It was late at night, and the lights were bright.

After Fang Che washed up in his room, he packed up for a while, put on his schoolbag and walked out.



Is diligence enough?

Has the foundation of cultivation been established?

Has the spiritual consciousness condensed into a spiritual platform? !

How could he, who was so clumsy, have the mood to rest?

Especially today's battle with the demon cultivator of the God-shaking Sect made Fang Che realize that he was still far from it!

If this demon cultivator had a higher talent today, Fang Che would probably have to suffer a bitter defeat. He reflected on himself three times a day, and Fang Che... was not qualified to rest!

"Be diligent! Only by encouraging yourself with diligence can you truly gain a foothold in the path of cultivation!"

Fang Che clenched his fist to encourage himself.

He Fang Che could achieve what he has today...

All thanks to his diligence and his own efforts!

At the intersection of the accommodation area.

The moonlight was pouring, and a slender girl stood quietly, with long straight black hair hanging down, and long eyelashes reflecting the moonlight, flashing a dreamy luster.

It was none other than Luo Liuli!

"Old Luo?" Fang Che was slightly startled when he saw Luo Liuli.


Luo Liuli looked at Fang Che, pursed her lips, and showed an expression of as expected.

She knew that Fang Che wanted to practice secretly by himself!

He clearly promised to take her to keep up with his practice rhythm!

Men's mouths are deceiving ghosts!

Luo Liuli looked at Fang Che coldly, without saying anything, her eyes would speak!

Fang Che suddenly remembered, scratched his head, and laughed: "It's not that I saw that you were injured, so I wanted you to have a good rest..."

"In that case, let's go and get a room in the practice area together."

Fang Che said, and then took Luo Liuli to the practice area of ​​the garrison.

"Sorry, because the fighting competition has ended today, the practice room in the practice area is no longer open."

The soldier guarding the practice area rejected Fang Che and Luo Liuli's request to get a room.

Fang Che had not expected this rule. The soldier told Fang Che that the training area of ​​the garrison was not open to the public because of special treatment during the fighting competition.

"It's okay, I have someone behind me." Fang Che smiled.

He picked up the phone and dialed Huang Tao's number.

After a while, Huang Tao rushed over. After talking to the guards for a while, he opened the training area to Fang Che and Luo Liuli.

"The fighting competition is over, why don't you take a good rest? There is no rush to practice all night." Huang Tao asked with a smile while putting away his documents.

"Rest? I was almost killed by the demon cultivator today. I am so weak, how can I have the right to rest? I will rest today and rest tomorrow. When the actual battle comes, the demon cultivator stabs me here and there, and I will die with my eyes open!" Fang Che shook his head and said seriously.

"I am not very talented, I can only make up for it with hard work!"

Huang Tao: "..."

You, the breast-breaking demon, said that you are a weak chicken... Then what are all the contestants of this fighting competition?

Isn't this too much?

Huang Tao suddenly understood Su Shangxing's mood.

"Okay, I'll use my ID to guarantee that you can have as much fun as you want tonight... I'll be responsible for reimbursement." Huang Tao said with a smile, then said goodbye to Fang Che and Luo Liuli, turned around and left, his figure hidden in the night.

Luo Liuli looked at Fang Che who was rubbing his hands and preparing to dive into the practice area. After thinking for a while, he asked seriously: "Fang Che, how long do you plan to practice tonight?"

"Tonight... naturally all night?" Fang Che glanced at Luo Liuli and asked in confusion.

All night... isn't it normal?

"Just think of it as going to an Internet cafe to play games all night, relax, it will be quick." Fang Che smiled brightly.

Then he entered the house and closed the door, not wanting to talk too much nonsense with Lao Luo.

If you have the time to talk nonsense, wouldn't it be better to use it to be diligent?

Luo Liuli stood there, took a deep breath, and a solemn expression appeared on her delicate face: "Stay all night again?"

"I can't even beat an ordinary ninth-level Qi Refining Demon Cultivator, and was forced to use bloodline magic... It's because I'm too lazy!"

Luo Liuli clenched her fists, and the spirit of not admitting defeat ignited, and she stepped into the practice room with high morale.

Tonight, a man and a woman, in the intense exercise, can't sleep all night.



In the first-level high-quality practice room that was obtained for free.

Fang Che sat cross-legged on the futon, his spiritual consciousness surged, his heart was calm and his mind was peaceful.

He took out a space ring, which contained two balls of red flames given by the rich woman Xia. The price of these two balls of red flames must be not low, because Fang Che sensed that there were three lines surging on it, which was a three-line red flame.

Like the two balls of top-quality green flames that Fang Che exchanged from the resource network, they also had three lines, and the lines were extremely beautiful among the three lines.

Therefore, these two groups of three-striped red flames require about 6,000 good deeds.

With a thought, a ring of flames appeared in the palm of his hand, and the scorching heat made the temperature of the training room continue to rise.

The powerful spiritual consciousness controlled the group of red flames and merged with the flame ring.

Fang Che's spiritual consciousness has now reached the level of perfect concentration after fighting with the demon cultivators of the God-shaking Sect, so it is not difficult to control the red flames.

Almost succeeded in one go, allowing the red flames to merge into the flame ring.

The flame ring floated in Fang Che's palm, blooming with red flames and distorting the air.

The more Fang Che looked at it, the more he liked it. The power of the flame ring that merged with the true fire was directly increased by a large margin. It is worthy of being a panel product, and it is indeed a fine product!

However, he was not in a hurry to integrate the blue flame into the flame ring. According to the theory of the magic flame ring, after integrating a true fire, it takes a period of adaptation. Only after the red flame and the flame ring are completely stable, can the blue flame be integrated to enhance the power of the flame ring.

Fang Che was not in a hurry either, and integrated the second red flame into the flame ring.

Then, after wearing the soul-binding sandbag, he took out the artificial spirit stone and began to refine it, extracting the spiritual energy from it and converting it into his own mana.

With the help of the heavenly spirit root, Fang Che's cultivation speed was extremely fast, and the spiritual energy in the artificial spirit stone was consumed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Ding, you have completed one hour of Qi refining, item amplification, diligence +20, young man, no... don't stop~"

The prompt popped up on the panel in front of him.

One hour of Qi refining, gaining 20 points of diligence, Fang Che has not used it yet, and the accumulated diligence has reached 720 points, of which 600 were obtained by killing the demon cultivator today.

Fang Che was not in a hurry to make up for his shortcomings. After leaving the practice room, he opened a meditation room.


The formation in the meditation room was activated, and the pagoda appeared immediately, with spiritual particles floating.

Fang Che was slightly excited. He planned to practice the "Angry Pluto Visualization Diagram" he had obtained today to improve his spiritual awareness.

"Lotus Meditation Method" is a meditation method officially taught by the Immortal Sect. It is a basic meditation method. Nan Lihuo once said in class that if conditions permit, you can switch to a higher level of meditation.

However, high-quality meditation methods are expensive, and Fang Che's family background certainly cannot afford it.

And Fang Che's spiritual root talent before was not worth buying a high-quality meditation method.

Now that the panel is out, Fang Che is naturally looking forward to it.

Whether it is the physical technique Eight Desolate Explosion or the spell Flame Ring, Fang Che thinks they are both top-level methods.

"Angry Pluto Visualization Diagram" will definitely not be bad!

After Fang Che took three deep breaths in a row, his spiritual awareness surged, washing away the impetuousness in his heart.

Calming down, the visualization diagram inherited from his mind slowly emerged.

"Recite the mantra, seal the seal, drive away distracting thoughts, and disperse the complicated thoughts. Your heart will ascend to the sky, and you will see the Ming Wang."

"Watching the world with angry eyes, your heart will be boiling, your spiritual consciousness will be refined, and evil spirits will not invade!"

It seemed as if there was a deafening roar in his ears.

Fang Che only felt that countless spiritual particles were gathering in front of him.

The speed of refining the spiritual particles was many times faster than the lotus meditation method.

And behind Fang Che, the figure formed by the gathering of spiritual particles slowly appeared...

A majestic figure, holding the divine fire, sitting barefoot on the black Buddha lotus, with one palm forward, index finger and thumb pinching the Bodhisattva lotus seal, three eyes between the eyebrows, eyes with lightning, and red robes flying.

Angry lips, angry eyes, angry face!

This is...

Angry Ming Wang!


The Ming Wang came to the world, watching the world with angry eyes.

In an instant, the spiritual particles in the meditation room were almost instantly drained!

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