After the ghost in the forest is killed by Wind Feather, Wind Feather also reaps the number of swings from the system *50w.

It's just that instead of feeling relaxed at this time, the whole forest seems to have become more depressing.


large number of birds and beasts ran away, forming a stark contrast in this silent and terrifying forest.

"Xiaobai, you're ready to fight!" Feng

Yu jumped onto a big tree, looking at the movement of birds and beasts running in all directions, and knew that there was going to be a big battle next.

Xiaobai's size also expanded rapidly at this moment, turning into a huge beast.

The wave of air gushing out of the "poof"

came out of Xiaobai's nose, and he looked around vigilantly.

The pure green Hinakura knife was held in his hand, and suddenly


trees in all directions began to shake, and then three figures appeared.

There are two male ghosts, a female ghost, but they are both extremely ugly, one male ghost has closed eyes, the other is covered in fiery red, and the female ghost is floating in the air.

As the figures of the three ghosts appeared, there were more than a dozen ghosts behind them.

Respectfully waiting for the three figures in front of them.


You're the ghost hunter who killed the waste of the vines...""

Look at the thin skin and tender meat... It must be delicious..."

The female ghost of the three ghosts led by him stared at Feng Yu with a thorn, and her greedy eyes seemed to have decided that Feng Yu was a Chinese meal.

"Oh, you're talking about the ghost who controls the vines, right... If so, then that's right, he died very simply, his neck was gently wiped out by the Nichiren knife in my hand, and then turned to ashes little by little, but I am sure that you will also go down to accompany him soon..."

Feng Yu said unhurriedly.

"Hahaha, he actually treats us like vine

waste...""Haze, do you think this is the funniest joke..."

"Hahaha, do you think you can deal with us by killing the vine and that waste? Both

male ghosts were laughing at Feng Yu's arrogance, and he didn't want to argue about anything, waiting for them to be killed, and then he knew that he would not laugh at it.

"Hey, that kid over there, are you the pillar of the Ghost Slayer Squad?"

the female ghost began.

"I'm sorry, I'm not a pillar, I'm just a newcomer who just passed the trial.

Feng Yu said lightly.

The female ghost breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it wasn't a pillar, if it was a pillar, it was estimated that only their adults could fight against it.

"Little ones, go up and get him for me, I'm going to taste his flesh and blood!" said

the fiery red male ghost to the ghosts behind him.

As soon as the words fell, those ordinary ghosts began to scramble towards Feng Yu one by one.

Looking at the already unpleasant air of the evil ghosts coming from the sky

, there were all kinds of fishy smells all of a stench.

Feng Yu adjusted his breathing and said slowly:

"All concentrated, the three types of water breathing, flowing and dancing!" Feng

Yu jumped into the ghost group, and the extreme speed brought by the three types made him feel like he was in a no-man's land in the ghost group.

Everywhere they went, the heads and bodies of demons were broken in two and then turned to ashes.

Those ordinary ghosts originally thought that the numerical superiority could crush Wind Feather, but they never thought of underestimating Wind Feather's strength.

Watching Feng Yu cut one by one like a melon in the group of ghosts, his subordinates were constantly being killed.

Xiaobai also joined the battle, and every time he swung his claws, he would scratch a ghost into two pieces, and then Feng Yu mended the knife, and one person and one fox cooperated with each other.

The three demons were furious.

"Damn humans, let's go!" the

three demons leaped out and attacked towards Wind Feather.

But how fast Wind Feather was, and the dozen or so ordinary ghosts had all been killed by this time.

Looking at the hundreds of thousands of more swings in the system, Feng Yu only felt beautiful, and he sighed that these ghosts were simply good ghosts!

Those three ghosts attacked him, and Feng Yu also reacted immediately.

Using the Breath of Water, the Flowing Dance and the Wind Swift of the Three Shapes were easily dodged.


The attack power of the three ghosts was so powerful that the ground was forced to be punched out of a ten-meter-deep crater.

Between the flying sand and rocks, the wind feather had already floated to a big tree.

"Human, I didn't expect you to dodge our attack, Jie

Ji" "There are two hits, hahaha, but in order to complete the task of the adult, let's kill you first

!" "Haze, Sanmu, come up with real skills together!" As

soon as the words fell, I saw that the female ghost's face showed a crazy expression and stared at Feng Yu and said, "Blood Ghost Technique: Fog Barrier!"

The black mist instantly dispersed throughout the forest, and the forest that had no light to enter was even nowhere to be seen at this moment.

For a moment, Feng Yu lost his sight, but Xiao Bai did not have an impact, and a pair of blue pupils stared closely at the bodies of the three ghosts.

At the same time, he also came to Feng Yu's side.

"Guy, little ghost, my sister's blood ghost skills are amazing... And that's not all..."

The voice of the female ghost came from the darkness, Feng Yu frowned, and said secretly: "It's a little troublesome... This female ghost's ability can unleash mist... And there seems to be poison in this mist..."

"However, she didn't know that I had eaten the antidote pill and was immune to these poisons... It's just that we have to solve her as soon as possible, otherwise it will be a little troublesome when the time of the detoxification pill is over... Although there is still one, but if you can use it, you don't need it..."The

female ghost saw that Feng Yu had lost her eyesight in her blood ghost technique, so she said to the two ghosts next to her, "It's okay!" The two

male ghosts nodded to each other, and then a pair of eyes suddenly appeared on the forehead of the male ghost with his eyes closed, and then he reached out and gouged out those eyes and pressed them into the fiery red male ghost.

"Come on, we'll help you!" said

the closed-eyed man.

The fiery red male ghost laughed and jumped into the black mist.

"The ability of the three eyes is easy to use, and with the haze, it is simply terrifying, but of course the most powerful is Uncle Ben!" At

this moment, his vision in the black fog is not affected at all, obviously this is the ability of the three-eyed male ghost.

"Blood Demon: Rock Giant!"

"Boom Boom"

Wind Feather heard the sound of the boulder rolling, and then the hairs on his body instinctively stood on end.


!" "Bang!" The

tree where Wind Feather was was broken by a huge fist, but Wind Feather had already jumped to another place by this time.

As soon as he landed

, he heard

the words "Blood Demon Technique: Blessing of the Earth God!" The

ground where Wind Feather was located began to squirm, so he jumped to the side of the tree again.

At this time, he understood that this ghost's ability could control the earth!

"It's really troublesome to not have a line of sight...""

Here it is again!" Wind

Feather felt a great danger coming, and dodged and jumped to the other side.

The loud noise was a sign of how powerful the attack was.

"If this attack falls on you, it is estimated that you will be smashed into a meatloaf

...""So you have to kill

that female ghost first...""Xiaobai, can you see where that female ghost is?"

Feng Yu said to Xiaobai who was standing on his shoulder.


Xiaobai shouted.

"Very good, Xiaobai, then trouble you to be my eyes!"


"No, that human is too flexible, the Rock Devil's Devil Technique can't catch him, Three-Eyes, you use another Blooddevil Technique to interfere with him

!" "Hmm!" The

two ghosts standing on the treetops looked at Feng Yu, who had no line of sight, but could easily dodge the attack of the Rock Ghost, and immediately discussed making a secret move.

"Blood Demon Technique: Death's Eyes!" Feng Feng

, who was dodging the stone monster's attack, suddenly felt a powerful spiritual attack rush into his brain.

Seeing the countless eyes that appeared in front of him, Feng Yu knew that he had been tricked, but soon, the illusion was broken, and the three-eyed blood ghost technique was blocked by Feng Yu's spiritual power.

But Feng Yu himself was also hit hard by the stone monster because of the gap between the spiritual attacks.

"I didn't expect this human to have such a strong spiritual power, and he cracked my blood ghost technique in an instant

...", "But the rock attacked him...",

the Three-Eyed Ghost said.

Wind Feather was knocked out by a powerful attack and crashed into a large tree.

It hurts!

It hurts all over my body!

Feng Yu felt like his internal organs were shattered.

But with his strong self-healing ability, those broken bones and organs are repairing quickly.


Feng Yu spat out a mouthful of dark red blood, and he suddenly felt much more relaxed.

Then he took out another healing pill.

The effect of the medicine was instantly dispersed, and the wounds on the body healed faster.

Feng Yu stood up tremblingly, and Xiao Bai licked the wound on his face, as if he was very distressed.

"Xiaobai, I'm fine, I didn't expect that there was a blood ghost technique of spiritual attack in these three ghosts, I was a little careless, but I won't do it again..."

In the whole concentration, the Breath of Light II shines brightly!"

Silver-white light emanated from Wind Feather's hand!

"This... What is this?"

all three ghosts were stunned.

The first to bear the brunt was the three-eyed ghost, who screamed miserably, and his closed eyes were bleeding and tearful.

The rock ghost covered his eyes, and the haze ghost grew his mouth with a shocked face.

When the black fog cleared, Wind Feather saw the Three-Eyed Ghost and the Haze Ghost in the trees in the distance.

In an instant

, "All Concentration, Water Breath Three Flowing Dances",

Feng Yu's speed was very fast

, and he came to the front of the two ghosts in the blink of an eye.

"All in the concentration, the breath of water is a type of water surface slash!" blue

water streaks emerged, and the instinctive reactions of the two ghosts made them make a defensive posture, but it was useless.


two ghosts couldn't believe that their heads had been cut off, and finally turned to ashes and dissipated into the air.


Feng Yu covered his chest, it was obvious what kind of damage the Light Breath II had caused to his body.


The strong self-healing ability quickly recovered.


"You forced me, I don't want to use this here because I don't want to destroy the habitat!"

"Blood Demon Magic: Volcanic Flame!" "

The red color of the rock ghost turned into lava, the surrounding flowers and trees withered, and the temperature in the air became higher and higher.


"Boom!" "Boom

"No, this ghost must be killed as soon as possible, otherwise let him complete this blood ghost magic volcano will erupt!" "

Before he had time to think about it, Wind Feather jumped out, this is the time to race against time, Wind Feather thought of the One Type Light Slash of Light Breath.

Extreme speed, extreme damage!

Wind Feather slashed towards the Rock Ghost as fast as a ray of light.

"Don't you think!"

the rock ghost shouted

that the huge stone monster suddenly blocked in front of the rock ghost, and when he saw that he was about to hit it, the wind and rain in the air immediately reacted, transforming the water breath and slashing at the stone monster from the sky.


The sheer force caused the stone monster to be cut in half.

The rock ghost was stunned

, "This... How could it be!How could you be so strong!"

His strongest defensive and offensive blood demon technique was now cut in half by a person who was not a pillar in front of him.

This man is terrifyingly strong....

Ever since he became a ghost, no one has been able to break his blood ghost technique, not even the boss who is the Twelve Ghost Moons...

The rock ghost knows that it's not that it can't be broken, but that this man is too strong...

"You... You must be a column, aren't you... Isn't it!"

the rock ghost asked frantically.

Having lost the will to fight, he no longer wanted to resist, only a feeble wail.

Because he can't escape, this man is very fast and amazingly powerful...

"I'm sorry I really wasn't!" Wind

Feather chopped off his head while the rock ghost was stunned.

"I don't believe ... I don't believe it..."

, full of unwillingness, dissipated in the air.

The three ghosts were cut under the knife by Feng Yu in this way, but in a cave somewhere, a pair of blue eyes opened, and if you look closely, you will find that there are still words engraved in the eyes!

Feng Yu saw the system prompt and collected the number of swings of the knife *50w, and suddenly collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath.

The pain

spread from the chest, and the organs burned like fire.

"It's still too difficult to change the two breaths..."

, but at this time, a volcano on the mountain finally erupted!

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