Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 154 What is a genius demon hunter? (Two chapters in one)

"Master Vesemir, in addition to holding lanterns in the hands of these demon spirits, they all use different weapons."

"Are these differences related to their status in life? For example, the person holding the sword may be a knight, and the person holding the sickle may be a farmer?"

Aylin gathered the remaining resentment residue of the demon spirit into an empty glass bottle and asked curiously.

The weapon used by demon spirits in the game is a long sword.

But in reality, the demon spirits' weapons began to be diverse.

Swords, sickles, whips, axes and even brushes for grooming horses.

Of course, there are also those who have no weapons and scratch with bare hands.

This was obviously affected by some factors, the most likely being their occupation during their lifetime.

"Well, you guessed it right."

"The demon spirit's weapons indeed come from the deceased's work during his lifetime."

"A priest once said that if people who die suddenly have important unfinished work in this world, they will become demons."

Vesemir explained casually.

He also carefully collected every bit of resentment residue not far away.

Although he had never seen this kind of magical material, the vague ominous feeling felt by the demon hunter's senses showed that this material had special effects.

The most important thing is not to leave it out to ordinary people, as it can easily lead to unknown disasters.

There is never a shortage of Kaedwen. The ignorant poor people picked up some mysterious materials left by a wizard on the road, which led to the tragic death of a family's wife and children.

"However, I don't quite believe this statement. My personal experience of encountering demon spirits in the past tells me..."

"They are all a group of poor people who died in anger and pain. Without the extreme emotional influence before death, it would be impossible to become demon spirits..."

Aylin noticed that Vesemir's tone was a little low, and his movements in picking up the remnants of resentment were slightly sluggish.

Are you remembering what happened to your friends in the past?

Aylin saw this scene in his eyes, changed his mind, and said cautiously:

"So... none of these people died normally, right?"

"Is it really like what the noble said, that these people died from summoning evil spirits?"

"We're not sure yet," Vesemir shook his head: "After cleaning up the remains of the demon spirits, let's look for clues around here first. The demon spirits generally don't leave their bodies too far away."

Aylin nodded, cleaned up the remnants of resentment under his hands, reported to Vesemir, and then walked to the remnants of resentment left by the three demon spirits that Vesemir had led to the corner.

Open the Demon Hunting Notes with your mind.

【bite! Your skills: Arden's Seal LV1 has been upgraded to Arden's Seal LV3 (0/2500)]

Judging from Vesemir's appearance, we still need to search the castle again.

I encountered six demon spirits as soon as I entered the door, and there must be more after entering the castle.

Ailin naturally had to seize the time to improve his skills in restraining demon spirits.

After upgrading the skills, a lot of techniques for using the Seal of Arden came to mind.

The magic trap that originally could only last for thirteen seconds has been upgraded to have a duration of twenty-three seconds.

At the same time, the number of times Aylin can continuously release Aiden's Seal has also increased by one.

Greatly improves the error tolerance rate when facing demon spirits.

After upgrading the skill, your mind jumps to the inventory.

Just like in the high mountain trial and when hunting the little mist demon, you may encounter unknown dangers next. Of course, you should use whatever you get quickly.

So as not to regret it if you encounter danger.

【bite! Do you use the purifying spirit of the demon spirit? 】

The moment the thought clicked, a hint of coolness appeared in my mind, and then disappeared suddenly.


So fast?

I adjusted the attributes with my mind, but there was no change.

Aylin simply used all the remaining five purification spirits.

In an instant, Aylin felt as if he had eaten a large piece of ice cream, and the coldness rushed into his brain stem, and then merged directly into the countless grooves in his brain.

In an instant.

His eyes were clear, and the dust in front of his eyes and the sounds of cordyceps, birds and beasts in his ears were particularly clear.

[Attributes: Strength 32, Agility 31, Constitution 31, Perception 21 (+3), Mystery 41]

It's actually perception?

Doesn’t the demon spirit’s purifying spirit increase the mystery?

Aylin scratched his head. He thought that this spiritual creature added mystery.

However, regardless of perception, this attribute has always been his shortcoming.

When perception is improved, not only will the ability to detect danger be improved, but the demon hunter's various sensory abilities will also be enhanced.

"Aelin! Have you done it there?"

"Come on, Master Vesemir, look for the corpses of the victims around you first!"

Seeing that Vesemir's place had been packed away, and he was the only one left, Aylin quickly held the Meriteri amulet on his chest.

"Goddess Meriteri bless you! Goddess Meriteri bless you!"

After praying silently one after another, his mind changed.

【bite! The demon spirit’s treasure chest*4 is opened]

After three white lights flashed, a dazzling golden light exploded.

The goddess is finally home!

Aelin's blood surged with excitement.

He hasn't opened a golden treasure chest for many days.

After the golden light flashed, a drop of blue liquid shimmering with spiritual light fell from the sky and turned into a piece of parchment.

[Obtain: Experience beads*3, "Ghost Oil" sword oil formula]

The moment he saw the name of the golden quality blueprint, Aylin was ecstatic.

During the battle with the demon spirits just now, he still wondered when the sword oil specially designed to restrain ghost spirits would be available?

Unexpectedly, four treasure chests were opened.

Click on the idea to open the recipe details.

[Name: Ghost Spirit Oil]

[Type: sword oil formula]

[Refining requirements: Alchemy LV1]

[Recipe: bear fat*1, flea patch*4]

[Function: Apply to weapons to enhance damage to ghosts]

[Remarks: One part of bear fat + four parts of flea charm = 0.5 marks of silver = 50 orens, is it worth it? 】

When his eyes moved to the notes, Aylin couldn't help but smile.

Hunting demon spirits relies on the violent reaction between pure silver and the spirit body, which naturally consumes money.

On the way to the castle ruins, Vesemir had already emphasized this to him.

Generally, after killing one demon spirit, the pure silver coating on the surface of the ordinary silver sword will be obviously worn away. The three demon spirits need to be re-plated with silver by a qualified blacksmith.

Otherwise, it will not only reduce the damage caused by the demon hunter to the demon spirits, but may also cause the structure of the silver sword to be damaged.

If you are not careful, it will even be broken by a heavy blow during the battle, directly endangering the user's life.

Therefore, unless they meet big clients such as nobles or wealthy businessmen, demon hunters generally don't like to accept such commissions.

Not only may the remuneration not be worth the cost, but if there are problems with the intelligence, it may even endanger lives.

After all, the floating demon spirit not only moves very fast, but also blinks and teleports. If it is slightly weaker, it will not be able to escape.

It's different with Ghost Spirit Oil.

Bear fat may be a little more expensive, but a serving won't cost more than an oren.

It is a common medicinal herb that clears heat, improves eyesight, detoxifies and relieves coughs. It is grown by many medicinal farmers in Kaedwen.

One oren can probably buy a lot.

A bottle of ghost oil can be used sparingly and can be refilled three times. Although Aylin hasn't tried it yet, he should be able to kill at least one demon spirit each time he refills the sword oil.

Calculating in his mind, Aylin couldn't help but smile on his face.

"The strength of the Wolf School demon hunters has been greatly improved again!"


Aelin put the last few ghost spirit residues on the ground into a glass bottle, then stood up and walked towards Vesemir.

The master demon hunter was squatting beside a charred ruins, his eyebrows twisted into the character "chuan".

Aylin couldn't help but be curious about the strange behavior of the master demon hunter, and asked:

"What's wrong, Master Vesemir?"

"Have you discovered anything special?"

Vesemir stood up when he heard Aylin's voice. He did not answer his question immediately, but asked:

"Have you packed away the remnants of the demon spirit? This evil thing cannot be left behind."

Ai Lin nodded slightly and said:

"Don't worry, Master Vesemir. I checked everything again after I collected it. There will be no problem."

Vesemir nodded and said:

"When you return to Kaer Morhen, you will take the collected magic materials to the alchemy room and ask Ms. Vera."

"She is the top alchemist master in the northern countries. She must know these materials."

Aylin doubted this, after all, it was a product left behind by the Demon Hunting Notes.

However, he didn't voice his suspicions, he just nodded in agreement and brushed it off.

After talking about collecting materials for weird demon spirits, Vesemir pointed to his feet.

The charred stones and wood were hidden by overgrown weeds and green plants, and some pale colors were faintly revealed between the black and green.

"Six skulls...the six demon spirits just now should be here." Vesemir said.

Aylin squatted down and pushed aside the knee-high weeds. The pale human bones were scattered among them.

Some of the bones were wrapped with some brown and white roots of vegetation, which Vesemir had just picked up from the soil.

Aylin looked at this scene and instinctively felt that something was wrong.

But in his previous life, he was just a corporate employee sitting in an office.

In this life, he is a newly graduated demon hunter.

The distribution of human bones at the crime scene was really unclear. After watching it for several minutes, I couldn't see anything.

So, he could only look up at Vesemir with his arms crossed.

The master witcher saw the doubts in his heart and did not give in.

"This was specially cleaned up here."

"The demon spirit who uses the long sword can only be a knight, and it is unlikely that he will die in the same place as the gardener and valet of the castle."

"And there are no black scorch marks on their bones, indicating that the cause of death was not a fire..."

As he spoke, Vesemir also squatted down, pointed at the pale bones on the ground, and continued:

"Although it is not a fire, after I checked it just now, I found that there are no obvious scratches or breaks on these bones."

"It means these six people probably passed away without any injuries."

Vesemir spoke very slowly, and Aelin knew that Vesemir was imparting his experience to him, so he listened very carefully.

"So what does this mean?"

"Did he suffocate due to the smoke from the fire? Or was he really summoned by evil spirits?"

After listening to Vesemir's analysis, Aylin thought for a moment and then asked.

Vesemir shook his head and said:

"The cause of death was not smoke asphyxiation."

"From here to the city gate, the passage is clear all the way."

"Summoning evil spirits is indeed a possibility, but there are also many magics that can also cause death without causing damage to the target's bones."

"So, you suspect wizards?" Ailin asked.

"I do suspect them. At least evil spirits will only kill humans, not throw them into a corner."

"The wizards who come to investigate later also have no need to do so, and they certainly won't do such troublesome things."

"Otherwise, this castle would have been cleaned up long ago."

Vesemir nodded slightly, then sighed and said:

"The most important thing is... I believe in Viscount Hudson."

"How could such a selfless, generous, optimistic and cheerful man become a villain who summons evil spirits in just three or five years?"

Ailin was speechless.

He didn't know what kind of person Hudson was.

But compared to the wizard with a full negative impression, he was more willing to believe the nobleman he had never met.

At least he was someone recognized by Vesemir.

"These are the only clues we can get here."

"Explore the castle first, and then collect these bones when you come back, and find a cemetery for them to rest in peace."

Vesemir stood up and patted the dust on his knees, and was about to lead the way into the depths of the castle.

"Wait, Master Vesemir, I suddenly thought of a sword oil formula, which may be effective against demons."

"Let's go back and prepare a few bottles of sword oil before going in."

Alin called the demon hunter master.

It would be fine if he didn't draw the formula for the demon oil.

It has already been drawn, and it is obvious that he will encounter demons next, so of course he should prepare everything he can use.

Anyway, his identity as an alchemy genius has long been accepted by the demon hunter master of the Wolf School, and Vesemir is also very reliable, so there is no need to hide it.

"Sword oil formula? New idea?"

Vesemir turned his head and looked at Alin, his face full of shock.

Aren't alchemical formulas usually obtained by experiments in the alchemy room of wizards and witches?

How can you get them by killing a few monsters?


"Did you get those formulas before in this way?" Vesemir couldn't help but shouted in shock.

After a moment's deliberation, Ailin gave the excuse he had already thought of:

"It's almost like this... Master Vesemir, you know that my Demon Hunter's Eye has some special effects."

"Originally, it can only see the flow of magic power in the monster's body..."

"But after learning alchemy from Ms. Vera, I occasionally have a flash of inspiration when hunting monsters..."

"Suddenly I know how to use the materials of these monsters, and suddenly I think of a formula that can target these monsters..."

The logic seems to be smooth.

Seeing the flow of magic power in the monster's body, combined with learning alchemy, is equivalent to a genius demon hunter alchemist who uses monster materials.

But... but... but this is not in line with common sense!

Even Vesemir, an outsider, knows that every alchemical formula needs countless experiments from immaturity to maturity.

How can you come up with it by killing a monster?

And the effect is so good!

It's really outrageous!

"Ah...ah..." Vesemir opened his mouth, his eyes widened, and his dark golden cat pupils shrank into a line in shock.

He felt that Ailin was joking with him, but the facts of the previous times were right in front of him.

The glass bottles containing killer whale, cat's eye and cadaver oil were all placed in the medicine bag on his waist, and they made a slight jingling sound from time to time.

They seemed to be whispering to him...

Genius is like this, it is so unreasonable.

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