Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 186: The celestial sphere meets the earth?

Chapter 186 The intersection of heaven and earth—Earth?

[Monster Group "Human" LV16 Crusade! 】

[Reward settlement: defeat the enemy, basic rating D, win with less and win more +3-C, use the strong to bully the weak -9-F]

[Final rating: F]

[Loots obtained: None]

"So humans can also be considered monsters?"

Aylin walked out of the ravine level where the abandoned mine was located invisibly. The guard behind the level was no longer visible from Aylin's sight.

A familiar system prompt suddenly sounded in his mind.

at this time.

At least three hours had passed since Arryn used the ice spear spell to assassinate the Kaedweni soldier who used an unbreakable shield.

It was so long that he thought humans were not within the hunting range of the Demon Hunter's Notes.


Demon Hunter Notes has no echo, simply because it has a somewhat unique way of determining when human enemies are out of combat.

After sighing inwardly, Aylin's attention was not on those extremely poor reward evaluations.

Instead, a new mission appeared later.

【bite! Hunting mission: Human I (kill 0/1000 humans) has been activated. Do you want to accept it? 】

[Task Reward: Convergence of Celestial Sphere—Humanity]

Looking at this new mission, Ailin had mixed feelings in his heart.

The humans in the Witcher world all came to this world through the intersection of the celestial spheres.

In the original work,

There are a lot of plot hints.

These humans come from the same world as Aylin, or at least a very similar parallel world, if the concept of parallel world exists here.


"Is there any chance I can go home?"

Aelin thought.

But after this thought flashed through his mind, he suddenly realized that he didn't seem to want to go back that much.

No father, no mother, no wife, no children.

Born as an orphan, he had no ties to anything in that world.

Even friends are just casual acquaintances, fair-weather friends.

The only one who cares a little.

That's the mascot who gives him a cup of milk tea and lets him travel through time.

Here instead.

Vera, Vesemir, Mary, Hughes, Bunt, Fred...

He has companions and mentors who can trust each other with their lives.

There are people who care about him, there are people who he cares about.

Even though the witcher's world is not as safe as his original world, the Wolf School is being targeted by kings and wizards and is in danger.

He had no idea of ​​escaping from this world.

Kaer Morhen was already his home.

I was lost in thought under the quiet moonlight for a long time.

Ailin suddenly put away his demon hunting notes.

"I don't want to anymore!"

He is still far away from returning home, and even these 1,000 people are not so easy to get together.

after all.

He has his own principles, and it is impossible for him to kill innocent people indiscriminately for this intersection of heaven and earth.

"Let's take a step and see."

Aelin sighed.


move on.

After leaving the abandoned mine, Aylin ran all the way back to Baiguoyuan.

After reporting peace with Vesemir, Xius and the others.

He rode "Carrot" again, starting from the abandoned castle and riding along the black element point from the perspective of the wolf emblem towards the place where the two elves were hiding.

Francesca is still young after all.

Although her magical talent is excellent, the effective distance of the portal is definitely not as good as that of a senior sorceress.

So very quickly.

Aylin came to an abandoned forest cabin.

This hut was probably built temporarily by a hunter from a nearby village.

It is backed by a small lake, and a hundred meters away from the door is the forest path trampled by merchants and trampled by footprints and horses.

Such a popular place is safe.

Water ghosts, ghouls and evil ghosts appear infrequently.

And because the terrain is low-lying, it is shaded by trees and shrubs.

It is difficult to find this place if you are not familiar with it.

"Francesca has found a good place."

Aelin thought.

The clatter of horse hooves seemed to disturb the people in the house.

The firelight from the window flickered, and a little head poked out from the window.

"Carrying two long swords on his back, he is the demon hunter that Asha said."

"Hurry up and call Sister Lesa..."

The young and tender voice of a child came from the wooden house.


Aren't Francesca and Sadia here?

Aelin was confused.

From the perspective of the wolf emblem, the end point of the black element is in this cabin.


Aylin suddenly remembered that the final destination of these black elements was on the chest of the man named Hod, not Sadia.

"Francesca guessed my hint?"

"Is she now having a showdown with her mother Sadia in a remote corner?"

With this thought in his mind, the witcher stepped on the stirrups and dismounted.

To avoid being misunderstood, he did not go any closer to the hut.

Instead, he stood outside the fence about ten meters away from the cabin.



The abandoned wooden door opens.

Lysa, daughter of Viscount Hudson, walked out of the cabin holding a torch.

"Follow me, witcher."

Lysa's face was expressionless.

Then without waiting for Aylin's response, he turned around and walked towards the small lake.

The witcher, who knew Lysa's background, didn't care about her indifferent attitude. After tying the carrot to a nearby tree, he followed her.

"Where are we going?"

"Go find Sadia."

"Is it okay to leave Hod and the kids here?" Alin tilted his head to look at the cabin.

The little heads at the cabin window felt Alin's gaze and shrank back in unison.

After a while, rows of sparkling little eyes appeared again.

Lysa turned her head and looked at Alin with a complicated expression:

"It's okay, I'll be back soon. As for Uncle Hod..."

She paused for a moment, with a sad expression on her face:

"He...he has left us?"


Alin was stunned for a moment.

Left means...


Looking at the expression on the girl's face, Alin's heart sank slightly.

Judging from the appearance of Hod in the illusion, he was indeed terminally ill.


"How could it be so fast?"

"Hasn't he taken the Green Sigh?"

He had a good impression of Hod, but not to the point of being sad for him.

He was just worried.

The red-haired elf Ada Amin commissioned a human couple to leave Kaedwen.

Now that Hod is dead, there is only Shadia left.

Can he still get his reward?

Thinking of this, Arlin sighed in his heart.

Life, aging, sickness and death are hard to be demanding, so we can only take it one step at a time.

I hope the elves can be more kind.


Arlin said softly.

Lysa shook her head and turned to continue leading the way:

"This is not your problem. We all know that the culprit is Haxo."

"Even if you don't come, Uncle Hod doesn't have much time left!"

Arlin was silent.

After all, they are all strangers.

He didn't know what to say at this time, so he could only follow Lysa's steps.


If Hod died, why is the fate of the black element in that hut?

Arlin thought wildly.

He felt that he seemed to have missed some information, but he couldn't think of it for a while.



A scream came from the depths of the woods not far away.

"It's Shadia's voice!"

Lysa exclaimed and was about to run over immediately, but someone grabbed her arm.

"Go back and take care of the children. I'll deal with Shadia."


Alin shook his head seriously and interrupted Lysa.



The silver sword was unsheathed.

Lysa was interrupted and was stunned for a moment, glancing at the silver sword shining coldly in the moonlight.

She bit her lips unwillingly, and then ran towards the wooden house.

Seeing Lysa leave obediently, Alin immediately ran in the direction of the scream.


The night wind blew past his ears.

Alin quickly took out the last bottle of cat's eye potion from the reagent bag.

The moon is bright tonight.

Even if there is no fire to illuminate the way ahead, with the ability of the demon hunter, he can still travel as usual.

But if you want to fight, that's another matter.

If you are not careful, you may lose your life.

"Fortunately, Francesca lent me the Night, otherwise I wouldn't even have this bottle of Cat's Eye left."

To prevent accidents, Aylin thought about it and took out the Night and equipped it.

This set of magic props, or "Night", can also provide a certain night vision ability.

It's just not as prominent as the Cat's Eye Potion.

If compared.

When using the Cat's Eye Potion, the clarity of vision is at least three times that of "Night".

After changing the equipment and drinking the potion, Aylin suddenly accelerated.

He crossed the grass by the lake and bypassed several dense willow trees.

Francesca and Shadia suddenly appeared in the overgrown weeds.

Looking at the huge shadow beside the two, Aylin finally remembered what he had forgotten at this moment.

In the abandoned castle of Viscount Hudson, the demon spirit can transform in the daytime because of the unknown black element.


Although it is still unknown what the source of the element in that location is.

But with this element, I have been with it for so many years.

How could nothing change after Hod's death!

"...Lord Hudson...Lord Hudson..."


A roar like a tsunami roared out from the shadow in front of Shadia.

The strong resentment and anger caused a raging wave, blowing the surrounding trees violently.

Under the feet of the shadow was a newly built grave.

Perhaps Aylin arrived in time.

The faceless monster seemed to have just formed and had not yet started to attack Francesca and Shadia.

Shadia still looked like an old lady.

She was like a possessed person, shouting for Hod, and desperately approaching the terrifying shadow.


Francesca grabbed her.

"Edney, knock out Aunt Asha directly and take her away!"

As soon as Aylin saw the scene clearly, he immediately shouted to Francesca.


Francesca's eyes lit up when she noticed the appearance of the demon hunter.

After hearing Erin's instructions, she hit Shadia's neck with her right hand without hesitation.

Shadia's body almost collapsed instantly, and Francesca dragged her away from the monster.

"Erin, we just buried the dead human, and this monster suddenly appeared..."

Francesca dragged Shadia while telling him the whole story.

Aylin nodded.

He immediately identified the monster that was still roaring crazily.

[Name: Big Demon (Hod)]

[Level: 56]

[Attributes: Strength 29, Agility 29, Constitution? , Perception 29, Mystery? ]

"Yes, it is the demon formed after Hod's death."

Higher level than him.

But the several attributes revealed are obviously not as good as Aylin.

As for constitution and mystery...

Aylin had an idea.

He immediately took out the ghost oil from the reagent bag and applied a layer of light blue light on the silver sword.

No matter what the difference is between a big demon and an ordinary demon.

As long as it is a demon, it is definitely right to apply ghost oil to Elsa.


Since there is only one monster...

"Take good care of Aunt Asha!"

After leaving a word of advice, Aylin took advantage of the big demon's unpreparedness and stomped on the ground and rushed towards the big demon who was still angry about the pain in his life.

[Demon Hunting]


The silver sword slashed into the black spirit, like a red-hot iron piercing into ice water.

The junction suddenly boiled and a large number of bubbles emerged.

[Demon Hunting] Progress 6%


The big demon roared in pain, and the spirit twisted.

The demon hunter took a step back and avoided the monster's arms waving wildly due to pain.

It's worthy of being a big demon!

Alin thought.

In the demon hunting state, ordinary demons can directly fill the demon hunting progress bar with just one hit.

For the big demon, one sword can only make up 6%.

It seems that the plan to quickly finish the monster is not feasible.

Alin's eyes turned, and he quickly changed the method to deal with the demon.

Then squatted down.

Press your right palm on the ground under the big demon.


The magic power flows through the mutant organ next to the heart, through the right arm, and from the magic veins of the five fingers, it flows regularly on the ground.

In the blink of an eye.

A magic circle with a faint mysterious purple light emerged from the ground.

There were hourglass-shaped runes flashing around the magic circle.

Aden Seal!

"Alin, be careful!"

As soon as the magic trap was used, Francesca's terrified cry came from behind.

At the same time.

Alin also suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing over his head.

He rolled over to avoid the attack.


After rolling over, Alin was surprised to find that.

The big demon, who had empty hands a few seconds ago, now had a long sword with a cold glow in his somewhat illusory hands.

This sword was at least twice as long as Elsa's.

Where did the long sword come from?

The demon hunter was confused.

In addition.

The big demon, which was originally just a long thick black fog, also condensed at this time and became much clearer.

It was different from the ordinary demons floating with a lantern in one hand and a weapon in the other.

The big demon, about three meters tall, was like a normal human.

He held the ridiculously long sword tightly in both hands.

His feet were emitting thick black smoke, and he stepped on the ground like a physical entity.

Like a warrior charging on the battlefield, he rushed towards Aylin.


"Kill Haxor!"

"Kill the tyrant!"

"Kill the tyrant!"

With the slowing effect caused by the Aden Sign, and the fact that the strength and agility of the great demon spirit were inferior to those of Aylin, the demon hunter could still deal with the attack of the great demon spirit with ease.


Aylin was a little strange now.

If he remembered correctly, shouldn't Hod be a knight?

Why is he like a berserker from Skellige now?

In addition...

If you want to kill Haxor, why do you use the sword to cut me?

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