Destined Martial God

Chapter 1269: Xuanyuan Sword Being Despised (1)

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In front of the Manma House!

Looking at the sword net that shrouded like the sky, Jian Yuan's face was slightly pale, and at this moment it was as bloodless as white paper.

However, as the Deputy Sovereign of the Tianjian Sect, the mighty Kendo stronghold in the realm of Zunwu Zun's state, the powerful state of mind repaired him to calm down quickly.

Immediately afterwards, a top-grade sword in the holy realm appeared in his hands, and then at the cost of overdraft power, soul power, and life span of a hundred years, he performed a taboo sword technique.

"As vast as smoke!"

The sacred sword weapon in his hand instantly radiated thousands of sword qi, and the sharp sword qi condensed a sea of ​​swords like the ocean, and rushed directly to the enclosing sword net.

It is expected that the picture of the torn and blasted back of the sword net will not appear. The sword net is not affected by the sword sea attack. It penetrates the sword gas ocean directly like a leaked net, and then quickly covers the sword element.

Similarly, the fragmented picture in the imagination did not appear.

The sword net covering Jian Yuan soon merged into his Dantian and Shihai, his meridians and internal organs, his veins and body, and numerous textures appeared on his face, neck and arms.

At first glance, it looks like a spider man with legendary black spider blood.

Suddenly opened his eyes, Jian Yuan looked at Yu Haoran full of resentment.

At this point, he finally knew why Yu Haoran had to force himself to kill Jianying. I'm afraid Yu Haoran had known that after he killed Jianying, he would bear the seal and oppression of Kendo luck.

At this moment, he had a crazy idea that he wanted to pull Yu Haoran to die by exploding Dan Tian Yuanli and knowing the spirit of the sea.

Because through careful observation and feeling just now, he knows that although the sword net integrated into the flesh will not directly hurt himself, it will limit the breakthrough of his own cultivation, will curb his practice and perception of sword martial arts, and will attract hundreds of millions. Jian Xiu's aversion will actively cause the hostility of Jian Xiu to be strong.

In other words, not only is the foundation completely destroyed, but the entire person is also completely destroyed!

However, seeing the sneer that emerged in Yu Haoran's eyes, and the thought of the top forces who had supported him just now, and his loyalty to the sect, he finally stifled the urge to explode.

Then, with a hateful glance at Hao Ran, Jian Yuan rose directly into the sky and headed for Tian Jianzong in the Central Region.

Ignoring the hatred in Jian Yuan's eyes just now, Yu Haoran looked at Lu Yuan and Jian Yu with a smile and invited.

"Senior Jianyu, Brother Lu, please!"

"Brother Yu, you should understand the situation of me and the master, so don't expect us to give too precious gifts." Lu Yuan, whose personality was changed by the blood oath, joked while following Hao Ran to the officials of the ceremony.

"Brother Lu, in a moment you and Senior Jianyu only need to hand in the famous stickers!"

Facing Lu Yuan's joke, Yu Haoran responded with a smile, and immediately made arrangements for their future.

"After the wedding, I will let Ling Fei arrange a separate house in the mansion as a future potential repair place for you and Jianyu seniors."

"Master Yu, thank you!" Lu Yuan nodded and thanked Hao Ran for the arrangement.

"Yu Haoran, wait a minute!" Just when Haoran had just made arrangements for Lu Yuan and Jianyu, the towering spirit in the sea suddenly signaled.

When there was no time to ask Ta Ling about the reason for the wait, the Xuanyuan Sword exuding a dazzling purple light suddenly flew from the domain tower in the sea.

"Lu Yuan, your kendo talent and mentality are very outstanding. I have the confidence to assist you in the future to attack the realm of martial arts and achieve the peerless sword **** who is vertical and horizontal." The spirit spirit Xuanyuan floating in front of the body sword looked at Lu proudly Yuan said.

Putting away the smile on his face, Lu Yuan glanced coldly at Xingyuan Xuanyuan and Xuanyuan Jian, shaking his head in a calm tone.


Facing the Xuan Baoxuan sword that already existed at the beginning of the world, Lu Yuan gave the choice and answer, let alone Xuanyuan ’s surprise, even the Emperor Qin and Yi Xuan of Yiyue Temple stood beside Lu Yuan. Jian Yu and the realm of Wu Zun and Zhun Wu Emperor hidden in the void were dumbfounded.

"Senior Xuanyuan, since Brother Lu said that he didn't need it, then he wasn't interested in you, so you have to assist other kendo geniuses to achieve the sword god!"

For decades, the brothers in the previous life have made Yu Haoran know too much about Lu Yuan's character.

As an obsessed with Kendo, his sword is not only a weapon in his hands, but also a brother who can be entrusted with life and death.

And his destiny sword is now the first ordinary iron sword he has obtained since he set foot in Kendo. After being nourished by sword energy and soul power, as well as the murderous energy and blood absorbed when he killed his opponent, he has become a top holy man. The sword weapon in the world, he will never abandon the birth sword that depends on life and death for Xuanyuan sword.

However, after more than two years of contact with Ta Ling, Yu Haoran knew the importance of ancient instrumental spirits like Ta Ling and Xuan Yuan.

Whether it is for self-cultivation and improvement of strength, or for the expansion of state of mind and vision, there are unimaginable benefits.

Therefore, Yu Haoran hoped that Lu Yuan could accept the assistance of Xuan Yuanjian.

But the premise is that you need to distinguish between the major and the minor, just like he and the Taling.

Facing his own follow-up, the answer given by Lu Yuan was not needed, and the answer added by Yu Haoran was not interested, which immediately caused Xuanyuan to feel great damage to his pride.

At this moment, he really wanted to take the Xuanyuan Sword to leave directly, and then go to assist the Sword Sect of Tian Jianzong to let Lu Yuan and Yu Haoran know the consequences of rejecting himself.

But thinking of the nature and talent is not as good as Tian Jian Jian Ying's Di Jian Jian Jie, and Ren Jian Jian Hao, Xuan Yuan's urge to turn away is suppressed by force.

As the dark sword of the fourth sword, although Lu Yuan will not be blessed by Kendo luck for the time being, but his kendo talent, his character, his pride, and his fearlessness are truly worthy of Xuanyuan The kendo genius of this ancient artifact.

What's more, the brotherhood of Lu Yuan and Yu Haoran, and the ambition of Ta Ling, made him reluctant to leave.

Seeing Xuanyuan's eyes not only unsatisfactory anger but also unwilling expectations, Yu Haoran knew that the test was almost ready.

If it continues to be ignored, it is likely that Xuanyuan will be forced back into the hands of the earth sword and the human sword of Tian Jianzong, so he takes a deep breath and persuades Lu Yuan.

"Brother Lu, although you really do n’t need Xuanyuan Sword because of your upright personality and feelings for your destiny, but Xuanyuan ’s rich experience and unique insights on Kendo will definitely improve your Kendo practice Because it can even help to upgrade the level of your natal weapon. "

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