Destined Martial God

Chapter 1394: Qin Tianyi, whose mind is controlled (fifth)

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Qianlong Fort, on the platform!

After Gu Jie left Qianlong Fort unwillingly, he had been calm for almost an hour and the list shook again. The forty-first player on the list was forcibly brought to the ring.

"I surrender!"

Glorious state-of-the-art gloves and weaponry, combined with the ancestor's transfiguration secrets, Gully's strength can reach the level of Wu Zun.

Even Gully, who possessed the strength of Wu Zun's realm, was easily beheaded by Yu Haoran, but his strength was only the forty-first player in the list of the three martial arts in Zhun Wu realm. How dare he take the initiative to challenge himself.

What's more, after easing each other's relationship through respecting the **** and benefiting the god, the middle-aged strong in purple clothes has just taken the initiative to cancel the attractive promise.

Therefore, not only the forty-first players who have just appeared on the ring, directly conceded, but also all the players from forty to seventeenth in the list also directly conceded.

"Brother, it seems that we have never really played against each other since we first met." Wu Zhengjun, who ranked 16th on the list, was not forced to concede immediately after being forcibly brought to the ring, but showed a strong sense of war in his eyes. Said.

"Zhengjun, do you want to learn from your brother and me?" Facing Wu Zhengjun's intense challenge, Yu Haoran took out the stick and magic weapon of the highest quality and asked with a smile.

Nodded his head, Wu Zhengjun turned his head and glanced back at Gu Sheng, who closed his eyes and shook his head again.

"Brother, when the battle for the Five Dragons Qianlong is over, when you and I have successfully achieved the status of Wu Zun's peerless powerhouse, how about a quick battle?"

"I have no problem. I just worry that you will shrink back." In the face of Wu Zhengjun's invitation, Yu Haoran said with a touch of teasing.

"Brother, am I Wu Zhengjun the kind who will take the initiative to shrink back!"

After replying with a smile, Wu Zhengjun looked up and admitted to the list.

"I surrender!"

After Wu Zhengjun left Yantai, the smile on Yu Haoran's face gradually receded, and Emperor Qin on the south stand looked dull and watery.

"Yu Haoran, I really look down on you!" Qin Tianyi, who was forcibly brought to the ring, looked at Yu Haoran, who had no slight hatred in the look of indifference, and said with a complex look in his eyes.

"Qin Tianyi, did the eight-tailed green fox leave?" Looking at Qin Tianyi indifferently, Yu Haoran did not forget his original warning.

"Already left!" Nodded, Qin Tianyi replied without denying.

Because according to the original agreement in the No. 9 other court, in the finals of the finals, they will have an endless battle between life and death.

No matter who the ultimate winner is, the loser's end will be a rush, so there is no need to keep hiding some words and things.

"Qin Tianyi, can you tell me why you chose them?"

Qin Tianyi's quick answer made Yu Haoran vaguely guess his thoughts, so he didn't rush to ask his doubts.

With Qin Tianyi's pride, if you want to recapture everything you have lost, there are many forces that can choose.

For example, the Yuxu Palace, who likes to support various forces in secret, the Shang and Zhou families who look down on the Southern Territory, the Qinglong and White Tiger families who have grudges with themselves, and so on.

So why did he choose the Qingqiu Fox clan who is good at conspiracy and tricks, and who can be backswept at any time.

Facing Hao Ran's questioning, Qin Tianyi suddenly flashed a tenderness in his eyes, then shook his head, and then took out a sword weapon of superior quality and regained the cold temperament.

"Yu Haoran, do it!"


The change in Qin Tianyi's eyes just now allows Yu Haoran to understand why he chose the Qingqiu Fox clan, or conversely, it is not that Qin Tianyi actively chose the Qingqiu Fox clan, but that the Qingqiu Fox clan has long followed Qin Tianyi.

Moreover, by using beautiful means to force Qin Tianyi to yield, the true purpose of the Qingqiu Fox clan is not only directed at themselves.

Thinking of this, Yu Haoran could not help but persuade.

"Three princes, if you can tell everything frankly, maybe I can persuade the Holy Spirit to reclaim the Holy Order and let you regain your identity as a prince."

"Yu Haoran, you don't cry cats and mice and false mercy."

Yu Haoran patiently persuaded Qin Tianyi to suddenly remember that he had been deprived of the right to inherit the throne, and had been abolished as the prince, and suffered various insults in the ancestral palace.

Originally because of Hao Ran's outstanding performance on Dan Dao and Martial Art, a touch of admiration and remorse that had just emerged from his heart was instantly replaced by strong resentment.

"If it weren't for you Yu Haoran, Qin Tianyi would not lose everything I used to, nor would I hide away from the imperial city in the forbidden area of ​​Tianwumen."

The top sword in the honor in his hand pointed directly at Haoran, and Qin Tianyi's eyes gradually shone with a scarlet roar.

"Yu Haoran, you and I are endless today!"

"Yu Haoran, his mind has been completely controlled, it is impossible to return to the past, so send him on the road!" It is because Haoran was still hesitating whether to capture Qin Tianyi, and then gave him a chance to choose again. The Tallinn in the sea reminded.

That's it!

After hearing that Ling Ling pointed out that Qin Tianyi's mind had been completely controlled, Yu Haoran finally realized the true intentions of the Qingqiu Fox clan. Like the Shang and Zhou clan, they wanted to recreate the dream of the emperor who ruled the world in the Middle Ages.

With a sneer in his heart, he looked at Qin Tianyi's gaze with a hint of guilt and a bit of perseverance, but he was eventually replaced by a firm look.

"Peace the world!"

Ignoring the change of Hao Ran's look, Qin Tianyi directly used a trick to inherit the high-level swordsmanship of the Middle Ages and launched the attack first.

"This is the emperor swordsmanship inherited from the Shang clan in the Middle Ages." After seeing Qin Tianyi's high-level swordsmanship, he came from looking at an ordinary Wuzun peerless strongman in the middle of the Taipei side, with a slight expression. Wondered to himself.

As the Wuzun peerless strongman attached to the Shang clan, he was very familiar with some of the martial arts of the Shang clan.

Like Qin Tianyi's sword technique, only the chief of the Shang clan is qualified to practice.

If other children in the family practice secretly, even the biological son of the patriarch, will be executed immediately after being discovered.

Therefore, he was quite puzzled and puzzled that Qin Tianyi was able to perform this set of swordsmanship, and quietly used a special method of spreading the word to pass everything he just saw back to the Shang family.


Qin Tianyi was like him at this time, his mental state was modified to physical level, Yuanli and soul power have broken through Wuzun's realm, and the sword of Zunjing's superior quality combined with the high-level swordsmanship of Tianjie, the power has reached the initial strength of ordinary Wuzun Sanpin .

Therefore, Yu Haoran did not dare to directly inspire the physical strength of the 10% ancestor witch, mobilized 90% of the elemental power and eight layers of soul power, and opposed the enemy with the second stroke method inherited from the monkey emperor.

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