
Haruto's third "charge" shot came one after another.

The spiritual pressure bullet tore through the air barrier and accurately hit Munechika's body as it fell to the ground at a speed of nearly half Mach.


It's like gunpowder exploding and projectiles coming out of the barrel.

After the fierce and crisp collision sound, Munechika seemed to be bombarded by an invisible heavy hammer, and his hunched body flew backwards for more than ten meters.

He just returned to the position before he activated "Shunpo" and rushed over.


Get down on your knees.

Munechika struggled to stand up, but the sharp tearing feeling in his chest and the soreness all over his body made him not only unable to complete this simple action, but his knees weakened and he knelt down against his will.


"it's over."

The straight fingers gradually curved.

There was no need for the referee to make a judgment. Haruto had already announced the outcome of this battle in advance - he was very confident about the power of his breaking path. Even if Munechika's injuries were treated with a return path, he would have to stay in bed for at least a few minutes. It takes genius to recover.

after all......

The vitality of these students is not as strong as the captain level, and they cannot invite experts like Captain Unohana to treat them.


Until this moment, Munechika couldn't believe that he had lost the real sword trial.

The battle between the two seemed to last for a long time, but in fact it was only two rounds of confrontation.

Munechika made two moves, Haruto took them and responded with a shot.

Regardless of how long the conversation took, the actual fight only lasted about ten seconds... and this still included the time he spent chanting the Blue Fire Pendant.


"Damn it!!"

The unwilling roar, followed by the bright red flowing from the nose, roared like a wild beast on the side of the martial arts arena.

The reiatsu bullet just now was directed at the left chest, which caused great pressure on the heart and lungs. If he was too excited, it would only further aggravate the injury.

"How can I--"

Haruto's judgment is fine, but when people are angry, they can ignore the inconvenience of their body functions in a short period of time.

"Losing like this!!!"

Munechika couldn't move his right hand. The backlash from the Blue Fire Pendant and the damage from the direct hit had reduced the grip strength of this hand to zero.

But he still has a left hand.

In full view of the martial arts arena, Munechika struck hard at the top of his footbag - the green dagger tied to the back of the calf of the hunting skirt, which was a few centimeters shorter than the waist, cut open the skin and the hunting skirt. , Munechika aimed the tip of the wavy curved blade at Haruto on the other side of the martial arts arena.


Munechika had just pronounced three words, and even the lightning on the curved blade had not had time to swim on the blade.


Haruto's figure has disappeared from the place.


When he reappeared, Munekika's eyes were so stunned that he could not even catch a glimpse of the back of his body.

"Broken Path Four"

The sound of thunder is as clear and beautiful as the cry of a thousand birds.


“That’s it!!”


The dark scabbard shattered the solid ground of the martial arts arena.

Mutsuki Shokaku's figure stood between Bai Lei, who was about to escape, and Mikazuki Munechika, who was in a state of embarrassment.


Mutsuki first glanced at Munechika, who was weak and knocked down by the shock wave under his feet, and then his somewhat complicated eyes stayed on Haruto for a long time.

"The real sword trial is over!"

Mutsuki must first fulfill his duties as a referee.



As soon as Mutsuki Shokaku's voice fell, the audience heard a roaring tsunami that had not been seen in the Zhenou Spiritual Arts Academy in the past hundred years.


Some take advantage of the situation to vent their emotions.


There are juniors who are mentally unstable.

"Haruto, I love you!!!"

There is also a classmate who was afraid of rejection due to Haruto's attitude and took the opportunity to confess randomly... As for the gender, that has to be discussed separately.

In such a warm atmosphere, even Haruto, who thought he was emotionally stable, could not help but feel the blood in his body boil.

That's right.

This is the charm of the real sword trial and the satisfaction of appearing holy in front of others.



Haruto calmed down with a deep breath.


"...If I make such a big noise, I'll settle the score with you when I get back."

Mutsuki Shokaku gave Haruto a hard look.

Even she herself didn't notice that this glance added a bit of charm whether intentionally or unintentionally.


Haruto didn't finish the second half of the sentence.

By the time he returned to the classroom, it was already a new school year - even students from the Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy had to go home during the holidays.

After watching Mutsuki Shokaku gradually walk away, Haruto turned his attention again to Mikazuki Munechika, who was no one cared about.



Haruto's voice startled Munekika.

But at least he was brought back from the apathetic state of being immersed in failure.


Munechika said with a wry smile in despair.

"Is it the winner's turn for the taunting session?"

"That's not true."

Across the noisy crowd, Haruto glanced at the somewhat frightened Sumi Izumi in the audience.

"I just wanted to tell you."

Then he looked back into Munechika's eyes and said.

"As a noble, it is not shameful to use the Zanpakutō passed down from your family. After all, wealth and heritage are part of your strength."


At this point, Haruto's voice became a little playful.

"Before showing off to your girlfriend, you still have to test whether her mouth is tight...especially if she has many best friends."


The smile on Haruto's lips gradually disappeared.

"'A Zanpakutō capable of absorbing and releasing lightning strikes'... How do you think I know this information?"

After leaving these words, Haruto turned around and left casually.

The reminder just now...

This is the "lesson" he gave to Sukuzumi and Izumi.


Volume 1: 007, time traveler


After several blinks in succession.

Haruto finally escaped from the crowd.


The cold air poured down the gap between his teeth and into his throat.

Just as Haruto was about to continue walking, the soreness that spread from his knees to his ankles made him stagger and almost fall to the ground.


Haruto took two steps toward the door, squatted down with his back against the outer wall of the martial arts arena, and gently rubbed his calves that almost no longer belonged to him.

"My Shunpo is not much better than Munechika."

Haruto walked very gracefully when he left the martial arts arena, but anyone with any knowledge could see the problem with his fake Shunpo.

If you want to fully master Shunpo, you must understand three key points:

Flexible, stealthy, and retractable.

To put it bluntly, it means moving fast enough, leaking less spiritual pressure during movement, and being able to use and stop at any time.

When the real sword was tested just now, Munechika's Shunpo only achieved the first point, failing to meet the standards except for speed.

If Haruto hadn't thought at all, Munechika had already begun to contact the first stage of Shunpo. With his speed, he could easily avoid Munichika's charging path and wait for his opponent to hit the round gate fan released by Mitarai.

In that case, although Munechika would not be smashed to pieces, the real sword trial would basically be over on the spot.

Haruto's Shunpo was hampered by his physical fitness, so he made progress in all aspects but was not perfect.

Just like...


When the leg muscles gradually returned to normal, Haruto stood up with some emotion, thinking of the scene where the competition was suspended just now.

"What an awesome Shunpo."

The Shunpo used by Mutsuki Shoukaku is the mature version in the true sense - before Bai Lei's release was interrupted, he found no trace of Mutsuki's teacher at all.

"If it reaches this level, the position of the seventh seat should be moved up again."

Haruto had just seen Mitarai's round gate fan, and it was indeed remarkable.

But only to this extent.

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