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Especially for those whose eyes are not so good-looking, after wearing sunglasses, the whole person's appearance can be improved by several levels! The eyes of several noble ladies present were a little straight at this time.

This is exactly what they need!

It's a pity that such a rare treasure is a gift for the Queen, and it has nothing to do with them. Even if they want it, they can't get it.

""Good, good, Chen'er is very heroic."

Empress Changsun looked at Xu Chen with a smile and praised him.

After hearing what Xu Chen said, she also liked this pair of sunglasses in her heart. Not only can it play the role of sun protection, but it is also a unique thing in the world!

As the saying goes, things are precious because they are rare. In her heart, she was quite satisfied with this gift, although it was just a small gadget.

""Thank you, Queen Mother, for your compliment."

Xu Chen smiled and bowed to thank her. In fact, just this pair of sunglasses has overwhelmed everyone. Although it is not made of precious materials, it is novel and practical.

Only Li Chengqian's pair of deerskin boots can compete with his.

"It's just a pair of sunglasses. Although it's novel, it can't be said to be the best among all. At least I think Cheng Qian's deerskin boots are more thoughtful and practical than your sunglasses."

Li Shimin sneered and said deliberately,

"If you only have this pair of sunglasses, it can't be called the finale. Compared with the boast you made before, it's probably not as good as it was before, right?"

His words were obviously picking on Xu Chen! But to be honest, his words did make some sense.

First of all, in terms of intention, Xu Chen couldn't compare with Princess Xiangcheng Li Chengqian and others. After all, one of them spent a year and the other spent three months, while he just spent an afternoon in a hurry to make it, which can be said to be hasty.

In terms of preciousness, he just used some materials given by the system, such as resin and the like. If you really compare the cost, I'm afraid even those imperial ladies can't compare! The only thing that can be better is a novelty, but this novelty is obviously a little small and not enough!

"Your Majesty, Chen'er must have been carefully crafted.……"

Empress Changsun quietly pulled Li Shimin and whispered to persuade him.

Why do you have to pick on Xu Chen? Empress Changsun didn't understand. In fact, some fathers and sons get along like this. They can quarrel with each other casually, and no one will care. On the contrary, they will feel comfortable.

However, this kind of pattern is generally difficult to form, and it will only be like this for certain people. For example, Li Shimin treats Li Chengqian like a strict father.

"That won't do. I have always been clear that yes means yes, no means no, and I will never be partial!"

Li Shimin deliberately put on a stern face and said seriously,

"Xu Chen, if you only have this one ink, I will not be satisfied!"

He was also criticizing Xu Chen and Xi. It didn't matter what the occasion was. He just kept on pestering and didn't have the dignity that an emperor should have.

In response, Xu Chen smiled and said:

"It's not your birthday, as long as the Queen Mother is satisfied, right, Queen Mother?"

The implication is - why are you here to join in the fun!


"I have always heard that the Divine Marquis Xu Chen is not afraid of the face of the gods and speaks as he pleases. I didn't expect this to be true.……"

"Yes! How dare he speak to His Majesty like that? Isn't he afraid that His Majesty will be unhappy one day and kill him?!"

"Alas, I really don't understand whether he is arrogant because of his favor or not. With this character, why did His Majesty accept him as his adopted son?"

The ladies and royal relatives all started to discuss at this time. They were also a little puzzled about Xu Chen's remarks all along. Why was Xu Chen so bold? What they didn't understand was that some people could be so rampant and unscrupulous, and the emperor would not get angry. If someone else was like this, he might have been beheaded eight hundred times!

For example, if Li Chengqian dared to talk to Li Shimin like this, he would probably be slapped in the face and then confined for a year! But Xu Chen was fine, and he was still chatting and laughing there.

This is really too confusing! Could it be that Li Shimin really had no temper when he saw him?

"Chen'er, don't talk to your father like that.……"

Empress Changsun also looked at Xu Chen with some concern, then took off her sunglasses, nodded and smiled.

"Your gift is very good, and my mother likes it very much. I will accept it now and wear it tomorrow."

In recent days, although it is a bit cold, the weather is sunny and the sun is very dazzling. She was a little worried about where to hide in the shade tomorrow, but now she has sunglasses, she doesn't have to worry about it. This can be regarded as a timely thing.


Li Shimin snorted again, still with an unhappy look on his face, obviously not satisfied with the gift given by Xu Chen.

At this time, Xu Chen returned to his seat, took the small gift box from Xiao Wu's hand, and said:

"Hehe, just now was just the first gift from your son. Now I will give you the second gift - perfume, and please accept it."

This second gift is a bomb, the kind that can detonate the whole place!

"Oh? Is there a second gift?"

Empress Changsun asked in surprise. She originally thought that a pair of sunglasses was good enough, but she didn't expect that there would be a second gift.

Is there a double gift? How exquisite!

She ordered the maid to bring up the small gift box. When she opened it gently, a fragrance came out of the box. The fragrance was not strong, but it was extremely long-lasting. It floated in the air. Even Li Shimin sniffed and looked surprised.

"What is this? The fragrance is quite refreshing."

Li Shimin took a breath, a little intoxicated, and asked curiously.

This fragrance is much better than those spices in his palace, and it has a light and elegant feeling.

"This is perfume."

Xu Chen laughed and explained,

"This perfume is placed in a miniature bottle. When using it, you only need to sprinkle a little on your body to make the fragrance last for a long time, at least for more than a day!"

"With it, you can walk with a fragrant breeze, and even attract bees and butterflies!" ps: Today's update may be a little less, Feilu will be maintained until 4 pm tomorrow, so the update in the next two days may not be too strong. When the background is stable, I will resume the 10,000-word update. I hope everyone will understand..._

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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