Destined Martial God

Chapter 940: Reactions from all parties (second)

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Xianyang City, in the palace study!

The incidents that occurred in the Hengduan Mountains and the possible consequences of the incidents, even if the elder Zhang and Yu Haoran did not mention it, it was not unclear to the Emperor Qin.

However, in order to unify the entire southern region in the shortest possible time and to lay a solid foundation for future cross-regional battles, the army from the Quartet has drawn up nearly 80% of Qin's army.

At this moment, even if he wanted to annihilate the alien beast in the Hengduan Mountains, there was nothing he could do.

"If you return to Viva, Zhang Lao has just left Xianyang City!" General Jiang, who appeared in the book, replied.

"Okay, you go down first!" Nodded his head, Emperor Qin waved to urge General Jiang to step down first.

But at this moment, the study suddenly sounded a familiar oath.

"If I have fear in Hao Ran, my spirit will be afraid!"

"If I escape from Hao Ran, my soul will be afraid!"

"If I surrender to Haoran's surrender, the spirit will be annihilated!"

Hearing Yu Haoran's swearing according to the rules of heaven, Qin Emperor stood up with a shocked expression on his face when he killed the quasi-respecting beast across the mountain alone.

The general manager Jiang, who had just exited the study, immediately entered the study without any announcement, and looked at Emperor Qin in shock.

"Haoran, it seems that I was wrong!" Taking a deep breath, Emperor Qin gradually revealed a trace of regret in his eyes.

Afterwards, he rose directly into the air, and then overwhelmed the sky above Xianyang City.

"Sword is coming!" Emperor Qin shouted sharply in the backyard of the palace.

Three seconds later, a purple sharp sword flew out of the harem. When it reached Qin Emperor's hand, a sound of helplessness and resentment sounded.

"One God, say sorry to Grandma Ma for this palace!"

"Respect your mother's queen's purpose!" Emperor Qin held the sword of Emperor Realm and went straight to Hengduan Mountains.

Shortly after Emperor Qin left Xianyang City, another young girl in a purple gown and silk gauze rushed out of the harem.

"Haoran, you and my husband are one and the same, even if they die!"

Later, the girl in purple clothes directly drew the soul and elemental power, and went straight to the Hengduan Mountains at lightning speed.

And just after the girl in the purple clothes left, more than twenty powerful men flew in Xianyang City in an instant. They either showed shocked faces, or went straight to Hengduan Mountains with their mouths raised and taunting.

Baijimen, Qingyunfeng!

After attending the engagement ceremony between Yu Haoran and Qin Lingfei, she returned to Feng Qingyun of Qingyun Peak, often staying in Yinyue Pavilion, sitting in the wind pavilion for tea, or sitting in the practice room. Think deeply.

The disciples of the Qingyun First Division, except Wu Zhengjun and Lin Xuan, entered the army with Qin Tianze, and the rest of Chu Zhongyu and others were always depressed.

In Xianyang City, the bustling and novel environment made them not realize the importance of the ninth teacher Yu Haoran.

But after they returned to Qingfengfeng and returned to a peaceful life, they found that Qingyunfeng, without the ninth master, seemed to have gone to the backbone of the main body, and even the cultivation did not have the spirit of the past.

On this day, Feng Qingyun, who was sitting in the tea pavilion of Yinyue Pavilion, did not know why she suddenly felt a little upset, and even the carefully cooked Ling tea had no thought to drink.

Taking a deep breath, waving the tea set on the stone table, Feng Qingyun planned to mobilize the power of special rules to see the cause of his upset, and Qing Yunfeng immediately made a familiar oath.

"If I have fear in Hao Ran, my spirit will be afraid!"

"If I escape from Hao Ran, my soul will be afraid!"

"If I surrender to Haoran's surrender, the spirit will be annihilated!"


Hearing the contents of the oath and the determination to swear, Feng Qingyun's expression changed suddenly.

He then rose straight into the sky, and then headed straight for Hengduan Mountains.

"Brother, let's go too!" Huang Zonghua, who also heard Yu Haoran's oath, looked at Chu Zhongyu with expectation.

"Yes!" Looking at the expectation of the students and younger sisters, Chu Zhongyu finally nodded and agreed.

Later, he went straight to Hengduan Mountains with his brothers and sisters who were temporarily unable to fly independently.

Merit Hall!

"Lord, please let me help your brother!" Jiang Jingya, who was desperately suppressed by the Lord of Gongde Palace, begged bitterly.

"Jingya, the crisis is in the Hengduan Mountains, let alone you have only Wu Zong's cultivation, even if I am in the realm of Wu Huang, I dare not break into it."

While shaking his head to refuse, the owner of the Gongde Temple explained.

"Not only for your safety, but also to not disturb the life and death agreement between Yu Shi's nephew and the strange beast in the quasi-respect, you still stay in the merit hall honestly!"

"Lord of the temple!" Jiang Jingya resigned, begging.

"Come here, take Jingya down, and take care of it strictly, you must not let her leave the Gongde Temple privately!" Seeing Jiang Jingya still desperately wanted to help Haoran, the main face of the Gongde Palace sank and immediately faced The two newly promoted elders commanded.


The two elders spoke, and regardless of whether Jiang Jingya agreed or not, they directly used the strength of the King Wu realm to suppress the struggling Jiang Jingya, and then locked her in a special practice room and kept her under strict supervision.

"Xiaofeng, what do you say I should do?"

Looking at the sealed door, Jiang Jingya almost cried.

The wind-tailed fox inherited from the blood of the ancient nine kings and beasts of the ancient nine-tailed fox, his eyes moved around a few times, and then hissed a few whispers to Jiang Jingya.

Then, it flew directly off Jiang Jingya's shoulders, and then stretched her claws against the wall of the practice room. On the extremely hard wall, a gap appeared to allow a person to pass.

"Xiaofeng, when did you have such powerful strength?" Jiang Jingya couldn't help asking, looking at the gap in the wall.

Because the wall in front is made of deep-sea black iron, even if it is a master in the realm of Wuwang, it is not easy to break it.

And Xiaofeng does!

It was just a light stroke, without breaking a sound, directly breaking through the walls made of deep sea black iron, indicating that its strength has reached at least the fifth-order imperial realm. This makes Jiang Jingya, who is living day and night, not feel Shock.

In this regard, Xiaofeng did not explain too much, but just extended her claws to point at the gap in the wall, reminding Jiang Jingya to leave quickly.

Compared with understanding the reasons for Xiaofeng's strength improvement, it is important to go to Hengduan Mountains to help the brother.

Therefore, Jiang Jingya was not asking the reason for Xiaofeng's improvement in strength. She quietly left the Gongde Temple through the gap in the wall, and then left the Baijimen directly by virtue of the extreme speed owned by Fengwei.

Immediately after the two elders took Jiang Jingya down, the Lord of the Palace of Gongde looked up at the north, and there was an uneasy expression in his eyes.

And just after Jiang Jingya left the Gongde Hall through the gap opened by the wind-tailed fox, a powerful wave of power suddenly broke out in Luoxia Peak.

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