Debut After Eight Years

530. He has a charm that even I'm jealous of! The whole world is focused on this. (seeking

Qin Xuerong didn't let Juliet and her daughter enter the room immediately, but stepped aside to look at Wang Qian.

Here, Wang Qian is the master.

Wang Qian looked deeply at Juliet and the middle-aged man, nodded and said, Of course, please come in!

Only then did the middle-aged man walk in, and Juliet quietly followed behind.

Wang Qian got up and shook hands with the middle-aged man: It's a pleasure to meet you. I heard from Juliet that her father is a great music artist. Her dream is to surpass her father! Unexpectedly, your Chinese is so good good.

The middle-aged man shook Wang Qian's hand heavily, glanced at Juliet, and said with a wry smile: Thank you, I know she won't praise me like that. My name is Zhu Fenghe, which is my Chinese name. When I was young I have lived in China for a long time, and Chinese is my second language. I have always supported Juliet in learning Chinese.

Wang Qian: This is a wise decision, please sit down.

Zhu Feng sat down together, looked at Qin Xuerong and Qin Xuehong, and then looked at Wang Qian and said: I am very satisfied that Juliet can worship under you. I don't have the prejudice of those so-called European musicians. I know you are The strength and talent of the musical art are unique in history.

It's an honor for Juliet to be your student.

Zhu Fenghe came to look for Juliet early in the morning. He had already gone out for a walk in the morning and met some old friends he knew. Juliet also played a little song in a concert hall, which naturally shocked Zhu Fenghe. Everyone in the inner circle.

Juliet was a genius in the piano field before, and those who knew Zhu Fenghe naturally knew Juliet's genius and had seen Juliet's performance.

However, in the past six months, Juliet has made tremendous progress.

Although she has not become a master pianist like Jiang Yu, she is still below the limit level of a master pianist. What is lacking is some precipitation and experience. She has reached the master level in terms of skills and musical comprehension. level as it should be.

This kind of performance was definitely beyond Zhu Fenghe's expectation, and it was beyond the imagination of those masters of music and art.

According to their previous predictions, Juliet will be able to become a master pianist at the age of forty, and she is already one of the youngest master pianists at this age, and she can become a master pianist before forty in history There are only a handful of artists at home.

And with Juliet's current performance, she might be able to become a master pianist within a year or two at most.

Only then did everyone know that it was a great opportunity for Juliet to study with Wang Qian!

Juliet, who was standing beside Zhu Fenghe, listened to her father's words, her face turned red, her head was lowered, and her hands were twisted together, as if she was shy and embarrassed to meet a teacher's student with her parents.

Wang Qian smiled: Mr. Zhu is serious. Juliet's talent is very good. She already has her own understanding and comprehension of music. She is a genius.

Zhu Fenghe said seriously: However, there are at least ten musical geniuses like her in the world. However, there are only two who can improve as she is now. One is your partner Jiang Yu, and the other is her .I think it must be your teaching that played a decisive role.

It can be seen from this that you definitely have the strength and background to become a master musician.

This compliment was the first time Zhu Fenghe said it.

Juliet glanced at her father in a little surprise, and then looked at the teacher sitting opposite her, whose momentum and temperament were still firmly suppressing her father, and she also agreed with her father's words in her heart.

If even a genius like a teacher can't become a master musician.

Who else in history can become a master?

She has never seen those masters of music hundreds of years ago, but she can still objectively know that the talents and strength of those masters of music are definitely not as enchanting as the teacher.

if not.

Based on the background of those music masters who have learned music since they were young, they will definitely prove to be master musicians before the age of thirty.

In fact, according to the history she knew, those music masters were all around fifty years old when they became music masters, and the youngest one was only forty-five years old before becoming famous throughout Europe.

These objective facts are all visible to the naked eye.

Therefore, except for some people with stubborn prejudices who are still resisting and slandering Wang Qian, most of the others are keeping silent, such as Zhu Fenghe, who just want to listen to Wang Qian's music class and see what Wang Qian really is. Which step can be done.

Most music artists still tend to be low-key and restrained.

Wang Qian chatted with Zhu Fenghe for a few words, and let Wang Qian know more about the current music and art fields in Europe and North America.

It's getting late.

Zhu Fenghe said, I heard from Juliet, Professor Wang, do you intend to form a band in the future?

Juliet's face turned redder, and she buried her head lower.

When she met Wang Qian for the first time in Moyin, she threatened to hope that Wang Qian could compose symphonies in the future and surpass her father.

Thinking about it now, she knew she was a little silly.

Wang Qian said with a smile: I don't know for the time being, we will see the specific situation in the future, if I have time, maybe there will be!

Zhu Fenghe: Then if Professor Wang forms an orchestra by then, I will definitely not miss your performance.

Wang Qian: Thank you!

Zhu Feng got up at the right time and said, It's getting late, so I'll take my leave first. I'll take Juliet to the academy to wait for you, looking forward to your music class today.

Wang Qian got up to see him off: Thank you, I will try my best. In fact, I don't have time to prepare. You should know how busy I am these two days.

Because of Juliet, Zhu Fenghe naturally understands how busy Wang Qian's schedule is recently, and knows that it is indeed extremely difficult for Wang Qian to give a lecture in front of the whole world at noon today. It is said that it is the most difficult class in the history of music. Not too much.

However, he took a closer look at Wang Qian, and found that although Wang Qian said so, his eyes were extremely calm. This is a person with absolute confidence.

A hint of admiration flashed across Zhu Feng's eyes: I think Professor Wang will be able to handle it.

Wang Qian: Thank you.

Juliet bowed slightly to Wang Qian and Qin Xuerong, then walked away with her father.

This meeting, it can be regarded as a happy conversation, no conflicts.

Let Juliet breathe a sigh of relief, she was afraid that her father and Wang Qian would have conflicts just now, then she will be very embarrassed on Wang Qian's side in the future.

walk out of the room.

Zhu Fenghe walked towards the elevator at a faster pace, and said to Juliet beside him: I have to say, you are lucky to be able to become Professor Wang's student. His strength and talent in the field of music make me unable to see the limit, you follow him You will definitely learn a lot. As long as you concentrate on studying and comprehending, you will definitely surpass me in the future, and your own talent is better than mine.

Zhu Fenghe has great expectations for both Wang Qian and Juliet.

Juliet whispered, I know.

She has worked very hard, so she has made great progress recently, and she has touched the threshold of a master pianist, and she is only one step away from catching up with Jiang Yu.

Walking into the elevator, Zhu Feng lowered his voice and said, However. I hope that you can keep a good distance from your teacher, just be a teacher and a student.

Juliet was taken aback for a moment, her face flushed immediately, and she said a little shyly, Dad, what are you talking about? He is my teacher!

Zhu Feng was expressionless, recalling the meeting with Wang Qian just now, and said lightly: To be honest, I am a little jealous of your teacher's talent and charm. He has a fatal attraction to all the opposite sex, the more arrogant , the more talented the opposite sex is, the more he can understand and be unable to resist his charm.

You study with him every day, I am very worried about you. If he is single, I don't mind if you have a teacher-student relationship. If you can get married, our family will have no objections. His future light will make our family all Fainted.

The problem now is that he already has a girlfriend and has a good relationship, and his girlfriend is not a simple person.

So, I hope you can see clearly and keep a good distance from him.

Zhu Fenghe is almost fifty years old, and he is still a great artist born in an English aristocratic family. He has experienced countless things between men and women in his life, and he has seen a lot. Naturally, he can clearly see that Wang Qian has the opposite sex that cannot be rejected. charm aura.

It's like although he is almost fifty years old, but he only needs to sit quietly in the coffee shop, and there will be young and outstanding men of the opposite sex coming up to strike up a conversation.

He believes that Wang Qian is definitely ten times more attractive to the opposite sex than he is.

Juliet's originally snow-white face became even paler, a trace of panic flashed in her eyes, she clenched her hands together, and said in a low voice, I see!

Zhu Feng took a look at his daughter and knew that he might be too late. He sighed, stopped talking, walked out of the elevator, took Juliet into the car and headed towards Juilliard School.

He still has a lot of friends in the circle who need to meet.


After Zhu Feng and Juliet left.

Qin Xuerong immediately started to help Wang Qian clean up.

There's only one hour left until class starts.

Qin Xuehong also helped to pack things.

The three left quickly.

Go under the hotel.

I saw Sophia who was already waiting there.

Sophia changed into a long purple dress again, her hair was simply tied into a ponytail, her delicate face was without any makeup, and she could see a little freckles under her eyes, showing her youthful and invincible aura.

Next to him, Zhao Wei and He Fulin were waiting for Wang Qian.

Jiang Yu and Murong Yue went to pick up He Chaohui and the others, and they had already gone to the Juilliard School.

Seeing Wang Qian, Sophia immediately stepped forward and said, Professor Wang, it's getting late, let's go.

There was a hint of anxiety and worry in Sophia's eyes.

There is only one hour until class time.

It will take at least twenty minutes on the road.

The preparation time before Wang Qian's lecture was only about half an hour.

As a student of the Juilliard School, her parents are also music artists who graduated from the Juilliard School. Sophia clearly knows that the Juilliard School has become the focus of the world's music art field, gathering people from all over the world. Most of the music artists who have made it to the stage, among which there are countless great artists.

What are the world's top ten pianists, the world's top ten violinists, representatives of the world's top prestigious schools, etc...

These people come together!

Let everyone who comes here be humble and polite.

Currently, there is no music artist in the world who is qualified to give lectures to so many top artists.

If you have to go on stage and give them a lecture, then you have to prove yourself in class.

That is to say...

It is bound to face the deliberate difficulties of some experts, which can also be called a test.

Sophia has been with her father in the top music and art circles in North America since she was a child. She has seen many top artists being deliberately made things difficult for them to get off the stage when they are giving lectures. The scene was very embarrassing and embarrassing. Some top artists were hit by this and never recovered. Disappeared, and some people became angry and made further progress because of this, and some people fell flat and became bastards...

She knew that Wang Qian's class would not go well, so she was also worried that Wang Qian would be hit at that time, and said to Wang Qian in a low voice: Professor Wang, how are you preparing? Are you confident? Actually, if you want to If you have an extra day off, I can help you talk to Professor Max. He will help you...

Wang Qian smiled and waved to Zhao Wei and He Fulin, signaling to start together, walked out with strides, and said to Sophia: There is no need to delay, I want to end as soon as possible, so I can go home early. As for confidence, I have always There is no lack of confidence to face difficulties...

Sophia followed Wang Qian's footsteps and wanted to say something, but seeing Wang Qian's firm back and firm and confident tone, she swallowed what she wanted to say, and silently speeded up to the gate of the capital to help Wang Qian pass The door opens.

Wang Qian thanked Sophia, and then quickly got into the car.

Qin Xuerong, Qin Xuehong, Zhao Wei, and He Fulin all followed.

Sophia sat in the passenger seat.

The car is about to start, heading to Juilliard!

As soon as the car got out of the hotel, Wang Qian immediately saw the dense crowd outside.

Rows of security personnel outside the hotel blocked the fans and media reporters who surrounded them tens of meters away.

As soon as Wang Qian's car appeared, those video cameras, cameras, mobile phones, etc., all started to work crazily, taking pictures of Wang Qian leaving the hotel clearly, and synchronously transmitting them to all parts of the world.

There is also a live TV station's camera shooting at the best position, and then directly and simultaneously live broadcasting to the world.

Many fans also shouted loudly.

Singing the lyrics of many of Wang Qian's highly popular songs, some people shouted Wang Qian's name directly.

In order to avoid trouble and another accident where fans fainted, Wang Qian didn't show up, and just sat quietly in the car, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

As the car moved, fans could still be seen gathering on both sides of the road, holding various signs in support of Wang Qian, and shouting loudly when they saw the car Wang Qian was riding in.

Unfortunately, Wang Qian did not show up to respond to anyone.

The speed of the car to the college was much slower than expected, and it took more than half an hour to travel for more than ten or twenty minutes.

A large group of media reporters and many fans gathered at the entrance of the academy.

The car didn't stop at the gate, and directly drove into the gate of the college under the protection of the security personnel...

Along the way, they visited the largest performance hall in the Juilliard School, a performance hall that can accommodate 5,000 people.


It's already full of people.

Music artists with a calm and elegant temperament, or young people studying music, or celebrities and rich people, gathered here to chat in groups, waiting for the official start of this class.

Zhu Fenghe, who had just left Wang Qian's place, was leading Juliet, smiling and chatting with two middle-aged men and an old man.

Seeing Wang Qian's car approaching not far away, Zhu Fenghe stopped talking, looked over, and said in a low voice, Professor Wang is here.

The old man next to him looked at Juliet, and said enviously, Your daughter is so lucky.

Zhu Feng smiled together, and a trace of pride flashed across Juliet's face.


The car stopped in the middle.

Professor Max who was waiting there opened the car door for Wang Qian himself.

All the people around who were paying attention to this scene were slightly startled.

None of them expected that Max would open the door for Wang Qian himself.

No one in the world can enjoy this kind of treatment, and no one is qualified to enjoy Max's service.

And now...

Wang Qian enjoyed it.

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