The reason why Haruto asked this question couldn't be more obvious.

"I have never betrayed my eldest brother!"

Facing Haruto's question, Inukai answered decisively.


Haruto did not dwell on whether Inukai was loyal or not, but continued to start the next topic: why the house he asked Inukai to take care of turned into what it is now.

"If you don't do this, the treasure in the big brother's house..."

Inukai glanced at the Buddhist hall which was still surrounded by green smoke.

"There are too many people coveting it, and I am not sure I can keep it, so I can only...lead the remaining brothers to surrender to that guy."


Inukai's answer surprised Haruto.

"You have worked hard."

"It's all worth it if I can wait until my eldest brother comes back!"


From the day he left, he had put aside his gang affairs.

Compared to the bustling Seireitei, the Rukongai in Higashi 66th District, which is far away in Soul Society, to the current Haruto, the activities happening here are as childish and boring as a child playing house. .

Facing the expectations in Inukai's words, Haruto's silence is the best response.


Volume 1: 023, you are up

The disappointment in Inukai's eyes flashed away.

But that's all... He knew very well that he could never show strange emotions in front of Haruto.

As an orphan rescued by Haruto from a rival gang, he once swore an oath to dedicate everything he had to the big brother in front of him.


The wear and tear of time is very powerful - in ordinary days, he has no worries about food and clothing, which is even considered a blessing in the village, but for a guy like him who is used to excitement, it is undoubtedly a painful choice.

"No need to look sad."

Haruto took the initiative to break the silence between the two:

"I really don't plan to take care of the gang's petty quarrels anymore, but I completely disregarded my face and dared to slash my past friends... No matter what, I still have to record this grudge. of."

"Tell me about it."

Haruto motioned to Inukai to find a place to sit down.

"What's going on within the gang?"

"If it's just external pressure... with your hard work, the old guy may not dare to set foot on our territory."

Since they are two heroes, there must be an opponent who can keep pace with Haruto - compared to the young gang that Haruto established and gathered together, in Haruto's impression, the old guy and his men are cautious Very good.


"Long story short."

Seeing Inukai looking like he was reminiscing about the glorious past, Haruto quickly interrupted him.


"A void appeared near the well in the village."

Inukai, who no longer hesitated, dropped a bombshell.

"Keep talking."

Haruto nodded.

"At night, the Xuhui stays by the well. Our people can only fetch water during the day..."

"In this case, there is a 30% survival rate."

For remote Rukongai like East 66th District, the appearance of Hollows is not very rare, but judging from Inukai's words, this Hollow is obviously not the common type that wanders around and hunts: it has a very high IQ.

To know.

Unlike the Hollows who have just transformed from human beings in this world, most of the Hollows who appear in the Soul Society came here from Hueco Mundo and were accidentally involved in the naturally formed black cavity. The long period of survival and obedience made their intelligence early. It has degenerated like a wild beast.

"Is there a god of death coming?"

"No, we reported the news of Xu in time, and the God of Death did come here, but..."

"It's still there."

Inukai said with an ugly expression.

"Is this why there are fewer and fewer people in the village now?"

After all this time, Kyon is still in Rukongai?

It stands to reason that regardless of whether the Shinigami responsible for this matter succeeded in killing Hollow, or was killed by Hollow, there will be corresponding records in the Gotei 13 team - if it is the latter, a more powerful Shinigami will definitely be sent. Come and exterminate them.


Inukai's affirmative answer made Haruto frown slightly: This matter was obviously unreasonable.

The gang originated from this nameless village, and the water well is the key to the survival of the entire village. If the water well is occupied by Xu, who is absolutely impossible to defeat, the village will naturally lose the value of its existence, and it will also mean that the gang has been dug up.

——Decline is a matter of time.


When Haruto left, the area controlled by the gang was already quite vast, and the wells it owned were far more than the one in the village. How could it become what it is now in just five years?

"Is there any other reason?"

"If only the water wells are occupied, you can move the whole village to other areas with water wells."

"I can't remember when the young people in the gang turned into old stubborn people who don't know how to adapt," Haruto expressed his doubts, "And when I came back, the house was already like this... "Don't tell me that most people in the gang choose to stick to the three-thirds of the land where I made my fortune."

"...That's not the case."

The worship of Haruto within the gang has long been weakened with his departure; but even so, there is still a small group of people who believe that they must kill the Hollows and take back their "roots" even if they risk their lives -

Most of these people were brought out of this village by Haruto.

Inukai's smile was a little more bitter than before:

"The problem lies with the god of death who came to eliminate the Hollows."

"He was not killed by the Hollows?"

This situation is a bit surprising.

Haruto originally thought that the Thirteenth Squadron of the Court Guard dealt with the matter - after all, it is an armed force nominally used to "protect the court", and running to a place so far away from the Soul Society to perform tasks itself exceeds the duties set at the beginning of its establishment.

"He just came to the village and asked all the villagers to leave temporarily after nightfall... We don't even know whether he fought with the Hollows."

"Then what?"

Haruto asked.


"When we saw this Shinigami again, he was already the general commander of that place."

"...I know."

A Shinigami participating in the local gang fight?

You don't have to guess, it must be profitable.

The Gotei 13 usually turn a blind eye to such things - running to the corners of Rukongai to perform tasks is a hard job that no one wants to do, and it would be even more difficult if there is no money.

"We'll talk about the Shinigami later."


"Take me to the well tonight."

Inukai is very familiar with Haruto's speaking style, and the sentence just now is already an order to expel him.

"Brother Haruto?"


Inukai doesn't quite understand what Haruto means: Brother Haruto is still a student of the Shino Academy of Spiritual Arts, so his ability is definitely not as good as that of a formal Shinigami. Even if he wants to get involved in gang affairs again, he can't deal with the general commander of the other side.

In that case.

He really didn't need to get involved in the gang's affairs again-this was also the reason why Inukai didn't tell the truth at the beginning.

But Hollows...

Although on the surface, Hollows are on the same level as Shinigami, in Inukai's impression, it takes many Shinigami to work together to kill Hollows.

Now, Brother Haruto actually asked him to go to the well where Hollows are active at night...

"Don't worry."

Haruto dispelled the fear in Inukai's heart.

"When I was studying at the Maou Spiritual Academy, I had seen living Hollows a long time ago. Even if I can't beat that thing, I can still take you away."


"We have to confirm whether the Hollow is still there at night...right?"


"Brother Haruto, I'll do whatever you say!"


The sun turned red.

As the last few rays of sunlight were swallowed by darkness, the night of Soul Society fell again-unlike the bright lights in Yoshiwara District, working from sunrise to sunset is the true portrayal of remote areas such as the Sixty-Sixth District.


The last section of the blade outside the sheath was retracted, and Haruto placed Asada flat on his knees, ending today's sword meditation.

When Haruto just returned home, it was not long after dawn, but the sky had turned black and white.


"By repeatedly injecting and releasing spiritual pressure into the Zanpakutō, just like the Zhoutian movement in the immortal novels, it can indeed strengthen the communication between the soul and the Zanpakutō. This is a feeling I have never had before."

The secret teaching developed by Mr. Ise is very unique.

It is better to say that it is a special way of practicing Zanpakutō liberation than to let him comprehend a high-level ghost way.

Haruto is not sure whether his ghost way talent is too good, but in the process of practicing Zanpakurin, he did find that if this secret teaching can be promoted, the selection criteria for the upper-level officers of the Gotei 13 may be several steps higher than now.

However, such an idea was extinguished by Haruto as soon as it came up.

It's not that he was stingy or anything, it was simply because of Zanpakurin's request... Haruto also remembered at this time that the Shinigami who could release the 78th Hado didn't seem to need to worry about the release of Zanpakutō.

After all...

For most people, the difficulty of practicing the advanced Hado from the 75th to the first release is only higher than that of the initial release.

"Not only that."

"The consumption of spiritual pressure by Tenjumaru is still continuing, but except for the obvious decrease when I first took it, the speed of my spiritual pressure increase..."

Haruto's face showed a trace of doubt.

"Not only did it not slow down, it was even three times faster than before."

It must be said that the effect of Haruto's Tenjumaru... in various aspects was very different from what Byakuya described.

"The positive effects brought by the improvement of physical fitness overshadowed the side effects of the drug itself?"


"Now I can only think so."

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