Debut After Eight Years

542. I don't even know what I'm going to play! But it can shock the world! (seekin

It is clear.

All the audience at the scene, as well as all the audience watching the live TV broadcast all over the world, can see that Wang Qian is debugging and testing the sound of this brand new saxophone on the spot.

Many professional masters in the fields of classical and pop music at the scene felt powerless to complain at this moment.

Today's Wang Qian really made them very helpless.

Several saxophone masters can see that Wang Qian is obviously very unfamiliar with this instrument.

Mellon asked softly to a saxophone master he knew behind him: Mr. Rick, what do you think of his saxophone?

Rick was wearing a suit and sat in the third row with a very calm expression. Hearing Mellon's question, he said in a slightly indifferent voice: He looks like an apprentice who just picked up the saxophone.

Rick just gave what he thought was a true evaluation, and then stopped talking.

Meilong shrugged and said softly: Maybe, he just wants to have fun.

Rick said indifferently: Sachs is not that fun.

After hearing this, several top music artists around felt that Wang Qian was a little absurd. When they looked at Wang Qian, they all had obvious strangeness.

If Wang Qian's piano performance was not so amazing just now, they would have to get up and leave now.

It's too child's play to play a new piece of my own composition with a completely unfamiliar instrument in a live class.

Looking at Wang Qian, a novice, it doesn't seem like he has the possibility of creating works!

Therefore, many music masters felt that Wang Qian was making fun of them!

As for...

Ononga brought up the pan flute!

They feel that this is an insult to the art of music.


Wang Qian said softly while adjusting the sound of this brand-new saxophone: Actually, I haven't touched a saxophone for a long time. So it's a bit rusty, and some saxophonists at the scene may be able to see it.

There were some chuckles.

Wang Qian, if not, forget it!

Someone shouted.

However, it didn't show up, so I don't know who called it.

Only a few people like Hans Lawson knew that it was the middle-aged man who asked Wang Qian to play the saxophone.

Wang Qian glanced at him, and then continued: Of course you won't just let it go. I am a man of my word. This instrument is very exquisite and very good. It can be used with unfamiliar or even completely unfamiliar instruments. Wouldn't it be better to illustrate the point I just explained?

As long as you have mastered the trunk, it will be very simple to branch to the branches!

Actually, I haven't created a pure saxophone piece. I haven't decided what I want to play with this instrument until now.

There were bursts of discussion and laughter at the scene.

It's ridiculous, he seems to be telling a joke.

Haha, he can switch careers and become a stand-up actor. He managed to make me laugh.

Have no idea what he's doing.

Prove what?

Come down!

Skip this link directly and continue playing your piano. Don't destroy the perfect image you just established with the piano.

I wonder, what can you do with a saxophone?

Maybe it's a nursery rhyme?


Wang Qian didn't care about these cynical voices, and tried to blow it a few more times, becoming more and more familiar and proficient, like an old hand, and then said to himself: The essence of music is the expression of emotions. I will now use this saxophone to play out the deepest emotions in my heart in the past two days for everyone to listen to!

I don't know what this piece is called, and I don't even have a single note about it right now!

Because... I didn't think of any notes or rhythms at all!

Wang Qian's words spread throughout the audience and the world.

The voices of the discussion on the spot were quieted down.

Pairs of eyes were still staring at Wang Qian.

Music is the expression of emotions. This is the view that Wang Qian has always insisted on, and it is also recognized by many music masters, and Wang Qian has also achieved this perfectly.

Whether it is classical music or pop music, Wang Qian has done this perfectly.

Every piece of work must be full of emotions that are almost overflowing, and can infect everyone who hears it.


What is Wang Qian going to do now?

The audience fell silent.

As if sitting there alone, Wang Qian tuned it for another minute, then tried to play it, and said with a smile, It barely fits my idea. So, shall I start?

The scene is still quiet!

No one spoke, and no one went to talk to Wang Qian.

It seemed that talking to Wang Qian would destroy the weird atmosphere at the moment.

Under everyone's gaze.

Wang Qian gently picked up the saxophone with both hands, came to the center of the podium, closed his eyes gently, put the saxophone to his mouth, and played it gently, pressing the syllables with both hands...

Then, a gentle and sad music sounded in the auditorium, which instantly attracted everyone's ears and aroused some inexplicable sad emotions in their hearts.


All the classical music art masters who understand music, as well as pop music masters and big-name singers all gasped, making the already silent scene even more deserted, and stared at Wang Qian with wide eyes.

Just the few opening notes successfully infected everyone.

Saxophonist Rick sat up straight, stared at Wang Qian with piercing eyes, and kept muttering in a low voice: This is impossible, this is impossible. This is impossible...

Rick seemed to see the most incredible thing.

Meilong in front of him also frowned, staring at Wang Qian with wide eyes, extremely shocked in his heart.

Although Meilong didn't know much about saxophones, he could understand that Wang Qian wasn't just blowing indiscriminately, and the effect of his performance was very good, maybe not worse than when he listened to Rick's concert last time!

That is to say...

It was just an opening, and Meilong felt that Wang Qian had a performance level not inferior to the saxophone master Rick!


How can it be?

Meilong didn't believe it at all, so she focused on Wang Qian's movements and listened to the music Wang Qian played, trying to find out the flaws.

The others also stared at Wang Qian with incredulous eyes.

Max and other people from Juilliard College, and Dawson, Taylor and other people from Curtis College were all so excited that they almost couldn't help but want to applaud.

He Zhaohui and other Huaxia delegations flushed with excitement. Qin Xuehong, Qin Xuerong, Jiang Yu, Murong Yue and others all clenched their fists tightly with excitement, and there were even tears brewing in their eyes.

In the middle area, many people are speaking a few similar words.

God, that's impossible.

I don't believe it's true.

Impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible...

Is the program group playing pre-recorded music? I don't believe it.

Is this fake?


Many people don't believe the music they hear is real.

Because, this is really incredible.

Everyone can see and confirm just now that Wang Qian is really not familiar with the saxophone.

However, Wang Qian was really able to play such a wonderful live effect.

the most important is……

All the classical music masters at the scene could tell from the first few notes that they had never heard of this piece.

With such an ear-catching prelude, if they have heard it, they will never forget it.

this means!

Maybe this piece of music was really composed by Wang Qian himself?

In other words, Wang Qian created it temporarily just now?


Quickly thinking about all of them, all the voices disappeared again, and the silence was restored again.

Whether they believe it or not, the most important thing is to listen to Wang Qian's performance now.

In the program office in Los Angeles, everyone was shocked.

God, he really seems to be able to.

What kind of existence are we missing?

He exists like a musical god.

Is he really playing live? Is there any other equipment?

We should keep cooperating with him at all costs...


Zhou Qinghua stared at Wang Qian who was concentrating on playing the saxophone with slightly widened eyes, and murmured in a low voice, What did I bring to the world?

Thinking that Wang Qian was excavated from China and brought to the world by himself, Zhou Qinghua felt proud and shocked, and still couldn't believe it was true.

He knows that Wang Qian has influenced the development of all music fields in the world, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is now the leader in the development of music in the world.

And he, the program director who introduced Wang Qian's excavation to the world, can also be said to have indirectly or directly influenced the development of world music!


Perhaps, he can also be recorded in the annals of history along with Wang Qian?

A bright smile appeared on Zhou Qinghua's face.

The copyright representatives from other countries were silent at the moment, they didn't know what to say, and they didn't continue to argue with Zhou Qinghua. That would look stupid.

As for the next ratings?

They don't think it matters anymore.

In front of such a genius, data can no longer reflect its status and importance.


In fact.

At the moment, there are heated discussions on social platforms in various countries around the world.

Because, there are really too many points that Wang Qian can complain and argue about in today's class.

On social platforms in Europe and the United States, there is almost a wave of shock and praise at the moment.

He can actually play the saxophone?

Very nice sax, better than any other sax I've ever heard.

Is this a saxophone solo?

What's the name of this song? Did Wang Qian really compose it himself?

I think Wang Qian is like the god of music, he is a god.

Now I just want time to pass quickly. I want to see if he can play that instrument called the panpipe.

I'm sorry, I thought he was bragging just now, but now I'm kneeling to watch the live broadcast, he is really invincible.

I want to ask, in the entire history of music, who can do this?

So, did he really grasp the essence of music, so he can master other instruments at will? That's really cool.


On China's major social platforms, that's even more praise.

Professor Wang is too awesome, isn't he?

Look at those foreigners are petrified.

I thought just now that Professor Wang was fooling everyone, but it turned out to be really awesome. Professor Wang is awesome...

Professor Wang said that he can do it, that is, he can really...

I said that Professor Wang is now the number one person in music in the world. Who agrees and who opposes?


on site!

Wang Qian still stood in the center of the podium, his hands and fingers were beating flexibly, and the music belonging to the saxophone floated on the scene and entered everyone's ears.

The scene at the moment is even quieter!

No one spoke, not even breathing loudly, afraid that the sound of his breathing would disturb the music from the podium.

The music is melodious and clear, and an extremely clear and lingering emotional conception enters everyone's heart, making everyone feel a little sad, but also have some sunny expectations!

It was as if, when I was about to go home, my mood was full of sadness, excitement, and anticipation!

Many people listened to the music played by Wang Qian, and they missed home. They really wanted to go home immediately, meet their relatives at home, and see everything familiar at home...

Minutes flew by!

There was an impassioned and hurried voice, which seemed to herald the excitement of going home, and it seemed that Wang Qian was showing off his skills.

Then there was another soft and melodious voice...

end slowly.

Wang Qian took a deep breath, then opened his eyes, took the saxophone with both hands and left his lips, looked at the still silent scene, did not speak, turned around and walked to the podium in two steps, and put the saxophone back Then he calmly looked at everyone present, but still didn't speak.

This peaceful and harmonious scene lasted for more than ten seconds!

Everyone looked at Wang Qian, hoping to reminisce about the melodious and clear saxophone voice just now.

And Wang Qian stood on the podium and looked at everyone quietly without saying a word.


Many people in the audience quickly came to their senses, and each of them was even more shocked, and their eyes looking at Wang Qian were even more radiant.

clap clap clap...


sounded directly.


It was Mr. Rick, the master saxophone player in the third row, who stood up first, clapped vigorously, with a slightly excited expression, and even directly clapped his hands above his head, expressing his approval and support for Wang Qian's saxophone performance just now.

Many people at the scene knew Mr. Rick, the saxophone master.

After all, compared to the piano, the saxophone is an extremely niche instrument, and the learning group is very small, so there are very few saxophone masters in the world, only two or three, and each of them is a master in the field of classical music. famous people.

Unlike piano masters, there are estimated to be dozens of piano masters in the world, and every top music school in the world has several world-class piano masters.

Therefore, it is normal to meet unknown piano masters.

However, a master player of a small instrument like Rick is definitely well-known, and can almost be said to be one of the representatives of this instrument.

Therefore, at this moment, many people in the audience who were Rick were shocked when they saw the saxophone master stand up and applaud, and then everyone else quickly stood up and applauded together.

after all!

The existence of one of the few saxophone masters in the world is so recognized.

Who dares to underestimate them?

Thousands of people quickly rose to their feet.

Thunderous applause, another explosion sounded.

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