Digimon: Order

Chapter 157

The answer to this question doesn't require much thought, because it's really simple.


He can't kill Ishida Yamato directly. Even if Taichi hates this yellow-haired male second who holds the friendship badge but keeps destroying the team in both his previous life and this life, he still can't just kill him.

This world has laws.

Ishida Yamato's behavior is obviously not illegal~ there is no law to punish it, so do you say his behavior is immoral...

Maybe some people think so, but unfortunately his behavior is not suitable for moral measurement, because the subject he hurt is Digimon.

In the eyes of children, Digimon may be an extremely precious partner. But for other people, they are a group of alien invasive species that are very harmful, difficult to control, and most importantly, they are not of my kind and their hearts must be different.

Ishida Yamato's behavior is not even considered cat abuse.

Because in the minds of most people, Digimon, which carries the"invaders" themselves, is not as good as cat abuse."、"Danger"、"Species with keywords like"illusion" and"fantasy" have no human morality to talk about.

So you see, as long as it is in the real world, it is difficult to give Ishida Yamato the punishment he deserves, whether it is legal or moral.

If Taichi really touches him, he will become the one who is criticized by thousands of people.

Therefore, based on the principle that Digimon matters should be resolved in the digital world, it is better to let Astamon take him away.

As for the worry that Astamon, who has been released, will attack the children after this... Don't worry, if it really has a brain, it will never do this.

Taichi now knows very well where Devilmon, Astamon, and Hedimon who is watching the excitement not far away came from.

In short, if Astamon wants to continue to perform his mission and wants to live safely until the second part, the best choice now is to be a turtle and don't get involved in the affairs between Taichi and Constancy and Apocalypsemon... Even if he gets involved, he must not play a role that is hostile to Taichi! Otherwise

, Taichi can guarantee that it will definitely not be the only one who dies miserably!

"Oh, I didn't stop him? Forget it, we should finish this big guy and call it a day.

BattleGreymon, MetalGaruru, you two go first.

When you use your ultimate moves, aim at the part below the opponent's belly.

Remember not to use force on the upper body, that part is too hard!

"Turning his sight back to the main battlefield against VenomGreymon, after removing the data barrier, Taichi held up a loud speaker and began to give orders to the two Ultimates,"As for the last VictoryGreymon, I may have to spend some time to prepare it mentally...



Before Taichi finished speaking, the V-shaped wings behind VictoryGreymon suddenly blew out a strong airflow, carrying it into the air like a rocket, quickly passing WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon and heading straight for VenomGreymon.

When it was about to engage in close combat with the opponent, VictoryGreymon, who maintained his forward momentum, suddenly closed the split giant sword in his hand, and then slammed the sword spine, which was as tight as a door panel, at the head of VenomGreymon, directly knocking out the opponent's two large teeth.


Venomous Vampiremon was hit hard on the head, and the whole body suddenly lost balance and fell backwards involuntarily. Victory Greymon took the opportunity to fly to the middle of the opponent's body, split the giant sword in his hand into three, and equipped two small swords in his hands, and at the same time began to gather extremely powerful energy.

"Trident Gaia!"


After the super-strong energy flash, a huge hole was blasted directly in the abdomen of Venomous Vampire Beast by Victory Greymon, and a huge deep pit was smashed into the ground under it. Thick smoke with a burnt smell escaped from the hole in the abdomen of Venomous Vampire Beast.

After doing all this, Victory Greymon reassembled the already split blades, and flew back to Taiyi leisurely with his door-panel sword as if nothing had happened.

This operation frightened the War Violence and Steel Wolf who were rushing forward.

"Oh my god... is it really okay for you to be so fierce?"It's been less than a minute since Vampiremon fought against Victory Greymon, and now he's been ripped open to reveal his true form?


"No, what about the mediator? You said you had to be in tune with me and feel the love and peace in my heart to save the world? I was ready to talk back at you... er, I meant to explain the greater good to you, but you just acted so easily? Please, can you respect your own setting a little?"

"That thing is always meant to be eaten, that's what you told me yourself.

" Victory Greymon turned around and gave Taichi a seemingly honest but actually cunning smile,"Besides, I've been communicating with you for more than a thousand years, how could I not know what you're thinking? You also said that Omegamon would take the opportunity to send you back to the real world to give you the red memory card of the Digimon Twin, which clearly means that person needs my power to help you.

Love and peace, saving the world, none of that exists.


"Wow, your explanation is so scientific~" Taiyi laughed when he heard it, but then raised his eyebrows in confusion,"But I’m confused, you can obviously push the battle into the second stage with just one Trident Gaia, why did you dismantle and assemble the sword in your hand just now, don’t you find it troublesome?"

"I just want to tell all the audience, don’t be fooled by my appearance, I am a technical person~"


"Oh, I have to go first." Taichi was in a daze when he found that Victory Greymon had already gathered with all the members of the Fallen Alliance in a corner of the battlefield. Even Mega Seadramon, who couldn't fly, rushed over reluctantly.

Moreover, it also gave the only remaining ancient gene in its hand to Taichi.

"What's wrong with you?" Taiyi was stunned when he heard that."The name of my chapter is Three Ultimates. Is it really appropriate for you to give up at the last minute?"

"After the death of Vampiremon, the fog in the sky will also disperse. Although there may be only one scene, it is very likely that those guys will see us acting together. If the mechanical dragon finds out that you have found the real Hikariyama Rollermon, it will be difficult to continue the play."

"Show off your acting skills, then I understand~" Taichi raised his eyebrows and smiled,"Do you need me to help you open the door to the digital world?"

"I am a real mediator. In addition to the permanent ultimate evolution, it is also easy for me to open the gate."Victory Greymon pointed the giant sword to the sky, and the golden digital gate suddenly opened.

"Taichi, the rest of the battle here is up to you! Also, I left the ancient genes to Wizardmon or other partners of the children, you decide for yourself."Victory Greymon said, without waiting for Taichi to answer, he took all his fallen alliance members straight into the air and disappeared into the digital gate.

"Oh my, this guy left in such a carefree way~" Taiyi stroked his chin, turned to look at Zhanbao and Ganglang who looked at a loss,"Tell me the truth, are you two very depressed now?"

Zhanbao, Ganglang:"Yeah~"

"Then, let's start charging our ultimates now. If we hear any sharp, piercing, high-decibel shouts later, we should use our ultimates in that direction. The harder we hit, the better. Do you understand?"

War Violence, Steel Wolf:"Yeah yeah~"

"Damn it! Damn it, little devil!…"

"Gaia Energy Cannon!!"

"Absolute freezing air!!"

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