Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 127 How to fight against the danger of destruction

After coming out of the cave by the Killer Lake, he went to the Ring of Elements again.

It was already evening when he returned to the Ancient Sea Fortress.

As for the body of the Giant Swamp Fairy, Ailin did not carry it back.

It can be said that encountering rare large monsters once or twice can be said to be coincidence.

If it happens a few more times, even a fool will know that there is a problem.

The intersection of the celestial spheres is his core secret.

At least he does not intend to expose it until his strength reaches the level of the chief.


after thinking for a while in the cave, he dragged the body of the Giant Swamp Fairy to the Big Stone and his friends.

In exchange for nine pieces of rotten meat, he asked them to find a place to hide.

The camp of the rock trolls is at a high altitude and is covered with snow all year round. The body of the Giant Swamp Fairy will not rot even if it is left there for one or two years.

He can also have more contact with the Big Stone and his friends, find an excuse to send rotten meat, and improve his favorability.

Seeing the reluctant look of the Big Stone, the Broken Stone and the Small Stone when he left, Ailin's strategy was very successful.

I guess I can try to get blood after sending rotten meat two or three more times.

"It's a pity that the Ring of Elements is like the place of magic in the game. The magic has formed a brilliant galaxy, but it can't be absorbed to reduce the cooling time of the intersection of the celestial spheres."

He thought to himself while unlocking the door of his residence.

After returning, Ailin took a bath and changed his clothes, took out the goddess Meliteli from his chest and held it tightly.

"Goddess Meliteli bless me!"

After praying silently in his heart, he opened the treasure chest with his mind.

[Ding! Giant Swamp Fairy's Treasure Chest * 4]

Four rays of light flashed, white, blue, white, and white.

"Well, it seems that Goddess Meliteli is not at home today." Ailin said self-deprecatingly.

[Obtained: Experience beads * 3, Giant Swamp Fairy's Heart Essence * 1]

Well, it's not a loss...

Adding the nine experience beads obtained from the crusade settlement, the increase in experience in this crusade is equivalent to 1,200 small experience beads.

A small wave of blood from the ritualist.

Plus the heart essence of two large monsters.

With this calculation, the harvest is not bad.

As expected, hunting large monsters still makes more money.

After sighing, Ailin did not hesitate and used the heart essence of two giant swamp fairy one after another.

The cold liquid entered his throat.

The vigorous chill mixed with a heavy feeling, the moment it fell into the stomach, it spread out and washed the body a little violently.

Into every cell, into every bone.

A strong sense of power surged to the limbs and bones, and the mutant organs next to the heart seemed to be growing.


Ailin shuddered and couldn't help but exclaimed softly in comfort.

In a few seconds, he absorbed the two bottles of essence.

The mind opened the character panel.

[Attributes: Strength 31 (+5), Agility 29 (+5), Constitution 34 (+3), Perception 27 (+3), Mysticism 40 (+10)]

[Affinity: Water 7 (+2), Earth 3 (+2)]

Although the attribute improvement is far less than that of the Heart Essence of the Water King, the elemental affinity of the Swamp Sorcerer is twice as much.

The size and power of the Ice Spear Spell have been greatly improved.

It has moved one step closer from a toothpick to a real ice spear as thick as the thigh of the Water King.

"It's a pity that I don't have any earth element skills yet, so I don't need three points of earth element affinity."

Aylin sighed with some regret, and then went to bed and fell asleep.


After hunting the Swamp Sorcerer, Aylin's life returned to normal again.

Because he didn't need to take ritual studies anymore, he found an excuse to convince Vera, and he spent almost all his time on the Demon Hunting Corps.

A few days ago, Aylin asked Vesemir and the sorceress about the strength of the King of Kaedwen and the Ban Ade Academy.

Neither of them cared about the strength of the King of Kaedwen, so they didn't know.

However, after Arlin's attributes were improved, he vaguely remembered the original book of the Witcher that he had read several times in his previous life.

The lord of Kaedwen's vassal state, Kangongen, Niedamir, had 300 cavalry and 1,500 infantry.

The vassal states were so powerful.

As the largest country among the four northern countries, the strength of Kaedwen can be imagined. At least the king's cavalry will definitely not be less than 1,000, and the infantry is even more difficult to count.

Of course.

King Haxor of Kaedwen is a warlike and greedy person. Not only did he have disputes with the elves, but he also had territorial frictions with his two neighbors, Aedirn and Redania, so the actual available troops must not be so many.


There are only 60 official witchers recorded in Kaer Morhen, and this is counting the four people of Arlin.

Among them, there are even more than a dozen disabled and have lost their combat effectiveness.

In comparison, the difference in combat effectiveness is simply despairing!

Moreover, this does not include the wizards of Ben Ade College.

"Heng Gedimidis, the dean of Ban Ade, is the strongest wizard in the world." These are the original words of the sorceress.

She did not mention other wizards, but I think there should be more than the Wolf School.

But then again, two such powerful forces joined forces and went through so many detours, just to deal with a school with less than a hundred people.

There must be something they are concerned about.

For example, reputation.

Demon hunters have been exorcising demons for the human world for hundreds of years and have saved countless lives.

Now is not the time when there are only two or three kittens left in the game and demon hunters can be slandered at will.

It has only been a short time since the demon hunters were slandered. From commoners to nobles, more people remember them for their lives to fight demons and defend the way.


Directly declaring war on an organization like the Wolf School will cause huge damage to its reputation.

And the loss of reputation,

For the king, it is political enemies, restless nobles, and the one-on-one response when the mob revolts.

For the Ban Ade Academy, it is the source of students, the rejection of the nobles, the disgust of the people, and the scapegoat when the monsters are rampant.

This key point was thought out by Aylin after many days of thinking.

So even if the king and Ban Ade have decided to eliminate Kaer Morhen, they can only do it secretly.

For the Wolf School, this is a chance to survive.


There is a way to solve the desperate situation.

On the one hand.

The Demon Hunter Corps.

The essence of the water ghost has made seven apprentices pass the Green Grass Trial, almost one-tenth of the current demon hunters.

As time goes by, with the zero mortality rate of the Green Grass Trial, there will be more and more.

But his fighting power is definitely far inferior to that of an experienced demon hunter. He can't even deal with a cavalryman. Such demon hunters are useless no matter how many there are.

So he needs to upgrade the legion as soon as possible to unlock more members.

Use the legion skill [Teach] to improve skills, and [Loot Lock] to obtain experience beads, essence and treasure chests.

In this way.

Even if the new demon hunters can't catch up with Aylin, they can surpass most ordinary demon hunters in the shortest time.

On the other hand.

Through the apprentice fighting competition of the Wolf School and the Cat School, find an opportunity to observe the king's attitude.

Although the position of the Wolf School is uncompromising, it can be a snake, and even if there is no threat, the wolf can also be a viper.

In this way, it buys time for the development of the Demon Hunting Corps.

However, there is a biggest problem here.

When he leaves Kaer Morhen and participates in the Apprentice Fighting Conference...

What should the Demon Hunting Corps of the Ancient Sea Fortress do?

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