Digimon: Order

Chapter 158


Seeing the Venomous Vampire Beast being hit, and its huge body rapidly collapsing from the abdomen, Taiyi was so happy.

He waved his hand in front of him casually, and the data released by the Venomous Vampire Beast was absorbed by Taiyi's Holy Plan without any trace, and saved in the memory card that had been embedded in the Holy Plan.

This was the data of an Ultimate Form, and it must not be wasted.

"Battle Greymon, MetalGarurumon, thank you for your hard work~" Taichi smiled and greeted the two beasts when he saw them flying back in the air, but the two beasts didn't seem to be in a very good mood.

"It's not that hard, the main battles were done by Victory Greymon, and we just followed behind to pick up the kills." Steel Garuru said in a muffled voice,"Venomous Vampiremon, if War Greymon and I go up to fight alone, we might get into a tough battle."

"How should I put it, I just feel a little unwilling..." The always carefree War Greymon felt a little confused about this battle, thinking that although he participated in the battle, he was actually just a spectator.

"That's Victory Greymon."Taiyi sat on the back of SteelGaruru and landed on the ground with the two beasts."It is a mediator of superior status. Once it evolves, it will be able to obtain powerful strength that matches its status. In our world, Victory Greymon has absolute suppression over many Digimon. Even in the vast multi-dimensional network world, it is also a well-known strong man. Therefore, you don't need to be frustrated because you can't beat the other party."

"As an ancient species, the leader has always been very strong. Even when he was in his perfect form, he was as strong as an ordinary Ultimate. I thought that with Taichi's help, I could evolve to the Ultimate and get closer to the leader. Although he had been persuaded by Taichi, Steel Garuru was still a little bit worried.

"Let's become stronger together! You and BattleGreymon!"

"Taiyi?"The two beasts were stunned when they heard this, and turned their heads to look at Taiyi at the same time.

"Believe me, the Ultimate Form is not the upper limit of Digimon's strength.

On the contrary, it is just a baseline.

Beyond this line, there is an endless space waiting for you to explore.

I will accompany you and help you, just like this!

" Taichi directed the Holy Plan to Battle Greymon and MetalGarurumon, and divided the Ultimate Form data of Venomous Vampiremon that he had just obtained into two and gave them to the two beasts, so that they could feel the enrichment from the digital core at the same time.

"Data can be accumulated little by little, and strength and combat skills can be honed slowly. As long as you keep working hard, you will eventually become stronger. So, let's work hard together.~"


"But..." War Greymon rubbed his head in confusion,"Hasn't Taichi's Divine Plan always been useless? Why can it transmit data to us now?"

"If you talk about this... I find that just explaining these things takes a lot of words. Really, if I had known, I wouldn't have dug so many holes~"

Taichi was embarrassed when he heard what Battle Greymon said.

If this matter is explained in detail, it should probably start from the first chapter.

Taichi traveled through time because of the winning customer service who was so crazy that he didn't even let the discussion group go. The number was WIZ9000... What a mistake. Taichi, who always claimed to be a digital expert, was stunned at the time because he was slapped by his own father and didn't react to what the code was!

As for the name at the end that was obviously an old tree spirit, Taichi only wanted to sigh from the bottom of his heart... God TM Xiao Nuo~

In short, Taichi traveled through time because of her. The core program of the artifact Gemini Digs Red Machine should also be what she asked Omegamon to bring to her. It is the capital for her to settle down in this relatively low-dimensional DA world.

Omegamon What Megamon gave to him was actually a memory card with a core program attached. Therefore, after it was embedded into Taichi's unusable Divine Plan, the Divine Plan gained the ability to collect and store data.

Constancy and Apocalypsemon, it can be said that the two final bosses of light and darkness in the DA world have a great hatred for Taichi.

Taichi was chosen by someone and traveled from his own world to 1995 after more than 20 years. As a result, his soul had just completed the fusion with the seven-year-old indigenous Yagami Taichi at the time, and had not yet completely transformed from digitization to normal human will, but he encountered the incident of Parrotmon vs. Greymon, causing the unstable digitized soul to possess Greymon and directly travel to the digital world with the digital gate that opened in the sky.

Then, He became enemies with Rollermon because of his constant research on him and himself.

Taichi and Rollermon have been looking for opportunities.

At that time, he already knew that he had the ability to control data.

So during the research, he began to slowly attract the surrounding data and compress it in the Digicore of Rollermon, until the growth stage of the Digicore reached the data capacity limit, which allowed Rollermon to evolve into a special species that was alienated because of his influence, Agumon S.

During this process, none of the agents in charge of the research at the time discovered it.

Because they didn't know that after Rollermon's consciousness fell asleep, Taichi's consciousness was still active and could continue to absorb data.

Finally, when Taichi was sure that Agumon S could evolve to the mature stage of Earth Greymon with ease, and at the same time, another inmate , when Big Black Ears Digimon was likely to evolve under the stimulation of anger, Taichi chose to take the initiative.

Using pain to stimulate Big Black Ears Digimon, making it evolve into Yundimon who can control the power of space because of anger, and then waiting for an opportunity to escape through the space opened up by Yundimon, Taichi's strategy was executed very smoothly.

As for why he tore the opponent's ears, one is because those two ears are really easy to pull; another is that Taichi's main purpose is to seize the ancient genes.

Big Black Ears Digimon, who is the same generation as Agumon S, is undoubtedly an ancient Digimon. Taichi has the ability to control data, and of course he has the ability to strip the data chain of the ancient genes from the opponent's core data. Since there is a chance, Taichi will naturally not let go of such a good thing.

As for doing this will hurt innocent people?

Haha, Big Black Ears Digimon is not innocent at all.

The egg that fell into the real world through the digital gate, the twin Digimon, kept calling out the foreign name called Wallis... Cherubimon, who was finally whitewashed in the Super Evolution, really thought that Taichi's movie version was watched in vain?

Since everyone knows that this guy will eventually become a permanent gun, Taichi has nothing to worry about, just do it.

Then, it was a plan and escape that took more than a thousand years.

Taichi was waiting for an opportunity to escape back to the real world through the gate. Even if his consciousness was always with Earth Greymon and he went to the real world in the form of Earth Greymon, he still wanted to go back and take a look.

Yagami Taichi's memory has always influenced him, and made Taichi accept from the bottom of his heart that he already belongs to this world and has parents and a sister here.

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