Destined Martial God

Chapter 1395: It turns out that his strongest is boxing (six more)

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Qianlong Fort, on the platform!


The stick method and the sword move that flattened the world instantly met together, and then a loud roar sounded on the ring.

With a strong roar, Yu Haoran and Qin Tianyi stepped back five steps at the same time, followed by two people without a pause, continued to perform the stick method and the sword tore together.

"This young man named Qin Tianyi is not only very powerful, but also proficient in a lot of swordsmanship from the Middle Ages and the Ancient Times. He should have the top ten strengths on the list."

Seeing that Qin Tianyi can fight with Hao Ran with her own strength and exquisite swordsmanship, commented from the top Wu Zun peerless power on the side of Taipei.

"Do not!"

Another top Wu Zun peerless powerhouse shook his head and denied it.

"This person not only has the strength to hit the list champion, but also has the means to defeat Dandi."

After hearing the evaluation of Qin Tianyi's strength by two top Wu Zun peerless powerhouses, there was a hint of horror in Emperor Qin's eyes.

As the most respected son of his time, Emperor Qin is probably the person who knows Qin Tianyi best in the world.

With Qin Tianyi's natural talents and mentality, even if the Qingqiu Fox clan cultivates the strength of the entire family, it is absolutely impossible for him to possess such powerful strength and unpredictable sword skills in such a short period of time.

So, how does Qin Tianyi's current practice and strength get?

Tian Hao-level martial arts skills Yu Haoran has collected a lot in previous lives, but most of them are only swordsmanship martial arts, boxing and stick tactics are only a few of the early stages of the Heavenly Order.

And Qin Tianyi's sword skills and techniques, the lowest grades have reached the high level of the heavenly order, which made the river emperor rely on the inheritance of the Monkey Emperor, and Yu Haoran, who taught the skill of the pear flower rain stick by the instrument spirit, from the beginning The evenly matched enemy has gradually fallen behind.

Although there are still ways to continue to improve the vitality and soul power, as well as the ancestral witch's transformation and the dual-birth rules and martial arts techniques, these methods are not only for the more powerful Gu Sheng, but also for his impact on the five-domain Qianlong list. The hole card for the championship cannot easily be used for Qin Tianyi.

Since the stick martial arts can't defeat Qin Tianyi, then replace the boxing martial arts that he is best at.

Using one of the tricks to defeat Qin Tianyi in the Pearstorm storm, Yu Haoran quickly put away the white stick, and immediately brought Guli's imperial gloves.

Seeing that Hao Ran replaced gloves with higher grades, Qin Tianyi also stowed the sword of Zunjing and then replaced a sword of Zunjing.

Zunjing Needs Gloves come from Gully's loot. Everyone at the scene knows that, but Qin Tianyi was able to change the sword of Zunjing Needs from time to time, but it caused a little greed among some Wuzun peerless powers on the scene.

After all, in addition to the state-of-the-art instruments, Qin Tianyi's mastery of the Heavenly Order, and sword skills and martial arts that exceed the Heavenly Order, have reached nearly six, which also shows that he must have more rare treasures hidden in his body.

"Fist Town!"

Ignoring Qin Tianyi's exalted sword weapon, Yu Haoran directly dissipated Dan Tian Yuanli and the spirit of the sea, retaining only the physical power of the ancestors and witches, and then performed the ancient boxing techniques inherited from the ancient twelve ancestors.

"Jinkou Yuyan!"

The scattered power and soul power means that Yu Haoran ’s strength will decrease sharply. However, with the boxing skills performed by Zunjing Need Gloves, the power is increased by more than ten times, reaching the ordinary Wuzun IV. Qin Tianyi's strength was slightly shocked.

Shocked and shocked, there are ten types of swords and martial arts that were forcibly entered into his mind, and he soon found swordsmanship martial arts that could resist and break the boxing skills.

"This is one of the five treasures of the Zhou family. Only the patriarchs are qualified to practice the holy swordsmanship of the God Order!" A top martial arts peerless strong man who had a good relationship with Zhou Youze suddenly stood up and shouted in shock. Road.


The moment the boxing and swords fought, a loud roar sounded immediately above the ring.

With the fierce roar, Qin Tianyi, who re-applied the Supreme Sword of Supreme Sword, and performed beyond the Heavenly Order Sword Technique, was repelled by three steps.

And Yu Haoran, who directly dissipated the Yuan and Soul power, and retained only the physical strength of the ancestor and witch, did not retreat.

"It looks like I'm wrong!"

Qin Tianyi had been predicted to have defeated Yu Haoran's top martial arts peerless powerhouse. When he saw that Yu Haoran was able to repel Qin Tianyi with stronger strengths only with his physical grade and boxing skills, he reconsidered solemnly.

"I always thought that Emperor Dan's strongest martial arts should be stickmanship. Now it seems that he is not only suppressing his own strength, but even the best at martial arts has always been hidden."

The final ranking of the Qianlong competition is related to how much Qianlong can be blessed. Every player who participates in the competition must wish to be able to exert his own strength in order to win the competition as soon as possible.

But Yu Haoran did the opposite!

Not only suppressing his own strength, but also hiding his best martial arts skills, which shows that he has sufficient confidence in his own strength.

Therefore, don't look at Hao Ran's current cultivation as not breaking through the realm of Wu Zun, but he already has the courage and confidence of the top Wu Zun peerless power.

After a boxing retreat from Qin Tianyi, Yu Haoran continued to perform the second stroke of the twelve ancestral witches' memory methods without a pause.

"Fist breaks the sky!"

"Santa World!"

Qin Tianyi, who was slightly dignified, also performed the second skill of the holy sword technique.


With the deafening roar sounding, unlike Hao Ran who remained indifferent, Qin Tianyi was shocked seven times this time.

"Fist breaks the galaxy!" Yu Haoran continued to perform the third stroke without any pause.

"The imperial imperial spirit shines on the world!" Qin Tianyi also continued to cast the third stroke without hesitation.

After the confrontation between boxing and swordsmanship, Yu Haoran was still standing still. Qin Tianyi was not only directly shocked by nine steps, but also showed a little blood on the corners of his mouth.

Knowing that Yu Haoran would not stop the attack, and he did not want to wipe away the blood on the corners of his mouth, Qin Tian's last move to directly use the holy sword technique was also the most powerful one, hoping to defeat it.

"The Emperor comes!"

Along with Qin Tianyi's violent drinking, the exalted sword weapon that was thrown into the air was instantly shrouded in white sword-mang.

After the white sword awn was incorporated into the sword, the superb sword weapon disappeared and replaced by a dignified and handsome middle-aged man with a strong imperial spirit on his body.

"The founder of the Zhou dynasty in the Middle Ages, Zhou Tianzi, who is known as the first Holy Emperor in the world!" This was the shouting cry of a peerless Wu Zong from the grandstand on the north side.

"Zhou Jijie!" This was the voice from Shita Ling.

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