Destined Martial God

Chapter 939: Swear (one more)

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"Yu Haoran, I now need to perform the secret method of the possession technique, and check the true strength of your physical body by means of divine spirit."

"Look at how many times the ancestral witch's body inspired by full force can withstand the impact of power."

After careful consideration, Tallin finally picked out three methods that could enhance Hao Ran's strength in a short time.

But the premise needs to go deep into the true condition of his body, and then decide which method to use.


While nodding his head and Taling's proposal, Yu Haoran directly inspired the ancestral witch's body and accepted the examination of Taling with the full body of the ancestral witch.

Looking at the ancestral witch who was more than 800 meters tall, the look of expectation appeared on Ta Ling's face.

Without any delay, he directly used the mystery of the possessive technique of God's mind.

When the soul came into the body and began to control Hao Ran's physical body, a powerful feeling as if he could tear the sky with his hands and break the ground with two feet, made him have to lament the horror of the ancestral witch body as the strongest physical body in the world.

Later, he began to use his mind to examine the physical body under his control.

The more he checked, the stronger the shock in his face.

The deeper you understand, the stronger the joy that comes out of your heart.

After seeing Hao Ran's body strengthened by more than ten times the meridians, blood vessels, internal organs and the heart, an idea that could improve his strength by dozens of times in a short time quickly rose to the mind of Taling.

After he saw the boundless knowledge of the sea and Dantian expanded dozens of times, the strong shock that appeared in his heart made him decide to abandon the three plans formulated in advance and directly choose the means that had just emerged in his heart.

"Yu Haoran, you will undoubtedly defeat the quasi-respected beast that traverses the mountains this time!" The spirit body withdrew from Haoran's physical body, and the secret method of the possession technique was dispelled. .

Being able to feel the surprise in the spirit of the towering spirit, Yu Haoran immediately asked how to annihilate the quasi-special beast in the mountains alone.

"The devil is in the body!" Looking at Yu Haoran who restored the mortal body, Ta Ling said word by word.

"The devil is in the body!"

While repeating what Ta Ling just said to himself, Yu Haoran used this to trigger the ancestor-witch memory in his mind.

Then he looked at Ta Ling in shock, and asked with a trembling tone.

"Ta Ling, you want to take advantage of the ancient deities that are condensed by the twelve heavenly gods, and then use the devil to enter the body to instantly increase my strength by dozens of times."

Seeing that Yu Haoran had understood the means and power of the devil's body, Ta Ling nodded and explained.

"Because you are one with the second avatar, and the second avatar controls the twelve capitals of the gods, which is equivalent to your own control of the formation, and does not violate the oath of heaven rules."

"This is the only way I can guarantee a substantial increase in your strength without harming your foundation."

After closing your eyes and carefully examining the twelve ancestors' detailed introduction and feelings of the mysterious body into the mysterious body, finally nodded in agreement with Ta Ling's means of performing the demon body into the body.

"If that's the case, then you leave the tower now, swear by the rules of heaven, and take the oath of besieging the quasi-respecting beast alone in the Hengduan Mountains!"

Seeing Yu Haoran's agreement to use the devil's body to deal with the gray fox in the quasi-second calamity, Ta Ling sighed a sigh of relief, and immediately seized the time to execute the plan to kill the Hengduan Mountains.

After all, Ta Ling knew that Qin Emperor had a good relationship with Yu Haoran, and was worried that Qin Emperor did not want to be disappointed by Yu Haoran, so he sent a strong man to help.

Then, he carefully planned for Haoran to increase his reputation and luck.


Nodded his head, consciously touching the mark in the sea, Yu Haoran left the tower and appeared on the peak.

Looking at the depths of the Hengduan Mountains, Yu Haoran faintly felt a vibrant breath. He knew that this was not his own illusion, but that the strength of the strange beasts in the mountains had reached a certain limit, and the sign before the mutation was about to occur.

If this situation is allowed to continue, the entire Southern Territory will probably be occupied by alien beasts in the traversing mountains.

Taking a deep breath, retracting the gaze, Yu Haoran bit his finger, and vowed in a loud voice as he tore the blood that was forced out into the air.

"The ancestors showed mercy and made a promise of peaceful coexistence with compassion."

"But the Hengduan Mountains quasi-respected beasts ignored the ancestors' promises and took advantage of the opportunity opened by the blue flames to kill the human elite warriors in the secrets."

"Although the younger generation is not high, they are also willing to maintain the principles of peaceful coexistence established by their ancestors with their own physical bodies."

"I swear by Yu Haoran now that I am under the rules of heaven. I am willing to kill all the quasi-respecting beasts in the Hengduan Mountains alone, and to avenge the dead human warriors, never stop!"

"If I fear in Hao Ran, my soul will be destroyed!"

"If I escape from Hao Ran, my soul will be afraid!"

"If I surrender to Haoran's surrender, the spirit will be annihilated!"

With Yu Haoran swearing with her own blood and self-reported means, a calm, unsentimental one-eyed eye slowly emerged over the peaceful Hengduan Mountains.

Looking at the summit alone with one eye, Yu Haoran looked firm and closed slowly.

After reopening, a majestic voice rang in Haoran's ears.


Along with the accurate word, the blood floating in mid-air appeared in front of the one-eye instantly, and then shot a dark yellow power from the one-eye, and directly merged into the blood.

Subsequently, twelve marks were condensed into the blood of Xuanhuang power, and entered the sea of ​​knowledge of eleven quasi-respecting beasts in the depths of the mountains and the mountains.

At the same time, the sky over the entire Tianxuan continent began to echo in the voice that Haoran had just sworn.

Xianyang City, Dongcheng Gate!

Looking at the wide city walls that are tens of meters high, the old man named Zhang surnamed showed a deep disappointment.

"Holy, although your talent is very high and your means are very strong, compared to the first emperor, your mind and vision are worse!"

After shaking his head and talking to himself, the old man with a surname Zhang could not help but sighed, and then planned to rise into the air. When he returned to the Zhang family, a familiar oath suddenly came in his ears.

"If I fear in Hao Ran, my soul will be destroyed!"

"If I escape from Hao Ran, my soul will be afraid!"

"If I surrender to Haoran's surrender, the spirit will be annihilated!"

"This, this, this is Master Ma's voice!"

The familiar voice made the elder Zhang surname quickly know that it was Yu Haoran who had been separated from him for four days.

But when he heard the contents of the oath, his face suddenly changed.

Then, an angry glance took place at Xianyang City. The old man named Zhang surrendered directly to the sky, and then hurried to the Hengduan Mountains at the fastest speed!

In the palace study!

"Mr. Jiang, has Zhang Lao gone?" Qin Emperor, who was sitting on the dragon's chair, looked a little tired, and asked a little angrily.

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