Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 185 Cliff or Meritelli?

"don’t worry!"

"He can't see you!"

A cold voice came to mind.

Hearing this, Ailin instinctively let go of his right hand that was already gripping the hilt of the steel sword.

The next second.

Although the strange wizard looked confused, his eyes did wander away.

"This is just the instinct of powerful warlocks. They will notice strange attention, but they often don't delve into it."

The sorceress explained.


Aelin turned to look at the sorceress and asked curiously.

"The Path of Shadows, this is the name of the spell I just cast."

"It will be difficult to explain to you exactly how this spell works."

"You just need to understand that we are hiding in the shadows now."

"So for Jaynes - the mage who just looked at you - the attention he feels does not come from this world."

"Generally, no wizard would dare to pursue such a strange gaze without preparation."

Hear this.

Aylin subconsciously touched Meritelli's amulet and thought of the big eyeball in the dream:

"Because they don't know what they're looking at?"

The sorceress nodded.

"When studying the path of magic, it is difficult to avoid coming into contact with some indescribable existences."

"If you want to live a long life, the most important thing is to recognize your own strength, curb your curiosity, and don't do things beyond your capabilities."

The sorceress's eyes were full of warning.

She seemed to be explaining why the wizard had given up investigating.

But Aelin knew.

The purpose of the sorceress's words was herself.

The general meaning is: You are just a demon hunter who has just passed the trial, take care of your own life first, and then worry about the school!


Aelin sighed inwardly.

When he didn't understand anything, he turned around and continued to observe the troops in the mine.

At this glance, he really saw an acquaintance.

The chief witcher master of the Wolf School, Soy, followed the wizard and passed right in front of Aylin and the sorceress.


The Chief's unique Wolf School badge buzzed gently.

But Soy just frowned, glanced slightly in Aylin's direction, and followed the team as usual.

"Where there are many spellcasters, don't trust your school badges easily." Vera warned.

Aelin nodded.

The wolf emblem in his mind conveyed a faint feeling of grievance.

The school badge can only serve as a warning of the flow of magic around you.

It is impossible to tell what is causing this abnormal flow of magic power.

But his wolf emblem is naturally different.

After growing up for several months, he already has a wolf emblem that is equivalent to the IQ of a three-year-old child.

Basically, through vibrations and conveying emotions in his mind, he can roughly identify the source of the magic flow he feels to Aylin.

However, the sorceress's reminder was out of concern, and there was no need for him to refute it.

After comforting Wolf Emblem, who was like a child, Aylin turned his attention to the front of him again.

After the wizard and the chief passed by, there were again the elite of Kaedweni's army.

Knights, spearmen, archers...


Aylin sensed something was wrong.

Although there was only the dim light of torches in the mine, the slight disharmony in the knight array was amplified very clearly because of Aylin's attention.

Several "knights" are being isolated.

Aylin narrowed his eyes and looked over intently.

He discovered that the eyes of those knights under their helmets had turbid, dark yellow cat pupils.

The witcher of the cat school!

What are they doing here?

Why hide it so deeply?

Realizing that something was wrong, Aylin immediately turned to look at the sorceress.

"Ms. Vera, there are several demon hunters in the spearmen's queue!"

"I've seen their eyes. The eyes of demon hunters from the Cat School are all so cloudy. There's no mistake!"

The sorceress twisted her eyebrows.

The gaze that had been on Aylin now shifted to the demon hunter of the Cat School.

"Their target is Soy!"

After observing intently for a moment, the sorceress's cold voice appeared in Aylin's mind.

Aylin was stunned for a moment.

Although the sorceress hadn't yet stated the basis for her judgment, he believed it in his heart.

The Cat School, which is known for its despicable hunting of humans, cannot follow the army. Is it because it is preparing to switch careers to compete with the Wolf School and start hunting rock trolls?

After taking a closer look, Aylin found a clue.

Although those demon hunters of the cat school deliberately distracted their sight.

But during the march, it was too suspicious to follow Soy without even looking at him.

"The king of Kaedwen?"

"It can only be him."

"First, they sent people to torture and kill the young demon hunters of the Wolf School, and now they want to assassinate the chief of the Wolf School..."

"What's the grudge between Haxor and the Wolf School?"

As he asked and answered himself, Aylin couldn't help but clenched his fists, and then thought anxiously in his mind:

"Ms. Vera, if you have a way to inform the chief, quickly..."

The sorceress shook her head:

"Don't worry! They have no chance. Haven't all the rock trolls been teleported away?"

"Instead of relying on sneak attacks, these demon hunters want to assassinate Soi..."

The sorceress paused and showed a contemptuous expression:

"Not enough!"

Alin was certain when he heard this, but he couldn't help asking:

"Aren't there so many wizards and soldiers..."

"That's not enough!"

The sorceress retracted her gaze and looked at Alin.

Her tone was firm.

"If it was a plain, it would be possible."

"But in this mine with many connections, relying on these people to besiege Soi is just looking for death!"

Alin was silent.

He only knew that Soi, the demon hunter who could become the head of the Wolf School and was called the Dragon Slayer, must be very powerful.

But to what extent... he really had never seen it.


Alin secretly glanced at the sorceress who was said to have had an emotional entanglement with the head.

Since Ms. Vera said so.

There is no need to worry.

But the next second.

Alin suddenly thought.

If neither he nor the sorceress were present, the rock trolls...especially the big rocks would not be teleported away.

When the chief was fighting with the trolls, or after successfully hunting monsters, the demon hunters of the cat school suddenly appeared and assassinated the chief when he was relaxed.

Grandmaster Soi could still...

Thinking of this.

Ailin couldn't help but put the thoughts in his mind into his mind, and then looked at the sorceress.

The sorceress's eyes moved.

But she was silent for a long time and didn't give an answer.


Ailin understood.

A layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He didn't spend much time with the chief, and his feelings for him were definitely not as deep as those for Vesemir and Vera.


If Grandmaster Soi was really assassinated here.

Ailin couldn't imagine how the morale of the demon hunters in Kaer Morhen would decline.

In serious cases, it might fall apart in advance.


A snap of the fingers.

The moment the two returned to the mine from the "Shadow Road", the soundproof shield was seamlessly connected.

The snap of the fingers also interrupted Ailin's thoughts.

At some point, the Kaedwen army had disappeared in the mine.

"Let's go. I'll come back to remind Soi after I send you off."

The sorceress looked absent-minded and stopped nagging Aylin. She quickly led him out of the mine.

The camp outside the mine was brightly lit.

There were elite soldiers patrolling everywhere, and the defense was several times stronger than when he sneaked in.

However, most of these guards were surrounded by a luxuriously decorated tent.

Therefore, even without the sorceress.

Aylin could rely on the night to leave here.


"Ms. Vera, just send me here." Aylin tilted his head and advised, "I can walk alone on the rest of the way."

The sorceress looked around and nodded.

Aylin breathed a sigh of relief and was about to say goodbye to the sorceress.


A snap of the fingers.

An ornament that seemed to be made of pure gold appeared in the palm of the sorceress's hand.

The ornament was engraved with a majestic middle-aged man holding lightning.

"This is the amulet of the Sky Father."

Vera handed him the golden ornament.

"Although I can't read your mind, I can see that you will definitely not give up the fighting competition and go to Elland to eliminate the curse first."

"So you wear this amulet, just like the one of Meliteli, and never leave it."

"Even when you sleep, do you understand?"

Aylin nodded subconsciously and let the sorceress put the amulet of the Sky Father on his neck.

Aylin knew the religion of the Sky Father.

Formerly known as the Cliff Religion.

In addition to the Sky Father, Cliff is also known as the incarnation of lightning.

Compared with Meliteli, the influence of this god is much weaker.

Because he requires followers to challenge themselves with extremely strict precepts, eliminate their own distractions and weaknesses, and fight against evil.

With such strict doctrines, the number of believers is naturally not as good as that of the "loving" Meliteli.


Although it does not have as many followers as the goddess Meliteli, the Cliff Church is indeed a righteous god recognized by the northern countries.

Even because of the doctrine of fighting against evil.

Most of the clergy of the Cliff Church have the ability to exorcise demons.

Perhaps the amulet of the Father of the Sky is more effective in blocking the sight of the evil god than the amulet of the goddess Meliteli.


Ailin looked down at the amulet that was placed side by side with the gold and silver pieces.

He was a little confused.

How could an "evil" witch who was rejected by all major religions get so many amulets of righteous gods?


The religions in the demon hunter world are extremely exclusive.

He is a demon hunter who can't even be called a shallow believer. Is it really okay to wear the amulets of two sects on his neck like this?


When Ailin looked up and wanted to ask, the sorceress had disappeared.

"Since the sorceress didn't remind me, it should be okay."

Ailin thought.

Then, he identified the direction and walked towards the Hundred Fruit Garden.

The commission was almost completed.

I don't know what Ada Emin said about the commission reward "I want most".

Is it what he wants most?


About an hour later.

Outside the largest tent in the camp.

A fat middle-aged man wearing large armor hesitated outside the tent for nearly a minute before he made up his mind and walked in.

"Jaquel, you said..."

"What do you mean by nothing?"

Haxo put down the steak in his hand and looked up suspiciously at his brother, the deputy commander of the king's bodyguard, who had caused him a lot of trouble.

He said he had nothing to say as soon as he came in. Who can understand this?

"'s not like there's nothing..."

The middle-aged man named Jacquiel looked panicked and was sweating profusely:

"The wizards said that there is an illusion there,'s just empty."

Haxo's flesh-worm-like eyebrows seemed to be knitted together.

"What do you mean empty?"

Is Jacquiel stupid?

What illusion, what emptiness...

Why can't you even speak clearly?

Could it be that he was fooled by those nobles whose children died?

Jacquel explained honestly:

"There are no people or elves in the illusion. I also went in and had a look. Although it was an illusion, the scenes inside were the same as the real thing..."

Hackthor realized something wasn't right there.

"Where are the monsters?"

"Aren't you because of a large group of... what are they called rock monsters..."

"It's the Rock Troll," Jacquel corrected.

"It doesn't matter, what about those rock trolls? Were they all killed by Soy? What about Soy? Did the wild cats succeed?"

Haxo's fat body leaned forward.

As his biological brother, Jacquel naturally knew that he had asked a demon hunter from the Cat School to assassinate Soy.

Hacksall even arranged for Jacquel to...

If Soi was only seriously injured by the demon hunters of the Cat School, he would not have died.

You must find an opportunity to avoid the sorceress and kill him.

Jacquel lowered his head, his voice trembling:

"Your Majesty the King..."

"No... no rock trolls. Those rock trolls suddenly disappeared."


Haxall slammed the table.


"How could so many monsters suddenly disappear?"

Jacquel buried his head deeper:

"It is indeed missing, Your Majesty the King."

"The corpses of the former... former group of soldiers are still there, but these rock trolls just disappeared. The knights, soldiers and wizards all saw it with their own eyes..."

"Why did he suddenly disappear? What about Soy?" Haxo asked quickly, "Have the demon hunters of the Cat School taken any action?"

Jacquel seized the opportunity and complained quickly:

"No, I have urged Treis over and over again, but he just refuses to take action, saying that there is no troll to consume Soi, they are not sure, unless..."

"Unless those wizards take action..."

Although he had already guessed the ending, Haxo still held back the burning anger in his heart and interrupted:

"Then you didn't ask those damn wizards?"

"I asked!" Jacquel emphasized loudly.

"But Jaynes refused to take action because Ms. Vera was by his side."

"Those damn wizards!"

Haxo cursed loudly.

But now that the matter was over, Haxo could only continue to ask questions to clarify the matter.

Wait until Yiwuyiten understands the situation from Jacquel's mouth.

The whole tent fell silent instantly.

After a long time, Haxo's calm voice sounded in the shivering silence:

"That is to say..."

"We have lost nearly three hundred elites here, and the royal family's prestige has been greatly reduced..."


"Not only is Soy not dead, but we've also lost track of that damn elf?"

"Is that what you mean?"

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