Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 273 May Day King

Aelin had never seen so many people in Elland.

To be precise, he had never seen so many people gathered since he came to this world.

From the moment he walked out of Vera's courtyard and to the entrance of the temple, more people began to gather.

The entrance of the deep and secluded temple was full of carriages. The priests in simple clothes were sweating as they arranged for the women who came to worship Meliteli and pray for blessings in the new natural rebirth cycle to enter the temple in an orderly manner.

Aelin had originally planned to invite Lysa to join him, but after seeing her anxious appearance at the door, he wisely did not disturb her and quietly left.

And this was only in the remote Meliteli Temple where few men came.

When we walked through the blessed mountain road and passed a few sturdy and somewhat amazing ancient oak trees...

The noisy voices mixed with the steaming heat suddenly surged over.

The vendors were yelling, the children were crying, the tourists were praising loudly, and the guards who were maintaining order were shouting...

Before seeing the lively street scene, the witcher had to control his keen hearing and dull it.

After turning the corner, before stepping out of the signpost of the temple area.

Mary, who had been eager to pull Alin to walk quickly since just now, suddenly stopped.

She turned back suddenly, blinked her bright eyes, and shook her index finger to the side as if she wanted to share some treasure:


She was so excited that she couldn't even finish a sentence.

Is it necessary to be so excited...The witcher felt a little funny in his heart.

But when he took another step and turned the corner, he couldn't help but stop in an instant.

Looking at the scene in front of him absent-mindedly, he couldn't speak.


There were colorful flowers blooming everywhere.

Streets, windowsills, roofs, city walls...

There are not only flower pots on the buildings of residents' shops, but also many flower columns decorated with flowers, ribbons and ribbons on both sides of the street.

Among the tourists, many girls have flowers on their heads or carefully woven wreaths.

The crowds are like tides, and the whole of Elland is like an ancient flower boat wandering in the sea of ​​flowers.

"It's so beautiful! Ailin!"

Mary shouted excitedly, shaking Ailin's hand, pointing here and there.

It's really beautiful...

Smelling the fragrance of flowers at the tip of his nose, Ailin had to admit this.

The strong festive atmosphere made him feel much less tired from making potions for days.


After a burst of excitement, looking at the crowds of people, Ailin and Mary looked at each other, not knowing where to go next.

Since coming to Elland, they have never been around this city and don't know the way.

Just when the two were at a loss...

"Master Ailin!"

The demon hunter looked in the direction of the voice.

A guard in neat silver armor was waving at him and trotting over.

Ailin watched the guard take off his armor, revealing a young face that looked familiar, but he didn't recognize it.

"Who are you?"

Sink took a breath and carefully glanced at the beautiful and fair face of the sorceress. He noticed with some envy that the two were holding hands tightly:

"I am Sink Vincent of the Duke of Mason's Guards. I followed the Duke to arrange the ceremony before. You can just call me Sink."

"I see you have been here all the time. Have you never been here before... um... not familiar with Elland..."

"We haven't been to this city much, so..." Ailin glanced at Mary, "Is there any place in Elland that is more lively and suitable for us today?"

"Hahaha," Sink smiled cheerfully, showing his white teeth: "Today, there is no place in Elland that is not lively, but the most suitable place for you at this time is definitely the Elland Market Square."

"There are not only bards, musicians and clowns from all over the world..."

"There are also various snacks and snacks, especially the donuts from the 'Dwarf Mom', which are soft and sweet, and filled with sour plum jam..."


Someone's stomach growled at this time.

In a noisy environment, ordinary people may not be able to hear this bowel sound.

But Ailin is a demon hunter master after all, even if he deliberately weakens his hearing, he can still hear it clearly.

Mary obviously knows this.

After patting Ailin's arm hard, he suddenly blushed and lowered his head.

This cute look made the young Sink stunned.

"How should we get there?" Ailin asked.

Sink immediately came back to his senses, embarrassed and didn't dare to look at Mary and Ailin again, and quickly pointed to the place where the sunset fell:

"Go straight along this road, there is a very large square with the statue of the goddess Meliteli standing in the middle, that's it..."

"If you still can't find it, or if you encounter anything at night, you can find the guards on the street..."

Sink paused:

"Just tell me your name."

Ailin was stunned.

Is my name so important?

Every soldier on patrol knows me?

"Pah, pah~"

Sink seemed to see what the demon hunter was thinking, and smiled and patted the long sword at his waist:

"The swords guarding Elland tonight are all the color of the sea."

The demon hunter was silent for two seconds.

"Thank you." He said.

Sink smiled, then hesitated for a second before asking:

"Is Elland going to be okay?"

"Well, everything will be fine." Listening to the laughter in the crowd, the demon hunter nodded solemnly.

Elland Market Square is not far from the junction of the temple and the city area.

However, due to the crowds, it still took the two of them a while to reach this noisy, happy and crowded place.


Although the sky has not yet completely darkened, many torches have already been lit around the statue of the goddess Meriteri in the market square.

A large bonfire, two people high, was fenced not far behind the icon.

Further to the edge of the square, there is another stage made of birch trunks, overlooking a large bonfire.

But that stage is still empty.

Under the slightly hot temperature, many bards wearing brightly colored clothes gathered around the statue of the goddess and played the lute.

It seemed like he was trying to light that bonfire with all the enthusiasm and joy of Elland.

In such a lively place, there is naturally no shortage of vendors selling goods.


Aylin held Mary's hand and arrived at the square before she could take a breath...

An old woman who was not young but still looked strong came over carrying a basket.

"Handsome young man," the old woman opened the basket she was carrying, which was filled with flowers of various colors. "On such a beautiful day as May Day, how can you not put flowers on your partner..."

Say it.

Before Aylin could reply, the old woman glanced at Mary and praised her:

"A girl this beautiful deserves any bright flower."

When Mary heard these compliments, her already rosy cheeks from running suddenly turned redder.

She glanced furtively at the witcher.

I don't know if it was because of the heat of the campfire, but the blood in Aylin's body felt a little hot as he held Mary's soft little hand.

He glanced around.

All the girls had flowers in their hair, except his girl.

How can that be done?

He immediately took out a small handful of change from his purse and handed it to the old woman who smiled and wrinkled.

"This one is enough." The old woman picked out an Oren from Aylin's hand and carefully put it into her arms.

This price is definitely expensive in normal times, but during May Day, it is just right.

Who made them unprepared?

But the rich man Aylin doesn't care.

After putting the money away, the old woman smiled and picked out a red rose from the basket.

The thorns on the roses have been carefully removed.

After signaling Mary to lower her head, the old hand fiddled with it quickly and skillfully a few times.

This rose was worn on Mary's right temple, which made her snow-like complexion look even more beautiful than her age.

"Does it look good?" Mary stroked her right hand carefully and turned her head to look at Aylin expectantly.

"It looks good." Aylin nodded truthfully.

Mary laughed a few times and her face became even more rosy.

At this time.

Another pale pink carnation appeared in front of her.

"This is?"

"This is for you." The old woman smiled kindly and blessed:

"May the goddess bless you with finding a good match, good health and happiness."

Just say it.

The old woman used agility that was beyond her age to go against the crowd and walked to the next target.

A good match?

Mary muttered softly, feeling as if her face was burning.


Someone's stomach started to protest again.

"Let's go and find the donuts from 'Mother Midget' that Zink said..." Aylin smiled.

He took Mary's hand and started searching.

The pace is quick.

Dinner hasn't been eaten yet, and Mary's stomach isn't the only one protesting.

It's just that someone is using the demon hunter's control to suppress it.

Time passed, and amid the lively carnival, it soon became dark.

Many people gradually began to leave Elland Market Square.

Businessmen, clowns, minstrels, musicians...


The ones who left most were the men and women who had become families.

May Day is a carnival for young people.

It's dark, so I can indulge my usual shame and let the ancient natural cycles change, igniting desire and vitality.

After eating and drinking, and shopping here and there, Mary was decorated with all kinds of weird, beautiful, and novel jewelry to make her look more conspicuous than a Maypole...

The witcher completely spent the last copper in his wallet.

Then he and Mary, who was a little tired from playing, sat in the square.

They looked behind the unlit bonfire as several minstrels and musicians slowly walked onto the stage.

“Cinco de Mayo!”

Someone started calling from the audience.

“Cinco de Mayo!”

Passionate music sounded, and the men and women in the square shouted louder.

Mary seemed to be affected by the increasingly lively atmosphere, became interested again, and started yelling loudly.

At this time.

A pair of young men and women wearing garlands and bright costumes came up from the back of the stage.

Listen to the exclamations of the people around you.

Erin and Mary learn that they are the previous year's Cinco de Mayo King and Queen.

They will choose this year's Cinco de Mayo King and Queen amid the cheers of the crowd.

This is a special custom of May Day in the northern continent.

The Cinco de Mayo King symbolizes vitality and strength, and the Cinco de Mayo Queen symbolizes fertility and spring.

They will lead the young people participating in the May Festival to worship the goddess of spring and flowers with dancing and carnival.

In Elland, this goddess is of course Meliteri.

As for how to choose...

The blond May King and May Queen interlocked their fingers, took the torch from the bard who stopped playing, and then threw it towards the large bonfire.


The blazing flames shot straight into the sky, seeming to want to light up the sky again.

As the heat steamed, the music started playing again.

And this time, both the lyrics and the melody are more passionate and unrestrained than before.

The atmosphere in the entire market square was completely ignited.

“Cinco de Mayo!”

The men and women stood up with strange screams, looking for suitable partners nearby, and pulled them to the stage.

Follow the wanton and devoted dance steps of the former Cinco de Mayo King and Queen on the stage and dance with abandon.

From time to time, you can still hear the exclamations of men and women being stepped on and bumping into each other.

But no one cares about this.

It doesn’t matter whether the dance steps are correct or not!

It doesn’t matter whether you keep up with the rhythm or not!

The greatest meaning is to revel wantonly, burn the uncontrollable restlessness in the blood vessels, and let life burst out.

Only in this way can you be chosen as the King and Queen of May Day!

Ailin's body was also a little hot, but he had no intention of joining in.

After all, he really can't dance.

Seeing someone dancing would make his scalp tingle.

But the next moment.

The witcher felt his hand suddenly being held tightly and held by someone.

“Cinco de Mayo!”

Mary had the rare courage to yell in Aylin's ears, and the vague citrus fragrance made the witcher with extraordinary physique feel dizzy.

He didn't know why either.

Looking at the girl's flushed cheeks and somewhat blurred blue eyes that were the same color as his, he couldn't help but stand up.

In a daze, he was pulled into the carnival team by a force far inferior to his.

She danced beside her, her robes and flowers in her hair swaying in the wind.

He never knew she could dance so well, like a butterfly flying among the flowers.

Elegant and light.

Listening to the clear silver bell-like laughter, he could only forcefully control his muscles, concentrate on the girl's dance steps, turn his body dexterously, and avoid other people dancing.

The powerful physical fitness of the master demon hunter was brought into full play at this moment.

He, who had never danced before, could not only keep up with the girl's rhythm.

It even gradually seemed to blend into one with her...

There is no need to forcefully control the body, no need to pay attention to the surroundings, and you can dance to the rhythm happily.

He began to forget himself.

At first, there seemed to be only the gentle eyes of Margarita Laux Antille.


It was as if the whole city began to shout:

"Mayday King!" "Mayday Queen!"

A commotion occurred around them.

It was as if someone had put a crown on his head and a garland on her head.

Everyone gathered around him and started to march, through the rain of petals, and with the cheers of everyone, he started to revel in a direction with light all the way.

This moment.

He even forgot the purpose of participating in this carnival.

He only saw the girl smiling "hehehe", her eyes filled with bright firelight, and a figure with blue cat eyes.

She hugged his shoulders hard.

The surrounding area is filled with the fragrance of citrus.

He forgot everything in this intoxicating fragrance.

Until a certain moment.

Countless shooting stars streaked across the night sky.

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