Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 466: Xiao Xuanxi practice

Chapter 466 Xiao Xuanxi's Practice

After a day, there were a few more people who succeeded in inducing breath into the body.

Still an old man.

This shows that comprehension is really important to the path of cultivation. These old people have already seen through the world, and their comprehension is much higher than that of young people.

On the third day, a young man finally succeeded in absorbing his breath.

This person is Lin Xiaofan, the grandson of the mayor Lin Lao.

Knowing that he was the first young man to breathe into his body, Mu Wushuang was a little surprised, because Lin Xiaofan was very taciturn and liked to be alone, not very gregarious, perhaps because of the loss of his father, Lin Xiaofan was relatively withdrawn.

Moreover, the ability to successfully inhale into the body on the third day shows that Lin Xiaofan is very talented. Even on the entire continent, people who can successfully inhale into the body in three days will definitely not exceed one hundred.

After Lin Xiaofan, people successively succeeded in introducing Qi into the body and embarking on the path of cultivation.

Mu Wushuang's family of three lives in the flying spirit weapon. Mu Wushuang and Long Moshen can eat nothing, but Xiao Xuanxi can't. They have to eat all three meals a day and have afternoon tea in the afternoon.

The villagers are cultivating, and they usually do what they eat for themselves, and Mu Wushuang and the others don't want to trouble others.

But Mu Wushuang's cooking skills were average, so cooking for his son fell on Long Moshen's head.

The ingredients are readily available, birds and beasts are everywhere, and a lot of vegetables are grown in every household.

Long Moshen has never cooked, and the things he made for the first time are really hard to eat, but in order to encourage the man who cooks for the first time, Wushuang and his son have finished eating.

After learning the lessons from the first time, the food made by Long Moshen the second time is already delicious.

I have to say, serious men are so handsome.

Even grilling meat and cooking, washing hands and making soup, are equally charming.

Such days are calm and indifferent, away from the noise, like a paradise.

Suddenly, Mu Wushuang felt that there was nothing wrong with such a day. With his beloved man and his son by his side, it would be easy to eat and drink.

But before living like this, she had to avenge her grudge to the emperor's uncle, and none of the holy emperor and holy queen Helian family could escape.

Xiao Xuanxi's appetite was good, and when he was fine, he would chew with jerky. The jerky doesn't grow meat, so Mu Wushuang let him grind his teeth.

After five or six days, Long Moshen suddenly said to Mu Wushuang:

"My son's spiritual roots are about to grow."

"So fast? Didn't it take half a month?" Mu Wushuang was surprised as he patted the dirt on his son.

In the past few days, the little friends have been restrained by adults at home for cultivating. No one plays with him. He runs up the mountain all day long. Since he is naturally close to animals, he is not worried about any problems with himself.

No, I just came back from the mountain, and I don’t know where the dirt is rolling away.

What about cleanliness?

"You have to ask him." Long Moshen looked at his son.

Xiao Xuanxi quickly wiped her mouth subconsciously, staring at her round and dark eyes, like Daddy, I don't know what you are talking about.

Mu Wushuang pulled his son over and sniffed, smelling a hint of sweetness.


She looked at her son suspiciously.

Xiao Xuanxi sighed maturely: "Oh, my mother is really a dog nose."

As soon as he finished speaking, he was grabbed by his ears. When he saw, it was his father who grabbed his ears, "Daddy, let go, it hurts! I was wrong, I don't say your wife is a dog nose!"

Mu Wushuang couldn't help but couldn't help but ask him with a straight face, "Frankly explain, how much honey did you steal?"

The ears were loosened, Xiao Xuanxi raised his hands and counted: "It's only four, five or six days."

Dare to eat honey every day these days.

Xiao Xuanxi said, "Mother, Xixi is not called stealing. It is the little bees who took me to eat their honey. I don't want to eat them. They have to take me enthusiastically. I give them back to my parents. Grandpa brought it back!"

With that said, he took out a few small bottles from his small storage bag, filled with honey.

The little guy still remembers bringing honey to his grandpa, Zeng. It didn’t hurt him for nothing. He also knew that Grandpa Zeng likes honey the most.

Long Moshen picked up the honey and looked at it and took a sip. Not surprisingly, this honey contains more energy to nourish the spiritual roots, more than any food that has been eaten before. This should be the reason that his son's spiritual roots grow faster. The biggest reason is.

Mu Wushuang knew the reason and couldn't laugh or cry.

So, my son is a foodie and has the benefit of foodie?

In the end, the honey was confiscated by Mu Wushuang. Not only that, she also went to the mountains with the emperor to collect a lot of honey. The effect of this honey was better than that of Ku Ling tea. As long as it was taken out, one or two could sell for a high price.

Of course, she wouldn't sell it, this kind of good thing would naturally be left to the people around her.

Xiao Xuanxi frowned, chewing dried meat, missing the delicious honey.

But without the sweet honey, there are other wild fruits on the mountain, and he doesn't lack food.

Early the next morning, Mu Wushuang took out the crystal ball and placed it in front of his son.

Xiao Xuanxi's eyes lit up: "Daddy, mother, have my spiritual roots grown?"

"You can eat so much, everything that Houshan can eat has entered your stomach, can your spiritual roots grow unhappy?" Mu Wushuang said.

The little guy didn't blush at all, but cheeky said: "The great-grandmother said, eating is a blessing!"

Then he smiled and put his little hand on the crystal ball.

The moment I put it on, there was a "click" and the crystal ball suddenly broke!

It broke directly into powder!

"What's going on?" Mu Wushuang quickly pulled back his son's hand, and he was relieved to see that he was not injured.

Long Moshen's complexion was normal, not surprised.

He gently said to Wushuang: "Shuang'er, you are a fairy body, have you never tested your spiritual root?"

Mu Wushuang shook his head.

Long Moshen took out a crystal ball again and asked her to take a test.

When she measured it, the crystal ball was directly shattered just like the son just now.

Long Moshen said: "The crystal ball can only detect the mutated roots of the sky spirit root and the spiritual roots below, and none of the above spiritual roots can be detected, because the crystal ball cannot withstand too strong energy."

"In other words, our Xixi is also a particularly powerful spiritual root, stronger than the mutated spiritual root of the sky spiritual root?"

Mu Wushuang said happily.

Above the mutant spiritual roots, there are the super spiritual roots and the chaotic spiritual roots. She is the chaotic spiritual root, and the uncle is the super spiritual root, both of which are the spiritual roots with the fastest practice.

I just don't know which of the two kinds of son is, I can only go back and test it with a special crystal ball.

But anyway, this is good news. She and the emperor's son, who inherited their strength, will not necessarily be stronger than them.

Xiao Xuanxi knew that his spiritual roots were very good, so he was very happy, and quickly learned the way his parents practiced, sitting cross-legged on the floor and began to practice.

A few days ago, he followed the people in Bronze Town to memorize his mind, almost as soon as he sat cross-legged, he meditated in his mind to sense the spiritual energy between heaven and earth.

Mu Wushuang and the emperor looked at each other. They were very pleased that their son was so hardworking.

But at this moment, violent fluctuations suddenly appeared in the air, and countless spiritual energy swept across from heaven and earth, forming a galaxy-like white mist, entering the body of Xiao Xuanxi with his eyes closed!

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