The other side of the phone said, "Okay, Director Chen, don't worry. This situation is common in the entertainment industry, and the company's legal department staff has rich experience. How about we send a lawyer's letter first?" Chen Xiao paced slowly in the living room. Lawyer's letter? It has no legal effect in itself. It can only be used to warn the other party to stop the infringement. It does not cause any substantial harm to the other party. It was even ridiculed by netizens as a green corpse letter. The other party has spread rumors about his parents, and there is no warning! File a civil lawsuit directly in court. "First, find out who did it and which group did it, collect evidence, and prepare litigation materials. But don't leak the news first." Mom and dad are also parties involved, and they should ask their opinions. If they disagree, he can't make a big fuss. "Okay, I'll do it as soon as possible."

Chen Xiao urged: "Let's pay overtime to the people involved in this matter."

After all, this matter was caused by "Home with Kids" and involves the company's image, so it's okay to ask company personnel to participate.

"Well, thank you Director Chen."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xiao made a video call to his father, and his father's big face appeared on the other side of the phone.

"Dad, where's my mother?"

The next moment, Chen Xiao heard his mother's voice on the other side, "Don't worry about me, I haven't finished reading my student's thesis yet, so I don't have time to tell you. Let others say whatever they want, I'm fine."

Then, Chen Xiao saw his mother walk into the study and close the door.

The father in the picture stood up, walked to the bedroom, and sighed, "Hey, your mother is upset. She is afraid that you will worry, so she won't come. If you want to comfort her, buy her some jewelry, just pick something nice."

At the end, Chen Xiao could see that his father was pretending to be relaxed, and he felt more and more guilty, "I'm sorry."

"What are you apologizing for? Isn't it just that people who are famous are prone to gossip. It's just the trouble of being rich. What are you going to do about this?"

"I want to sue, but it concerns you two, I want to ask for your opinions."

"Okay, sue, your mother is angry, and she wants to make them look bad. And it's better to clean it up at once than to have rumors intermittently. But let her keep her name anonymous, she has always been very low-key, if her name is exposed, she can't stay in school."

"Yeah, I know."

My mother has always been low-key, and her colleagues know that she is his mother.

But those teachers are immersed in scientific research and have no feelings for the entertainment industry. In addition, my mother also told them not to say it, so they didn't spread it everywhere.

Even her students don't know about this. She has always been happy to be quiet. Try to keep Chen Xiao's mother's identity a secret.

After chatting for a few more words, Chen Xiao hung up the phone.

He held the phone tightly in his left hand.

Two months ago, he told Chazelle that Chaoxiong's grandmother was used by netizens for entertainment, and her children ran around to clarify.

Now this matter has fallen on his head.

Everyone is Truman. Truman has a good temper, but he has a bad temper.

Direct civil lawsuit, refuse mediation.

After the court's ruling, those marketing accounts will not have an easy time!

He doesn't care about scolding him personally. But if it's his parents, he must cut the grass and get rid of it!


Thinking of this, Chen Xiao stood up and walked towards the study upstairs.

Just as he was about to open the door of the study, a ball of fluff with the smell of cat litter rushed up, meowed at him, and nudged his ankle with his head.

Chen Xiao felt a furry touch on his ankle, and he relaxed a little.

He lowered his head and glanced at Huoyun.

Smart cats can sense their owners' emotions.

He rarely gets angry at home, and today he looked so bad that Brother Cat might be a little scared, so he rushed out of the litter box to comfort him after he had just finished using the toilet.

Chen Xiao squatted down and touched Huoyun, "I'm fine, don't worry, go play with the sweeping robot."

After that, Chen Xiao patted its head, stood up and walked into the study.


On social media such as Weibo, the heat of the rumors was suppressed by Oriental Media.

But "Home with Kids" had just started airing, and "The Truman Show" was on pre-sale.

People's gossip was in full swing. Try to suppress it, but people can't stop using secret codes, or privately spreading gossip on chat software, network disks, etc.

Three days later, on the afternoon of July 14th.

As the rumors were spreading, the official account of Oriental Media and Chen Xiao's personal account each posted a document with a red court seal.

Two "Notices of Acceptance of Cases".

The former filed a lawsuit in the name of the company because the rumor would damage the company's image.

The latter filed a lawsuit in his personal name because the rumor-mongering behavior damaged the reputation of Chen Xiao and his parents, affecting their social evaluation and mental health. In the two documents, the defendants are four social platform users, two public accounts under a small company "Aile Media Company", and the holders of two personal video accounts. As soon as the documents came out, fans and passers-by immediately rushed in. "Fuck, so cruel! Just sue."

"What do you mean by cruel? Is it cruel to defend rights according to the law?"

"I remember that Chang XX, he came out to criticize every movie of Brother Dao! I'm sick of him."

"He also photoshopped black and white photos of others and spread a lot of rumors. Bitch, support the lawsuit! Sue him hard and make him pay!"

"He is the leader of the haters? He is so bad, he may have to pay tens of thousands. I saw a female star sued the haters and made them pay 55,000."

"I saw an even more mean version in the group these two days. It was posted by Wang XX in the list. I cursed back and was cursed by Wang XX. Severe punishment, this group of garbage is really disturbing the social atmosphere."

"Even if there is a feud, it should not harm the family. It is disgusting to slander other people's parents like this. Support severe punishment!"

"I have also seen that gossip, but I didn't talk about it at all. Fortunately, I didn't say anything, otherwise I would be sorry for Director Chen."

"Psychopaths in real life, all come out on the Internet."


Just when most netizens who saw the news expressed their support.

On the glass door of the elevator entrance on the third floor of a small office building on the fifth ring road of the capital, there is an iron plate that reads: Ai Le Media New Media Operation Department.

A man in a suit and leather shoes pushed the glass door open with a bang.

Everyone in the office turned around and was about to get up.

The man pointed at them and shouted angrily: "Who sent it! Who sent the push about Chen Xiao these days!"

There was silence in the office, and everyone looked at a young man with messy hair by the wall.

The man came over and grabbed the young man's collar and lifted him up from his seat.

The young man quickly forced a smile, "Boss, don't be angry, it's just entertainment... We made up a rumor about a female celebrity last month, it's okay."

"Are you stupid?" The man threw him hard on the chair, pointed at his nose and cursed, "I told you to pick the weak ones, you picked Chen Xiao, I #*¥#@*!"

After a scolding, the man pulled his collar and looked at the department head beside him.

"Hurry up and find a way to reconcile with him. Paying money is fine, but the key is to not let him target you."

The person in charge nodded and smiled, "Yes, boss, I just thought of a way."

"You say."

"On the one hand, apologize immediately and send someone to contact Oriental Media to apply for a settlement. On the other hand, let's make Chen Xiao happy. Six days later, on the 20th, his new movie will be released. Let's use other public accounts under the company to praise his new movie and himself and make our position clear."

The man frowned and pursed his lips in silence for a while , glanced at him, "Prepare the manuscript as soon as possible. Send someone with a computer to watch the premiere, and try to be the first to publish it, and then buy some promotion to let them see our sincerity."

"Yes, yes!" The person in charge smiled, "We will analyze it carefully in the next two days, and then praise it and promote it with all our might!"

The man frowned, "Don't you know the theme of the movie yet?"

"I know, I watched the trailer, it should be about secretly filming and escaping, probably satirizing the paparazzi nowadays."

As he said, the person in charge wiped the sweat from his forehead.

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