
Mako Hirako murmured to himself.

When it comes to promoting young people, in fact, he and Lisa Yakinamaru are the same type of people - if it weren't for the "talent depletion" of the fifth division, Vice Captain Ika would not have many reliable chief officers at his disposal. He was too lazy to do such an errand.

"It's so troublesome."


"Reform the ghost path?"

Sokon's voice suddenly dropped several times.

Take the broken path as an example. The "ninety-nine" broken paths in the usual sense do not mean that there are only these ninety-nine types of broken paths in Soul Society.

From another perspective, it is still unclear whether there are ninety-nine types: neither the textbooks of Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy nor the secret records collected by various nobles have complete records of all ninety-nine types of broken paths. .


I am afraid that in addition to Yamamoto Shigegai, the only one who has all the known information about ghosts is in the hands of the great ghost master who commands the ghosts.

And in just the past hundred years, many ghost paths have been officially added to the ninety-nine series.

These ghost paths have one very obvious characteristic:

No matter how difficult they are to learn, they are likely to be mastered by Death Gods of different levels.

As for those ghost ways that can only be used by the inventor himself and have extremely strict requirements for bloodline or talent, they will only be classified into a separate category of self-created ghost ways.

The difficulty of transforming a ghost path is definitely not comparable to that of creating a ghost path yourself, but every genius who creates his own ghost path starts by transforming a ghost path.

Such a huge gap almost extinguished Munechika's desire to fight.


Just when Munechika was about to give up, he saw Haruto put his right hand behind his back.

Then his eyes drifted down and glanced at his charred and stinging palms.


The corners of Zongjin's mouth twitched disdainfully.


Through the simple actions just now, Munechika was able to confirm that Haruto's blocking was definitely not as easy as it looked.


Munechika's voice was quite high-pitched.

"Do you know what I hate most about you?"

"......Appreciate further details."

Haruto was caught off guard by Munechika's sudden "confession".

"You guy-"

If he practices tenor, he will definitely get results soon.

"How can you die if you don't show off!?"

Pretend to be cool and show off, especially in front of the opposite sex.

Munechika has enjoyed the feeling of stars holding the moon since he was a child. After entering Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy, all of these were taken away by Haruto. The farts of Soul Street studied together, but they didn't get their due status and enough respect.

This undoubtedly made Munechika extremely unhappy.


"You do not understand."

Haruto only replied Munechika with three words.

Regardless of Hollow, Death, or Quincy, the battle in the Death World is actually a battle between the two sides.


Whoever can't hold back first will have to leave early.

Even further, whoever opens the big first is the loser...unless you know that you have more forms (hangs) than your opponent.


Haruto's words instantly exposed Munechika's veins.

However, the latter still resisted the urge to go berserk - Munechika was already used to this kind of verbal stimulation.


The word was almost squeezed out from between the teeth.

"It can be used to transform ghost paths..."

Munechika's somewhat tragically charred palm was grasping the handle of the shallow sword fastened to his waist.


The blade of the sword touched the scabbard.

The crisp sound of metal collision suddenly sounded.

"You are worthy of me, Mikazuki Munechika, as my opponent in this real sword trial."


Munechika's words were so pretentious that Haruto couldn't immediately understand the situation: it was his side that clearly had the advantage. How could Munechika, who was so shocked just now that he was about to surrender, dare to say "worthy" to him? "This word?"

Just at this time--

"After it's over."

Munechika's palm twisted heavily on the handle of the knife several times, and the filthy blood mixed with burnt shavings seeping out did not affect his movements.

"You will slowly regret...your arrogance in holding your right hand that should be holding a knife behind your back!"


The sound of knives mingling with the sound of tearing air.

With a seemingly simple step forward, Munechika's body instantly disappeared from Haruto's sight.


In less than half a second, the spiritual pressure that was approaching quickly across both sides of the martial arts arena clearly showed the move used by Munechika——


Shunpo, the fast-moving skill of the Shinigami, is the standard ability of the captain and deputy captain of the Gotei 13, but it is limited to this... After the deputy captain, even high-ranking officers may not be able to use Shunpo well. step.

At least he couldn't even touch Shunpo's fur, Mitarashi, the sixth seat of the fifth division, who had arranged a circular gate fan beside the martial arts arena.


Feeling the spiritual pressure that was so close but unable to be seen, Haruto's brain began to spin rapidly.

"If it were Shunpo, I wouldn't even feel the spiritual pressure at all."

"Use spiritual pressure to strengthen the strength of the legs and feet, and then amplify the speed and impact... Although it cannot be controlled freely, it is a very good skill in the student days."

The opportunity was gone in an instant.

Haruto was still able to calmly and quickly analyze what Munechika had done and how he should respond.

"At best--"


Munechika's figure was finally reflected on Haruto's retina.

Kasashi Slash, the Zanpakutō that was about to chop from the upper right to the lower left, would undoubtedly open a big hole once it landed on the body.

Although it would not be cut in half, it was hard to say how long he would stay in bed.

What a pity.

That was just Munechika's ideal situation.

"--It can only be considered 1/3 of a flash step."


Haruto's fingers touched the handle of the knife.

He put his right hand behind his back, not because of arrogance or pride as Munechika said, but simply to hide his actions.

In terms of slashing techniques, Haruto's talent was not that great, and he did not expect to rely on Asada and kendo to fight against Munechika.


Haruto never thought of letting Asada unsheath, let alone using his left hand to draw the sword in reverse - although it is not impossible to draw it with force, but not using the dominant hand to fight with real swords is the real arrogance.

After a slight sound, it bounced off.

Haruto is used to using his left palm to support the handle of the sword - the student uniforms of the Maou Academy of Spiritual Arts are too retro. Not only do they have no pockets to grab, but they can also easily fall off the crotch by hanging Asada with only the belt... The Shinigami of the Soul Society are all standard oriental figures, without the beautiful hips like Captain America. It is absolutely a laborious task to restrain the weight of Asada with the power of Newton.

Students of the Maou Academy of Spiritual Arts do not carry Asada everywhere they go, mainly because it is so heavy that it is completely inconvenient to carry.

If it were not for knowing that the Zanpakutō needs to be brought with you to cultivate feelings frequently in order to release it, Haruto would not do such a thankless task.

Of course.

There are students who know the conditions for releasing Zanpakutō, but if you compare the number of students who were able to release Zanpakutō during their school years in the history of Shinō Academy of Spiritual Arts, wouldn't it be better to just practice Kidō?


Freed from the "constraints" of Asado.

On Haruto's bony palm, three of them were clenched into a half fist at the fastest speed - the thumb, ring finger and little finger - and the index and middle fingers, which were as sharp as real swords, were like poisonous snakes that had locked onto their prey early, and stabbed directly at Munechika's wrist holding the knife at a distance of less than 30 centimeters.

"Hado No. 1"


The clear chanting sounded into Munechika's ears without missing a word.

He didn't even have the chance to respond with an expression, and even his pupils were still in the period of warning when he was shaking. Haruto's fingers had already touched Munechika's wrist, which was still intact, before the blade hit him.


As mentioned earlier, Munechika's so-called instant step is more like a charge, a one-way move; once the weapon in his hand is slashed, there is no room for maneuver in the action.

He couldn't avoid it at all!


The strong force numbed the muscles in his hand, and the spiritual pressure shock that followed instantly knocked away the handle of the sword that Munechika was holding tightly.

The long sword flew out of his hand like a windmill, and after drawing a not-so-elegant rainbow bridge in the air, it directly pierced into the solid ground of the martial arts field.

Munechika's body, which was hit by the "charge", was like his shallow attack, and it completed a violent and rapid 720-degree turn in the air without control.

And at the moment of falling to the ground——

"Hado I"

Haruto's fingers behind his back once again silently pointed at Munechika from a distance.

He just used two fingers to release the "charge".

Unlike the initial enhanced version of spiritual pressure, the move that Haruto used to knock Munechika away was an additional Kidō based on "Rush":

"Kudō no 8: Rebuke"

The original ability of this Kidō was to deploy a spiritual pressure shield close to the skin of the hand to block the opponent's physical attack.

Haruto used the rebound characteristics of "Rebuke" to strengthen the physical attack ability of "Rush", which produced such an exaggerated effect just now.


To use Hōdō and Kūdō at the same time like this, at least the "double chanting" technique must be used. Even the double chanting of single-digit Kidō, if the chanting of the abandoned chanting with the words omitted is added, the difficulty will increase exponentially.


Haruto is too familiar with single-digit Hōdō and Kūdō, especially for the first "Rush", this move can be played with too many tricks in his hands, so many that almost all single-digit Kidō can be transformed and integrated into "Rush", the only difference is the effect.


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