Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 155 Soi Henrietta

Chapter 155 Zoi Henrietta


Castle ruins.


The dark stones were pushed aside, revealing a dark passage.

Inside Viscount Hudson's castle, it seemed that there were burnt marks everywhere, as if a fire had completely burned it into ruins.

But in fact.

The main structure of the castle was strangely not damaged.

"This must be man-made." Aylin thought.

When a real fire starts, even the hardest rocks will be burned by the high temperature and cracks will appear.

The cement buildings in the previous life could hardly survive the ruthless flames, so how could this medieval castle be so intact.

"Uh... Aylin, now apply ghost oil to the silver sword, is that right?"

Vesemir took out a bottle of oily potion with a hazy blue light from the reagent bag on his waist and asked hesitantly.

Although he also learned the formula of corpse-eating biological oil, he had never used this potion called sword oil by Aylin.

After all.

For him, this sword oil targets water ghosts and ghouls, so whether to apply oil or not is a matter of one sword.

"Yes, Master Vesemir."

As Ailin said this, he also took out a bottle of ghost oil from the bag on his waist.

Although he didn't know the specific formula and preparation method of the unlocked sword oil and demon hunter potion.

But he still remembered some common solvents in the formula.

Therefore, considering that he might get the formula outside.

Before leaving Kaer Morhen, Ailin specially took some dwarven liquor, dog oil, bear fat and other commonly used potion solvents from the sorceress and put them in his bag.

After getting the formula, he went to the herbal medicine shop in Baiguoyuan and spent 30 copper coins to buy six copies of fleas. After borrowing the crucible of the herbal medicine shop owner for 1 copper coin, he quickly prepared six bottles of ghost oil.

It didn't affect the exploration of the castle ruins at all.


Open the bottle stopper and slowly pour one-third of the sword oil in the bottle onto Elsa.

Rotate the sword body.

After two or three circles, a layer of light blue light covered the beautifully decorated silver sword.

Vesemir watched his movements carefully, and applied sword oil like Arryn.

Then, the two looked at each other, holding the silver swords, and walked into the dark passage...

Yade Town.

Earl Burns's manor.

Yade Town is not far from the Hundred Fruit Garden.

After Serio settled the injured Fargo, he followed Fowler on a fast horse for only half an hour.

The manor, which was shaded by trees and heavily guarded, appeared in front of them.

Serio glanced at Fowler, who was leading the way on horseback, and quietly led his horse to Bowen's side, whispering:

"Bowen, Fargo is injured and can't come, and Fowler heard that he was injured by a demon spirit..."

"We can't hide the fact that we went to the abandoned castle."

Bowen gently pulled the reins, slowed down, and said:

"I have been thinking about this all the way."

"Captain Serio, let's just tell the truth."

"Tell the truth?" Serio said in surprise, and then realized that his voice was a little loud, and glanced at Fowler in front of him.

Fowler led the way as usual, and the sound of horse hooves covered the sound of the two people's communication.

"You don't even know who is behind the scenes, aren't you afraid of being exposed?" Serio said. Bowen shook his head and said:

"As you said, Fargo was injured first, and then the matter of the demon spirit was exposed. We can no longer cover up the fact that we had been with the demon hunter in the castle ruins."

"The demon hunters accept commissions normally, and if someone asks, they may not help us conceal it."

"So this is already an inevitable thing."

"Since it doesn't work secretly, let's test the king's attitude directly."

"The purpose of my family and I is just to take back the castle and fiefdom. Compared with this, the truth of the death of Viscount Hudson's family is dispensable."

"Besides, no matter what, the death of the Viscount's family and the burning of the castle happened ten years ago."

"No matter who is behind the scenes, even if it is the king, he has done what he should do in such a long ten years, and he should have obtained what he should have obtained."

"There is no reason to have such a big reaction to the normal demands of a nobleman for inheritance and taking back the fiefdom."

Cerio also breathed a sigh of relief when he heard it.

Indeed, even if the king has the upper hand, as long as he has not officially pronounced the verdict, it is normal for the nobles to try to take back the family castle and fiefdom.


Serio glanced at the young knight whose eyebrows were unconsciously wrinkled.


Bowen was not as calm as he said.

After all, although the request was normal, King Haxor, who was nicknamed "Big Eater" by the people and nobles, was not normal.

But there was no way.

The king's summons was too sudden, and the two had no time to prepare for anything. Therefore, even if they could not guess Haxor's reaction, they could only bite the bullet and act according to the new plan.

Otherwise, if the concealment was exposed, they, as the king's personal guards, would only be more passive.


After entering the manor, Serio and Bowen took off their armor and weapons and changed into noble clothes under the guidance of the manor servants.

Even as the king's personal guards, it was difficult for them, the children of nobles, to gain the king's full trust.

Every time they met the king, they had to take off all their weapons.


The dark wooden door opened.

The aroma of barbecue and fine wine filled the air.

"Your Majesty."

After Serio and Bowen entered the room, they knelt on one knee respectfully without looking around.

The chewing sound of "huff~huff~" stopped.

"There is another person, Serio? You were attacked by elves?"

Haxo put down the bloody bone and noticed something unusual before he finished speaking.

"Your Majesty, Fargo was scratched by a demon and is recovering from the mayor of the Hundred Fruit Garden."


The deep voice of a middle-aged man suddenly came from Serio's right.

Who is so bold? Dare to be so presumptuous in front of the king... Serio subconsciously turned his head and saw a pair of silver cat pupils.

Looking down again, the flat silver metal badge was shining.

Wolf School Demon Hunter?

No, the badge of the Wolf School is not like this.

"This is the Wolf School Demon Hunter Grandmaster, Dragon Slayer Zoi Henrietta, and also the legitimate son of Grand Duke Toussaint, of course... in the past."

Someone on Serio's left seemed to see through his thoughts and said in a deep voice.

It's really a Wolf School Demon Hunter, but who is this voice?

Before Serio had time to turn his head to look over, the voice continued:

"I am the vice president of Ban Ade, Janes."

"Janes!" Haxo growled.

"Sorry, Your Majesty, I forgot that I shouldn't perform mind reading in front of you..."

The voice responded frivolously, obviously not caring much about Haxo's attitude.

Serio was immediately dignified when he heard this, and quickly turned his head to look over.

A young man wearing a long pointed hat looked at him and smiled at him.

He was read?

What was read?

"I didn't read anything now." The frivolous voice continued.

"Don't worry, under the dragon-like majesty of your noble king, I'm trembling so much that I can't read anything."

"I can see these from your straightforward face."

"Jaynes!!!" Haxo gloomily threw the bones in his hand into the silver basin and shouted loudly.

"Okay, okay, I'll shut up, I'll shut up..." The wizard named Jaynes shrugged, raised the corner of his mouth, and smiled at Serio again.

Serio didn't dare to look at it anymore and lowered his head quickly.

He was a wizard and a demon hunter who had slayed dragons. No wonder the king called back all the guards.

When Haxo saw Jaynes calm down and was about to continue asking for details, he suddenly thought of something, frowned, and asked:

"Wait, you said the Hundred Fruit Garden?"

Looking at the king's thoughtful expression, Serio's heart sank.

How could an ordinary town trigger the king's thinking? This was not a good thing for him or Bowen.

He was a little regretful. The water in the castle ruins seemed deeper than he had imagined.

However, when the king asked, he still said:

"Yes, Fargo is healing in the Hundred Fruit Garden now."

At this time, the wizard next to Jaynes seemed to remember something, and his face suddenly changed.

He leaned his head close to Jaynes' ear, and his mouth kept opening and closing.

Jaynes' expression also changed from careless to serious.

"Is there a castle ruin nearby the Hundred Fruit Garden you mentioned?" he asked.

Serio looked up at the king and saw Haxo frowning. He nodded and said:

"There is indeed a castle ruin in the Hundred Fruit Garden, and Fargo was chopped by the demon there."

Hearing this, Haxo looked at Jaynes instinctively. When he saw Jaynes nod, his face immediately darkened and he was about to scold.

Suddenly he saw Soi standing aside, so he suppressed his anger and asked:

"What is the current situation of the castle ruins?"

Castle ruins

The sound of metal clashing resounded, and sparks burst out from the sound, instantly illuminating the angular and handsome face under the black wide-brimmed hat.

Then the next moment.



The light blue light quickly rotated into a bright fan-shaped shape along with the force of the rebound, and penetrated through the belly of the demon spirit.


In the sound like water suddenly vaporizing.

The intersection of the silver sword and the spirit seemed to be boiling. After a large distortion, the translucent body of the demon spirit suddenly stagnated.

In the next second, it shattered into countless green, blue, and purple gravel.

However, this demon hunter wearing a strange hat in the dim room did not stop to rest after killing a demon spirit, but turned his eyes and stared at the next demon spirit.

That's right.

This demon hunter is Vesemir.

He is crazy about killing!

"Alin is really a genius. He can even think of a potion like Ghost Oil." Vesemir spun around and danced with his sword, feeling very satisfied.

He didn't care about the corpse-eating creature oil before. Anyway, such physical creatures can be killed with just one sword, and the effect is not obvious to them, the demon hunter masters.

But Ghost Oil is different.

No demon hunter who has hunted demons before can refuse Ghost Oil.

Absolutely not!

Although I don't know why Alin's demon hunter's eye can kill demons with one blow.

But the speed of destroying demons has little to do with the demon hunter's own strength. It simply relies on the slow mutual cancellation between silver and spirit.

No matter how strong the demon hunter is, at most he can deal with multiple demons at the same time without injury.

Each demon spirit still takes a long time to destroy.

Vesemir even calculated when he was bored that it would take more than two hundred and thirty cuts with an ordinary silver sword to destroy a demon spirit.

It's mechanical and cumbersome, without the excitement and excitement of ordinary battles.

But with this ghost oil queen created by Ai Lin.

Three swords and one demon spirit.

If the long sword penetrates the spirit body deeply enough, one sword can even kill one.


Another demon spirit passed away.


Vesemir roared happily, not even caring that the duration of the Seal of Arden had expired, and quickly pounced on the next demon spirit.

Vesemir is awesome.


Aelin, who was not far behind Vesemir, was not happy.

He even regretted refining the ghost oil in advance and giving it to the master demon hunter.

He watched Vesemir dance gracefully and smoothly around the dimly lit castle.

After every change in the rhythm of the dance steps, there will inevitably be a demon spirit that glows green, screams miserably, and disappears after leaving a pile of materials behind.

Just three minutes,

Six of the ten demon spirits that were suddenly encountered were turned into materials under Vesemir's sword.

"Master Vesemir, don't kill them all, give me a few!"

After seeing the master demon hunter not far away using his sword to kill another demon spirit, Aylin quickly shouted.

He lowered his head to avoid the slow sword swung by the demon spirit. Using his left foot as the axis, he turned around and swung the sword in a flash.

The sound of gasification also sounded in the demon spirit's belly, and then it collapsed into black powder.


The sound of violent gasification came from both sides of the body at the same time.

Aylin turned around and looked.

The last demon spirit flashed green and disappeared almost at the same time as the one he killed.


[Monster Group "Demon Spirit" Level 38 Crusade! 】

[Reward settlement: Defeat the enemy, basic rating D, leapfrog kill +3-C, decapitation deterrence +3-B]

[Final rating: B]

[Trophy obtained: Demon Spirit’s Purification Spirit*2, Experience Beads*9, Demon Spirit’s Treasure Box*4]


Out of ten demon spirits, Aylin only managed to grab two.

After discovering the special effects of ghost oil, Vesemir seemed to want to put an end to the past. The frustrating time of mechanically hunting demons with one sword after another, even Arden only opened it once.

Chasing the demon spirit like crazy and slashing at it.


"Ai Lin, I'm sorry. I couldn't get it at the moment."

Under Aelin's resentful gaze, Vesemir coughed twice and explained.

Aylin: "..."

When he opened his mouth to remind, Vesemir was still in the corner.

There's no way it can be confiscated. It's because you feel so good about killing that you don't want to stop.

And this is not just once or twice, the three waves of demon spirits encountered after entering the castle were like this.

"Um, Aylin...this ghost spirit oil is really useful..." Vesemir wanted to change the subject, but under Aylin's silent gaze, he finally agreed, "Next time I meet a demon spirit, Give them all to you... let me give you a few."

Aylin then nodded and collected all the trophies on the ground into glass bottles.

Looking at the two piles of trophies left by the demon spirits on the ground, Vesemir glanced at Aylin and tacitly agreed not to point out the difference between the two piles of trophies.

After packing up the loot.

After searching the entire castle, no other demon spirits appeared.

Vesemir's promise came to nothing.

However, this is not the point.

The point is that although the two demon hunters have collected all the bones.

But the bones provide no clues other than that these people did not die in the fire.

Especially the clues about the human couple.

"There must be something wrong with the environment here, otherwise these demon spirits wouldn't be able to appear during the day!"

"If only witchers could feel magic like wizards!"

Vesemir looked at the mountains of pale bones and lamented.

Feel the magic?

Aylin caught the key word.

He gently touched the school badge on his chest with his right hand and thought:

"Although I can't feel the magic, I can see it!"

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