game

Generally speaking, in normal life, the probability of encountering supernatural events is not high.

So at the beginning, Wen Wen didn't think about it.

But who knew that he was so lucky to bump into a supernatural case.

That's right, it was luck for Wen Wen, his hands were already itchy.

The containment doesn't know what level it is, and the power user's breath is at the disaster level.

However, Wen Wen was not careless, but was very vigilant and cautious.

Complacency is the beginning of failure, and failure means death.

Although Wen Wen has always been very promiscuous, he has always tried not to put himself in danger of possible death.

He was going to test the young man's details first, to see what kind of abilities he had, whether he was an enemy or a friend, and whether he had any connection with the contained object.

However, before Wen Wen could make a move, he saw a middle-aged strong man with a scar on his face, holding a bone-chopping knife, rushing out of the kitchen aggressively.

His target should be that power user... I can just take this opportunity to find out about him.

Someone stood up for him, so Wen Wen was naturally happy to be at ease.

Then, under Wen Wen's astonished gaze, the middle-aged uncle's bone-chopping knife directly sliced ​​into the power user's skull.

Immediately, blood flowed all over the ground, and the power user fell down in response, his legs and feet still twitching faintly.

This...something is wrong.

Wen Wen was stunned for less than two seconds before the cigarette holder fell from his mouth and shouted loudly: Killer, murderer!

A power user was hacked to death by an ordinary person, the situation in this place must be wrong, so Wen Wen had to hide himself first, so that he would not be so conspicuous.

He didn't want to be like that super power user, just go cold out.

Haha, I killed him, I can finally get out of this ghost place.

The strong man let go of the bone cutter, crying and laughing like a madman.

After laughing for a while, he opened the door of the hotel with a wild laugh, wanting to rush out.

But he opened the door and went out. Before he walked far, his flesh and blood began to squirm, and then his skin cracked open, and his whole body exploded directly. The scene was very bloody.

Wen Wen looked out the window, but didn't see any flesh and blood on the ground, as if the scene just now was just an illusion.

Who... who can tell me what's going on, I want to call the police! Wen Wen said tremblingly.

Put down your phone, it's useless to call the police.

A lazy voice came from the place where the power user died just now, Wen Wen's pupils narrowed slightly, and then he said in a panic: Who is talking, it's a human or a ghost.

Don't be afraid, I'm human.

Hands stained with blood protruded from under the table, and then the power user who had been opened just now stood up holding a bone-chopping knife.

Hiss...Don't say it, it really hurts to be cut in the head by a knife.

Wen Wen looked at this power user in astonishment, he was indeed dead just now.

The blood is real, and the breath has indeed disappeared. Looking at his current appearance, it doesn't look like he has a super high self-healing ability...

But why, he stood up again?

Undead creatures?

No, he is alive now.

The power user held his hand on the handle of the knife, pulled out the knife abruptly and threw it on the ground, and explained to Wen Wen while bleeding from his head:

Well, you probably don't know what's going on, so let me explain to you. From the moment you enter this hotel, it's equivalent to entering another dimension, and you can't make calls.

Then, he pointed to the statue of the dancing girl and said, See that statue over there? Everything here is caused by that thing. This space is completely closed. You can only come in but not go out. If you force it out, it will become the same as before. What that person looks like.

Every once in a while, the statue will dance. During the dance, everyone will play the game separately. The person who loses in the end is the 'prey', and the others are the hunters.

Before the next dance, the hunter who kills the prey will be eligible to go out from here. If there are no dead people during this process, a 'hunter' will die randomly during the next dance.

He picked up a towel, wiped the blood off his body, and said to Wen Wen with a smile.

The chosen prey is my humble servant. Unfortunately, my humble servant is immortal.

Wen Wen was taken aback, not dead?

This is the first time he has seen such an arrogant superpower, as long as it is human, who can not die?

But this place is a bit interesting, an independent space that can only enter but not exit?

Wen Wen didn't believe in this evil, he went directly to the shelter now, and he didn't believe that this thing could blow him up.

However, even if he didn't believe it, Wen Wen still didn't want to take risks.

He is going to observe more, find the weakness of the statue, and then solve it, and send the people inside out.

Now there are six people in the hotel, including Wen Wen himself, and besides the superhuman, the old man and the female shop assistant, there are two other people.

One was a young man, sitting in a corner of the hotel, hugging a chair, with a tense and even nervous expression.

The other was a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl, huddled in a corner and weeping softly, as if she was holding something in her arms.

Before Wen Wen could observe carefully, the statue seemed to come alive and began to dance.

On the ceiling of the hotel, several flickering light balls suddenly appeared, with lights of various colors flickering, and the environment became like a KTV.

Wen Wen was a little serious: Is this the game time he said? There is no game reminder. How many rounds of this 'game' did they play before they figured out the rules?

He looked suspiciously at the rest of the people, who had survived many 'games'. These guys may not be as simple as they seem.

If these people did not exist, Wen Wen would definitely try to contain the dancing statue directly, but with these people being an eyesore, many of Wen Wen's actions would be hindered.

Now, it's time for the game you mentioned, so how did the game start? Wen Wen stood up, walked up to the power user and asked.

The power user smiled at Wen Wen, looking handsome, if he wasn't covered in blood, he would be even more temperamental.

Don't worry, the game will start after a while, by the way, please introduce yourself.

Wen Wen pretended to be nervous, and stammered, I...my name is Wu Wang, and I'm a private detective. I'm going to Yanling City to handle a case...

The superhuman squatted in front of Wen Wen, comforting Wen Wen and said, Don't be nervous, Detective Wu, right? My name is Chu Wei, and I'm a demon hunter who specializes in dealing with such supernatural incidents. You can ask me any questions you have.

Alright Ah Wei, can we get out alive? Wen Wen immediately replied.

Chu Wei froze for a moment, and called him Ah Wei when we first met. You are too familiar, but he still promised: Don't worry, as long as I'm here, you won't die if you don't try to die.

The third update today, I really overestimated myself, I thought I could get four chapters out today...

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