Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 293 The Savior, the Chosen Son

Meliteli in the old woman state was dignified and solemn, completely different from the carefree girl and the loving motherly pregnant woman.

It was a bit like the strict and solemn appearance of Nenneke in the original book when she was old.

It was exactly the same as the appearance of the god in Arlin's impression.

So he couldn't help but straighten his body and look at the direction of the old woman's finger.

At first glance, he didn't find anything.

But when Arlin looked closely.

The intersection of the golden wheat waves and the bright starry sky actually emitted a faint blue cold light.

More importantly.

When he realized the difference between it and the wheat wave star space...

What... is that?

I... How...

The witcher's mind seemed to be frozen, and his consciousness quickly stagnated.

"Wake up!" The old woman shouted hoarsely in his ear.

A warm current flowed through his body.


The witcher shivered suddenly and panted violently.

With a tiny mist of cold air, it surged towards the golden wheat field like a long dragon of mist.

It took a long time before it gradually disappeared.

With the help of Meliteli, Ailin expelled the coldness.

But after a long time, his almost frozen thoughts gradually warmed up.

After coming back to his senses.

He was so scared that he turned his head immediately and dared not look over again.

The coldness that can freeze the mind is simply terrifying.

When he thought about it for a while, he felt his scalp tingling and his hair stood on end.

"What... what is that?" Ailin answered with a trembling voice.

But the next second, he guessed a name after his mind thawed.

"You must know that the time of swords and axes is near, and it is the era of the cold wolf wind and snow."

"The world will die in the frost and be reborn under the new sun."


The old woman chanted the prophecy that everyone in the northern continent is familiar with in her hoarse voice.

"Frost, white light, white frost..." The old woman stared at the light that was gradually freezing the kingdom of God, and said lightly, "It has many names, but no one knows what it is?"

"Even the gods can't know?"

"Especially the gods, they can't know." The old woman tilted her head, looked at him with her cold golden eyes, and replied.

The demon hunter was stunned when he heard it.

Especially the gods...

These words seemed to be meaningful!

Before he asked, the old woman explained to herself:

"The gods are prisoners of the world. We share the authority given by the world, but we can't get away from it. We become the world's regulation rules and a barrier to resist external influences."

"So we can't know what's outside the world."

"And when we realize that we are affected, we have already been alienated from the cornerstone of our survival, and we have been blinded and blocked..."

"But in the prophecy, shouldn't the frost have not yet arrived?" The demon hunter asked doubtfully.

In the original book and the game of the original timeline, hundreds of years later, until the profession of demon hunter disappeared, the frost did not come.


The frost in the original book is more like a natural cycle of the ice age, rather than some kind of extraordinary power.

And it is obviously somewhat contradictory to the previous description of the wild hunter being driven by the frost.

The wild hunter can cross all realms.

A demon hunter world may enter the ice age, but it is impossible for every world to enter the ice age one after another, right?

At least with the current demon hunter thinking, it is difficult to understand that an ordinary natural cycle without supernatural interference can do this.

So in reality, demon hunters have never used this somewhat specious and self-contradictory concept in the original book to approach the frost in the prophecy.

But no matter what.

Although there have been some differences in some developments in reality and the original game, the main timeline has not changed much.


Why was Melitari affected by the frost hundreds or thousands of years in advance?

"Hasn't it come yet?" The old woman chuckled. "The frost has come a long time ago. Perhaps it has already begun to affect the world before the gods were deceived..."

"Hmm?" The demon hunter was surprised.

"Do you think the decreasing number of monsters is really because you demon hunters have killed too many?" the old woman asked.

"Isn't it?" Ailin was stunned when he heard it.

The old woman shook her head:

"No, at least not the most critical factor."

"The magic tide is declining. Affected by the white frost, it is gradually reducing its activity just like my kingdom of God."

"Monsters who rely on magic to reproduce and survive naturally find it difficult to reproduce offspring."

"Compared with the number of monsters reduced as a result, the monsters hunted by demon hunters are only a small part."

The demon hunter was silent.

It's not that he doesn't believe the old woman's words.

It's just...

Why does He expose these things and the weakness of the gods to an ordinary mortal?

"What can I do?" he asked.

The old woman smiled, looked at Aylin with appreciation, and said:

"Just do what you should do."

Do what I should do?

Aylin was stunned.

What should I do?

Witcher...hunting monsters?


Aylin tilted his head to look at the old woman and swallowed.

The old woman smiled kindly and pointed to another direction in the sky.

Although the witcher was a little confused, he still glanced at it carefully.


Wherever the old woman's wrinkled fingers pointed, her hazy eyes could feel a circle of ripples that was almost indistinguishable to the naked eye in the bitingly cold blue light.

In the center of the ripples, the blue light is so pale that it is almost the pure black of the bright starry sky.

The blue gets darker going out from the center, but even the edges are lighter than elsewhere.

"This appeared on the first day of the vernal equinox month," the old woman said. "A green light penetrated my divine kingdom. It was also on this day that the connection between the divine kingdom and the real world deepened."

"Otherwise, on the eve of May Day, it may be difficult for me to even do things like dreaming."

spring equinox……

The witcher thought for a moment.

Isn't that the day of the apprentice fighting competition between the Wolf School and the Cat School?


"That's right, it's the intersection of the celestial spheres," the old woman explained. "The intersection of the celestial spheres connects the two worlds, breaking the blockade of hoarfrost."

"Moreover, for nearly a month after that, the power of the white frost covering the Kingdom of God was fading."

"The Kingdom of God is the barrier of the world, that is, it is part of the world, so our world has obviously benefited a lot from it, delaying the arrival of the hoarfrost harvest time..."

"So Son of Miracle, start the next celestial sphere convergence as soon as possible. This is something that only you with the ability of the Gate of Ad Geis can do."

The witcher was not surprised that the old woman knew the identity of his miracle child.

After all, this is something that Ianna, the high priest of the temple, knows.

But the ability of the Gate of Ad Geis...

Meliteri seems not to know the existence of the Demon Hunter's Notes, which is worth pondering.

As for the intersection of heaven and earth as soon as possible...

Since Meritelli only mentioned the fluctuations during the vernal equinox, the ordinary celestial sphere convergence must not be able to meet the requirements.

At least it has to be the "exotic fusion" that completes the second stage of the hunting mission, but then...

The witcher rarely hesitated:

"The Wild Hunt may be chasing the fluctuations of the Gate of Ad Ghaith, and the frequent use of Celestial Sphere Convergence will definitely attract them here."

"It's too dangerous for me to face them now."

"It doesn't matter..." Upon hearing this, the old woman just tapped the demon hunter's eyebrow with her index finger.

A large piece of information was transmitted.

[Name: Meritelli’s Hidden Ritual]

[Type: Magic Ritual]

[Requirement: Ritual Studies LV1]

[Materials: Chalk*2, Sulfur*2, Magic Dust*1, Mercury Solution*]

[Function: Create a ritual circle that can cover up space fluctuations. 】

[Note: In essence, this is not actually a hidden ritual, but more similar to remotely transmitting a message similar to "Mom, I'm hungry". All subsequent concealment processes will be remotely operated by the object of the information transmission using divine power. 】

"If you don't want to attract the Wild Hunt, you just need to set up this magic circle in advance."

"It's just a weak intersection of the celestial sphere..."

"Just like the species you summoned on May Day, the spatial fluctuations are very weak."

"If the Wild Hunt is not nearby, it will be difficult to detect it, or you can just choose a non-open-air place like a cave or crypt."


The old woman paused, sighed and said:

"It's not really the Wild Hunt that's giving you pause, is it?"

This is a yes, not a question.

The witcher was silent.

to be honest.

Having experienced so much since time travel, he considers himself not a hypocritical person.

He didn't hesitate when it came to killing fellow witchers, scum of the Cat School.

If any unscrupulous people dared to steal his bounty, he would also dare to take action.

Even if the leader of a country dares to harm something he values, Aylin will let him die miserably.

But the tragic situation after Ban Ade's foreign fusion is still vivid in his mind.

Rivers of blood flowed and corpses littered the fields.

He didn't have a good impression of this city, but there were always innocent people in that city. Could it be that all the people who died at that time were evil people?

What's more.

The "exotic fusion" after the completion of the second-stage hunting mission is so big, but what about the third and fourth stages?

Will an accident affect a city with simple folk customs like Elland?

After all.

He is just an ordinary person born in an orphanage. He does not have the iron heart to sacrifice ordinary people for his own interests.

Therefore, in his previous life, many years after graduation, his performance was so good every year, but he was just a powerless middle manager.

So the old woman was right.

He did hesitate.

And ever since I left Ban Ade, I have been hesitating.

There was actually a commission from the water ghost along the way, and it went smoothly, but he was a little reluctant and didn't do it.

But now.

The true or false question has been updated.

The weight of innocent people dropped due to the great mission of saving the world, and something called the bigger picture was placed on the other side of the scale.

How should he choose?

"Can this save the world from hoarfrost?" the demon hunter asked with some struggle.

The old woman looked at him pitifully and shook her head:

"I have no idea."

"But at least the more time we gain, the greater the probability that the world will be saved."

I don’t know… maybe…

Won't you try to convince me?

The witcher looked over in surprise when he heard this.

Didn't he just ask him to activate the celestial sphere convergence as soon as possible?

Why is it changed now?

The old woman looked calm:

"I said, the more gods there are, the more difficult it is to understand the whole picture of the white frost."

"So I am not sure which choice is better."

"Just from the phenomenon, as the owner of the Gate of Ardges, as many and as large-scale celestial sphere intersections as possible should be beneficial to the world."


The old woman paused for a second, as if recalling.

"Although I have been blinded by the white frost for a long time, and many things have happened in reality, there is one thing I think is right."

The molten gold eyes stared at the demon hunter solemnly:

"Humans never need a god!"

"Son of miracle, since you are born from humans and a miracle chosen by the world."

"Then I prefer to believe in your choice."

Son of miracle... Son of miracle again...

It sounds cool to choose the future for humans, but Ailin only feels the heavy weight that makes people breathless.

"How was the child of miracle chosen by the world?" The demon hunter couldn't help asking.

Could it be because he is a time traveler?

Can strangers also make choices for the humans in the demon hunter world?

In addition, he has no information about White Frost, how can he make a choice?

After a moment of silence, the old woman shook her head and said:

"This is not something you can know now. It's not that I don't want to answer, but I can't answer."

Is it so mysterious?

Ailin wanted to continue asking, but his body became light.

He looked down.

His body became somewhat transparent, and a colorful sphere like the dream scene could be seen inside.

"Time is up." The old woman said, "Do you have anything else to ask?"

The inexplicable buoyancy became stronger and stronger, and the demon hunter's feet left the ground and floated in the air.

The old woman was right.

The time of communication with the gods was about to end, and he was about to leave Meliteli's kingdom of God.

But is there anything else to ask?

He still had a lot of questions to ask...

But most of them were related to White Frost, and it seemed that no one could get an answer even if he asked.

The demon hunter pondered, and countless ideas came and went in his mind.

That's right!

"If we do nothing, how much time do we have?" He asked anxiously, "When will the White Frost come to the world?"

The old woman shook her head: "Originally it was about a thousand years, but since the Wild Hunt appeared in the nearby spiral last month, the time has been shortened. Now it is about eight hundred years..."

Seeing that the demon hunter was about to turn into a ball of light and fly away, He waved his black robe to stabilize Aylin's figure, and then said: "So the legend of Ain Sheed before humans set foot on this continent is correct. The White Frost is indeed chasing the Wild Hunt."

And it appeared last month...

Those Wild Hunts are indeed heading for the Gate of Ard Ges.

These damn long ears!


Maybe he can't find a place to get information about the White Frost...

But this is not the time to think. Feeling that his body is getting lighter and lighter, even Meliteli's power is a little bit overwhelmed.

Suddenly remembering that there were still nine treasure chests in the inventory that had not been opened, Ailin hurriedly asked: "Can the goddess bless me and make me more fortunate?"

The old woman smiled cheerfully: "I don't have the authority related to good luck and destiny..."


But there was no time to ask again.

Melitaili's power suddenly disappeared.

Unprepared, the demon hunter suddenly flew into the boundless starry sky.

Melitaili did not have the authority of destiny, how did he hit five out of five?

The next second.

Just when the barrier of the kingdom of God was in front of him, a golden light suddenly caught up and disappeared into the demon hunter's spherical body.

A playful voice came from his ear.

"Don't make any more mistakes, demon hunter..."

"I am the god of fertility, harvest and childbirth, the guardian of the eternal maiden, mother, and old woman..."


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