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His explanation made almost all the women present have their eyes lit up.

Walking with a fragrant breeze, can it also attract bees and butterflies? This is probably what all women dream of!

The ancients had poor sanitary conditions. Even noble women like them were not able to bathe every day. The cost of manpower and material resources required was very high. Even the queen could not bathe every day.

Besides, they didn't have any soaps or shower gels. Even if they washed, they would definitely not have fragrance on their bodies. At most, they would have lost the smell of sweat. Even if they used the most luxurious rose bath, it was just a psychological effect, and the actual effect was almost zero.

And now, Xu Chen actually said that the contents of this small bottle could make people smell fragrant all day long. Which woman could withstand such temptation?

"Chen'er, are you serious? Can you really smell the fragrance with every step you take?"

Empress Changsun's eyes lit up. Although she was the queen and had seen all kinds of rare treasures, this"perfume" aroused her great interest.

""My Lord, it is true."

Xu Chen smiled confidently and nodded.

"There was once a woman in this world named Hanxiang. She had a body fragrance that could attract butterflies. She was also extremely beautiful. Whenever she walked, she smelled fragrant. Unfortunately, she was kidnapped by a king.……"

He stopped talking halfway, shook his head and sighed, which whetted everyone's appetite.

This is a marketing strategy. Everyone loves to listen to stories. As long as your story is well told, the audience will always be willing to listen. Such a legendary character naturally attracted everyone's attention.

"What a pity! Brother, please tell me quickly!"

Li Chengqian couldn't sit still anymore and asked eagerly.

Children of his age love to listen to stories. His heart was like a cat scratching, and his curiosity was already aroused.

""Yes, brother Chen, don't keep me in suspense. Xiao Wu hasn't even heard your story!"

Xiao Wu also urged. Xu Chen was her story king. From time to time, he would tell her some strange stories, which made her fascinated.

Now, if she didn't hear Xu Chen tell a story every day, she would feel uncomfortable all over and couldn't sleep well! Now Qingquan also has this trend.

"What are you talking about? Isn't this a waste of everyone's time? Let's finish presenting the gifts and go home to talk about it, dear!"

Xu Chen glanced at Xiao Wu deliberately, but he was looking at Li Shimin and his wife, with a slight smile on his face.

As long as these two big guys want to listen, he can turn this life into his own perfume sales conference!

Before Empress Changsun spoke, she was the first to speak:

"Stop talking nonsense! Tell me, what happened after Hanxiang was abducted by the king? I want to hear what the king you are talking about looks like!"

Li Shimin was a little sensitive when he heard the word"king". Isn't this a benchmark for himself?! He has been ridiculed by those loyal ministers recently. They either use the past to satirize the present or point fingers at others, which makes him a little upset. Now when he hears Xu Chen start like this again, he is curious and suspicious...

Could this kid also want to ridicule him for accepting advice? The key is that he hasn't done anything out of the ordinary recently!

"Chen'er, mother wants to hear it too, so tell us your story quickly!"

Empress Changsun also expressed her interest in this girl named"Hanxiang" who has her own body fragrance.

No wonder, there are too few entertainment activities at this time. Apart from watching plays and listening to music, it is natural to hold on to a storyteller.

Xu Chen was a little skeptical at this time. If Deyun Club traveled back to the Tang Dynasty as a whole, it would definitely be very successful. Maybe Teacher Guo could even get the title of"Marquis of Joy"!

"Well, okay... since everyone wants to hear it, I will tell you the story of Hanxiang."

Xu Chen showed a trace of embarrassment on his face, and after pondering for a long while, he slowly said,

"Hanxiang had a childhood sweetheart named Mengdan. They had loved each other since they were young, but unfortunately, Hanxiang had a special fragrance that was so eye-catching that it attracted the attention of the king at that time. The king summoned her and named her"Xiang Fei".’!"

"But Hanxiang didn't like the king. She always missed her beloved Mengdan and even thought about dying several times! Fortunately, there were a few kind-hearted princes and princesses in the palace who saw her pain and discussed ways to restore her freedom.……"

Xu Chen's voice was rhythmic and full of emotion, and everyone was mesmerized by it, turning a good dinner party into a storytelling conference.

When the ladies heard about Hanxiang's tragic ending, they were all moved, and some even shed tears, speaking up for Hanxiang.

"Such a wonderful woman, but because of the king's obstruction and brutal conscription, she ended up on the run and died in a foreign land. Her lover was also a pitiful man.……"

Empress Changsun wiped the tears from her eyes with a handkerchief and sighed.

As a woman, she is naturally more sensitive to this kind of love story, especially this kind of sad love story, which can earn her tears. Empress Changsun's words won the approval of the ladies present.

Indeed, the king is such a jerk. He made the perfect love become incomplete just for his own selfish desires. It's really infuriating!

"This, shouldn't be talking about me? I have never conscripted women into the palace at will.……"

Li Shimin didn't care about the tragic story at this time. He was thinking about whether Xu Chen was using this story to satirize his mistakes. But after thinking about it, he didn't seem to have done such a thing!

Well, it should be just a simple story! Li Shimin thought to himself in a self-consoling way.

"Rumor has it that the fragrance on her body is a faint rose scent, and I was inspired by this story to create this perfume. I hope that all women in the world can have the body fragrance of Xiang Fei, and can make up for her regrets and have a perfect love of their own."

At this point, Xu Chen has begun to make up stories, just to exaggerate his product. He only heard him say affectionately,

"Therefore, the name of this perfume is called - Hanxiang." ps: If there is no problem with the website, the 10,000-word update should be resumed tomorrow..._

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