Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 274: One wave has not yet subsided, another wave has come

The strong sense of crisis was like a basin of ice water suddenly poured on Arlin's head, causing him to shudder and escape from the hot carnival atmosphere.

"What's wrong?"

The soft and tender girl in his arms was like a kitten.

She wore a carefully woven charming crown, her eyes full of blurred love, raised her head and rubbed Arlin's neck, and her soft and sweet whispers made the witcher's ears itch.

"Mayday King!"

"Mayday Queen!"

The crowd around was still dancing and reveling.

From time to time, a boy, holding another girl, ran to the darkness outside the bonfire. The girl laughed nervously and shouted, struggling in his arms.

At the bonfire closest to them, soldiers in armor threw bundles of dry pine branches into the fire.

Make the fiery red light more blazing and bright, illuminating the surroundings.

Not far ahead is the gate of Elland.

Everything seems normal.

Although the May Day parade is about to end, the atmosphere of the carnival is still so strong...


Perhaps it is precisely because it is approaching the end that the atmosphere is more infectious than before.

In all directions, no ghoul or demon suddenly jumped out from any direction.

The exorcism ceremony was running as usual.

The demon hunter grasped the angular wolf emblem blankly.

Even it did not buzz.

"Is it an illusion?" The demon hunter thought.

"What's wrong?" The lazy and tickling voice sounded again from his arms.

The girl pressed his chest with one hand, and the fire in her eyes flickered like stars.

Then she closed her eyes, raised her head and pouted her tender red lips.

She was asking for a kiss.

The demon hunter, who suddenly pulled away from the carnival, was stunned and was about to lower his head to respond to the girl's love.

"Meteor shower!"

Someone suddenly yelled, and then the carnival crowd seemed to suddenly surge like a tide, and a commotion broke out.

The demon hunter subconsciously looked up.

Colorful stars fell from the sky, leaving long tails.

The dark cloudless sky looked like the most precious velvet.

Why are meteors colorful?

A question inexplicably appeared in his mind.

But before the demon hunter could think carefully, he squinted his eyes and tried to see the beautiful scenery, and suddenly he felt like he was falling into an ice cave.

Under the flickering light of the "meteor", the cavalry galloped in the sky.

Skeleton horses, ghost armies, blue-black flames...

Wild Hunt!

So those meteors!!!

"Be careful!"

"Get down!"

The demon hunter shouted loudly, but was quickly drowned out by the noisy voices.

His waving arms seemed to be a signal of a carnival craze, making the crowd surrounding him even more restless.

"May Day King!"

People shouted along.

Then many boys picked up the girls and ran into the bushes.

It was also effective on another level.

Only the girl in her arms heard the anxious cry, and she followed the sound in confusion and saw the starlight getting closer and closer.

She woke up in an instant.

Ailin's prophecy turned out to be true!

There was really an accident on May Day!

Mary, realizing the seriousness of the problem, tried to apply a layer of Asheri's water shield to her boy in a hurry.

But he was hugged tightly by the other party and rushed to the soft grass beside the road.

The next second.


A violent explosion sounded as if the sky was falling and the earth was splitting.

The girl, who was firmly protected by the witcher, could not hear anything because of the explosion.

She could only feel the tremors coming from the ground that seemed to make her internal organs shift and break.

Her mouth opened and closed, and she shouted loudly, but she didn't even know what she was shouting.

For a long time.

Mary, whose brain was blank due to the shock, suddenly felt that the witcher on her moved.

He slowly climbed up.

Gravel and dirt fell from his back.


Mary saw him talking in a trance.

After a long while, accompanied by an unbearable tinnitus.

"Mary... Mary... Are you okay... Can you hear me?"

"Mary! Mary!"

Looking at the anxious look on the boy's face, a thought that was completely irrelevant to the present and even a little inexplicable suddenly popped up in her confused mind:

Why didn't you kiss him just now?


Could he be shocked?

Ailin looked at Mary's wise eyes and felt a little worried.

The right hand shook several times in front of her eyes, and the girl's eyes finally focused.

"I... I'm fine..." Mary said.

The witcher breathed a sigh of relief, and after pulling her up, he looked up at the first time.

There was nothing in the sky, and the Wild Hunt that had passed by here was nowhere to be seen.

But the flames everywhere inside and outside the city, the tall ice clusters, the deep cracks in the ground, the spikes that towered higher than the city gates...


The heart-wrenching wails that resounded through the sky.

But with a strong sense of presence, it proved that the witcher was not wrong.

The Wild Hunt had been here.

And it was the same as it was at the floating harbor.

These damn beasts released these powerful spells, seemingly not for conquest or plundering wealth, but just for fun.

"Is the goddess' dream to remind you of the Wild Hunt?" The witcher's mouth was a little bitter.

He, the old duke and the high priest had made all the preparations in advance.

Who would have thought that the accident on May Day was neither a wild monster nor a demon spirit that wanted to be exorcised by the ritual...

But those wild hunts that appeared inexplicably in the sky.

But why?

Shouldn't their target be Ban Ade, where the Gate of Ade Ges appeared?

Why did they run to Elland west of the floating harbor?

Could it be that they were chasing him?


If they had already discovered him, why did they just vent their anger on ordinary people instead of coming down to catch him?

To be honest.

With his current strength, even with Vesemir and Vera, he could not defeat the wild hunt that could gallop in the sky and release powerful spells...

He didn't even understand it.

In the original book, Yennefer, Geralt, and Ciri before awakening their talents, how could they escape from these powerful elves again and again.

"Alin..." The girl's call interrupted his thinking.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable?" The demon hunter lowered his head and gently straightened the flower crown on her head.

Perhaps because of the timely protection, the flower crown on the girl's head was still bright and beautiful under the flickering firelight.

Because of Erin's actions, the girl was stunned for a moment and shook her head gently:

"I'm fine."

"Go see the others..."

The demon hunter nodded and walked towards the parade route with a heavy heart.

Perhaps because the fire in the city was more vigorous and conspicuous.

There were not many "meteors" falling in the suburbs, and the few that were there did not hit the carnival team.

But this does not mean that the men and women participating in the parade were unscathed.


Walked through the grass.

Erin and Mary's steps stopped involuntarily.

A huge ice cluster stood not far away.

Even Erin and Vesemir, whose physical fitness was far superior to that of ordinary people, were seriously injured by the impact of ice cluster magic when they were in the floating port. Even if these ordinary people were not hit head-on, how could they be intact?

The boys and girls who had once shouted "Mayday King" and "Mayday Queen" and enthusiastically carried Arryn to the parade platform...

A large group of them...

At least half of them were like bleeding rag dolls, with empty eyes, lying lifelessly on the ground in front of the ice clusters reflecting the firelight.

Among the remaining half, some were constantly spitting blood and irregular pieces of meat.

Although they are still alive now, their internal organs are shattered and they are definitely dead.

This is an injury that even the priests under Meliteli cannot heal.


Except for those who ran into the bushes and escaped.

They all lay on the ground howling, with more or less injuries on their bodies, but some were scratches and some were fractures.

But compared to those young lives that died prematurely, they are already extremely lucky.



"Woo-Shaq... wake up, Shaq..."


Hearing the wailing in his ears, the witcher looked up at the sky and clenched his fists.


Seeing this scene, Mary covered her mouth, tears as big as beans flowed from the corners of her eyes, and she was choked and couldn't speak.

The girl didn't know whether it was because of the relief of surviving the disaster or the fear of the rabbit's death and the fox's grief.

If it weren't for Erin protecting her.

The female sorceress, whose physical fitness was not much better than that of ordinary people, might also be one of them.

Feeling the girl trembling in his arms, the witcher sighed and patted her back gently:

"It's okay... It's okay..."

"Everything is over..."

For the time being... It's all over...

The witcher thought.

There are many wounded on the ground, but there is not much that the witcher and Mary can do.

They can only pick those with relatively minor injuries, such as scratches and fractures.

Mary bandaged the wounded with bandages or cloth strips.

Ailin drew his sword from the wooden platform of the parade and chopped some regular wooden boards to fix the fractures.

Then they waited for the priests and doctors of the Temple of Meliteli to come and further treat the injuries.

Others who were not injured or slightly injured saw the actions of Ailin and Mary and joined in silently, doing what they could for the injured.

However, the two did not have time to treat the injuries of several people.

"Da Da~ Da Da~"

The heavy sound of horse hooves came from the direction of the gate of Elland.

"Ailin! Ailin!"

Vesemir and Vera shouted and galloped over on horseback.

Behind them was a large group of knights wearing black and gray armor.

"Here!" Ailin stood up and waved.

Mary did not hear anyone calling her name.

However, when she saw her mentor and Vesemir in this situation, she stood up with red eyes and tears.

Without waiting for the horse to stop, she was in danger and wanted to throw herself into Vera's arms.

But Vera jumped off the horse and dodged quickly, took a few steps and hugged Erin in her arms:

"Are you okay, Erin!"

"Are you hurt?"

Erin smelled the fragrance of orange and cardamom, patted Vera's back gently, and said softly:

"I'm fine, I'm not hurt at all..."

Looked at by Mary's resentful eyes, the witcher hesitated for a second and said:

"Mary wasn't hurt either."

But Vera seemed to have not heard the second half of his words. She pulled Aylin's shoulder and looked her up and down for a while before she breathed a sigh of relief.

Aylin felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by Mary, so he changed the subject and asked:

"Where is Yennefer? What's the situation in the city now..."

Vera shook her head and was about to answer.

At this time.

The knights following Vera and Vesemir also caught up.

After the leading officer dismounted, he quickly walked to Vera with a bag and said hurriedly:

"Ms. Vera, the materials have arrived. Please arrange the ceremony as soon as possible."

Arrange the ceremony?

Aylin was stunned for a moment.

The sorceress did not delay. After giving Aylin an apologetic smile, she carried the bag of materials and walked to the deserted road next to the ice cluster.

Chalk, glass, sulfur, magic dust...

Aren't these materials for magic rituals that increase magic capacity and enhance the power of spells?

"Yennefer is safe," Vesemir came over and continued the conversation between the two. "Ianna arranged for Lysa to take care of her..."

"As for the situation in the city..."

The Demon Hunter Master shook his head and sighed.

This is the time when the most people in Elland are gathered every year. Even though most of the May Festival carnival is for young people, there are still many performances in the city.

There are many people gathered.

The witcher master said in a sad tone:

"Many people died in Elland, and a fire spell happened to hit the Elland market square."

"Many taverns put many barrels there for free to celebrate May Day, so that is the most crowded place in the whole city."

"After the disaster, the panicked crowd trampled on each other, and more people died..."

Vesemir paused for a second, looked at the tragic scene around him, cursed "Damn Wild Hunt", and said solemnly:

"The priests and doctors of the Temple of Meliteli are now treating the wounded in the city, and they must not be able to send people out of the city at this time..."

"Even if there were no bigger problems outside the city, the old duke would not be able to squeeze out so many soldiers..."

"Bigger problems?" The witcher looked up in confusion.

The Wild Hunt has already left, what else can there be?

Could they come back?


Aylin looked at Vera who was concentrating on arranging the ceremony.

The ritual array of three intersecting circles she drew on the ground with chalk was undoubtedly the magic ritual that the witcher had just learned some time ago.

Arranging a ritual to increase magic capacity and enhance spell power here at this time...

What monster are you guarding against?


Before he could ask.



The wolf head badges with bloody mouths bared on the chests of Aylin and Vesemir trembled at the same time.


The cold wind blew from all directions, blowing the bonfire that had not been added with firewood for a long time to flicker and quickly dim.

A chill instantly penetrated from the coccyx directly to the scalp, and the witcher looked over with a strong sense of crisis.

The next moment.

Aylin opened his mouth and burst into a swear word:


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