Debut After Eight Years

502. Sing and Cry the World Again! Hometown, I miss you. (seeking subscription)

There are more than 200,000 spectators on and off the stage, and billions of spectators all over the world are staring at the few people on the stage at this moment, not letting go of any details.

It seems that every frame of the picture is an extremely precious image.

The program team is the most excited at the moment.


The ratings data climbed to a peak again.

Oni excitedly announced the latest data: The latest ratings data, the number of viewers has broken the previous record for the number of viewers, exceeding 4.4 billion. This is already the limit, and the increase in the number of people has slowed down a lot. Huaxia It's almost saturated over there, and the viewership may exceed 1.2 billion people...

North America is also approaching saturation, with 400 million people watching our show!

other areas……

The ratings data of each region are almost miraculous figures.

The total population of several countries in North America is only about 600 million people, but now there are 400 million people watching this show in North America, while there are only 1.5 billion people in China, and now there are more than 1.2 billion people watching...

Other regions are also watched by people close to the population figures.

Basically, wherever there is a TV signal, they are watching Wang Qian's upcoming performance, which is much higher than when those unknown contestants performed just now.

In the office of the program group, there was laughter again.

Regardless of the future, today is their last brilliance, once again breaking the record for the number of viewers, it is definitely worth celebrating!

I knew that Wang Qian could do it.

His four works last week set off another storm in the world this week. Everyone's expectations for him are unprecedentedly high, and it is understandable to break the record again.

He's a miracle!

Together we made this miracle.


on the stage.

Wang Qian, Jiang Yu, Murong Yue, Juliet, Zhao Wei, and He Fulin sat down in a circle, as if they were sitting together during the family reunion every year during the festive season. Everyone had a very quiet and peaceful expression on their faces. , seems to be enjoying the warmth of this moment.

Except for Wang Qian, all four of them held an acoustic guitar.

And Wang Qian held a harmonica in his hand, and sat in the middle facing the stage, with Jiang Yu, Juliet and Murong Yue sitting on both sides, and Zhao Wei and He Fulin sitting opposite.

The whole place became extremely quiet.

Wang Qian slowly picked up the harmonica and played it softly in front of the microphone.

A gentle, simple, and melodious tune sounded slowly.

It's like the gentle wind in my hometown, and it's like the setting sun on the hillside in my hometown.

Warm, relaxed, warm, and at the same time, there is a trace of sadness conveyed in the music, which shocked everyone present. A yellowed old photo of their hometown appeared in front of them, which made people unable to hold back their hearts. Breeding a lot of nostalgia, and eager to go back to my hometown to see the mood!

In the auditorium, Allie said softly to Green: Professor Wang Qian's prelude to each piece is so attractive.

The musicians around who heard this sentence nodded in admiration.

All of Wang Qian's works have achieved great success all over the world, so they have naturally been studied meticulously by almost all musicians, and each of them has a stunning and attractive prelude, which makes them admire. It is one of the important factors for the success of popular music.

Especially in the current mobile information age, young people have less patience. If the first few syllables do not attract them to continue listening, then they will immediately switch to other works, or simply stop listening to the song.

In the past ten years, any popular work has a very attractive prelude!

The same is true of Christine's works in recent years, all of which have beautiful and melodious preludes.

At this time, the prelude played by Wang Qian with a harmonica once again made the audience and all the audience in front of the TV feel attracted. The strong sense of picture and delicate emotions touched everyone's hearts. mood.

Immediately afterwards.

The acoustic guitars of Juliet and Jiang Yu followed suit, and the rhythm of the music was still soothing and relaxed with a little regret and sadness, which made the atmosphere more intense.

The other guitars are gently coordinating.

A style and touching atmosphere of classic nostalgic folk songs have been brewing, deeply engraved in everyone's heart.

This kind of feeling makes everyone feel as if they are listening to those classic folk songs decades ago in their memory. Wang Qian hasn't sung them yet. Just this prelude music makes them feel as if they are not inferior to those that have been handed down for half a year in their memory. A classic that has not been forgotten for centuries.

This feeling shocks every knowledgeable musician!

they know!

Perhaps, they will once again witness the birth of a classic.

Everyone pricked up their ears, and they must firmly grasp every detail of Wang Qian's singing. Now that they have a deeper understanding, they will be able to make their subsequent imitation creations more delicate and similar, and it will be easier to succeed.

Wang Qian put down the harmonica at this time, with a slight smile and nostalgic sadness on his face, and sang gently into the microphone.

If lure ssthetrainI'touch n...


The lure will know that Iamgone...

The first two sentences made many older audience feel like being struck by lightning, as if they had returned to decades ago. At that time, they left their hometowns to go to big cities one after another. Parents, relatives and friends, that feeling...

Very sad.

Thinking about it now, I miss it very much.

This was life back then.

And many young people nowadays, after listening carefully, also think of themselves now.

How many of the big cities are not foreigners?

How many of them didn't leave their hometowns to seek a living?

How many people are living a simple and tiring life in a big city, but they still call home with a smile to say that they are doing well?

A wave of emotion surged up!

Many viewers in front of the TV had sad faces on their faces.

Many audience members were just silent, but they didn’t have much impact, because those who can buy tickets to watch the show are basically rich people from North America and around the world. Most of them have never experienced the pain of leaving their hometowns to seek a life , even leaving home may be to enjoy life, not for life.


Although the atmosphere at the scene was somewhat immersive, it was not too sad and depressing.

Wang Qian continued to sing amidst the melodious, soothing and slightly sad guitar sound.

To lure anhearthewhistleblower into dred fans.


A mixes dred fans, a mixes dred fans...


A mixes dred fans, a mixes dred fans...


to lure anhearthewhistleblower into dred fans...


Lord I'm two, Lord I'm two.


lord I'm three, lord I'm four...


The atmosphere at the scene was even more depressing.

Even many local tyrants who have never experienced the difficult life of leaving their hometown were moved by Wang Qian's soul-piercing singing melody, and a sense of sadness was brewing on the scene.


The audience in front of many TVs reacted even more intensely.

Many viewers who watched the live TV broadcast in rental houses in big cities burst into tears on the spot.

I feel, isn't this song about them who are singing now?

Isn't that how they feel when they leave their hometown?

Listening to Wang Qian's singing, the scenes of leaving their hometown every year were clearly displayed in front of them.

Under the watchful eyes of parents and lovers, they can only stay away from home step by step...


I couldn't help crying.


Wang Qian's singing will not let them go.

Still singing.

LordI'mfive mix dred fans lesawayfrhe...


Awayfrhe, awayfrhe...


Awayfrhe, awayfrhe...






Lord Ian't go bakhethisa-way.


Thisa-way, thisa-way...


Thisa-way, thisa-way...


Lord Ian't gobakhethisa-way...


this moment!

Many strong viewers in front of the TV couldn't help but shed a little tears, couldn't help but have the urge to cry, but they forcibly held back, but the tears couldn't help but flow out by themselves, it was something they couldn't suppress in their hearts Emotions!

He left his hometown for a living.

However, how many people can return home in good clothes?

Most people just change to a big city to rent a house to live, and there is not much money left throughout the year, and the money they earn is either rented or used for expenses.

Wages in big cities are a bit higher, but expenses are also high.

Landlords in those big cities are the ultimate winners.

Wang Qian's lyrics once again touched the hearts of many migrant workers.

How many people dare not go home when it is time to go home at the end of the year?

How can you have the face to go back if you are so bad?

This kind of emotion, even many local tyrants on the scene will have it.

Because, when the local tyrants first started to develop, they also hoped to start from scratch and get the family's approval. If they didn't develop well, they would have no face to go home. They didn't want to fail and go home to inherit the family business.

Some people at the scene were full of melancholy, recalling all kinds of things when they were young, and wanted to cry and laugh at the same time.

All countries are talking about their lives on social platforms.

After listening to Professor Wang Qian's works, I really couldn't help crying. Woohoo, I didn't go back last Christmas because I didn't have money to buy a plane ticket. My father bought it for me, and I didn't have the face to ask for it.

God, I don't even want to live in Los Angeles. I want to go back to the country. I want to live next door to my parents.


Professor Wang's song actually made me cry. Every line of the lyrics seems to be writing about me.

Who can tell me, why do we come to the big city? Is it just to leave our parents and relatives every year?


Even on China's social platforms, many people who understood said they were very sad.

Professor Wang's English ballad is so simple and easy to understand that I almost cried. I have been working as a worker in Shanghai for five years, but I don't have a dime. contributed.

Rongcheng is a worker, and he is ashamed to go home. In the rented house, I drink with a few roommates and watch TV. My brothers can't help crying when they listen to Professor Wang's song.

Hey, I beg Professor Wang to release a Chinese version. This music can't help but make people feel sad and nostalgic. Rewriting the lyrics in Chinese is absolutely touching.

This work, even native North American and English people, may not be able to write it. Professor Wang was able to write it when he went abroad for the first time, and he sang and cried many European and American audiences. It can only be said that a genius is a genius.

It's so touching. I don't understand the lyrics very well, and my English is not good. But seeing Professor Wang's expression, listening to the voice and music, I have the urge to cry. Professor Wang's singing is so beautiful and touching.

Professor Wang is homesick, come back.

Professor Wang, come back. You have already won the championship. It is definitely a homecoming. Don't worry about us saying you.

Who else in China dares to blackmail Professor Wang? In the past few decades, who has won glory for us like Professor Wang? Professor Wang, come back if you miss home, we miss you too.

Yes, we miss you too, Professor Wang...


on site.


Sophie, Adam, Nakamori Miyuki, Elizabeth and other contestants, as well as Cui Wenfeng and other judges all looked at Wang Qian who was still playing and singing on the stage with slightly sad faces.

Sisi looked at Wang Qian's back and said in a low voice: This is not worse than those classic folk songs I heard when I was a child. It's so nice and great.

When Sisi was young, it was the peak period of North American folk and blues music, and when he was young, it was the peak period of North American rock music.

Therefore, Sisi is the musician who can best understand all of Wang Qian's rock music and the current ballad. His expression was shocked and sad, and his heart was even more shocked and admired.

Cui Wenfeng smiled wryly.

He pushed Wang Qian to the altar of rock and roll before, hoping that Wang Qian could focus on the development of rock and roll in the field of pop music in the future, and that would create another prosperous rock and roll era.


Now he saw this ballad sung by Wang Qian.

he knows.

Restricting Wang Qian to one genre of music is a waste and desecration of Wang Qian's talent.


Cui Wenfeng was still very regretful and uneasy.

It's a pity that Wang Qian can't focus on developing rock.

Worried about whether Wang Qian will immediately turn his attention away and give up rock and roll!

Rock and roll has only been popular in the world for two months. If Wang Qian doesn't play rock and roll in the future, can rock and roll continue to be the leader of the current music scene?

Can other bands in the world take on this important task?


Still have to face Wang Qian's other types of music impact?

Cui Wenfeng shook his head.

he knows.

Once Wang Qian stopped playing rock and roll.

Maybe the heyday of rock and roll will end soon, and become a short-lived rock and roll history.

The type of music transferred by Wang Qian may become the mainstream of the popular music scene.


It's Wang Qian!

With one's own strength, guide the development pattern of world pop music.

Adam, Elizabeth, Jonathan and the others stared at Wang Qian, listening to Wang Qian's singing, their hearts were touched, knowing that this touching singing voice would definitely become popular all over the world.


Would they take the opportunity to play a ballad?

Adam was very moved.

But Sophie and Nakamori Miyuki didn't have this idea at all, they just admired Wang Qian's musical talent, and their hearts were full of surprises.

In addition to the violent impact of rock and roll, Wang Qian also has the one-like tenderness and the nostalgia of this ballad!

in the field.

Wang Qian's singing continued.

The atmosphere at the scene was still somewhat depressing and gloomy.

If lure ssthetrainI'touch n...


The lure will know that Iamgone...


to lure anhearthewhistleblower into dred fans...

In the soothing and sad music, Wang Qian's singing stopped slowly, then picked up the harmonica, and played the familiar melody again.

Slowly after ten seconds of music.

Several guitars stopped playing at the same time.

Wang Qian's harmonica continued for a few seconds again, and then gradually stopped.

Music on stage!


Wang Qian brought the microphone in front of him, looked at the dark and invisible figures under the stage, and the many sad and depressed faces, and said softly: Thank you for your appreciation.

Five mix dred fans!

I want to tell my hometown that I miss you.

A quiet scene.

Instantly exploded.

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