Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 465: Pupil magic

Chapter 465

"We don't like to drink tea. This tea store is useless at home, and we don't have any thank you gifts. You can take these tea leaves and we can rest assured!"

Seeing Mu Wushuang's refusal, the villagers who brought the tea quickly said sincerely.

Finally, they had what their benefactor needed, and they quickly brought them. These tea leaves are really useless to them, and they don't like to make tea.

Mu Wushuang couldn't resist, and finally received 30 jin of new tea and 50 jin of stored tea, a total of 80 jin, which was far beyond her imagination.

With so many tea leaves, it is not a problem for the old disciples of the sect to strengthen their spiritual roots.

One or two tea leaves can be brewed in at least five parts, and each time you can repeatedly brew nutrients, 80 catties equals 800 taels of tea, which is not too small.

Although they still don't know how many nutrients are needed to make the spirit root stronger, but with plenty of time, she and the emperor will stay here for a while to figure out these problems.

They have sent jade slips to their relatives and friends to report safety. They had a goodbye in the underground river before, and the three of them disappeared, which caused a lot of attention.

Ling Xiaoxian and the others who went upstream also found traces of the evil demon, but they escaped.

But this also confirmed that demons really appeared on the Cangming Continent.

Everyone is scared and panic. Demons are pervasive and can pretend to be others. They are cunning by nature and the most hateful.

Mu Wushuang heard from Wujizi that the number of people who went to Qingyun City had more than tenfold in the past two days, because everyone had heard that Qingyun City had a charm, so they all went to buy it.

At the Tianjiao event that day, the emperor's uncle sealed Gu Xinghai who became an evil demon with a magic talisman. This hand was seen by many people. Later, some people went to read ancient books and confirmed that the evil demon had not been eliminated tens of thousands of years ago. At that time, Fu Dao was the most popular.

Because the charms such as the exorcism charms, sealing charms, and extinguishing charms drawn by the master talisman are specifically for the demons family, if you want to restrain the demons, you must have the charms nearby.

So now there is a wave of buying magic charms on the road.

It is a pity that Talisman Dao has long since fallen, and there are very few Talisman Masters, so there are very few places to sell magic Talisman.

Everyone inquired that only Qingyun Sword Sect had Talisman Masters, and the skills of these Talisman Masters were taught by Master Sister Wushuang.

There is a shop in Qingyun City that specializes in selling magic charms. There are not many people who buy magic charms on weekdays, but it has been crowded in these two days, and they all come to buy charms that restrain demons.

Fortunately, Wu Jizi said that she first taught her disciples to draw amulets, which is to draw the magic charms, so that they will not be too green and yellow, and they will not be sold.

Wu Jizi also asked her if she wanted to raise the price. Mu Wushuang discussed with the emperor and decided not to raise the price. Not only that, she also asked Wu Jizi to mobilize more disciples to learn the Talisman, because the evil demon appeared, not one good sign.

No one knows how many demons are lurking on this road, it can be said to be perilous.

She also decided to wait to go back and spread the Talisman Dao wildly so that, not to mention everyone on the mainland, at least half of the people should have the Talisman in their hands.

This is not the heart of the Virgin, but at this time, she should be consistent with the outside world and not allow demons to invade the spiritual world.

Two hours after the appointment, everyone was waiting under the old banyan tree.

There are not many residents in Bronze Town. After so many years of reproduction, the infant mortality rate of consanguineous marriages is a bit high. This is also impossible. After all, it is far away from the noise and no outsiders can come in.

Including old and young women and children, there are more than 300 people.

The emperor took the initiative to preach, leading them into the path of cultivation, letting everyone know what spiritual cultivation is, how to practice, and what realms they are divided into.

This talk took a long time.

Mu Wushuang also listened carefully, but basically the left ear came in and the right ear came out, because she patronized the emperor's uncle's prosperous beauty, even if she watched it for a long time, she didn't get tired.

The emperor's uncle preached patiently is abstinent, very charming, and his voice is low and magnetic, and he will never get tired of showing it to her for a lifetime.

Xiao Xuanxi also listened carefully, and he was a little unwilling to take it at first.

But seeing all the friends listening attentively, he also calmed down.

Mu Wushuang originally thought that these little children would be unwilling to listen to this, but she underestimated the people's determination, it was a matter of the survival of the family, now that she does not seize the opportunity to practice, she will be at a loss when encountering monsters in the future.

So all the adults did a good job of ideological work for their children in the two hours before the assembly.

If you don't want to lose your dad like Xiaozhuang and the others, you must study hard.

The children all know that Xiao Zhuang and their father died under the paws of the leopard, and they never have a father anymore. So they all understand roughly, if they don’t learn, they might die.

In the eyes of children, death is the most terrible thing.

After Huang Shu finished speaking, it was Mu Wushuang's turn.

She came to teach everyone how to breathe, feel the aura between heaven and earth, and how to draw breath into the body.

Entraining the air into the body is the most difficult, but as long as you take this step, you have reached the threshold of practice.

The mental method she taught to entrain qi into the body was to find a relatively simple mental method after reading their Heavenly-level exercises.

Coupled with the mental method, when they can sense the aura between the heavens and the earth and introduce the aura into the veins of the body, then they are considered successful.

After teaching, she asked everyone to go back to have dinner, and after dinner, they can continue to breathe into the body at night.

Outside spiritual practice, the time for entraining qi into the body is generally half a month to one month. The spiritual root talent is relatively good, and it only takes seven days to induce qi into the body.

Of course, she herself is an exception. It took only a dozen breaths from the time of sensing aura to entraining the air into the body.

The emperor's uncle is also a different kind. According to him, his introduction of qi into the body has just sensed the spiritual qi between the heaven and the earth, and he directly introduced it into the body and began to practice.

The people in Bronze Town are all Tianlinggen, so she and the emperor feel that they should be able to breathe into the body in seven or eight days at most.

Entraining the qi into the body can only be done by individuals, and they cannot help. After the qi into the body, they can continue to teach them to practice.

But what was beyond her and Long Mo's expectations was that early the next morning, someone rushed to them excitedly and told them that someone had successfully induced Qi into the body.

Still a centenarian.

Mu Wushuang and Long Moshen went to take a look and found that the old man was one of the old people who played chess under the old banyan tree yesterday. An old man with good spirits and the best chess skill in town.

The old man hadn't slept all night, but at this time he was full of energy, and excitedly told them how he felt to breathe into the body.

The old man's teeth are all missing, and his speech leaks, but this does not prevent him from speaking.

"Reiki is really a good thing. I let the aura spin in my veins according to the mental method the little girl said. After a few turns, I feel that I have strength to do everything, and I am full of energy!"

With that, the old man lifted a bucket of water with one hand, looking very relaxed.

The surrounding villagers were very surprised. You must know that before this, the old man was panting while walking, but now he can pump water, and the benefits of cultivation are too great!

Mu Wushuang saw through everyone's thoughts and smiled and said to everyone:

"I said before that the benefits of cultivation are great. It can not only increase your lifespan, but also strengthen your body, rejuvenate your body, and rejuvenate you. You have to hurry up. You can't leave a centenarian behind."

As soon as everyone heard it, they quickly went home and practiced.

Old people of this age can successfully inhale into the body, there is no reason they can't.

They are full of energy, for fear of falling behind others.

The old man introduced the qi into the body, and Mu Wushuang taught him to continue to introduce the aura according to the mental method, so that the aura flows into the dantian and transforms into the spiritual power.

The next step is to accumulate spiritual power. If the spiritual power in the dantian is accumulated, it can hit the first level of the spiritual apprentice realm.

But it seems that it is still very early.

On the way back, Mu Wushuang was a little puzzled. Why was this old man the first to breathe into the body? She thought it was a young man who was faster.

"The old man has to absorb the nutrients that nourish the spiritual root for many years than others, and his understanding should be the highest of all."

Long Moshen analyzed.

Mu Wushuang thought about it, yes, the old man has lived for a hundred years, he has already seen through the world, and his understanding is naturally high.

Moreover, in the outside world, no one would start cultivating when they were old, because everyone had their spiritual roots grown when they were twelve years old, and they could test their spiritual roots. Normally, they can start practicing at this time.

It is precisely because there is no such situation that she is surprised that the old man is the first to breathe into the body.

"But the old man has limited energy after all. Although he draws the breath into the body the fastest, he is by no means the first person to enter the first level of the spiritual apprentice realm."

Long Moshen said again.

"Yes, it is true."

Xiao Xuanxi, who was led by his parents, pursed his lips, and suddenly said: "My parents, why can Xiaohu cultivate, but I can't?"

The little guy's tone was a little low.

Mu Wushuang smiled, picked him up, and said to him earnestly: "My mother told you that you can't cultivate because your spiritual roots have not fully grown. The spiritual roots have grown, crystal ball. It can be measured, but now the crystal ball can’t be measured for you, right?”

Xiao Xuanxi nodded: "Well, I can't detect it."

Mu Wushuang continued: "Xiaohu is about the same age as you, but he can detect it because he has eaten a lot of food that can grow his spiritual roots since he was a child, and his spiritual roots have fully grown, so he can test. come out."

"Then I also eat the same food as them every day, can my spiritual root grow quickly?" Xiao Xuanxi asked expectantly.

"Yes, soon."

Daddy is talking.

Xiao Xuanxi quickly looked at his father: "Really? Father, how long will it take me?"

Mu Wushuang also looked at the emperor, he should have discovered something, otherwise he wouldn't be so sure.

"At most half a month." Long Moshen said under the gaze of the two mothers.


Xiao Xuanxi was very happy and excited. If it was true, he wouldn't have to wait until he was twelve to start practicing!

He can be as strong as his parents!

"Uncle Emperor, how do you know the specific time?" Mu Wushuang asked curiously.

Long Moshen squeezed her hand and the corners of his mouth curled up:

"I used the magical powers of the pupil technique, and I could see my son's spiritual roots. His spiritual roots grew very fast, at most half a month, he could fully grow."

It turned out to be so, no wonder!

She had never expected that Linggen would grow so fast, which made her even more curious about what secrets were hidden in Bronze Town that would make Linggen grow faster against the sky.

This was absolutely impossible, but it just happened like this.

She even wondered, could the ancestors of Bronze Town change the Feng Shui of Bronze Town?

If so, how powerful their ancestors should be!

There were only a handful of powerful spiritual practices in the past, who would it be?

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