At noon the next day, a group of seven people were divided into three groups and walked in a desolate desert. There was almost no communication between the three camps.

Taichi, Akong and Koshiro were in one group, the Ishida brothers and Asuke were on the other side, and the only one left was Mimi, who didn't know which side she should go.

""Ah~" Akong looked at Taiyi beside him, and then stole a glance at Ah He on the other side and Meimei behind him, sighing many times along the way.

The small group was about to fall apart after only one day of traveling in the other world. From Akong's point of view, Taiyi should bear the main responsibility for this matter.

Of course, she didn't mean to blame Taiyi, but Taiyi's style of doing things really makes people feel very stressed.

Taiyi's personality is absolutely unrelated to the two words"follow" and"follow" in the eyes of outsiders. He is always sharp at all times. He was like this when he was in school. Whenever he encountered something he thought was wrong, he would argue with reason even in front of the teacher... and he would argue until the teacher admitted his mistake.

But Akong, who knew Taiyi, knew very well that Taiyi was not the kind of person who could not admit his mistakes. He would admit his mistakes. wrong, and he also cares about the people around him. Taichi actually cares about his family, himself and Koshiro, his classmates, and many people in the soccer club.

The same goes for the small group of seven in front of him.

Not to mention himself and Koshiro, Taichi also takes care of Mimi and Takeru.

Yesterday, Asuke tricked him, and Sora knew that Taichi was no longer angry. He just didn't want to hear Asuke's apology, and Taichi didn't hate him to the core as Asuke imagined.

And about what happened with Hehe last night, Taichi actually gave him some face. After all, if you really want to dig into how Hehe knew the news that"Digimon will become stronger by absorbing data", Hehe will definitely not be able to save face. If that's the case, it would be really difficult for him to save face with his face.

Maybe they could just leave with the psychedelic beast and Awu. If that happened, the small group would really be disbanded.

But Taiyi didn't point it out. He just brought the topic to a suitable level and then stopped there. He didn't continue, preserving the last bit of dignity for both sides.

As a result, things ended up like this. Although the small group still acted together, they were completely in a state of parting ways.

The two groups of people walked forward on their own, which made it hard for Meimei who had been following behind.

She never thought that yesterday's incident would develop into an embarrassing situation where the two groups were walking on each side of the road, and she, a beautiful girl, had to walk in the middle.

Moreover, since entering this desert, the small group has never stopped to rest. Awu has the advantage of having a brother who loves him and a strong wolf as a mount, In addition, there were people feeding us food and water regularly, so the whole journey was so relaxing and pleasant.

On the other hand, not only was my throat dry, my legs also hurt terribly, and I gave my hat to Barumon for shade because I was worried that he might be short of water, which caused the skin on my face and neck to be sunburned!

There was nothing to block the way, only endless yellow sand and those electric poles that had no idea what they were used for. The only thing left was the buzzing sound like gears turning that had been flashing continuously since the beginning, which made Meimei upset.

She really wanted to stop the two groups of people and ask them what the sound was, and she also wanted to ask someone for some water, but she didn't know who to call first.

Helplessly, Meimei could only take out a compass from her backpack to see which direction everyone was heading.

Or rather, the girl just wanted to find an excuse to attract other people's attention.



"What happened?"

The six people in front heard the screams from behind and turned around in a hurry, only to find Meimei pointing at her compass with a frown on her face.

"This compass, it... keeps spinning like crazy!"

At this moment, the beautiful compass seemed to have lost its home, spinning madly around its axis, pretending to be a propeller ready to take off.

"Although these look like sand, they are actually iron powder, which has strong magnetism. That's why the compass can't be used."After Guang Zilang grabbed a handful of sand, he unexpectedly found that this thing was not

"So where should we go?…"

"Here, have some water." Taiyi handed Meimei a bottle of water that he had filled by the lake."I'm sorry, Tachikawa-san, I didn't take your situation into consideration in time."

"Thank you! But how did Senior Taiyi know…" Meimei took the water bottle subconsciously, her expression stunned.

Before she even started to bring up the next topic, Taiyi knew what she was thinking?

"The iron powder here absorbs heat more easily than sand, so the surface temperature is very high, and the water will indeed be lost faster. I was not thoughtful enough before and ignored you and Palmon's situation." Taichi's tone was a little apologetic,"We don't have much water stored, you and Palmon should share it. In addition, in this environment, you should try to reduce the consumption of water. So even if you want to attract everyone's attention, it's best not to shout"

"I see, Senior Taiyi…eh?" Meimei was about to say something, but she found that Taiyi had already run to the front and used a telescope to observe the situation.

The three people on the other side of the road watched the incident here, but no one interrupted.

Obviously, the awkward boy should have been taught a lesson by a beast with high IQ and EQ last night. Although he still didn’t get along with Taiyi, he managed to keep a peaceful attitude for the time being.

"What's wrong with you?" Akong waved his hand in front of Meimei curiously,"Are you stunned when you see Taiyi?""

"No... no!" Meimei came back to her senses and hurriedly shook her head to deny,"I just think that Senior Taiyi is still very caring about everyone. Maybe he is too strong, so people think he is a little fierce. If he is gentler, maybe he will be more popular with girls? Uh... Sorry, sorry, Akong, I don’t mean that~"

Meimei just remembered that Akong and Taiyi have a complicated relationship. It is not right to say these things in front of her.…

"It doesn't matter, you're telling the truth. Taichi is just like that, he won't say it even if it's for your own good." Akong smiled and waved his hands, indicating that he didn't care,"However, you may not be able to see Taichi's gentle appearance now, but if you have the opportunity to return to the original world, you may have a chance to see it. I promise that it will completely subvert the image of Taichi in your mind."

"Senior Taiyi... is gentle?"Meimei was a little confused. Isn't Taiyi gentle only when he is with you?

""Ha~" Akong could only shake his head helplessly when he found out that the other party had obviously misunderstood something.

Taiyi's most gentle appearance was only shown to one person.

Unfortunately, that person was not himself.

It was precisely because of this that Akong was eager to know the answers to some questions. Unfortunately, last night's questioning was interrupted.

"Everyone, I found a village not far ahead." At this time, Taiyi suddenly pointed a telescope into the distance and said,"Based on the distance, that village…"

"There must be humans in there, right?"Before Taichi finished speaking, Asuke from the other group excitedly left the team first.

Seeing this, the Ishida brothers could only follow behind Asuke... After all, the three of them were currently a separate group.

"Judging from the distance, the people living in that village should be small-sized Digimon..." Taichi looked at the three people leaving with interest, wondering what their expressions would be when they saw the true appearance of the so-called"village".

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