Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 101: You also know magic?

"Why is it missing?"

Aylin looked solemn and quickly backed away, leaning against the trunk of a thick dead tree.

There were only two footprints left between the two big trees where the Swamp Witch disappeared.

What's going on?

Doesn't the swamp witch hide underground in the swamp?

Is this kind of snow okay?

But if that's the case, why didn't it attack with those water ghosts just now?

Doubts appeared one after another, and Aylin couldn't help but hold his sword tightly and look around.

The snow on the ground did not rise, nor did a series of footprints suddenly appear around it.

Only the last four water ghosts, with their eyes red, rushed over without knowing whether to live or die.

There was a monster hiding in the dark and watching eagerly, making Ailin no longer interested in playing with these little monsters.

Holding the sword in his left hand to protect his body, he bent his index finger on his right hand and quickly reached forward.

Igoni Fire Seal.

The heat rises from near the heart, flows through the right hand, and then spurts out.

Sparks shot out, instantly igniting the water ghosts stained with the same kind of blood, and fled in all directions, roaring and wailing.

"Quack! Quack-"

Amidst the screams of the water ghosts, Aylin did not step forward to harvest their lives.

The flames were enough to kill him.

He squatted down, magic flowing through his heart again.

Then while being vigilant, he pressed his right palm into the snow.

Magic power flows out from the magic vein channels of the five fingers regularly and flows to the ground.

In the blink of an eye, a magic circle glowing with a faint mysterious purple light emerged from the ground.

The radius is about three meters, and the edges of the circle are flashing with lavender runes.

Seal of Arden

This is a magic trap set on the surface or floor that can cause different effects to enemies who step into it.

However, with Aylin's LV1 level, the only effect it can currently produce is deceleration.

That was enough for him too.

The winter sun is shining slantingly, and the cold wind is gradually rising.

At some point, a layer of mist gradually enveloped the lake shore.

After placing the Arden Seal, Aylin looked up and saw the mist, and was stunned for a moment.

The familiar sight made him subconsciously connect to the mirage bead.

Sure enough, the mist in front of my eyes disappeared.


"Is this another little fog demon here?"

Aylin's face suddenly turned dark.

What kind of luck is this today?

Either the demon shadow cannot be found for an hour, or a bunch of monsters appear.


Bottles and cans collided, and Aylin was alert. He quickly took out a bottle of red potion from the potion bag with his left hand and poured it on Elsa.

Both the mist monster and the swamp witch are corpse-eating creatures.

You can't go wrong with smearing some corpse-eating oil on your sword.


It seemed that his oiling action made the enemy see the flaw.

Amid the sound of branches swaying, there was a sudden sound of wind above Aylin's head.


The crystal bottle was thrown to the ground without hesitation.

The remaining red sword oil in the bottle slowly flowed out, blending with the dark red blood of the water ghost in the snow.


Mars is everywhere.

The silver sword blocked a sharp claw in front of him.

The blue cat pupils suddenly shrank, only one finger away from the sharp claw tips.

"How did the swamp witch get up the tree?"

"And why is the Swamp Witch so powerful?"

Ailin was shocked.

The numbness on his wrist told him that the power of the swamp witch was definitely superior to his.

If Yaden's seal had not been placed, his eyes might have gone blind by this time.

His right arm used strength instantly to throw the monster away.

"Crack! Crack!"

He quickly took two steps back around the dead wood while paying attention to his surroundings.

He didn't forget that there was at least one little mist demon lurking here, at least to ensure that his back was safe.

Moreover, the Arden seal also surrounds this big tree, so Aylin can only try to move within the range of the seal.


A strange laughter suddenly came from the mouth of the swamp witch. It sounded like the howling of a wild cat in the middle of the night, which was creepy.

It stopped on the spot and did not rush to attack. It raised its right hand and shook it.

The Swamp Witch's right arm was tied with a pale bone of unknown origin that looked like a forearm.


The weird laughter suddenly became regular.

This feeling was just like when I first heard the Water Ghost King releasing the Ice Spear Curse.


Aylin was instantly alert and hid half of his body behind a dead tree.

Is this a mantra?

But in the game, apart from throwing mud, I have never seen the swamp witch let go of other magic!

The link in my mind was decisively switched to the wolf emblem.

"Sure enough, he is releasing magic!" Aylin was surprised.

The misty blue light slowly poured into the strange bone on the swamp witch's arm.

The bone also flashed blue light in and out along with the monster's weird laughter.



The weird and regular laughter suddenly stopped.

The brightness of the bones in the field of vision suddenly increased.


A soft sound.

The Swamp Witch instantly turned into a ball of white mist.

Aylin was stunned for a moment.

Isn't this the skill of the little mist demon?

So that mist just now was actually the swamp witch?

From the magic perspective, the mist was emitting light blue and slowly drifting towards him.

If you change to the mirage's perspective, you can't see anything.


Ailin understood.

Then he seemed to think of something and couldn't help but smile strangely.

He looked down at Elsa in his hand.

In a hurry, the corpse-eating biological oil was not applied evenly, and only about one-third of the sword was glowing with a light red light.


He retreated, walking the white mist under the perspective of magic.

At the same time, he took out another bottle of red corpse-eating biological oil from the potion bag.

Then he slowly and carefully poured it on Elsa.

One minute later.


The crystal bottle was thrown on the snow.

Elsa's sword was evenly glowing with a layer of light red light.

Ailin stopped and looked at the white mist only two steps away with excitement.

He stepped on the ground with his right foot, and in the blink of an eye, he rushed to the front of the mist.

Then there were continuous slashes.

The light red light passed through the mist three times, and it seemed that nothing was cut.

But Ailin didn't think so.

He held his breath, held Elsa tightly, and stared at the front.

Time passed in a flash.

The light blue mist in his sight stagnated, and in the blink of an eye it condensed into the shape of a swamp witch again.


The moment the swamp witch appeared, she raised her head and screamed miserably, and a pair of pale eyes shed dark red tears, matching her terrible appearance.

Horrible and weird.

"As expected!"

Seeing this, Ailin's eyes suddenly lit up, and he instantly seized the opportunity.

The silver sword in his hand spun violently.


The head with blood and tears fell, and dark red blood sprayed out in an instant.


[Monster "Swamp Witch" crusade! ]

[Reward settlement: ...]

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