Haruto's days living in Rukongai can be summed up as: robbed-robbed-robbed-robbed...

This goes on and on.

Until these ordinary souls, under the leadership of Haruto, suppressed all the surrounding villages, and integrated all the gathering places in the vast and desolate area of ​​nearly half of District 66 into a new large-scale gang.

Haruto was discovered to have the Shinigami talent and entered the Mao Spiritual Arts Academy. It was exactly after that that finding students with the Shinigami talent in such a remote Rukongai was definitely a thankless task.

If Haruto hadn't just shown off at that time, he wouldn't have been noticed by the passing Shinigami.


"Forget it, it has nothing to do with me now."

One of the two heroes in the 66th District of Higashi Rukongai. Such a status sounds domineering, but if he really offends someone... a low-ranking officer of the Gotei 13 Team is enough to take down such a person. Large-scale organizations are quickly destroyed from top to bottom.


"Brother Haruto!?"

On the street where there was only the faint sound of insects, Haruto suddenly heard someone calling his name, and Haruto couldn't help but turn around subconsciously.


From the center of two houses not far behind.

A young man with a square face, a square haircut, and a figure that is taller and stronger than the already tall Haruto. His clothes are obviously higher-end than those around him...at least he wears clean and tidy clothes. In clear view.

I don't know whether it's from exercise or other reasons, but the sweat that has not yet dripped from the man's forehead is clearly visible.

"Who are you......?"

Haruto failed to recognize the man's identity.

It has been five years since he left District 66, and many memories will quickly become blurred in the chaotic Rukongai.

"Yes, it's me!"

The man patted his chest hard.

"Josuke! Brother Inukai's follower!"


The man named Josuke showed some intense emotions, which did not match his seemingly calm face.


Haruto turned his head slightly and thought for a while, and finally——

"Are you the little guy next to Inukai?"

Haruto finally figured out who the other person was through the shape of his face. To be honest, it was definitely not easy for a kid living in such a shabby place to grow up so fast.


Seeing Haruto recognize him, the tension on Josuke's face suddenly disappeared.

"Brother Haruto——"

"Stop it."

Before Josuke could get any closer, Haruto had already raised his hand to stop his thoughts.

"Is Inukai still here?"

Haruto asked calmly.

"Brother Inukai, of course he is here!"

Although Josuke was tall and thick, he always had a stutter when speaking. He didn't know whether it was because he was nervous or because he was frightened as a child.

"Very well, let him wait for me at his usual place."


Although Josuke wanted to say something else, a look from Haruto silenced him successfully - in just a few words, Josuke had already recalled Haruto's former majestic power.

"Go quickly."


Josuke bowed vigorously to Haruto, then quickly turned around and ran away as if he had drunk syrup.

This small episode attracted a lot of eyes from the street. Regardless of whether they were familiar or unfamiliar, Haruto still saw many old faces inside - of course, it was impossible for them not to recognize Haruto's appearance. One thing to say.

But except for Josuke, no one came up to say hello to Haruto.


Haruto didn't care.

In Rukongai at the back of the area code, all kinds of troubles happen every day. A former gang leader is not worthy of being remembered forever by the residents here, even if he did bring a lot of benefits to the village.

As the glory of the past disappeared, Haruto's figure quickly became blurred in these people's minds.

Walking on the road that was cracked by the sun, Haruto headed towards home without stopping at all.


ten minutes later.


A house that was not tall, but was made of solid wood that had been painted, appeared in front of Haruto.

"Is this considered a person's departure?"

Haruto knocked on the door he made with his own hands, and gray-white smoke fell from the upper edge of the door.

“If you can’t even do something as trivial as taking care of your house, it’s no wonder the village is in the state it is today.”

Before leaving District 66, Haruto handed over the gang and the village to what Josuke calls Brother Inukai - this guy is considered to be the most capable guy in the gang besides Haruto. He will face any battle regardless of casualties. His desperate drive allowed Inukai to gain a lower status than anyone else in the gang.

By the way.

The names of many of his subordinates were chosen with Haruto's help... At that time, the majority of the nameless people in District 66 were nameless people.

"Being able to fight is one thing, but Inukai is definitely not the type to be a big brother."


Haruto opened the heavy door.

If the materials used during construction were not wasteful enough, and the house that had lost its popularity would have been left idle for several years, it would have been in disrepair.


Seeing the white cobwebs in the house and the damp smell that slowly decayed as fungi grew, Haruto subconsciously pinched his nose.


Haruto snapped his fingers.

Green flames ignited at the fingertips, which were the Canghuo Pendant whose power had been weakened countless times.

"Broken Path No. 58"

Haruto first flicked his fingers to throw out the Canghuo Pendant, and then before the flames fell to the ground, his right palm grasping the invisible airflow had already gently patted it——



Along the corridor inside the house, the scorching hot wind threw all the living creatures and their works to the ground; the ubiquitous air currents swirled all these uninvited guests out of the territory that did not belong to them.


The last ray of breeze swept past my ears.

The fresh air and clean room finally reduced Haruto's resistance to the level where he was willing to step in - no matter how he treats his enemies or his hygiene, Haruto is actually a hidden mysophobia patient.


The anxious sunlight shines into the room from the window.

Haruto put down his luggage and bowed deeply and solemnly towards the empty room.

"I'm back."


This was a place that could once be called home.

When he left, except for the simplest daily necessities, he had given away everything he could.

In his current home, in addition to a pot, a vat, a table and a chair, only the Buddhist hall placed in the corner of the main hall is the most conspicuous - cooking, storing water, eating, and resting. Having the above four things can satisfy all his needs. The most basic needs of life; even for many souls who have no talent and live in a hazy life, having water to drink and a place to sleep is enough.

As for such a luxurious object as a Buddhist temple...

Haruto didn't believe this originally, and there was no need to believe this in a world where the God of Death existed.


"Grandma", who adopted Haruto who was still a child at the time and raised him to an age where he was old enough to join a gang and then died happily, believed this.

So, no matter how troublesome it is to make, Haruto must find a way to get one - in the sixty-sixth district with poor resources, it is difficult to gather even the necessities of life, let alone such rare items with special functions.

The reason why Haruto led his gang to defeat half of Rukongai was to recreate the Buddhist temple in front of him that his grandmother had described to him when she was still alive.


The ghost fire appears again.

I purchased three incense sticks from Seireitei and started to burn them quietly.

After finishing kneeling and bowing three times, Haruto firmly inserted the incense into the exquisite incense burner.

In the room where the sound of insects could not enter, Haruto closed his eyes and waited quietly for the fire in the furnace to completely burn the incense to ashes.

Five minutes, ten minutes, a quarter of an hour.

Wait until the fragrance fills the last corner of the room.


Haruto deliberately left the door open when he entered the house.

At some point, directly behind him and not far from the sliding door, a gray-haired man with a scar on his face was kneeling there without saying a word——

In the manner of earth seat.

"...Brother Haruto."

Haruto shouted casually, but Inukai's answer was a bit bitter.

"Is the gang still there?"

"...We were incorporated, and now the entire 66th District is under the control of a gang."

Inu Kai must think very carefully before saying every word.

"I'm talking about people."

"...nine more you know."

"Compared with the tragic situation outside, it's not bad... Are the others dead or surrendered?"

"Half and half."

This time Inukai answered quickly enough.

In a remote area like District 66, being 50% loyal to a gang is already an exaggeration.

Not to mention someone who is willing to sacrifice his life for it——

"Not bad."

Even Haruto had to sigh.

"how about you?"

Haruto turned around quietly, and for the first time since the beginning of the conversation between the two, he looked directly at his former little brother.


Dog feeding.

This former desperate Saburo has lost the ferocity he once had on his face. Although his body has not gained weight, his movements are definitely more than three points slower than those five years ago. In addition, he has a rather strong body. Expensive silk clothing——

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