Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 126 Are non-humans elves?

"Discovered? How could it be?"

Faruk suddenly stood up from his seat, regardless of the etiquette in front of middle-aged people, and his voice was sharp in surprise.

Your brain is frantically searching for places where you might have missed information.

Robin was the only one with us at that time, could it be him?

No, when I was placing the road signs, I deliberately avoided Robin...

He couldn't detect my arrangement at his level.

Or is he the leader of the Wolf School?

But when he agreed, he looked indifferent. Could it be that he sent a master witcher to follow me quietly afterwards?

Seeing Faruk's flushed face, the middle-aged man shook his head and comforted:

"It's not your fault."

"It's Vera."

"The reason you didn't see Vera in Kaer Morhen is because she was doing something else."

Farouk couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that the exposure of the road sign had nothing to do with him, and sat down again.

He asked curiously: "What is Ms. Vera doing?"

The middle-aged man took the black tea poured from the porcelain vessel, took a few sips, and continued:

"Vera is helping the witchers find out about the game between cats and wolves, and the real reason why Haxo invited Soi to hunt elves."

"She even found out about me."

Faruk looked a little strange when he heard this.

"Then what did you say?"

The middle-aged man said expressionlessly: "Tell the truth."

Seeing that the middle-aged man was unwilling to elaborate, Faruk, although curious, changed the subject wisely.

"Since the demon hunters of the Wolf School may know that the apprentice fighting competition between cats and wolves is a conspiracy, will they still come to Ben Ade?"

"Do you need to adjust your plan?"

The middle-aged man shook his head and said with certainty:

"As long as they want to live in Kaedwen's lands, they have to come."

Faruk thought for a moment and then understood, and then he was suddenly startled.

Ms. Vera is indeed closely related to the Wolf School, and the information he gave the king was wrong.

Faruk murmured and stood up, saying goodbye to the middle-aged man.

"Dean, I will return to Ad Kalai now to inform the king of this matter."

"No need." The middle-aged man put down the tea cup and shook his head gently.

"But the king is not..." Faruk was stunned for a moment and stopped in surprise.

"Remember, you are a wizard, not a servant of the king."

"For us, it doesn't matter who wins or loses between the nobles and the demon hunters, as long as they fight."

The middle-aged man said calmly.

"But if the king is not prepared and his troops are not ready, will there be any surprises in the plan?" Faruk said hesitantly.

"Tell him about Vera, and then the plan will go wrong."

The middle-aged man shook his head and guided his former apprentice:

"Hakthor is only human."

"Mortal wisdom is dominated by complicated emotions. After knowing Vera's relationship with the Wolf School, Haxo will be afraid."

"Fear leads to hesitation, and hesitation leads to failure."

"So he doesn't have to know too much, we just need to guide him to do the right thing at the right time."

After a pause, he continued:

"As for Vera..."

"I will find a way when the time comes."

When Faruk heard this, he suddenly became energetic.

Lady Vera is powerful and cruel.

But compared to the source of magic, Hen Gedimidis, the gap was even far greater than the gap between Faruk and the Warlock Apprentice.

Speaking of Ms. Vera, Faruk suddenly remembered an interesting thing and said to the middle-aged man with a smile:

"Speaking of Lady Vera, when she was in Kaer Morhen, she had been teaching alchemy to a witcher apprentice."

"Huh? Demon hunter apprentice?" The middle-aged man was very curious.

Can the flaming Vera still have such patience?

What's the use of learning alchemy with a demon hunter's weak magic power?

Seeing the dean's interest, Farooq continued.

"According to Robin, the demon hunter apprentice is quite powerful. He can behead a water ghost with an ordinary steel sword just after passing the trial."

"It seems to be a special demon hunter's physique, called... what is it called the Demon Hunter's Eyes."

"Eye of the Demon Hunter? Behead a water ghost with a steel sword?" The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment and repeated in confusion.

"Huh? Even the dean doesn't know?" Faruk was also stunned for a moment.

Witchers were created to protect humans.

So the research was not private, although Henry Gedimidis was not deeply involved.

However, when Cosimo Malaspina, the father of the demon hunter, and his apprentice Arzu were researching, they would often communicate with the original human demon sources to exchange research progress and experiences.

Therefore, the secrets of witchers that many wizards demand are not mysterious in the eyes of Henry Gedimidis.

"Perhaps Robin is bragging, or perhaps there has been some mutation in the demon hunters after Arzu..." Faruk said with some uncertainty.

The middle-aged man lowered his head and was still thinking. Hearing Faruk's explanation, he raised his head and smiled, but did not say anything about it.

"Maybe, let's not mention this."

"It's been such a long time. If you have any problems with magic, we can discuss it."


After Farouk's few magical problems were resolved, he was ready to leave.

"Wait, Farouk, take this."

Faruk, who had already reached the door, turned around when he heard the sound, and a thick parchment book flew into his arms.

"The Spatial Positioning Method of Portal"

He was stunned for a moment. This book was exactly what he needed most at the moment, and he subconsciously looked up.

"Thank you for your hard work along the way." The middle-aged man smiled gently.

After Farouk heard this, he bowed gratefully and left at the middle-aged man's signal.


The wooden door was gently closed.

The middle-aged man opened the thin parchment book with less than a few pages in his hand again.

"Aen Ithlinnespeath", this is the prophecy book of the elven prophetess Ithlin.

The opened page was written in the elven language:

You must know that the time of sword and axe is near, it is the era of cold wolf wind and snow.

The world will die in the frost and be reborn under the new sun.

Ess'tuath esse! This is inevitable! Pay attention to the signs!

To know what the signs are...

First, Filius Miraculi - the son of miracles - was born in a bitter cold land.

Death and rebirth, non-human people bring blood and fire.


When Aen Seidhe - the blood of the elves - floods the earth, you should all wail, for the destroyer of nations is coming.

Your land will be trampled and divided.

Your cities will burn, and the inhabitants will flee.

Bats, night owls and crows will haunt your homes, and snakes and insects will make their nests in them...


After a long time


The thin pages of the book were closed.

Thinking of the elves playing hide-and-seek with the wizards in Ban Ade, Heng Gedimidis sighed.

"Islin, Islin..."

"Is your prophecy true or false?"

"Did you predict the demise of the elves, or will the elves perish because of your prophecy?"

Then he didn't know what he thought of. He was silent for a long time and sighed faintly:

"Are non-humans really elves?"

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