Sure enough, when Taiyi and his four companions finally arrived, they found that the three people who had arrived a while ago were looking at the village and sighing.

As Taiyi expected, the village was very small.

This was the village of Picomon. The arrival of the children obviously made Picomon feel very novel, especially since there was an evolved form of Picomon among them... At this time, Picomon was surrounded by a group of chattering little cuties, asking all kinds of questions.

"How did Biyomon evolve?"

"Staying with Akong, I evolved without realizing it."

"Can you evolve just by being with humans?"

"I don’t know either, but I must protect Akong!"

"Bikyomon..." A helpless smile appeared on Akong's face,"You are obviously a child who loves to act like a spoiled child, but you insist on saying that you want to protect me."

"Agumon also said something similar, as did the other Digimon who traveled with us. Taichi said softly as he filled two empty water bottles at a small fountain,"This is their persistence. Although it is childish, it is admirable."

"Protecting me is what Biyomon insisted on doing? Taichi's words puzzled Akong. Why would these Digimon insist on protecting their human children?

""Oh, Kong, Picomon said he can treat us to a meal!" At this time, Pikyomon happily ran over to Kong to share the"good news" he had just received.


However, at the same time, the small fountain where Taichi had just gone to draw water suddenly spurted out amazing flames.

"Oops! There's no water in the fountain!"*5000+

"The water in the well and the pool has all dried up!"*10086

Seeing that the water supply of the entire village had been completely exhausted, all the Picomon immediately staged a large-scale panic scene in front of the children.

"Brother... we haven't had time to fill the water yet." Ah Wu reminded weakly

"I know..." Ah He's face was also gloomy now. He was just busy celebrating with Ah Wu that Bigomon invited them to dinner, but forgot to get water in advance like Taichi did.

What's more ironic is that the bottle of water he shared with Ah Wu and Asuke on the way was given to them by Taichi in the morning when he was leaving.

In short, Ah He now has to admit that he is really not as good as Taichi in some things.

"Don't panic, tell me the details of the water source here!" Taiyi asked calmly

"All the water here comes from the spring water of Mount Miharashi!"

"If there is a problem with the source there, the water source for this generation will dry up!"

"But there are flame beasts guarding Mount Miharashi!"

"Flamemon?" After listening to Bigomon's messy speech, Taichi raised his telescope towards Mount Miharashi, and then saw a ball of flames rushing down from the mountain.

"There's something wrong with Flamemon, and it's rushing down the mountain. The forests are on fire wherever it passes!" Taiyi shouted anxiously,"Everyone, evacuate now!!"

"But Taichi, Bigomon's village..." Akong asked with some embarrassment. Strictly speaking, this matter had nothing to do with her, but she couldn't bear to see the violent Flamemon destroy Bigomon's home.

"Don't worry... We will try our best to keep Flamemon out of the village!" Taichi said firmly,"But for safety reasons, we still need to organize evacuation as soon as possible! Akong, you, Koshiro, and Tachikawa-san help organize the Bigomon to take refuge, and Agumon and I will stop Flamemon first!"

"You no longer need to fight alone! Psychedelic beast, go ahead!"

"As you wish, my partner~" Psychedelicmon turned around gracefully, and with the light coming from somewhere on Ah He's waist, it transformed into a fierce-looking wolf Gurulumon!

"Chaos Flame!"Gurumon, who was leading the way, opened his mouth and spewed out turbid flames, successfully making the attacking Flamemon even bigger.

"What's going on?" Ah He and Gulumon were both stunned. The power of Chaos Flame was definitely strong, but why did the opponent become more energetic the more he was beaten?

"In this case, Killer Bite!" Seeing that the energy attack didn't work, Gulumon changed his attack routine and used physical attacks to tear. As a result, although it successfully opened a hole in Flamemon's body, the flying sparks were quickly absorbed back into Flamemon's body and could not cause any substantial damage.

"Is it made of pure flames, so it can absorb flame attacks and be immune to physical damage? Such an enemy is a bit troublesome."Behind the battlefield, Taichi has been evaluating the ability of Flame Beast and thinking about how to effectively deal with the opponent.

"Moreover…" Taichi turned his gaze to Ah He, or to be more precise, the mysterious device on Ah He’s body.

Although he didn’t know the specific purpose of this thing, up to now, Taichi was sure that it was related to the evolution of Digimon.

Ah He had evolved Digimon at least twice today, and both times, Taichi had seen the light emitted by the mysterious device.

But Taichi was also very sure that the mysterious device in his hand was different from that of others.

If everyone else’s device could evolve Digimon, then his was just an empty shell.

The evolution of Rollermon to Agumon, and Agumon to Tyrannosaurus, were not all due to the power of this thing, but the supernatural power that Taichi discovered after coming to this world.

However, even if it was a Digimon , it would be a Digimon that could evolve. It may be a defective product, but it also has its own uses.

At least when I hold it, I can see what I want to see more clearly.

For example, the black shadow hidden in the center of Flamemon's chest, and the pixel fragments that permeate the air and surround Agumon... Taichi now knows that those things should be called data.

As long as he makes good use of these data, even if the mysterious device in his hand cannot be used, he will not lack the strength to fight!

Taichi raised his hand and grabbed the air, and those free data fragments were cleverly combined into various orderly parts according to Taichi's thoughts... It was like playing with building blocks, which was very interesting.

Data capture, combination, and supplement!

Agumon evolves, Tyrannosaurus!

"Tyrannosaurus, don't attack it, just throw sand at its feet!"When the exhausted Gurulumon was mercilessly knocked to the ground by Flamemon's flaming punch, Taichi took over and commanded Tyrannosaurus to make a brilliant appearance. Unlike Gurulumon's previous reckless attack and charge, Tyrannosaurus did not fight with Flamemon at all, but just threw the"sand" on the ground at Flamemon's feet, and then Flamemon's forward movement became strangely slow.

"Why is this happening?" Ah He looked at all this in confusion, not knowing why Tyrannosaurus's seemingly useless attack would stop Flamemon.

"Flamemon's feet... that's, molten iron? Oh, right, Koshiro just said that the sand here is actually iron powder!"The top student Asuke suddenly realized.

The iron powder was ignited by the high temperature of Flamemon's body and melted.

The molten iron like mud was attached to the soles of Flamemon's feet, which naturally softened its feet, and the sand also turned into mud that was difficult to walk on, and Flamemon's movements naturally slowed down.

The sixth-grade junior high school candidate had to admire Yagami Tai's unrestrained thinking at this moment...

He still called himself a top student.

This kind of combat method, even if he pulled out all his hair, he couldn't think of it.

In this way, Tyrannosaurus was responsible for stopping Flamemon on the front line, and Biyomon in the back could comfortably command Picomon to retreat. Everything seemed to be developing in the best direction.

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