Debut After Eight Years

529. The biggest gathering in the history of music art! (seeking subscription)

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

Those who have made achievements in the field of art all make no secret of their personalities and preferences, and say what they have.

So it is more likely to cause disputes.

In the history of art development, many master-level artists and master-level artists have their own special personal hobbies. Many masters and masters are almost inseparable from each other because they are not used to each other.

Such a straightforward way of expression makes the division of factions and regions in the art field extremely obvious, and different factions and regions are almost incompatible with each other.

And in terms of large areas.

There is almost incompatibility between the field of North American art and the field of European art.

There are few in-depth exchanges in the field of art between the two regions.

The most recent relatively large-scale in-depth communication and contact was when Wang Qian gave a lecture at Curtis last time, which attracted the attention of music artists from all over the world, and thus attracted the gathering of artists from all over the world. The largest gathering of music and art in the past century.

And now.

Wang Qian's lecture at Juilliard School also once again gathered music artists from all over the world, as well as senior celebrities and rich music and art lovers.

The scale of this gathering is larger and more high-end than the last time Wang Qian gave a lecture at Curtis Institute.

The last time Wang Qian gave a lecture at Curtis, after all, it was rather hasty. At the same time, Wang Qian's reputation in the world was not so loud at that time, and it was far worse than it is now.

Therefore, the appeal of Wang Qian’s lecture at Juilliard School is even louder. Under the publicity of the media, he has opened up the path of a master, which is fatal to music artists all over the world.

Therefore, this time New York has gathered almost all the big-name art schools from all over the world, and there are quite a few top music schools.

Last time at Curtis, most of the top music schools in Europe, such as Berlin Conservatory of Music, Hannover Conservatory of Music, and Vienna Conservatory of Music, etc., were not present. They had some resistance and looked down on Curtis and Wang Qian.

And now, there are quite a few top music schools that can be named in all countries in the world!

All the media in New York announced the names and interview process of the various music artists and representatives of the famous schools they interviewed on their respective pages and social media accounts, and gradually summarized the list of all the famous music schools, as well as most of the high-level students. The name of the music artist.

The New York Music Art News reported: This is the largest gathering of music art in the world for hundreds of years since the birth of music art! Today, it will be included in the history of the development of music art in the world. New York will become A well-deserved center of the world's music arts. The Juilliard School has once again demonstrated its status and unique appeal in the field of music arts...

Professor Wang Qian's lecture at the Juilliard School today may affect the direction of world music art! He will face the tremendous pressure from almost all the top music schools and all the music masters in the world. Will he be able to resist? This pressure? We will wait and see!


Since the formal birth of music art.

Over the past few hundred years, naturally there have been many large-scale gatherings in the field of music and art.

However, due to the inconvenient transportation in the old days, it was naturally difficult to gather all music artists and representatives of famous schools from all over the world at one time.

Therefore, this open class at the Juilliard School in New York is indeed the largest gathering in the field of music and art in history.

In the words of a gossip media on a social platform: I threw a brick at the airport and hit three music artists and seven music professors...


Under the various interviews and reports of various media, the atmosphere of collision in the fields of music and art in several major regions has gradually gathered together.

North American music art has developed rapidly in recent decades. North America occupies seven or eight of the world's top ten top music schools, almost monopolizing them.

And the famous European music and art schools have a profound foundation, with a history of two to three hundred years at every turn, and the blessings of many music masters and even masters.

Eastern Asia, from the perspective of Europe and the United States, has just started in the field of music art. In the words of the vice president of the Berlin Conservatory of Music, is there any music artist in Asia?

The media watched the excitement for fear that the incident would not be big enough.

Therefore, as long as there is an opportunity to fan the flames, all media will not let it go.

Interviews with many music artists and representatives of top academies are constantly being released.

Professor Hoffman from Curtis College said in an interview: Professor Wang Qian is the most talented and powerful music artist he has ever seen, and his future achievements may surpass those of several music masters in history. This time He started his journey as a master at Juilliard, and all of us are witnesses!

Professor Meilong of the Berlin Academy of Music: There are no music artists in Asia! Wang Qian is just a beginner, and he still has a long way to go.

The famous New York pianist Dennis said in an interview: He likes every piece of Professor Wang Qian's work very much, and the future of Professor Wang Qian is unimaginable. If he can concentrate all his time and energy on the art of music, it will be perfect gone.

Mr. Rodin of the Paris Conservatory of Music said: Wang Qian has nothing but incomparable talent! He is just squandering his talent, he is too young now...

The vice president from Dongfang Yangyin said in an interview: Although Professor Wang Qian has not received systematic music learning, he is self-taught, no worse than those academic geniuses, and his talent is far beyond, and his future achievements will exceed Everyone's imagination...

Professor Consens of the European Academy of Vienna: Wang Qian does have a talent that everyone envies, but it is a pity that he was born in the art desert of China, so he cannot become a master-level music artist! If he enters the Vienna Academy with a rich history, I will I can guarantee that he will become a master music artist...


Europe, North America, East.

A collision of different regions and concepts was staged.


After all, they are all artists, they are well-mannered, and they are also people who want to face, so they speak more reservedly, and there is no limit like the Hollywood entertainment circle.

Wang Qian fell asleep again until almost noon before waking up.

He was really exhausted these two days.

Last night, there were five kills in one night, and they continued to operate twice during the day, and were intercepted and killed by Qin Xuehong again on the plane.

Plus hours on the plane.

Wang Qian was physically and mentally exhausted.

I was glad that no one came to disturb me last night, and Qin Xuerong was also very quiet.

Sleep until you wake up naturally.

When Wang Qian opened his eyes, the curtains could no longer cover the sunlight outside, which was a little dazzling.

Looking at the position of the sun, Wang Qian was slightly startled.

Is it really almost noon?

There is still a lecture today!

Wang Qian sat up at once, picked up his phone and checked the time.

It was indeed half past eleven in the morning New York time.

Qin Xuerong heard the movement in the bedroom, gently opened the door and looked, saw that Wang Qian had already sat up, pushed the door and walked in, with a worried look on his face: You have been too tired these two days. Don't tell Professor Max to postpone today's lecture until tomorrow?

Wang Qian thought for a while, then shook his head and said, Forget it, it won't be postponed. It won't start until 2:00 noon, so there's still time.

Qin Xuerong: Then you don't have any preparations. I read those media reports, and now New York has gathered almost all the world's top music schools and music artists. This class must be very difficult, and it will not be like Professor Max said. so smoothly.

The last time you were at Curtis Institute, you didn't attract so many people. There were so many people looking for troubles for you. This time, there will definitely be more big-name musicians who make things difficult for you. If you don't prepare well, It's not good to make a fool of yourself in front of so many people.

Qin Xuerong's eyes were full of worry.

She got up early in the morning and didn't disturb Wang Qian. She quietly watched various news about Wang Qian outside. Seeing all kinds of media hype, she was very worried.

She comes from an extraordinary background. She has been exposed to music art in the Beijing circle since she was a child, and has a deep understanding of the field of music art, so she clearly understands the tremendous pressure Wang Qian is facing now.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the enemy of the world with his own strength.

If Wang Qian makes a fool of himself in front of the world's music and art field in class, and there is a world live broadcast on TV stations, it will almost cut off Wang Qian's future advancement in the music and art field.

If there is such an opportunity, Qin Xuerong believes that a considerable number of people from the western media, many big-name artists and famous schools will definitely make trouble, making it difficult for Wang Qian to recover.

Therefore, Qin Xuerong hoped that Wang Qian could postpone this class and prepare well.

She knows some domestic news, and knows that Wang Qian is not only representing herself, but also represents the face and future of China's music art field in the world.

Once Wang Qian made a fool of himself in this class, he cut off his musical art path!

Then this will not only be a huge blow to Wang Qian, but also a fatal blow to the music art of the entire China and even the entire East Asia.

At that time, under the deliberate guidance and publicity of some European and American media, the fact that Asia is a desert of music and art may be confirmed...

This result was so big that Qin Xuerong didn't dare to think about it, and she didn't want Wang Qian to bear such a huge pressure at that time, and might even become a historical sinner.

Wang Qian got out of bed, poured a cup of hot water and took a long gulp. Looking at New York outside the hotel window, he said softly, Xue Rong, I'm ready. In fact, those people really came prepared. Yes, no matter how long I prepare, it is impossible to be more complete than their preparations.

So, when the time comes, just adapt. I have been performing and creating continuously recently, and my understanding of music is deeper than when I was lecturing at Curtis last time. I believe I can handle the great gift they prepared for me.

Wang Qian's tone was very casual, as if he was talking about a very ordinary thing.

And Qin Xuehong, who had been sitting quietly in the living room, looked at Wang Qian's back and listened to Wang Qian's words, with a trace of fascination and regret flashing in his eyes.

Why, she didn't meet Wang Qian first?

She looked at her younger sister Qin Xuerong who was also obsessed with it, and sighed again in her heart, but she said, I believe you can do it!

Only then did Wang Qian see Qin Xuehong sitting in the corner of the sofa, and smiled and said, Thank you.

Qin Xuerong came back to his senses, nodded and said, Okay then, I'll order breakfast first. Sophia from the Juilliard School has been waiting downstairs for a while!

Wang Qian said softly: Then let her wait a little longer. Let's have dinner first, and then go to the academy when it's almost time. Don't go early and have various entertainment...

Maybe it's because he was in the entertainment circle in his previous life and had too many entertainments.

Therefore, in this life, Wang Qian disliked all kinds of entertainment, and avoided as much as he could.

Qin Xuerong: Okay, we are not in a hurry. By the way, Aunt He and the others have arrived. Jiang Jiang and Xiaoyue went to pick up the airport in the morning, and they have already stayed in the hotel. The college has also made arrangements for Aunt He and the others. The representative team gave a full hundred positions.

Everyone brought by Aunt He can go to the classroom to give lectures on site.

Wang Qian is quite satisfied with the arrangement of Juilliard School.

He knew that this was for his face. Otherwise, the joint team of Huaxia Yangyin and several other conservatories would not be qualified to get so many positions, and it would be terrible to give a dozen or twenty positions at most.

After all, Yangyin's status in the world is relatively average, and other Huaxia Conservatory of Music has no status.

There are so many top schools in the world coming this time, even the team from Curtis College only got 50 positions...

Qin Xuerong turned and left to order breakfast.

Qin Xuehong immediately couldn't help but threw himself on Wang Qian: I really wanted to come to you last night, you were so handsome just now.

Wang Qian smiled and said, Thank you!

I secretly rejoiced in my heart, fortunately you didn't come, otherwise maybe I haven't woken up yet!

Qin Xuehong asked worriedly: Are you sure?

Wang Qian nodded and said confidently, Don't worry.

Qin Xuehong smiled: Okay, I believe you can do it!

The two got bored for a while, Qin Xuehong almost wanted to eat Wang Qian again, but fortunately Qin Xuerong came back, let Qin Xuehong quickly return to his position, and let Wang Qian go.

The three of them had breakfast together.

finish breakfast.

There was a knock on the door.

Qin Xuerong went to open the door, and saw Juliet standing at the door, and a tall, thin, handsome middle-aged man with an elegant temperament. He was very well dressed, and the clothes did not have any nameplates. With Qin Xuerong's eyesight, he can tell at a glance that his whole body is made by famous craftsmen, so there are no brand letters.

Hi, I'm Juliet's father, I want to meet Professor Wang Qian, can I?

The middle-aged man smiled politely at Qin Xuerong and asked.

Juliet stood beside the middle-aged man, feeling a little embarrassed.

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