Feng Yu lay on the ground gasping for breath, although the body's self-healing ability has reached its peak, but because of the internal injuries caused by the stone monster's punch, it has not healed, and it uses the unfamiliar light breath two type.

The physical condition has gotten worse.

Not to mention that when killing the rock ghost, the two breathing methods are converted to each other, which is very heavy on the body.

"My body hurts... I'm so tired... I really want to close my eyes and sleep..."

Feng Yu's eyes widened, clenched his teeth, and forced himself not to shout.

But the pain in the cone was still coming, and Feng Yu didn't dare to think about leaving here first, because listening to what the vine ghost said, there was a Twelve Ghost Moon here that was stronger than them.

Feng Yu wasn't sure if it was the upper or lower string, but with his physical condition at the moment, it was estimated that he couldn't even deal with the lower string.

He wanted to go down the mountain to recuperate first and then come back to kill the evil spirit, but as soon as his body moved, the heart-rending pain hit him, making him unable to move.

"Now that ghost of the Twelve Ghost Moon hasn't come yet, I can't sit still... It's not like my style..."

Wind Feather was a little worried about the ghost coming, as he felt that sight in the forest scanning him at the moment.


Feng Yu slowly supported himself to sit up, but his internal organs were damaged again, and the accumulated blood spurted out of his throat at once.

"Haw, haw

, haw" Feng Yu took out a few healing pills, put them in his mouth, chewed them, and swallowed them in his stomach.

All of a sudden, the majestic power of the medicine washed away every wound in the body.


The huge sourness made him can't help but let out a soft snort.

Then there is the itch

! Itch to the extreme!

Feng Yu felt like there were countless ants swimming in his entire body, and he knew that this was the flesh and blood of his body that was being repaired.

It's like a normal wound when it scabs.

This is a good thing, but Feng Yu can't stand it anymore

!"Damn! it's so itchy!"

Feng Yu couldn't care about his image at this time, and hammered the ground frantically.

Trying to relieve the itch in the body with pain!

"Knock knock"

The ground smashed out a dirt pit under the strong force of the wind feather.

At this time

, Feng Yu noticed that a thick miasma came from the air.

A dark green gas hit, and everywhere it went, the trees rotted at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It's not good... These miasma are poisonous!"

Feng Yu endured the itch in his body, and quickly reacted and jumped onto the trunk of the tree, dodging the dark green gas.

"Oh, you can still react at such a speed, you should be a pillar in the ghost killing team!" The

dark green gas slowly dissipated, revealing a figure.

"It's troublesome..."

The person who came was a ghost, and it wasn't a ghost in general

! The twelve ghosts were under the moon

, and there were three cross scars on his face, and he was wearing golden earrings on his ears, and more importantly, there were big words engraved in his eyes


I've been watching you since you entered this forest, I originally thought you were just an ordinary ghost swordsman, and I never thought of killing my four subordinates and a group of ordinary ghosts in a row, how do you say I'm going to kill you..."

The third sick leaf smiled.

"And I found that the energy in your flesh and blood seems to be very abundant, higher than the average person, you should be the legendary

thin blood...""I didn't expect that the probability of not being able to pick out a single thin blood out of a hundred people actually appeared in front of me, and it was still in a state of serious injury..."


" "Your meat must be delicious..."Feng

Yu looked at the sick leaf not far away vigilantly, the Nihon Wheel Knife in his hand had been re-unsheathed, as long as the ghost in front of him moved, he would make a counterattack.

Now he just wants to delay a little more time, which is a little time.

In this way, his injury will be better.

It's a pull of time.

Seeing Feng Yu like this, the sick leaf was not in a hurry, as if he was playing with prey, with a sickly smile on his face.

"Drag it out... The longer it drags on... The deeper the poison invades..."

Sick Ye knew that Feng Yu was seriously injured, but he didn't know if Feng Yu still had the power to fight back, and when he watched him fight with the vine ghost in the dark, he knew that this ghost hunter liked to hide his strength.

Over the years, his cautious personality made Sick Ye can't help but think of his own use of blood ghost magic to slowly kill Feng Yu.

"No... There's something poisonous in the air..."

Feng Yu looked at his body and seemed to have a strange feeling.

Green spots appeared on the skin, the body's ability to heal itself was restricted, and even poison was still invading his body!

Feng Yu hurriedly tore his clothes and covered his nose.

"Oh... Have you finally found out?Ghost hunter"

Sick Ye couldn't help but laugh as he looked at Feng Yu.

Feng Yu bent his knees weakly, even if he covered his nose, it didn't have any effect, this poison was a gas, and it was perfectly integrated into the air.

Just like a virus, it infects cells and infects oxygen during respiration.

"Hahaha, I forgot to tell you, this entire forest is covered in my blood demon magic withered miasma, and from the moment you step into the forest, you are constantly inhaling the virus in the air!"

"Now you feel my beloved poison constantly destroying your body, hahaha""

Originally, I saw you enter the forest for a while, and I wondered what was going on, according to normal speaking, as long as you take a breath in this forest, green spots will gradually grow on your body, and eventually turn into a puddle of poisonous water, this poison, but even the adult praised it at the beginning..."

Sick Ye thought of a certain figure in his mind, and couldn't help but show a timid look.

"I see... It's no wonder that there is always

a smell in the forest here..."Feng Yu also understood why there was a smell when he stepped into this forest at this time, and the entire forest was shrouded in this ghost's blood ghost technique.

Not to mention that this is worthy of the Twelve Ghost Moons, the scope of the Blood Ghost Technique is so large, and it is deadly.

It's just that Feng Yu put away a panicked expression on his face at this time, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth when the sick leaf couldn't see it.

"Bang!" Feng

Yu fell to the ground weakly, and when he saw that his face was already covered with green spots at this time, he guessed that it had been poisoned into his heart.

This ghost hunter is already a Da Luo Immortal and it is difficult to save!

"Yo, can't you support it so soon?"

said Sick Ye with a smile.


the figure suddenly appeared in front of

Feng Feng and kicked him away!"What a speed!" Feng

Yu was amazed at how fast this ghost was, and in an instant, it came to him from such a distance.

You must know that Feng Yu is very confident in his speed.


, you were a ninja before you became a ghost, right?"

said with a pained expression on Feng Yu's face.

"I didn't expect you, a human, to see my movements and deduce my previous identity..."Sick

Ye said faintly.

Feng Yu understands that in the anime of the previous life, in the second quarter of the twelve ghost moons, except for tiredness and nightmares, the rest were laid off by a crumb boss who likes women's clothing as soon as they appeared.

There is no trace of the introduction of the diseased leaf, only know the action of escaping from the diseased leaf and the escape route at the first time, and know that the original body of the diseased leaf is not simple.

The ninja's way of hurrying, thoughtful, has his own ideas, and also germinates the idea of betraying the crumb boss.

Courage, prudence, and wisdom are also timid!

"You're good, but that's all!" he

said, and walked towards Wind Feather.

"Here's your chance!" Feng

Yu thought to himself, then turned his back and took out the remaining antidote pill...

"Thanks to Xiaobai, he didn't take the antidote pill..."

Sick Ye didn't know what Feng Yu was doing at this time, thinking that he was so weak that he couldn't move, but he never thought that Feng Yu, who was lying on the ground, suddenly got up and attacked him.

"In the whole concentration, the breath of light is a type moonlight slash!" Wind

Feather's speed was very fast, like a ray of light attacking towards the diseased leaves.

"How is that possible

!" "Blood Demon Technique: Blood Shuriken

!" "Wow!" Sick

Leaf's reaction speed was very fast, and a blood-red shuriken blocked Wind Feather's killing blow.

Although it was blocked, the body was indeed knocked away a few meters away by the powerful force.

The dust and smoke scattered, revealing an embarrassed figure

, "How is it possible, how can you not be poisoned!"

At this time, there were no green spots on Feng Yu's body, and the moment the detoxification pill was entered, all the poisons were unraveled.

And the body has also recovered.

"It's a pity..."

Feng Yu saw that his blow was blocked, and he knew that it would be difficult to have such a good chance to kill this ghost just now.

"I'm still too anxious, I should wait for him to get closer..."Feng

Yu regretted it now and it was useless, so he could only be tough.

The messy sick leaf saw that Feng Yu was not only not poisoned, but his body was almost recovered.

I don't know what I'm thinking.

His eyes were bulging and he stared at Feng Yu.

This man gave him a very strange feeling, obviously he was dying of poison one second, and the next second he almost killed himself like no one.

And how powerful the blow just now was, Sick Ye guessed that Feng Yu was acting just now, just to sneak attack himself.

"Despicable human!" said

Sickleaf through gritted teeth.

"Hehe, each other, you poison me, I pretend to be poisoned and hurt you, aren't we fifty steps and a hundred steps


"Joke, if I hadn't had the antidote pill, I would have died a long time ago..."

You will lose the boutique..."

Feng Yu thought to himself, and then bought five detoxification pills with his backhand at the Wanwu Mall for 100,000 knife swings.

"Very good, guaranteed!"


"Give me death!" shouted

Sick Leaf, the blood-red shuriken thrown out of his hand.


came a loud noise.

On the contrary, everything that was touched by the shuriken was cut into two pieces, and Feng Yu easily dodged and jumped to the other side to land.

Then before he could react, another blood-red shuriken struck, one after the other, for a total of five.

Each one was highly poisonous, and green smoke was constantly rising from the cuts of the severed trees.

"You're so poisonous!" said

Wind Feather to the sick leaf.


Sick Ye didn't speak, but commanded with his hand, and the shuriken that was originally thrown out flew back again.

Rows of trees fell to the ground, and Feng Yu also had a hard time dodging, and as soon as he landed, a shuriken attacked.

"No, you can't go on like this, the physical exertion is too great, and the injuries in the body are not healed..."

Feng Yu panted and kept dodging in the air, don't look at the relaxed look on his face, but only Feng Yu knew that every dodge involved wounds.

Wind Feather's speed became slower and slower, and he was almost cut in two several times, and the clothes on his body were shattered by the shuriken attack.

Sick leaves also seemed to notice the strangeness of Feng Yu, and a surprised expression appeared on his face.

"This human's speed has slowed down, I guessed right, his injuries are really not healed..."Time

passed little by little, and the originally dense forest became bare due to the battle between Wind Feather and Sick Leaf.

"It's now! Humans are going to die for me!" Seeing

a flaw in Wind Feather, a shuriken appeared in his hand, and as soon as he jumped out, he attacked Wind Feather.

Wind Feather instinctively subconsciously blocked.

Seeing Feng Yu's appearance, Sick Leaf said with a sly smile on his face: "You have been fooled, human!"

The sick leaf in front of him disappeared, only to see that a sword in his hand suddenly appeared behind him, and then turned into a sick leaf and attacked Feng Yu's back.


sharp pain struck, and Feng Yu was injured.

Although he dodged the fatal blow at the last moment, he was still injured.

Severe pain hit, and Feng Yu hurriedly took out the Detoxification Pill and Healing Pill and swallowed them in his stomach.

But before Feng Yu could recover

, the sick leaf began to attack again

, and it was the same move

, only this time it was a shuriken attack from all sides, and Feng Yu didn't know that it was his body, which was very deadly.

"No, I'll be killed by him if I continue like this

...", "Can you only use that trick...",

Feng Yu gently wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

It's a new round of attacks, but Feng Yu is staring at the figure of the sick leaf who is attacking!

The shuriken around him is at the same speed as the sick leaf, and when he is about to touch the wind feather, the sick leaf smiles, but he soon stops smiling...

"In the whole concentration, the Breath of Light II is radiant!" A

violent bright light appeared!

Wind Feather jumped lightly and dodged the shuriken attack.

And the sick leaf screamed

, and his body was cut into several pieces by his shuriken.

"Ahhh My eyes!"

Sick Leaf screamed with his eyes closed.

"What have you done to me!"

The intense glare caused the sick leaf to be blinded briefly.

"Whew... Whew..."

Feng Yu gasped heavily, but his face was full of surprise.

"It seems that this move can be used as a big killer in the future..."At this

time, the sick leaf had no will to fight, and his eyes couldn't see, so he only wanted to escape at the moment.

Unable to care about the body being put together, the skull grew hands and feet, and quickly hid in the grass.

"Don't want to run!" Seeing

this, Feng Yu hurriedly chased after him, this was a very good opportunity to kill him.

The speed of the wind feather is very fast, and the diseased leaves run very slowly because they are invisible.

All of a sudden, he was caught by Wind Feather.

"Please let me go... I'm sure I won't hurt anyone anymore, you believe me..."

The sick leaf with his eyes closed began to beg for mercy.

"Do you think it's possible... Obediently become the source of my strength

!" "Breath of Light, One-Shaped Moonlight Slash

!" "No!"

The screams resounded throughout the forest.

Feng Yu also fell to the ground and passed out...

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