Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 56: Spiritual Consciousness Breakthrough, Half-Step Spiritual Platform

The spiritual particles in the entire meditation room boiled, and a slightly blurry figure of King Ming with angry eyes was outlined behind Fang Che.

He looks majestic and stares angrily!

This is a strange creature sitting on a Buddha lotus, holding the Bodhisattva seal in his hand, wearing a red Taoist robe, and holding hexagrams in his palm.

There are flesh wings on the back, and the flesh wings are covered with ancient and mysterious runes!

Fang Che just took one look and felt that his heart was shocked and his soul seemed to be frozen.

The angry gazes were directed at him, as if they were hitting the depths of his soul. The angry words of King Ming's angry words resounded in his ears, shaking the heaven and the earth!

at the same time.

Deep in the garrison, in a simple shabby room.

Commander Xu Qing suddenly opened his eyes. In the Niwan Palace between his eyebrows, the spiritual platform was blooming with light. On top of it sat his Yuanying. The Yuanying gave birth to the Yuanshen, just like a god calming the sea of ​​​​mind.

Almost teleporting, he disappeared from the room and appeared on the roof.

The moonlight poured down and shone, pulling out his long and narrow shadow on the floor of the attic.

"Just now...what was that?"

Xu Qing frowned slightly.

His spiritual consciousness, which had stepped into the realm of the soul, had transformed into divine consciousness. His divine consciousness swept past, causing transparent ripples to appear in the void.

However, he could no longer capture that strange figure.

The strange figure stared angrily, causing his consciousness to tremble slightly.

"A demon cultivator? But that's not right. Although the figure is very strange, the aura is very bright and vast, like a divine fire burning, reflecting the world. Evil spirits cannot invade, and karma is eliminated... It is not the evil aura of a demon cultivator. machine."

Xu Qing murmured that he had not withdrawn his spiritual consciousness and maintained it at all times.

As long as that mysterious existence reappears, he will definitely be able to capture it immediately and rush away.

Meditation room.

Fang Che fell to the ground, panting heavily. He felt like his head was muddy, as if it was going to be exploded by the expanding spiritual consciousness.

All the mental particles in the entire meditation room were evacuated, and all of them converged into his Niwan Palace. The intensity almost made Fang Che faint.

I don't know how long it took before Fang Che got up dizzy and touched his nose, blood was flowing.

"It's so filling...it's so fierce! This visualization of the Angry Eyed King!"

Fang Che clicked his tongue.

Fortunately, his spiritual knowledge talent had been upgraded to level 4, and he was able to withstand the mental impact of the angry-eyed King Ming's Dharma.

That impact... was much more ferocious than the Demonic Cultivator's Divine Deception Technique.

After wiping away the blood on his nose, Fang Che's eyes suddenly condensed slightly.

Because he could notice that his six senses seemed to be much clearer, his mind calmed down, and he suddenly found that in his Niwan Palace, the spiritual particles were like stars floating around, gathering around a slightly rough lotus spiritual platform!


Fang Che's breathing suddenly became rapid.

Could it be that his spiritual realm has broken through to the second realm?

However, he soon calmed down, because this spiritual platform was incomplete. Although it was condensed by spiritual particles, it seemed a bit rough and lacked some details.

"It's still a little short of that, but condensing the spiritual platform embryo is already a big improvement. As long as the details are perfected, even if the spiritual platform is condensed, we can step into the second realm of spiritual consciousness!"

Fang Che felt very happy.

I didn't expect that I would get such great results just by meditating on the Angry King. It can be said to be an unexpected surprise.

Because of his spiritual awareness between life and death, it blocks the magic of intimidation, stimulates the potential of the lv4 level spiritual awareness talent, and stimulates the spiritual awareness to reach the late stage of samadhi.

Unexpectedly, one meditation would condense the rough embryo of the spiritual platform in one fell swoop.

"I am now... half-step to the spiritual stage, right?"

Fang Che smiled and was in a good mood.

However, he did not choose to continue to visualize the Angry Eyed King. The residual power of the Angry Eyed King image was still there. Fang Che slowly thought about it and restrained the aftertaste. It was enough.

After completing two hours of meditation, you will be reminded to gain 40 points of diligence, which will be doubled due to wearing the Soul-Shungling Sandbag.

After meditating, Fang Che came to the training ground.

To Fang Che's expectation, the training ground turned out to be very lively, with many people coming and going.

Fang Che chose a first-level high-quality training ground. After entering it, there were actually people in the field.

The man also looked at Fang Che, with confusion and astonishment in his eyes.

"Is the fighting competition over? Isn't the training ground closed to the public?" The man frowned.

Fang Che smiled in a friendly manner. Being able to train at the training ground in the middle of the night, the other party must be a member of the garrison.

After some explanation, the other party understood the reason why Fang Che could come to the training ground.

"It turns out... you are the individual champion of this year's martial arts competition, the one who killed the ninth-level Qi-refining demon cultivator of the God of Deception... the chest-breaking demon!"

The man in the training ground smiled.

"My name is Zhou Chaoyang, a member of the reserve team of Fei Lei Xian City's fighting team. Maybe... we will be teammates in the future."

The man greeted Fang Che in a friendly manner.

Fang Che responded with a silly smile. As he practiced the Eight Desolations, his body developed a second time, growing taller and stronger. With his silly smile, he was quite innocent and harmless to humans and animals.

Of course, for many participating girls who have suffered from Fang Che, the chest-crushing maniac, Fang Che's signature silly smile... is the chest-crushing maniac's devilish smile!

"Broken chest... Um, Fang Che, are you interested in practicing?"

Zhou Chaoyang looked at Fang Che and asked suddenly.

Fang Che was stunned, a little surprised by the proposal, but soon agreed.

The two stood ten meters apart in the training ground.

"My current cultivation is the ninth level of Qi Refining. Do you need me to suppress it to the seventh level of Qi Refining?" Zhou Chaoyang asked.

Fang Che shook his head: "No, come on."

Zhou Chaoyang raised his eyebrows, then treat it as a training battle, and then nodded: "Okay, I am good at physical skills, and I mainly attack speed, so you be careful."


After the words fell, Zhou Chaoyang's feet landed on the ground of the training ground, and the mana of the ninth level of Qi Refining burst out like an arrow from a string, and the speed was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, he appeared beside Fang Che.

This is the first time Fang Che has encountered a cultivator who specializes in physical skills!

Although he also encountered a demon cultivator with a strong physical body during the fighting competition, that demon cultivator only used the magic of the demon cultivator to change his physical body, not physical skills.

Zhou Chaoyang's eyes were bright, and his right leg swept across.


Fang Che's arm blocked and slammed into Zhou Chaoyang's right leg. A dull sound resounded, and the power that burst out of the two bodies was extremely impressive.

Zhou Chaoyang's speed was too fast, and the whip kick was pulled out very quickly, which increased the power. The kicking force of one leg was very terrible!

"Huh? Blocked?!" Zhou Chaoyang was also shocked.

He didn't expect Fang Che, who was at the seventh level of Qi Refining, to be able to block his unrestrained kick.

You know, to be selected into the Feilei Xiancheng Fighting Team, the talent is definitely not bad. He originally planned to suppress his cultivation and practice with Fang Che, but he didn't expect Fang Che to refuse, which also aroused Zhou Chaoyang's desire to teach Fang Che a lesson.

But he never thought that Fang Che actually blocked his leg!

Being counter-educated?

How is it possible!


Zhou Chaoyang praised and shouted, then pulled away, and attacked Fang Che at a very fast speed, pulling out his legs in succession, and the afterimages were like a storm.

Although Fang Che's Eight Desolate Explosion reached the second level, his main attack was still the burst of strength, and his speed was not as fast as Zhou Chaoyang, so he was suppressed.

Relying solely on physical skills, Fang Che was suppressed.

Even if he wanted to perform the third burst of strength, he had no chance at all.

Because Zhou Chaoyang's whip kick retreated immediately, not giving Fang Che the opportunity to perform the burst.

"So strong!"

Fang Che was suppressed and sweating a little. He felt the opponent's strength, which was stronger than the ninth-level Qi Refining Demon Cultivator of the God-shaking Sect that he was fighting today.

However, his heart was very excited, his fighting spirit was boiling, and his eyes were clear.

I have a feeling!

That's the feeling!

Practice hard!

The feeling of fighting hard!

It's so cool!

Found it!

This is the physical skill partner he was looking for!

The lv4 level of fighting talent allowed him to find a tiny opportunity under constant suppression!


Fang Che's eyes lit up, and he opened his mouth and shouted loudly, the sound was like thunder.

Zhou Chaoyang had just completed a strike and had not yet stabilized his body when he landed.

Fang Che's spiritual consciousness had just been upgraded to the half-step spiritual stage, allowing him to quickly capture this tiny opportunity, pouring all his strength into the soles of his feet, and with the help of the recoil of the explosive strength, he stepped forward like a tiger, pulling out a trail of afterimages under the moonlight!

Eight Desolate Explosion Second Heaven!

His muscles swelled, and he punched out, and the power of the second explosion was compressed and released in the arm muscles.

He smashed out like a cannonball.

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