Destined Martial God

Chapter 1272: The violent counterattack of the gibbons (four more)

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In front of the Manma House!

After watching the middle-aged **** giving the gift list to the officials of the ceremony department, Yuanzu looked at the gibbons proudly, and said provocatively.

"Brother Ape, since you and I are the elders of Grandma and the most powerful group in the Tianxuan continent, if the treasures to congratulate the wedding are too shabby, I am afraid that I will continue to stay at the mansion to attend the wedding."

As one of the four great monkeys inherited from the ancient times, the articulated ape whose blood is directly connected to the articulated ape, the true wisdom and emotional intelligence are not lost to an old fox.

Yuan Zu's method of temporarily changing the gift list can hide other people, but he cannot hide the gibbons whose strength is close to the realm of Emperor Wu. Combined with the hostility that he had towards himself at the beginning, he immediately guessed Yuan Zu's idea, or he was planning.

As the true hegemon among the billions of strangers in the Southern Region, the arrogant gibbous ape is also a master who refuses to easily lose.

Therefore, in the face of Yuan Zu's provocation using her gift, its counterattack is very simple.

He stepped forward to the middle-aged eunuch, and the gibbons yelled.

"Step aside!"

Feeling the strong, uncontrollable anger of the gibbons, the middle-aged **** stepped back pale more than a dozen steps, then looked at Yu Haoran in panic.

"It's all right!" Yu Haoran smiled and relieved.

"Tong Gibbon, King of the Beasts of the Southern Regions, I wish Yu Xiaoyou and the princess a happy wedding."

Although the IQ and EQ are not inferior to the old fox, the dilemma of too little literary knowledge makes the gibbons can only say the most common blessings.

But none of the guests at the scene ridiculed it, even if it was the Yuanzu who had a strong hostility towards it.

Knowing that he could not express a blessing full of good meanings, the gibbons read out the congratulations sent by him immediately.

"Eighteen high-quality instruments in the Holy Realm, nine high-quality instruments in the Holy Realm, six high-quality instruments in the High Realm, three high-quality instruments in the High Realm, and one high-quality instrument in High Realms."

"Zi ...!"

After hearing the quantity and quality of the ceremonial gift from the gibbons, whether it is the top sects and inherited families hidden in the void, the Emperor Qin and Zi Xuan in the Yiyue Palace, and Bian Shengrui and Wu Sicheng who entered the mansion in advance Can't help but take a breath.

House VIP area!

"President, I thought that the gifts we prepared for us, even if they couldn't win the top spot, could still be at least the top three, but it doesn't seem to be right now!" Bian Shengrui shook his head and said with a grin.

"The elder, what he can do is the character of a businessman!"

Shocked and shocked, Wu Sicheng, who is not so close to Yu Haoran, did not want to consume too many qualifications of the Chamber of Commerce because of the face fight.

Therefore, in the face of Bian Shengrui shaking his head with a bitter smile, he solemnly reminded.

In this regard, Bian Shengrui just shrugged, a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

And Yun Xiang, who sat next to Sheng Rui, flashed a chill in his eyes.

Relative to the shock of the crowd, Yuan Zu's original proud face suddenly gloomed, especially after seeing the slightly defiant gaze of the gibbons, a madness appeared in his eyes.

"Yemen Lord, Yun Jie, and so on. After waiting for the seniors of the gibbons to read the congratulations, you must stop the spirit ancestors of the ancestors in time to avoid really hurting everyone's feelings."

Noting the red bloodshots in Yuan Zu's eyes, Yu Haoran knew immediately that his mood had reached the edge of out of control.

Although this emotional loss of control will not affect the upcoming wedding or cause any harm to the ancestors, but it will affect the resolution of the grievances between the two sides.

Therefore, Yu Haoran immediately used the divine thought to notify Ye Junnan and Teng Yunjie.

Nodding to Yu Haoran, Ye Junnan and Teng Yunjie stood side by side with Yuan Zu, ready to stop the ancestors who might be in a hurry.

Withdrawing a gaze of provocation, the gibbons continued to read aloud.

"Eighteen eight-order top-grade spirit pulses, seven seventh-order top-grade spirit pulses, six sixth-order top-grade spirit pulses, three fifth-order top-grade spirit pulses, and four fourth-order lower-level spirit pulses."

Yiyue Temple!

"Crazy, completely crazy!"

After hearing the quantity and grade given to the Holly Spirit Vein by the gibbons, Zi Xuan stood up completely out of control and roared in annoyance.

"Holy, you can either treat the treasure house of the Great Qin Empire as dowry, and then give it all to Hao Ran."

In the face of the queen queen Zi Xuan's out of control, Qin Emperor was also deeply depressed and heartache, and did not know what to say.

But Qin Lingfei couldn't help whispering to herself.

"If everything is given to Haoran, I have no opinion."

"Qin Lingfei, what did you just say?"

In the boudoir where Qin Lingfei lived, except for the six maids who did not dare to speak, there were only three of them, so although her voice was very low, she was still heard by Zi Xuan.

The thought of Qin Lingfei, who was loved from the time she was a child, was willing to give her horse a treasure trove of thousands of years of hard work, a consciousness of pouring out water from her married daughter.

"Nothing said."

Seeing Zi Xuan in anger, Qin Lingfei quickly shook her head to deny it, but there was a look of disappointment in her eyes.

"The queen queen is angry, Ling Fei just made a fuss!"

After a severe glance at Qin Lingfei, Qin Di said with a smile.

"The horse is a noble man who regards money as dung, and doesn't value how much we dowry, so as long as we need to add 30% to the original."

After hearing Qin Emperor's decision, Zi Xuan's anger gradually subsided, but Qin Lingfei felt unwilling when she heard her dowry shrank countless times.

However, after seeing Emperor Qin's sharp eyes, she could only sullen with a small mouth.

In front of the Manma House!

When I heard the spirit veins presented by the gibbons, not only the number doubled, but also a fourth-order subordinate spirit vein, even the affluent Yu Haoran couldn't help looking at it in amazement.

Although the fourth-order lower-grade spirit vein is only one minor grade higher than the fifth-order upper-grade spirit vein, the aura reserves between them are quite different.

More importantly, the fourth-order lower-grade spirit veins have a great chance to produce third-order and seventh-grade spirit stones, and the fifth-order upper-grade spirit veins can only conceive the third-order and sixth-grade spirit stones.

Even the wealthy Yu Haoran was taken aback by the gibbous ape's generosity, not to mention the provocative Yuanzu.

The red bloodshots in his eyes gradually returned to normal with the fourth-order lower-grade spirit veins shouted by the gibbons, and the original idea of ​​giving a sigh of relief by giving gifts was completely extinguished.

Giving a hand to Yu Haoran, Yuanzu led lonely Ye Junnan and Teng Yunjie into the mansion.

Seeing the Yuan Zu who gave up the struggle for spirit, Yu Haoran secretly sighed with relief, and hurriedly winked at the **** facing the principal.

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