Dark Demon Warlock

Chapter 337 Help

Also startled was Art, who stopped and refused to go forward again.

I don't know how the three of them fiddled with this thing. It's not complicated. It just instills their own purified power into this shadow arrow. There is no ratio at all. It is probably the same every time. As long as it is not Just explode right away.

However, uncomplicated does not mean easy.

The most difficult thing is how to ensure that it will not explode immediately on the premise of maintaining instability.

Obviously, neither of them has the experience and skills to mature, otherwise Yam Lloyd and Zachary Cumberland would not be afraid.

Yate felt the chaotic and restless power in the arrow, and also raised his hairs.

The body's instinctive reaction.

This guy Sandra has no idea what he's doing!

I didn't realize it was my fault at all.

Sandra, who was suddenly blessed to aim at the aura, entered a very miraculous state.

It happened once before, but it was too hasty at that time, and I didn't experience it carefully. Only now do I realize the beauty of this state.

Just like some basketball players occasionally enter a magical state of the basket is like the sea, now he feels like he is possessed by a marksman. The strange tree seems to be right in front of his eyes, and he can shoot wherever he wants. Where, absolutely not Miss!

This state is addictive.

Therefore, he couldn't help but experience it for a while.

But it scares the people around.

If it wasn't for worrying about disturbing him, Yam Lloyd and Zachary Cumberland would have already done it!

Fortunately, he woke up in time and shot the arrow in his hand.

Hoo-- It was still when the arrow was about to hit the target that the piercing sound of piercing the air suddenly sounded.

Shahem was like a crazy shrew, scratching and scratching, scarred and bruised the alienated body that appeared to sneak attack, and successfully got rid of the entanglement of the alienated body.

Thanks also to Sandra for the pause that gave him the opportunity to twist his body.

The spirit value is high, so the attack is locked in advance, and the first time to dodge.

If this trend is followed, the arrow will just pass by at best.

However, Sandra seemed to have expected it to dodge, and the trajectory of the arrow actually had a slight arc, just like a straight ball in a baseball would float up due to excessive speed, but the arrow was offset to the right, just in line with Shahem The direction of movement is the same.

It feels like it's going up on purpose.

Boom— There was another violent explosion.

More powerful than before.

Shahem's taproot trembled, as if a small earthquake had occurred.

Fortunately, the stones formed by the secretions of the stone worms and corpses were hard enough, the ground did not crack, and no stones slipped off the mountains on both sides.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the power of the Eugen family who once again controlled the black and gray eroded the green mist.

Originally, the green mist controlled by Shahem had the upper hand, but now it has gradually become evenly matched.

Without these green mist, Shahem is like an alienated body without nutritional supplements. Although it has strong vitality and resilience, it is just water without a source.

In addition, it also prevented Shahem from using the green mist to control these outsiders.

The reason why Sandra and the others are so relaxed is that the main energy of the Eugen family that is holding Shachem is the root cause.

Hey—— A strange whistling sound sounded like weeping and complaining suddenly.

From a branch of Shachem, but how it came about this sound is not known.

The aftermath of the explosion dissipated, and the strange tree reappeared in front of everyone.

Sandra is ready for the next arrow.

The rest of them also prepared long-range attacks and wanted to continue to rub blood.

However, what appeared in their field of vision made them stupefied for a while.

The image has changed drastically!

It is still tree-shaped, but it gives people a human-shaped visual effect. The trunk is the torso of the human body. Red muscle lines can be seen on the injured part. The two roots connecting the main root system are the legs. The place where the branches and the trunk meet A basketball-sized object appeared, which should be the head, but there was only a gap in the mouth, which probably made the sound. The branches were hair, and there were no arms...very weird!

Especially the head!

Everyone didn't have any precautions to see that those with high abnormal resistance, high mental attributes, and strong willpower were just in a trance for a while, while those with weak resistance, low mental attributes, and weak willpower were not so lucky. The facial features except the mouth were distorted for a while, as if being forcibly erased by some invisible force!

Ah— The few people who were unfortunately recruited rolled on the ground in pain.

Although I have already instinctively covered my eyes with my hands, it seems to have little effect.

They are all people whose confidence has collapsed before.

Although much has been recovered, the resistance is still weaker than others.

Fortunately, they are full of buffs, otherwise there would be no pain step, but they would be erased directly!


Glow of Dawn!

Purify the barrier!

The time has finally come for the members of the Church of Dawn to play.

Needless to say, the purification technique and the purification barrier, the Radiance of Dawn is an upgraded version of the purification technique. It is a single body and has a stronger effect, but it also requires higher strength. Among the members of the Church of Dawn, only a handful of three people can perform it.

After all, these people were rescued.

However, one person's nose was wiped flat, and it is not known whether it will be recovered.

Arthur is fine.

His spiritual attribute is the highest among this group of people. Coupled with the strong abnormal resistance of his own profession and the blessing of equipment, he didn't get the trick like last time, and he didn't even feel like it.

Last time, it was because the distance was too close, and he was the only one to bear all the pollution. There were not so many people to help share it, and he was not fully armed, so he was uncomfortable.

This time he has all the gear on!

After Xenia Eugen's physical body was taken away, his hands were also free, holding the Suicide Branch and the Spirit Crown Shield.

Although it doesn't directly increase the abnormal resistance, but at the same time as increasing the mental value, this effect is already attached.

Being scared by Shahem's strange form, all the attacks that everyone had prepared fell through.

I don't know where to fly crookedly.

But under the blessing of Blessing Aiming Aura, Sandra's arrow hit Shahem's branch even though she was seriously disturbed!

Sandra herself was stunned.

Make up your mind to make friends with Yate, this blessing aimed at aura is really suitable for him!

Without realizing it, he had replaced Art as Shahem's primary target.

The Shahem branch that was hit by an arrow again, this time actually oozes red and green liquid!

Like the blood of animals, or the juice of plants, there is a slight fishy smell in the fragrance - of course, Yate and others can't smell it - it seeps in immediately after touching the ground, but the ground is also dyed green, which is very strange.

After the liquid drained, everyone discovered that Shahem was shot in the face!

The arrow made a thumb-sized hole in its forehead.

There is a green crystal inlaid in the opening, looking from a distance, it looks like a weird vertical eye!

Sandra is helping it?

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