Debut After Eight Years

501. Tired of playing rock and roll? One word affects the trend of the world pop music world! (seeki

this moment!

Not only the more than 200,000 spectators inside and outside the scene exploded.

Many viewers sitting in front of the TV responded extremely enthusiastically, almost no worse than the live audience.

Audiences in other countries and regions around the world except Huaxia only started to know and like Wang Qian, a talented singer from China, on the stage of the World Championships.

All the way they witnessed the miracles that Wang Qian continued to create on this stage.

They witnessed how they were conquered by Wang Qian's works and performances.

And now, they once again witnessed Wang Qian's curtain call performance on this stage.

Recalling all Wang Qian's works they have heard, every work, every line of lyrics, and every familiar melody rang in their ears.

Only then did they realize that Wang Qian's music had filled their lives and memories.

At this time, the Internet of various countries is full of excitement.

Europe and the United States, on Facebook and Twitter.

I just realized that I may never be able to live without Wang Qian's music in this life. God, he is simply a perfect genius. He is also the first Chinese person whom I admire and admire so much. It's a pity that I can't go to see his music live I really look forward to his next concert in Los Angeles, no matter how much the tickets are, I will go there.

This is the beginning of a legend. I hope that Wang Qian will continue to publish works that excite me and I can't stop.

This is his last performance in North America, and it is also the last performance of The Voice World Championship this year. I suddenly feel extremely melancholy.

I've never seen such a dedicated genius. He doesn't have any gossip or gossip at all. There are only news about his hard work. He doesn't even bother to show his face on TV. How could he not become a legend?

I want to say sorry to him, because I never downloaded a single of his compositions, but I copied all his compositions from my friend. When he releases his first album, I will go to his Buy all works!

He is a genius. I heard that he is still a great writer in China. I like the song he wrote in Curtis when you are old. I hope he will release some English literature in the future. I will definitely Please read.

I look forward to his performance starting soon, but I am afraid that it will start too soon. Because after watching this performance, I don't know when I will see his performance again...



On Huaxia Network, there are even more excited speeches.

Seeing that Wang Qian conquered so many European and American talented musicians, as well as big-name judge singers.

Many Huaxia audiences, as well as Wang Qian's fans, have a sense of pride, as if it is their own achievement.

Over the years, the sense of history of a great nation has made almost all Chinese people have a desire to conquer the world, but the sinking of the past few hundred years has made China a chaser.

Everyone hopes that the Chinese nation can stand on top of the world again.

Therefore, everyone who can win glory for the country and the nation in the world and defeat opponents from other countries, whether they are athletes or others, can be treated like a hero in China and become the king of popularity for a while.

Now Wang Qian has managed not only to conquer his opponent, but also conquered the whole world.

This is something that many Chinese people only dare to dream about.


At this moment, all the Huaxia audience watching the world competition are excited to jump up and vent their excitement on the Internet.

On several major social platforms in China, the first few hot topics were all related to Wang Qian, and the number of people participating in the discussion quickly exceeded 100 million. The Spring Festival Gala and many blockbuster movies during the Spring Festival were once again suppressed and could not take the lead, which made Yang Ma and many movie circles The capital and big-name actors are helpless, they dare not resist this impact at all, that means to bring rhythm to black Wang Qian, who dares to do this now?

No one dares!


You can only follow the trend to catch the heat.

Many big-name celebrities, celebrities and Internet celebrities all came out to speak at the first time, joining this turbulent and fierce trend.

Professor Wang uses his strong strength and impeccable personality charm to make the whole world have to become his fans.

In history, who can do this and conquer the whole world? No one can! Only Professor Wang.

The God of Rock, the King of Pop, and the God of Music! These titles recognized by most people in Europe and the United States are enough to describe how incredible Professor Wang is in the field of music.

I just hope that Professor Wang can hold a few public concerts in China after returning to China. I will definitely be there. No matter which city the performance is in, I will chase after it and not miss a concert.

Ahhhhhhhhh... If I had known, I would have gone to Los Angeles to see Professor Wang's performance.

I heard that Liu Shengnan and Chen Xiaowen, Ru Ke, they didn't watch Professor Wang's performance, and they were reluctant to come back to release an album and release new songs. This shows the attractiveness of Professor Wang.

Hahaha, even Adam and Asan in North America have been conquered by Professor Wang! Even my goddess Sophie and Miyuki Nakamori have become Professor Wang's fans, awesome...

Professor Wang, you should be free from blackmail in this life, who is in favor and who is against?


Huaxia officials are behind this wave of public opinion.

Wang Qian's success in the world has once again allowed Huaxia to establish a glorious and stalwart image in front of the world, and it has given many people a better impression of Huaxia.

This is exactly what officials want to see.


Wang Qian came to the stage slowly.

Jennifer was also very excited when she saw the fierce scene where 100,000 people stood up. She once again gave Wang Qian a warm hug and said with a slightly trembling voice: I really want to do something with you right now. Su Fei's room, we are waiting for you!

Saying that, Jennifer was still reluctant to let go of Wang Qian, and pushed Wang Qian hard to her chest again with both hands.

Wang Qian struggled slightly before Jennifer let go of her hands.

Standing not far behind, Jiang Yu, Murong Yue, and Juliet all looked at Jennifer with slight frowns. Based on the instincts of the three of them, they could probably sense what Jennifer seemed to think about Wang Qian.

However, they can also understand.

after all……

In this world.

Who can resist Wang Qian's charm?

Then, the three of them took a step forward and stood behind Wang Qian, adding some pressure to Jennifer and keeping more distance between Jennifer and Wang Qian.

The warm applause from the 100,000 people in the audience and more than a hundred thousand people outside the stadium lasted for about three minutes before subsiding gradually.

The excited voice of the program director came from the earphones in Jennifer's ears: The number of viewers around the world has skyrocketed, from 300 million viewers to 3.8 billion. It took less than a minute, and it is still rising rapidly. Interact with Wang Qian as much as possible, so that the end of the show will be slower.

Every second is a huge benefit for us.

Jennifer heard the words of the director of the program group and followed the trend.

However, she is not doing it for profit, but to be able to spend more time with Wang Qian on the stage.

That way, people will be able to see more of her and Wang Qian's time together on the stage when they watch the final performance of this World Championship.

Hundreds of thousands of spectators sat down one after another, their eyes still fixed on Wang Qian and the band members behind him.

They found that this time the band didn't bring a drum kit or bass, only a few guitars and small instruments they couldn't see clearly.


Wang Qian may not perform rock works in his last performance.

Some crazy rock fans were disappointed.

Most of the audience who simply like Wang Qian's works are more interested.


This means that Wang Qian will bring them more novel performances.

Maybe it was just a surprise?

Before that, Wang Qian has continuously proved that no matter what style of work he performs, he can conquer all audiences and listeners, as well as discerning industry insiders, and further prove his excellence and dominance in the market.


Looking at the band's instruments, many people are guessing.

What kind of work is Wang Qian's upcoming performance?

Especially singers and musicians in the European and American music circles such as Christine, Green, Ellie, etc., are most curious, not knowing what Wang Qian will show, let alone what trends Wang Qian will bring in the European and American music markets.

Jennifer asked Wang Qian: Professor Wang Qian, I don't think you have brought rock instruments. Why is that? Are you not going to perform rock music today?

Everyone's eyes widened and their ears pricked up, expecting Wang Qian's answer.

Wang Qian took the microphone and replied seriously: I said, I want to win the championship with rock and roll. I have already achieved this. Therefore, I have temporarily lost the enthusiasm for rock and roll, and I have not considered rock and roll this week. style work.

Almost all the musicians and singers at the scene were speechless for a while, feeling helpless and admiring at the same time!

Conquered rock fans all over the world, known as the existence of the rock god, here to tell everyone - rock, I'm tired of playing! I don't play now.

Many singers and musicians, as well as cross-border celebrities who have just released their works successfully, are shouting in their hearts at this time - you don't play, play for me!

They all want to do the money picking thing!

And people like Christine, Green, Garbo and others, as well as Liu Shengnan, Ru Ke, Chen Xiaowen and others, all admire and worship Wang Qian!

After displaying a genre of music to the extreme, and being regarded as a god by fans all over the world, he left the stage calmly and started playing other styles of music instead.

There is no such willful and talented musical genius in the entire history of music!

After many years of success in a music genre, those who wanted to transform basically all failed, and then came back to continue to eat their old roots, but their popularity has lost and their historical status has been lowered.

Such failure examples abound, so no one dares to change the genre of music easily.


When Wang Qian said such words.

In the audience, and even the billions of viewers around the world, no one raised any doubts. Few people doubted that Wang Qian would fail, and they were all full of expectations.

The smile on Jennifer's face was even brighter, and she looked at Wang Qian with a lot of admiration and delicacy in her eyes, and continued to ask: So, Professor Wang Qian, can you tell us what performance you will bring us tonight? ?”

Wang Qian shrugged and said, The performance is about to start, of course there is no need to keep it a secret. It's a very simple folk song.

The whole audience and all the audience with pricked ears all over the world were slightly surprised when they heard the word folk song.

Some people are surprised, because folk-style works are almost disappearing in the European and American music circles.

Even in the Chinese pop music scene, which started relatively late, folk songs are almost disappearing.

Let’s go back a little bit, the familiar folk songs are basically works of the last century.

Therefore, when it comes to folk songs, most people immediately feel nostalgic.

It seems that folk songs represent nostalgia.

And Wang Qian actually wants to perform a folk song in the last performance of today's farewell performance in the World Championship?

Many people who like nostalgic folk songs feel a surprise, looking forward to Wang Qian's ability to bring vitality to folk songs today when folk songs are about to disappear.

Many professionals in the pop music world inside and outside the venue are thinking about the next trend of pop music.

Will Wang Qian cause a storm of folk songs all over the world? Will it arouse everyone's love and love for folk songs?

This point, Wang Qian has already proved with rock and roll before, he has this ability. It took two months to bring rock music, which had been reduced to a minority in the world music scene, to the current world mainstream.

Now, who can be sure, whether Wang Qian will bring folk songs to the same level as the current rock music?

If folk songs become popular all over the world, will they keep up with creating folk songs to meet everyone's needs?

Do you wait for Wang Qian's folk song works to be released and then follow the trend, or should you immediately catch up with Wang Qian's new works and catch up immediately before they set off the trend?

Many pop singers, producers, and managers are thinking about these issues.

no doubt!

Wang Qian's every move!

Already affecting the style trend and development of the pop music scene in the whole world.

Jennifer asked curiously: Oh? Why did you choose folk songs?

Many people listened intently to the dialogue between the two on the stage, wondering why Wang Qian chose folk songs.

Wang Qian continued to answer: Because this is the first time I have left my hometown and come to a foreign country for so long. Therefore, I have been a little homesick recently. So I wrote a song about homesickness. This kind of work is naturally most suitable for folk songs gone.


Wang Qian's words made everyone slightly taken aback.

Many people remembered that when Wang Qian refused their cooperation, he seemed to use this reason--I was homesick and wanted to go home early!

Now it seems!

This, perhaps, is not an excuse.

Rather, really?

Oni of the program group, representatives of many copyright parties, and many program groups who had invited Wang Qian in the audience all thought about it, and then wondered whether to wait for Wang Qian to go home for a while to ease his homesickness before sending out a cooperation agreement. Invitation, would it be better to talk?

In the office of the program group, Oni looked at other people, and had more thoughts in his mind, and the others also looked at each other, obviously having similar thoughts.

on the stage.

Jennifer still smiled brightly and said, Wow, then I am looking forward to it. Now, the stage is handed over to you...

Jennifer wanted to give Wang Qian another hug, but Wang Qian sensed her thoughts in advance, took a step back, and got closer to Jiang Yu, which made Jennifer helplessly dispel the idea, and then smiled at Jiang Yu and the others, very happy. He turned around and left the stage generously.

On the stage, only Wang Qian and the others were left.

Several chairs were brought up.

Everyone on the scene stretched their necks and stared at every detail on the stage.

Backstage, Sophie, Adam, Nakamori Miyuki and other contestants, as well as the judges Cui Wenfeng and Ceci, did not leave, and they all stood at the nearest position backstage, watching Wang Qian's performance together. expect.

There was a halo in Sisi's eyes, and he was very moved by the folk songs Wang Qian said. This is one of his favorite music styles and he is good at it, but it has been eliminated by the market for many years, which is one of the reasons why he was eliminated by the market .

If Wang Qian can revive folk songs in the world market, then Sisi, and many other singers of the older generation who have been eliminated long ago, can immediately make a fortune!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Wang Qian and the others sat on chairs one after another, forming a circle next to each other.

A warm atmosphere of family reunion emerged spontaneously on the stage.

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