Debut After Eight Years

543 You have grasped the truth of music! You will become the greatest music artist! (seeking subscri

Many people at the scene were very excited.


In the eyes of many of their professionals.

Everything that happened to Wang Qian now is incredible and a miracle.

Of all the people present who studied music, who didn't learn from childhood? Who hasn't studied for decades, or even a lifetime?

Who doesn't need to spend at least a year or so to master a musical instrument, and even other performers spend years or decades of hard work?

Whoever said before that someone can master a musical instrument to the level of the world's top performance masters in a few months.

That would definitely be sniffed at!

But now, this happened on the spot, really happening in front of everyone's eyes.

Even the saxophone master Rick stood up and applauded excitedly, completely shattering everyone's doubts.

Max, Dawson, Hoffman, Taylor and other teachers and students of Juilliard and Curtis College applauded vigorously, and their expressions were a little flushed with excitement.

Meilong, Rodin, Hans Lawson, and the middle-aged man who proposed to let Wang Qian play the saxophone also applauded together. Although the applause was not as strong as the others, they also expressed their own acknowledgment. There is also some incomparable shock in the eyes.

Aisha and Red both raised their hands high and clapped vigorously.

Aisha stared at Wang Qian on the podium with twinkling eyes, and said loudly to Red: Uncle Red, I have decided, I want to join the bidding! I must buy the masterpiece you mentioned. I have never Seeing a musical genius like him, he is like a god, omnipotent.

Reid was a little calmer, but his face was also a little flushed, and he was obviously very excited. He smiled and said: The bidding is fine, but we are our own people. Don't bid maliciously, that will only make others cheaper.

Aisha calmed down her emotions, and said in a low voice: I haven't met the person you mentioned. But, I'm afraid she is also a person who knows the goods, or is an admirer of Professor Wang Qian, so we will give you a higher price. price, she will not sell it...

Red was silent.

In fact, he knew that Liu Shengnan must be an admirer of Wang Qian, and he must also understand Wang Qian's work better. After all, it is a Chinese poem and calligraphy work. Of course, Chinese people like it more and understand the beauty of it better!


If they want to buy it, they will have to pay a higher price.

Reid stared at Wang Qian, looked at the young professor who was still indifferent to the applause of thousands of people, and once again made up his mind that he must take the painting of knights from Liu Shengnan, no matter how high the price is, even if He is willing to spend half of his life savings, or even sell half of his collection!


Reid was sure of it.

One hundred years later.

Wang Qian's calligraphy works are definitely one of the most valuable works of art in the world.

No matter how much you invest now, it is worth it.


This piece of music is very beautiful, it sounds so good, I can't even imagine that it was made up by him temporarily.

Green beside Christine was speaking excitedly incoherently.

Christine's applauding hands were also trembling. As the most talented pop singer in North America before Wang Qian, she deeply knew how incredible what Wang Qian was doing now, which made her feel a little dazed at the moment, and didn't listen at all. When it comes to what Green said, only the picture of Wang Qian playing the saxophone just now, and only the clear, melodious and slightly sad music sounds in his mind...

Many popular music singers and musicians around are also full of praise.

It's really nice to hear.

Is it really the song he wrote impromptu?

He said that this was not written on the spur of the moment. Because when he played, he didn't decide on the tune, but just played it according to the emotions in his heart. This is amazing.

The miraculous Chinese people, the miraculous oriental power.

Could it be that he really grasped the true meaning of music?

Many pop musicians are under the rule of Wang Qian's works, and they are most touched by Wang Qian's music creation ability and emotional appeal.

Every piece of pop music by Wang Qian can be popular all over the world. The core is that every song, every piece of music, and every line of lyrics has a strong appeal, and everyone who hears it can't help but follow it. move.

In other words, Wang Qian really did what he said, using music to express emotions and infect everyone's emotions!

that is it!

It's easy to say.

But, as every professional knows, this is the hardest core.

Every writer says that the core of writing is the sense of substitution, as long as the reader can be substituted into the book, then it will be successful. But there are very few who can do this.

Every film director also said that the core of the film is emotional substitution. As long as the audience can substitute themselves into the film characters and generate emotions, then it will be successful. There are very few who can do this!

The same goes for music.

Wang Qian has now achieved this almost perfectly.

The applause of the audience lasted for more than five minutes.

Wang Qian waved his hand to signal that everyone could stop, and the applause gradually stopped.

But as soon as the applause stopped, each arm was raised quickly.

More people raised their hands this time, more than half of thousands of people raised their hands.

Even many top music art masters and world celebrities and rich people in the middle and front row couldn't help raising their hands, hoping that Wang Qian could answer some of their doubts.

Wang Qian glanced around, and saw that almost everyone he knew was raising their hands.

People in the front row like Max and Dawson, Hoffman, Taylor, Malone, etc. all raised their hands, hoping to be selected.

The Huaxia delegation behind all raised their hands...

Familiar faces such as Hans Lawson, who had talked with Wang Qian just now, and Ononga also raised their hands.


Wang Qian saw that an old man in the third row was flushed, almost half of his body stood up, his arms were raised high, and his eyes were looking at him earnestly.

Wang Qian remembered him, because this was Rick who was the first to stand up and applaud just now.

Immediately, Wang Qian stretched out his hand and said to Rick: This old gentleman, tell me.

Everyone looked at Rick curiously, and lowered their arms one after another, curious about the conversation between Rick, a real sax player, and Wang Qian.

Rick stood up, looking excited, and introduced himself first: Professor, hello, my name is Rick. I have played saxophone for more than fifty years, but I am ashamed in front of you.

Wang Qian was surprised, he didn't expect that he called someone at random, a saxophone master?

What a coincidence.

Wang Qian smiled and said: Mr. Rick, you don't have to say that. You are a real master of saxophone playing, and you understand saxophone better than me. Some saxophone playing skills, I am definitely not as good as you. It's just that you may not be as good as me in understanding music. .What do you want to ask me?

Everyone at the scene was silent after hearing Wang Qian's words.

Because, if it was before this, if Wang Qian said such things to Rick, he would definitely be ridiculed and dismissed, thinking that he was bragging.

However, no one would think so now.

Because, Wang Qian proved this with real practical actions.

His understanding of music is indeed above all the music art masters in the audience, perhaps surpassing more than one level.

Even Rick himself was not displeased when he heard Wang Qian's words at this time, but felt that this was the truth.

With a smile on his face, he was happy to have a direct conversation with Wang Qian, and quickly said: Professor, what is the name of your piece? Is there a score?

Several saxophonists at the scene moved their ears and listened carefully, looking forward to Wang Qian's answer.

The saxophone has been born for hundreds of years, and it is considered a relatively historical musical instrument.

However, so far, it has not been really known to the world's public. Many people don't know this kind of musical instrument. Even if some people know this kind of musical instrument, they don't know what this kind of musical instrument is for.

The fundamental reason is that so far, Sachs has not had a classic work that can be popular all over the world and last for a long time.

There are quite a few saxophone works that have been handed down over the past hundred years, but they are all very typical classical music works, only circulated in the field of classical music, and only a few people who like classical music works know.

All saxophone players hope that they can carry forward the saxophone instrument in the world!

However, no one has done this for hundreds of years.


Several saxophonists at the scene, as well as some saxophone players from all over the world, seemed to see hope.

They all saw that the saxophone work Wang Qian played just now has a trend in the world. Compared with the classical works they have been playing before, it sounds much better and has a much stronger emotional appeal.

All saxophone players, and people who like saxophone, looked at Wang Qian with a hint of enthusiasm and expectation in their eyes.

Wang Qian looked at Rick, thinking, and said: Actually, I still don't have a name for this piece. Because I thought of playing it just now, and I haven't even written a score yet. Note. So, sorry, I can't answer you for now.

There was no disappointment in Rick's eyes, but it was even hotter, and he said: Professor, then, can you beat the saxophone and play another song?

Everyone at the scene stared at Wang Qian.

Wang Qian smiled slightly, and said in a regretful tone: Sorry, Mr. Rick. I have limited time today. I may not have time to continue playing works with the saxophone. Next, I will continue to explain the piano, and then use Ononga The pan flute brought by Mr. played a work.

So far, I don't know anything about pan flutes.

Rick's expression dimmed for a moment, and then he said, Sorry, I went too far.

Wang Qian said relaxedly: No need to apologize, I can understand your mood. The saxophone piece I played just now is the vent of my emotions recently. In any music, there is an expression of emotion. Every instrument has its own characteristics. As long as you understand the essence of music, which timbre and notes are more suitable for expressing which emotions, and then combine them in a suitable way, it is a work.

This is how I's very simple!

Wang Qian's words once again made all the classical and pop musicians smile wryly.

Each of them understands the truth, and they can say more and more deeply than Wang Qian.

But who can really do this?

very simple?

No one at the scene dared to say that.

However, Wang Qian said so.

Nor did they dare to stand up and argue, even though each of them seemed offended.

Wang Qian looked at Rick and continued, Mr. Rick, what did you hear just now? What did you think of?

Rick thought about it, and said, I think of my family, and I have an urge to go home!

The others nodded quickly, approving Rick's statement.

I also thought about going home.

Yes, I think of my wife and children. Today is over. I want to go home and stay with them for a few more days.

I have an urge to cry because my father just died...


Wang Qian also nodded: Yes, your feeling is right. This time I came to Los Angeles, it was the first time I have been away from Huaxia for so long. So, recently, I really want to go home early. I use the saxophone to express this feeling in my heart. That emotion came out and I feel better now.

Rick looked solemn: Professor, you are a real music artist, or you will become the greatest music artist in the future. Because you have seen through the essence of music and grasped the truth of all music in your hands!

Rick's words shocked the top music artists in the first few rows, as well as many big-name producers and singers in the pop music circle behind.

This is the highest evaluation Wang Qian has received in the field of classical music so far.

Moreover, it is a sincere evaluation from a saxophone master.

This also represents the recognition of the mainstream classical music circles in Europe and America.

After all, Rick's status in the European and American classical music circles is not low. He also graduated from the Vienna Academy of Music, and his own position can also explain some problems.

Even Meilong and the others next to him were shocked when they heard his words, and quickly regained their composure.

Although, Meilong and others don't quite agree with Rick's high evaluation of Wang Qian.

However, they know that now is not the time to refute!

Meilong looked at another musical instrument on the podium, it was a pan flute that even he had never heard before, looking forward to Wang Qian's next performance.

Others from the Juilliard School, such as Max, and everyone from the Curtis Institute, including Dawson, and the Huaxia delegation recognized this very much, and immediately applauded.

The applause quickly spread throughout the audience and lasted for more than ten seconds. Under Wang Qian's intervention, it subsided slowly.

Wang Qian looked at Rick who had already sat down, and said: So, I will name this saxophone work Homecoming. Fortunately, I have a good memory. I will write the score now, and those who like it can Take it for practice.

Hearing Wang Qian's words, there was some applause again.

Most people agree with the name Homecoming. Although it is not so classical, it is easy to understand.

And Max quickly waved to Sophia from the Juilliard School, and the others immediately understood, and immediately went to the stage to replace the blackboard for Wang Qian, and collected all the notes that Wang Qian had just written, and looked forward to Wang Qian The note of the saxophone work that Qian continues to leave behind!

Max looked proudly at Dawson and other people from Curtis Institute, and then looked at Wang Qian again, his eyes were full of shock and pride, as well as a trace of admiration!

Even Max adores Wang Qian a little bit at this moment.

Because Wang Qian is proving himself that he is really omnipotent in the world of music.

Dawson, Hoffman, and Taylor all saw Max's eyes.

Hoffman said lightly: Max must be very proud now!

Dawson nodded: Yes, these works are Professor Wang Qian's first performance and release. Therefore, the notes he wrote at the Juilliard School are the first drafts of these works. In the future, Professor Wang Qian will become a master Musicians, perhaps when they achieve greater achievements, these will be extremely precious collections!

Taylor's eyes flickered, and he murmured in a low voice: Maybe, I can go to my father and see if I can buy these blackboards from the Juilliard School!

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