Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 100: Groups make Ailin happy

"Quack quack quack!"

The noisy screams of the monsters broke the tranquility beside the Killer Lake.

Aelin pulled out Elsa and raised the sword in the middle.

The slender cat's eyes quickly glanced left and right, taking the surrounding environment into mind, and looked ahead warily.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

The snow was trampled and dented, and three water ghosts rushed over from the dense forest at the same time.

Their backs were obscured by trees, and there seemed to be many blue figures following them faintly.

"At least ten water ghosts!" Aylin estimated.

The quantity is a bit small.

"It's just a water ghost, you can fight it." Ai Lin looked solemn.

The three nearest water ghosts had already rushed two steps away and were about to pounce on Aylin the next moment.

Instead of retreating, he advanced and struck preemptively.

Take advantage of these three water ghosts to get out of touch with the monsters behind them.

He stepped forward with his right foot, and before the water ghosts could react, he invaded the middle of several monsters.

A spin.


The silver light suddenly appeared and instantly chopped off the heads of the three water ghosts.

Black-red blood spattered out with steam and sprinkled on the pure white snow, melting the snow and turning into ice.

Quickly retreat to avoid the attacks of the two monsters.

The closest point of the water ghost's claws was only a palm away from Aylin's face.

But there was no fluctuation in his heart.

Turning around, the silver light fell.

Turn around again, and the silver light falls again.


From a distance, Aylin's figure looks like a dancer on the ice, elegant and skillful.

Between silence and movement, dark red blood splashed.

In this wilderness and snow-capped mountains, a red carpet is laid out and the stage is decorated for Aylin's sword dance.


The six water ghosts were already lying on the cold and hard "red carpet".

Aelin didn't even take a breath.


He couldn't help but roar.

The three-level two-handed sword of the Wolf School did not have much effect during the mountain trial.

To deal with Old Spearhead and Water Ghost King, Aylin's main output method is the two monsters themselves.

He only had to hide aside and quietly use the Ice Spear spell to ignite their hatred for each other and balance their strength.

No need for advanced swordsmanship.


This time is different!

The swordsmanship of the Wolf School itself was created by the demon hunters of the Wolf School for the purpose of hunting monsters.

As the core of swordsmanship, rotation is actually based on prediction.

When you spin and use the power of rotation to charge the sword, you should predict the position of the target after spinning.

That's why he can beheaded with one sword.

So this is a swordsmanship based on hunting experience.

The more monsters you kill, the more proficient your swordsmanship will be in dealing with such monsters, just like adding a special attack skill against that monster.

These effects are reflected in skills.

LV1 of the Wolf School's two-handed sword is skilled in movement, LV2 controls the center of gravity and footsteps, and LV3 instills a lot of experience in dealing with common monsters into the brain and muscles.

Therefore, Aelin killed smoothly.

Flowing clouds and flowing water.

This kind of pleasure of increasing strength is really...indescribable.

In one sentence: If the monsters are really weak, swarms of them will make Arryn happy.

The water ghost would not stop and wait for him to get ready just because Aylin roared happily.

The seven water ghosts who followed behind rushed over with a "croak, croak, croak", not timid because of the death of their companions.

Aylin looked at the distance, bent the middle finger of his right hand, and pushed forward suddenly.

Seal of Alder.

Although his Wave Seal is only at the first level, the telekinesis he releases cannot blow away the water ghost like Vesemir did.

But if it just disrupts the balance, that's more than enough.

Transparent and invisible thought power is pushed out from the palm of the hand.

Several water ghosts were so aggressive that they stepped on the snow that was stained red with blood. With a little push from their mind, they all stumbled and fell down.

Aylin was worried about falling even when wearing special winter leather boots. How could a water ghost covered in mucus be any better?

Apparently there is a reason why we don’t see water ghosts in winter.

Ai Lin strolled around the courtyard and calculated the beheading route in a matter of moments.


Non-slip leather boots stepped on the snow.

The god of death of the water ghosts is approaching!


After Aylin killed two more water ghosts, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

It is indeed difficult to see active water ghosts in winter.

Although hibernation is not required, low temperatures will weaken their physiological activities and minimize their hostility to living things.


Killer Lake has just been cleaned up, so where are there so many extremely aggressive water ghosts.

He just stepped on the snow with his boots and made a little sound, and suddenly a large group of water ghosts came over.

This is not right!

Something is very wrong!

Thinking like this, the relaxed nerves suddenly became tense.

Aylin still maintained the original beheading route.

Paying attention to the changes in the surrounding environment from the corner of his eyes, the demon hunter's senses were fully opened.


Just as he beheaded another water ghost, Elsa chopped down the next prey to be slaughtered.


The wolf emblem buzzes.

A snowball the size of a human head suddenly hit Aylin from the side.


The wind roared, and the snowball flew very fast, which was not the speed that a normal snowball should have.

Fortunately, Aylin had already been alert.

He gave up the remaining four water ghosts without hesitation, bent to the side behind him, and hid in the dead tree.


The snowball hit the dead tree hard, shaking it, and the dead branches and snow fell.

The snow-white shell was shattered, revealing the core mixed with mud and large and small stones.

If he was really hit by this snowball, Ailin would not die with his physique, but he would definitely not feel good.

Ailin narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction where the snowball came from. An ugly humanoid monster appeared between two big trees.

Although it was squatting on the ground, it looked only two-thirds as tall as Ailin.

But judging from its size, it was at least two meters tall, with several bones tied to its arms and bone protrusions growing on its back.

With protruding sharp teeth, pale eyeballs, and hair like a tangled ball of water grass, it looked like an ordinary old woman from a distance.

After seeing Ailin, black and yellow saliva flowed from the sharp teeth of the monster, which must have been hungry for a long time.

"Swamp witch!"

Ailin recognized the monster instantly.

The first lesson of "Monsterology" that Vesemir taught him was "Water Ghosts and Swamp Witches", so he had some understanding of this kind of monster.

"No wonder these water ghosts are so active, it turns out that there are monsters controlling them from behind."

Fortunately, this is snow, not swamp.

Swamp witches are bulky and move slowly on land. They can only move quickly in swamps and water.

It was probably because of their slow movements and Aylin's killing too fast that they were one step slower than the two leading waves of water ghosts and failed to cooperate well.

Otherwise, if they suddenly attacked from behind while he was in a stalemate with the water ghosts...


That should be fine!

After all, he still has a LV3 Quen shield on his body.

"Quack! Quack! Quack!"

Aylin looked in the direction of the sound, and the four water ghosts adjusted their postures one after another, climbed up from the dark red snow, and shouted angrily.


As soon as Aylin's eyes turned from the water ghosts to the swamp witch, he couldn't help but sighed in surprise, and his face instantly became solemn.

The swamp witch was gone.

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