Dark Demon Warlock

Chapter 336 Ineffective

Dryad golems are very important to Shahem!

Its body cannot move casually, but the dryad puppet can.

Its own attack methods are limited, and it is not a creature that is good at fighting. The dryad puppet has inherited Xenia Eugen's spiritual warlock skills, and has become more powerful with the support of its powerful attributes.

Finally, and most importantly, the dryad puppet is its backhand.

As a plant, no matter how powerful it is, it still has too many limitations. It would be fine if it remained as a plant, but the dryad puppet made it realize the convenience and potential of being a human being, so it prepared an extra choice for itself.

However, a puppet is just a puppet after all, it is not that simple to become a human being, and it doesn't even know if it will succeed.

Therefore, the first choice is to branch.

Get rid of the seal first.

But the puppet can't give up either.

I didn't do it right away before, because the puppet is connected to its body, and it is impossible to leave it too far.

No, it was easily taken back.

With the puppet, its confidence surged up immediately, and even its mentality gradually recovered.

The powerful mental power technique can allow it to neutralize many threats from the Eugen family, and also allow it to easily eliminate these flies and traitors.

For now, though, the most important thing is to regain control of the puppet.

Unexpectedly, this woman is still alive!

After taking it back, without further ado, he immediately mobilized his mental power to strangle Xenia Eugen's spirit body.

Its spiritual attribute is very powerful, otherwise it would not be able to control the green mist, but it can only be manipulated simply, and it will be more refined. For example, controlling humans who have absorbed the green mist needs to be done through a medium-in the shares of the green mist Among them, it is only a major shareholder, not a 100% controlling shareholder, and some things require a shareholders' meeting to perform.

That's why it worked so well for Art.

The bubble entry is just to make it have a little affection for Yate, but the result of this little favor is that it wants to turn Yate into its own puppet!

Art has long suspected that it has ulterior motives, so he never thought of taking its side from the beginning to the end.

Without it, it is because it behaves too well, like a man who is courting beautiful women in a bar, but he almost has the words bad intentions engraved on his forehead!

How could a creature like it actively share its power with others under such circumstances?

But it took the initiative to instill green mist into Yate!

Unless it thinks that these green mist will eventually rot in the pot.

However, due to the limitation of natural conditions, it does not have a strong spiritual power, but only by using Xenia Eugen's spiritual power as a medium can it display a part of it!

Therefore, it is correct to say that it uses Xenia Eugene's spiritual power, but it is more condensed and can be replenished without limit.

But the dryad puppet is a part of its body, so there is no limit to its mental power.

At the beginning, it was by pretending to have low mental power that he successfully lured this woman into the trap and then controlled her.

Under the strangulation of its enormous mental power, Xenia Eugen's spirit body, which had been exposed, could not hold on for too long, and was annihilated and swallowed in about 10 seconds.

This time, it repeated and carefully checked 10 times, and finally confirmed that there was no trace of the woman, so it was relieved.

I didn't find it, but the coral bead-like bracelet on the wrist, one of which shone slightly.

There are 7 beads in total, the nail cover is big, the color is crimson, very beautiful.

Careful observation reveals that 3 of the beads have lost their vitality!

Although it is also crimson, it is lifeless, not as bright and lively as the other four. However, don't say it is a different kind, I believe that most men will find it difficult to distinguish.

The one that glows slightly is 1 of the remaining 4 pieces.

After cleaning up the woman's spirit body, it immediately manipulated the puppet to punish the traitor!

I hate Arthur so much.

However, after doing it, it discovered that there was no spirituality of green mist in Yate's body!

how is this possible?

It instilled it by itself!

Yate knew that it had evil intentions, and knew that it could control the green mist. Xenia Eugen had reminded him, but he still absorbed it unscrupulously. How could he have no confidence?

If it is just absorbed, it will really be controlled by it.

But after this period of time, these spirits have long been decomposed into their own spirits by the spiritual organ, so it's no wonder it can still find them!

call out--

Just when Shahem was puzzled by the failure, a sharp piercing sound sounded.

An arrow went straight to its branch!

When the sound sounded, the arrow had already arrived.

A dark red arrow mixed with light gray, with long arms, thick thumbs, no arrow feathers, very simple, with a very unstable atmosphere.

After successfully blocking its wave of Arrow Rain attacks, it was found that it had no follow-up attacks to keep up with it—focused on strangling Xenia Eugen's spirit body and punishing Art——Sandra, Yam Lloyd, Zachary, and Cumberland joined forces to give it a big move.

Art had already told them through Angelo Nell that this strange tree was the monster's body.

Shahem's strength, stamina, and spirit are all high, but agility is not its specialty, and it is already too late to block it with branches.


The tree trunk was shot directly, and the already unstable power exploded instantly.

The power of radiation is more like a bomb than an arrow.

Shachem's branches were shaken violently by the blast, and there were large scorched black marks on the trunk. Not only did part of the bark fall off, but the phloem and cambium inside were also damaged to varying degrees!

It works surprisingly well!

Yate, Sandra and others were all refreshed.

Even the great-grandfather of the Eugen family excitedly manipulated that alienated body to sneak attack, creating opportunities for Sandra and the others, and hoped that they would shoot more arrows.

Although the two sides have no way to communicate, there is still a tacit understanding.

However, just as the alienated body named Gus appeared, he was severely whipped a dozen times by Shahem in a berserk state.

It's not roots, but branched branches, like whips, lashing at the alienated body.

Every time, his skin was torn apart!

There are thorns on the branches!

The powerful body of the alienated body has no protective effect at all. In the blink of an eye, a lot of flesh and blood were torn off, and the bones were exposed!

This is skinny, not much meat.

Fortunately, his vitality and resilience were strong enough, otherwise this blow would have killed him.

At the same time, the three of Sandra worked together again to create the second arrow.

This time, the 3 people were filled with various buffs, and the second arrow was shortened by nearly 10cm!

They forcibly compressed the power of three different attributes on this arrow. The smaller the volume, the stronger the compression power, and the greater the power after the explosion.

Just when Sandra was about to shoot an arrow, a gear-shaped red halo suddenly appeared under her feet.

Arthur backed away.

Sandra paused suddenly.

Damn! Yam Lloyd and Zachary Cumberland were shocked.

What are you doing dude? !

If it explodes on the spot, how many of them can survive can only depend on their fate...

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