Destined Martial God

Chapter 1270: The arrival of the gibbons (two more)

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In front of the Manma House!


Seeing that Hao Ran suddenly changed his mind, he actively helped himself to persuade Lu Yuan, and Xuanyuan, who was excited, quickly agreed.

"Lu Yuan, although the material of your native sword weapon is very ordinary, but I have several ways to improve its quality and grade, so that it will become as powerful as me in the future."

Ignoring Xuanyuan's just mingling and temptation, Lu Yuan looked at Yu Haoran with a puzzled look.

"Brother Lu, if you want to be a sword **** who can dominate the world, and if you want to dominate Kendo luck in the future, you must be assisted by Xuanyuan Sword and Xuanyuan Qiling."

Some words could not be spoken in front of Xuanyuan Qiling, and Yu Haoran could only explain by means of divine transmission.

"In addition, the reason why I was able to defeat Xuanyuan Instrument Spirit just now is not how powerful Yu Haoran's strength is, but because Xuanyuan Sword has suffered an unimaginable damage, and only one tenth of its strength remains."

"If he can recover his full strength, I'm afraid I don't even have the courage and ability to stand in front of him."

After hearing Yu Xiran's explanation, Lu Yuan was silent for a while, then turned to look at Xuanyuan Qiling who was full of expectations in his eyes, and nodded silently.


After getting Lu Yuan's nod by default, Xuanyuan could not help but applaud a pleasant feeling, and then he immediately controlled the body Xuanyuan sword into Lu Yuan's sea of ​​knowledge.

Seeing that Lu Yuan finally agreed to accept the assistance of Xuanyuan Qiling, Yu Haoran was happy for him, but couldn't help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, Xuanyuan Sword, like Yuta, is one of the reincarnation artifacts.

Xuanyuan's contact with Ta Ling represents the secret of her rebirth, and there is a risk of leakage at any time.

Since there is a risk of leakage, then one must find a way to minimize the risk. Lu Yuan, who protects his life with a blood oath, is the safest way to reduce the secret risk of reincarnation.

"Shan Xiu, the strong one, Lu Ma's best friend Lu Yuan, I wish Ma Ma and His Royal Highness Yu Fei's pleasure, and make a concubine."

"Gift a top quality magic weapon, one fourth-order elixir!"

Compared with the heavy gifts given by the previous guests, although the gifts from Jianyu and Lu Yuan were very light, the eunuchs of the principals did not dare to neglect, and did not need Yu Haoran's instructions to directly lead them to the VIP area.

"Haha ...!"

Watching Lu Yuan and Jianyu enter the mansion, a familiar laugh suddenly heard in their ears, which made Yu Haoran immediately turn around, and then a sincere and happy smile appeared on his face to welcome him.

"The junior Yu Haoran, met Ye Menzhu, met the Yuanzu seniors, and met Brother Teng!"

"Master Ma, you're welcome!"

Seeing Yu Haoran's smile from the heart, although Ye Junnan knew that it was because of Yuan Zu and Teng Yunjie, he also got himself the envy and envy of everyone around him.

Therefore, his heart's dissatisfaction with Yu Haoran suddenly disappeared, and his attitude was quite mild.

"Brother Yu, the words of blessing have been written on the gift list, I will not continue to waste my tongue!" He patted Yu Haoran's shoulders, Teng Yunjie said in a very close tone.

In this regard, Yu Haoran just smiled, and then led the three ancestors to the mansion.

"Haha ...!"

But at this moment, from the far south of Xianyang City, a weird laughter ringing through the clouds was approaching quickly.

With a weird laughter, a giant ape with a height of more than 100 meters rushed towards the colorful clouds at a speed several times faster than lightning.

"No, it's the gibbons in the valley of death valley!"

The familiar laughter and figure made Yuan Zu, who had a deep memory, could not help but change his face.

He quickly took out his natal knife, and immediately stood in front of Haoran and Teng Yunjie, and reminded.

"Yuanzu's predecessor, don't need to be nervous, it's my good friend." Shining body appeared in front of Yuanzu, Yu Haoran signaled with a smile.

Yuan Zu, who suddenly opened his eyes, looked at Yu Haoran inconceivably, and his heart was as shocked as the stormy sea.

How powerful the ape in the valley of death is, the Yuanzu who was hit hard by it is too clear.

Don't look at him now, with the seven lives of Xuanmen Dan presented by Yu Haoran, he has successfully passed the heart robbery of the Three Emperors of Zhunwu Emperor, and his strength has increased at least dozens of times, but he still does not have the confidence to resist the arbitrage of the gibbons. One move method.

How strong the gibbons were Yu Haoran's good friends, how could this not surprise Yuanzu.

Looking at the gibbons that quickly shrank, and slowly landed on the Colorful Cloud Square, Yu Haoran immediately greeted him with a smile.

"Ape, you are here!"

"Yu Xiaoyou, I'm really sorry, that little snake is too cunning, it delayed the old ape for some time, so it came a little late." Scratched his scalp, and said apologetically.

"Ape is old, it's not too late, the time is just right!" While Yu Haoran smiled and relieved, she was shocked.

Because the small snake just mentioned by the gibbons is the Hydra that is the main medicine needed to protect and refine Zundan.

Unexpectedly, the gibbons holding the severely injured body not only found the Hydra in such a short period of time, but also could kill and kill the Hydra against the ancestors without any damage.

He had a new understanding of the strength of the gibbons.

"That's good, that's good!" It wasn't polite to be able to detect the relief from Hao Ran, the gibbons were very grateful.

"Ape old, please here!" After a signal, Yu Haoran took the gibbons to the mansion.

Yiyue Temple!

"This is the gibbons that the horse once mentioned, and hit the Yuanzu with a stroke." Looking at the height reduced to about one meter seven, but still exuberant gibbons, Qin Emperor said in shock. .

"Holy, when I was a guest in Lanling City, I heard Fangling mention this gibbons, saying that it is not only the overlord of the valley of death, but also the first stranger in the southern region."

Compared to the shock of Emperor Qin, Zi Xuan, who once knew the gibbons, was even more shocked in his heart.

Because she never expected that Yu Haoran would make such a wide range of friends, even the true overlord gibbons in the southern beasts could attend his wedding in person.

Thinking of this, the terrifying shock was immediately replaced by heartache. She knew that the dowry ratio increased this time would be very high.

"Holy, how much dowry do you say is appropriate?" Zi Xuanxiu asked clenchedly.

"Mrs. Queen, let's take a look at the congratulations presented by Tianwumen and the gibbons!"

After forcibly suppressing the inner shock, Qin Emperor, like Zi Xuan, began to worry about the collection in the treasury for the first time.

Unlike the reactions of Emperor Qin and Zi Xuan, Qin Lingfei's adoration of Hao Ran is stronger when he sees that his first person is the first hegemon among the beasts in the South.

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