Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 294 A color brighter than gold

"So the 'good luck' I've always thought of is actually a good harvest? Or a harvest?"

The girl's voice seemed to still echo in his ears. The demon hunter who had just woken up from the "communication with the gods" clasped his hands awkwardly.

To misunderstand the priesthood of a god is no less than asking someone to help call the wrong name.

No wonder even Meliteli in the form of an old woman laughed.

Fortunately, He is a kind god with a very good temper in the three forms of a girl, a pregnant woman, and an old woman.

Otherwise, it would not be too much to kill Ailin with a thunderbolt for such an action.

"Yes, Goddess Meliteli is indeed a rare and kind god." The demon hunter thought.


How could He say and show at the level of the church temple that 'humans don't need gods'...

Such an idea can be completely called 'blasphemy' in various novels in the previous life, or even in reality.

Therefore, even though Arryn, who was born to be systematically influenced and had strong doubts about the gods, did not doubt Meliteli's statement of letting humans develop.

"The gods blasphemed the gods themselves, is this also considered a betrayal of their own class?"

Arryn chuckled.

But then he thought of the words that Meliteli had said to him, the cruel facts that had happened, were happening, and were about to happen.

The demon hunter's smile gradually faded.

"It really can't stop for a moment..." He sighed.

The threat of the destruction of the school in the defense of Kaer Morhen had just been resolved by King Haxor of Kaedwen.

There were still many wizards and nobles who still had ill intentions towards the Wolf School.

As a result, the "celestial sphere intersection" when Haxor was resolved attracted the Wild Hunt, which had conquered all realms.

The strength of those Ain Els was simply not something that Arryn and the Wolf School could deal with.

Once they found the Ancient Sea Fortress, the destruction of the school would only take a moment.

There was no need for those sinister wizards and nobles to instigate the mob to launch the Kaer Morhen Defense War.

And now.

The process of dealing with the Wild Hunt has just made good progress, winning over Elland... No... With the royal status of Duke Mason, it can even be said that half of Temeria has been won over...

As a result, the ultimate disaster in the demon hunter world, the White Frost, which even the gods are powerless to deal with, suddenly appeared again.

The choice questions given by Meliteli, the weight of both ends of the scale...

Just thinking about it lightly makes people breathless.

"Can't we do it one by one?" He gritted his teeth, "Aren't stories about dealing with minions and small bosses first, and then the big boss?"

"Can't I deal with the threat of Kaedwen's school first, and then challenge a few wild hunters, and finally wait until my strength is almost improved, and then go to a big boss like White Frost..."

"How can you put all the pressure and all the enemies on me right away?"



After complaining bitterly, the demon hunter took a deep breath and tried to get rid of the haze that was suppressed in his heart.

When no one is around, finding a tree hole to complain a few words does have some effect on relieving pressure.

"Reality is not a made-up story."

"I can only choose to use all my advantages to guide the enemies to line up..."

"First come, first served, obey the order."

"Of course, the most important thing is your own strength. You must do everything you can to improve your strength as soon as possible."

Thinking of this, the demon hunter moved his mind and opened the Demon Hunter's Notes.

The nine one-eyed ghost spirits' treasure chests lay quietly in the inventory, waiting to be visited.

Thinking of the golden light that merged into his body when he left the kingdom of God, Ailin took a deep breath.

"Praise the Mother of All Things, the God of Fertility, Harvest and Childbirth, the Guardian of Eternal Girls, Mothers and Old Women..."

[Ding! One-eyed ghost spirits' treasure chests*9 opened]

The dazzling golden light burst out from the treasure chest the first moment after the demon hunter system prompt sounded.


There was a continuous golden light.

Ailin felt that his eyes were dazzled.

Gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, purple, gold.

Eight gold and one purple!!!

The huge harvest immediately swept away the gloom in his heart.

After the nine treasure chests were opened and emitted golden and purple light, the demon hunter held his breath involuntarily.

Eight gold quality and one purple quality treasure chests should have nine cutscenes.

"I wonder if I can see who the real enemy of the Cyclops Giant is?"

But when he looked at the nine treasure chests in front of him expectantly, something unexpected happened.

[Ding! The treasure chest quality meets the requirements of gold/gold, the quantity meets the requirements of 8/7, and the type meets the requirements of system skills/system skills. Do you want to merge the treasure chests? ]


The demon hunter was stunned.

He rubbed his eyes and carefully read the red font that suddenly appeared in front of him from front to back several times.

"Merge treasure chest?"

"The Demon Hunter's Notes also has this function?"

Alin said in surprise.

He always thought that the gold-quality treasure chest was the highest level, and he never thought that there was a saying of fusion treasure chest.

But to be honest...

The demon hunter read the system prompt again.

It is already very difficult to open a gold-quality treasure chest.

Even if he would look for the goddess of fertility and harvest, Meliteli, to praise and pray every time he opened the box, he would not be able to open a gold treasure chest four or five times out of ten.

Not to mention opening seven gold-quality treasures at once.

If it weren't for the goddess Meliteli who gave him a blessing of fertility after leaving the kingdom of God, it might have taken a long time to gather hundreds of treasure chests at once, and then open hundreds of treasure chests at once.

Ailin had the opportunity to see this function.

Even with his previous habit of opening treasure chests in small batches and padding the probability test, if it weren't for Meliteli's help, it's hard to say whether he would have the opportunity to see the appearance of this function in this life...

"And a systematic skill..."

The demon hunter thought of the skill "War Cry: Rage" that was opened last time.

"Perhaps only a monster like the One-Eyed Ghost Spirit that once had a similar reputation can meet the conditions."

Thinking of this.

The demon hunter couldn't help but sincerely thanked in his heart again:

"Praise the mother of all things, the god of fertility, harvest and childbirth, the eternal girl, mother, and old woman's guardian..."

As for whether to merge?

What a joke!

The requirements are so harsh, and the probability is so low that it's as if they are deliberately not being discovered. How confused must one be to choose?

The demon hunter couldn't wait to think.

The next second.

The treasure chest in front of him burst out with golden light, and the light trembled almost at the same time.

Then, under the huge force, like mutually repelling magnets, it resisted and trembled and slowly moved towards the center.

Not only was the purple treasure chest directly squeezed to the edge of the picture, but the extra eighth golden treasure chest, although lagging behind the other seven golden treasure chests, was also moving towards the center.

The demon hunter felt that he could intervene in this process and stop this fusion at any time.

He could even exclude the eighth treasure chest.

But Ailin thought about it and did nothing.

The eight golden lights got closer and closer, until finally, they almost overlapped.

The center of the bright light seemed to be unable to withstand some powerful force and suddenly collapsed into a black hole.

At this moment, the eight golden treasure chests suddenly stopped for a moment.

Instantly sucked into the black hole.

Ailin's perspective suddenly fell into darkness.


After two or three seconds, the black hole did not move, as if it had completely exiled all his treasure chests to another world.

The demon hunter gradually became worried.

He even began to recall whether there was a "probability of damage" in the system prompt just now...

But after thinking about it, even if there was no "probability of damage" in the prompt, it did not mean that there was no fact.

After all, the Demon Hunter's Notes would not prompt everything, such as forcibly breaking into the Kingdom of God just now because of a disagreement. Is this only dangerous?

"Don't mess with me!" Ailin clenched his fists and dared not blink.

Eight more gold treasure chests and losing eight gold treasure chests, this back and forth, the demon hunter's strength loss is more than a little bit.


Just when Ailin was worried like this...

The black hole changed!

Silently, a faint red light shot out from the black hole.

Then within a second.

From light red to bloody and dazzling.

Looking at this strange red light, the demon hunter seemed to smell a faint smell of rust.

This strange phenomenon...

The sense of anticipation was raised!


In the silence, it seemed as if a steel chain was pulled by a giant, making a violent friction sound.


The red light became more and more dazzling, dyeing the entire black hole into a vortex of blood.

The smell of blood became stronger and stronger.

The sacred icon room seemed to have become the scene of a massacre.

The next moment.


With a huge roar, a deep red and dazzling light suddenly jumped out at a speed faster than thunder.

Before the demon hunter could see clearly, what was in the light.


Strong pressure mixed with violent roars came from the black hole dyed into an ominous blood red.

It was like a giant roaring and howling.

"What is that--"

The demon hunter was so shocked by the pressure that his brain went blank.

His whole body was stiff as if he was a stressed bird.

For a long time.

When the black hole hurriedly closed with a roar and the red light gradually dimmed, Ailin came back to his senses.

"What the hell is that?"

The weak pressure, the soul-stirring roar, and the strong fishy smell as if immersed in a sea of ​​blood...

That was definitely not a special effect, and it was definitely not the animation effect of the treasure chest changing from gold to red.

The demon hunter swallowed his saliva with lingering fear.

But then he thought that the Demon Hunting Notes might have snatched food from the unimaginable monster, and he couldn't help but feel extremely curious about the things in the red light.

But at this time, it was completely dark in front of him.

"The Way of Beast Roar is a gift from the great Shagdarzab," an old voice came from the darkness, "He teaches us how to use the power of giant beasts as 'humans'..."


The demon hunter blinked.

When I opened my eyes again.

There was already a circle of "people" around me, or the cubs of the one-eyed snake giant.

After a moment of hesitation.

Ailin realized that he should be in that red-quality cutscene, and immediately perked up and looked around.

The huge pale animal bones supported an even larger gray-brown skin.

A vague but full-featured ancient pressure came from it.

Add to that the faint dust mixed with the stench of freshly peeled fur.

It makes people feel very depressed and creepy.

The body of the one-eyed snake giant is already tall enough, but this residence similar to a nomadic tent can accommodate thousands of huge one-eyed snake giants.

And hundreds of cubs like Aylin at the moment, who are only a quarter of the size of an adult one-eyed snake giant.

"Praise Shagdarzab, the god of roar, hunting and taming..."

More than a thousand one-eyed snake giants around suddenly shouted devoutly, and the demon hunter followed after a moment of hesitation.

Smell, sound, picture, pressure, and even the flowing air that slightly blows the fluff on his body.

The scene in front of him is too real.

Aylin, whose brain was blanked by the roar in the black hole, did not dare to regard everything in his vision as a cutscene.

"Praise Shagdarzab, roar, hunting..." He shouted loudly like the one-eyed snake giant cubs around him.


The demon hunter looked up suddenly.

I actually understood what the one-eyed snake giant said!

"Very good!" The old voice was gentle, "Respect Shagdarzab, he brought us the way of beast roar, and brought us the wild power to coexist with the world..."

Ailin looked over.

A huge but very old one-eyed snake giant was standing in front of the huge animal bones.

It was thin, and the huge scales like snake scales were no longer shiny.

Instead, they were gray, with gaps in many places, and even missing whole pieces, revealing the hideous flesh under the scales.


The huge one eye on the old face, although a little turbid, hid the light of wisdom.

And the eyes looking at them, the one-eyed snake giant cubs, were all kind and gentle.

"Is it a wise man of the one-eyed snake giant tribe? Priest?" The demon hunter pondered in his heart.

"Garmendia," the old one-eyed snake giant called a middle-aged one-eyed snake giant, "Take the hope of the tribe out to practice..."

"Yes, chief!" Garmendia patted his chest respectfully, and shouted in the direction of Ailin and the others, "Little cubs, let's go out to practice!"

"Boom boom boom~"

The ground was shaking violently.

Three or four adult one-eyed snake giants walked out of the tent with a cub.

"Wow!" Seeing this scene, Ailin couldn't help but exclaim in his heart, "Three teachers and one student? Is the teaching staff of the one-eyed snake giant tribe so strong?"

After sighing, he stood there waiting.

However, after a long time, the one-eyed snake giant cubs around were all led out of the animal bone and skin tent, and no "person" took him away.

"Are these all illusions? Cutscenes? Am I overthinking?"

The shaking of the earth gradually weakened.

Ailin looked around, hesitated for a while, and followed.

This was exchanged for eight gold treasure chests. Even if it was just a cutscene, not a single second could be wasted.

At least take a look at what the outside of the Sky-supporting Tent looks like...

Why does the Cyclops cub need three or four teachers to accompany him to learn the art of beast roar...

"Dong Dong Dong~"

The skylight outside the tent was getting closer and closer.

Just when he could vaguely see the green shadow outside, an old voice suddenly sounded behind him:

"Italiano, where are you going?"

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