Destined Martial God

Chapter 1273: Bright and Smart Girl (Five)

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In front of the Manma House!

When the chief **** rushed into the mansion to arrange Yuanzu and others, Yu Haoran immediately used the divine mind to remind the gibbons preparing to read the third ceremony.

"Old ape, senior ancestor Yuan has already voluntarily conceded, you can stop!"

Facing Hao Ran's persuasion, the gibbons shook their heads and continued to read aloud.

"Eighteen strains of sixth-order elixir, nine strains of fifth-order elixir, six strains of fourth-order elixir, three strains of third-order elixir, one strain of second-order elixir!"

After reading aloud the amount and grade of the elixir given, the gibbons used the divine thought to explain to Hao Ran the true reason for the gift he just gave.

"Little friend, even without the provocation of the human strongman just now, I originally planned to give you these gifts, but the way to give them is in private, instead of reading them as brightly as they are now."

"Ape old, thank you!" After hearing the explanation of the gibbons, Yu Haoran suddenly thanked him.


After two laughs in the sky, the legs of the gibbons were slightly bent, and they intended to return to the valley of death.

After all, the relationship between human warriors and strange beasts in the Tianxuan continent is not very harmonious. Being able to receive Yu Haoran's invitation in person has already touched the gibbons.

If you continue to stay for two people's wedding, I am afraid it will cause a lot of trouble for Hao Ran.

Therefore, it will not remain unintentionally.

But the slightly bent legs had not really exerted force, so they were stopped by a palm that was suddenly pressed on the shoulder.

"Old man, please visit the mansion house built by my juniors, and then drink my wedding toasts like Ling Fei. You are deciding whether to leave." Holding down the gibbons you want to leave, Yu Haoran suggested with a smile.

"Little friend, if I continue to stay, I will definitely give you ...!"

Interrupting the explanation of the gibbons, Yu Haoran said with a smile.

"Old man, I act in Hao Ran and do whatever I want. I don't care about other people's opinions, and others don't want to affect my behavior."

Having said that, Yu Haoran's eyes turned to the Central Region, and his eyes gradually grew cold.

"If someone wants to get in trouble with your friendship, then I'm Yu Haoran."

"Little friend, if someone really finds you in trouble, the old ape will first unscrew his head." Yu Haoran's fearless domineering completely infected the gibbons, and his eyes swept over those hidden in the void cloud and fog. The strong man, he looked threatening.

"Go invite my sister!" Seeing the gibbons willing to stay for the wedding, Yu Haoran immediately ordered to a little **** who ran a leg.

Then he turned to explain to the gibbons.

"Ape old, my background is relatively simple, and there are not many close people around me. At present, my sister is the only person in the mansion, so I can only let her take a tour of the mansion."

"no problem!"

Staying at the wedding is just an attitude. For the visit to the mansion scenery, the gibbons have neither the elegance nor the mood, so it doesn't matter who brings the visit.

"Sister, this is ape old, not only the overlord of billions of strangers in the southern region, but also your elder, so you take the old man to visit the mansion." Yu Siqi, Yu Haoran rushed to Focused reminder.

"Ape, please, please!"

The elder was second. The supremacy of the hundreds of millions of strange beasts in the southern region was the identity that really made Yu Siqi value. She immediately led the gibbons into the mansion respectfully.

Originally, it was only a casual attitude to visit, but the moment I stepped into the mansion, I immediately put away and carefully felt the yellowish air in the mansion.

Because a piece of mysterious yellow air was just inhaled into the body, and a piece of hereditary memory sealed in the bloodline was opened. After receiving the bloodline inherited memory, it knew that it had found an opportunity to break through the imperial realm.

"Let's go!" After seeing the gibbons followed by Si Qi into the mansion, Zhou Youze tidy up his clothes slightly, and then commanded to Zhou Fengxu and the girl behind him.

"Patriarch, there are still more than a dozen strong families who inherited the family and denominations who haven't come to the door. If we go now, wouldn't it seem to be lost." Watching the patriarch intending to come in advance to congratulate, Zhou Fengxu quickly reminded.

Shennian swept over the families and sects who still held their own identity and thought about the order of appearance, Zhou Youze reminded with a sneer.

"It is less than ten minutes before the wedding time to welcome the bride. Because of Hao Ran's indecent personality, I am afraid that I will not miss the welcome time for the guests."

"So, if you don't want to be greeted by the **** director, this is the last chance to make positive contact with Hao Ran."

Upon hearing Zhou Youze's reminder, Zhou Fengxu's respectful look immediately appeared.

Being able to continue to change and be shocked, they still keep a clear head. The Zhou family is led by Zhou Youze. He Chou cannot restore the family's former glory.

After watching her sister enter the mansion with the gibbons, Yu Haoran did a little calculation and found that there were less than nine minutes before the time to welcome her relatives, and she wanted to instruct the little **** who ran a leg to ask Director Jiang to let him help him to the door. Guests, prepare yourself to meet Ling Fei.

But the reminder of Ta Ling in the sea made him have to turn around and watch three people come out of the void.

When he saw the white corseted long skirt standing next to Zhou Fengxu, giving a bright and intelligent girl, his expression was a little bit, and his heart immediately appeared uncontrollable excitement.

"Yu Haoran, what happened?" Never before feeling that Hao Ran's mood would change so drastically, Ta Ling immediately asked in a hurry.

"Ta Ling, do you remember the funeral flower you and I accidentally got from the red rocks in the blue moon?"

The drastic emotional changes made Yu Haoran's consciousness-making sounds a little hoarse.

"Of course I remember!"

Nodded, Ta Ling's thoughts returned to more than a year ago, in the blue mystery of the red rock group.

"At that time, when you encountered the funeral flower, you somehow fell into extreme grief and asked me to transplant the funeral flower into the domain tower."

Speaking of which, Ta Ling looked at the girl slowly flying to the colorful clouds through the space of understanding the sea, and suddenly realized that this bright and dynamic girl, with the funeral love, and with Hao Ran's previous life, must have a special Emotional entanglement.

However, past life is past life, this life is this life!

No matter how impressed the emotional entanglement between the two people in the previous life is, this is the day when he and Ling Fei are overjoyed, Ta Ling doesn't want him to do anything that hurts Qin Ling Fei now.

Therefore, Ta Ling had to solemnly remind.

"Yu Haoran, there are less than nine minutes before you marry Ling Fei girl."

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