Whether it was Prince Fusu, Prince Jianglu and others, or Princess Ying Yinman, Princess Ying Liyang and others, looking at the other Fusu on the sky, a touch of envy flashed in their eyes.

The treatment of their father teaching them to read and write in person was something they envied very much.

At least among their brothers and sisters, no one could enjoy such a generous treatment.

However, thinking of what Tianmu said before that their father did not know how to get along with them, it might be because they were not bold enough.

If they had been able to boldly and persistently ask their father to teach them to read and write like the other Fusu, then maybe their father would agree and teach them to read and write in person.

As for the painful fact that the other Fusu started to read and write at the age of three, they ignored it. Although they also wanted their father to teach them to read and write in person, they did not want to start learning to read and write at the age of three.

Wucheng Hou Wang Jian, Prime Minister Wei Zhuang, Tingwei Li Si and other ministers looked at the other Fusu on the sky, and a touch of amazement flashed in their eyes.

Knowing 10,000 words in three months, and being able to speak the languages of seven countries in one year, with such talent, he can definitely be said to be an unparalleled genius and prodigy!

At least Li Si himself was also a young genius, otherwise he would not have been accepted as a disciple by Xunzi.

But thinking back to when he was three or four years old, even if he was given the same educational resources as Prince Fusu, he could not do what the other Prince Fusu did.

Thinking of this, the ministers who had taught Fusu also glanced at the eldest prince Fusu not far away, and then shook their heads quietly.

Although their eldest prince Fusu can be called smart, he is just smart.

There is still a very long distance between him and the eldest prince Fusu who can be called a genius and a prodigy on the sky.

Let’s not talk about other aspects for now, but in terms of talent, their eldest prince Fusu has distanced himself from the other eldest prince Fusu.

【After completing the literacy education, the next step is to teach Prince Fusu to read.】

【"Among the theories of Legalism, Confucianism, Mohism, Taoism, Yin-Yang, Diplomacy, Nominalism, Military Science, Agriculture, etc., which one do you want to learn first?"】

【King Qin Ying Zheng looked at his eldest son with a little curiosity, wanting to know what doctrine he was more interested in.】

【Because Fusu had just finished learning the language of the Seven Kingdoms and was only four years old, King Ying Zheng of Qin did not plan to teach Fusu too formally, and planned to focus on his interests.】

【To see which aspect of the doctrine Fusu Xiantian was most interested in, he briefly explained it to Fusu.】

【When Fusu was two years older, he would find another scholar from a hundred schools of thought to teach Fusu.】

【As for whether the four-year-old Fusu knew what each of the various schools of thought represented, there was no need to worry about that.】

【In the past year's literacy teaching, he also more or less briefly talked about some of the contents of the various schools of thought.】

【Therefore, Fusu also has a basic understanding of the various schools of thought. 】

Under the sky, Li Si, who represented the Legalists, Wang Jian, who represented the Militaryists, Xiangli Shimo, who represented the Mohists, and other Qin civil and military officials all looked at the other Prince Fusu with expectation.

After all, the eldest prince Fusu in this world is visibly close to Confucianism, and they naturally hope that the eldest prince Fusu in another world can be close to them.

Of course, Doctor Chunyu Yue, who represents Confucianism, expects the eldest prince Fusu in another world to choose their Confucianism.

This will further demonstrate the correctness of their Confucianism.

Even the Qin Emperor Ying Zheng was curious about the choice of Fusu in another world.

After all, the Fusu in this world has grown crooked, and he is very curious about which school of thought the other Fusu, who does not seem to have grown crooked, will choose.

【Under the gaze of Qin King Ying Zheng, Fusu gave his answer:"I want to study history!"】

【Learn history!】

【Learn from the historians!】

【This answer was completely beyond the expectations of Qin King Ying Zheng. After all, Qin King Ying Zheng had thought that Fusu might choose Legalism, Confucianism, or even Mohism.】

【However, Qin Wang Ying Zheng did not think that Fusu would choose to learn from historians. 】

Not to mention that Qin Wang Ying Zheng in another world did not expect Fusu to want to learn from historians, even the Qin monarchs and ministers in this world under the sky did not expect that another Fusu would want to learn from historians first.

Such a unique choice can be said to be beyond everyone's expectations.

Only the historian on the side was like a pie in the sky, and the whole person was a little dizzy.

You must know that among the hundreds of schools of thought, historians can be said to have always been a little transparent.

Just like when Qin Wang Ying Zheng on the sky introduced the hundreds of schools of thought to Prince Fusu, he gave priority to the legal, Confucian, Mohist, Taoist, Yin-Yang, vertical and horizontal schools, and the historians were directly omitted.

After all, compared with other schools of thought, the role of historians is only one, that is, to record history with a straight pen!

What is the law of governing the country and maintaining peace?


If you want to govern the country and maintain peace, either go to other schools, or find it yourself from the past history recorded by historians.

Anyway, historians can do nothing but record history, and they wouldn't do it even if they could.

The last time historians were famous throughout the world was when Cui Zhu killed his king. On that occasion, three historians took the lead and risked their lives to write the truth, and finally recorded the event of Cui Zhu killing his king completely, shocking the world with the character of historians.

However, that was all.

Afterwards, historians returned to their obscurity.

However, now Prince Fusu from another world actually wants to learn the words of historians first!

Could it be that historians will flourish in the hands of Prince Fusu from another world?

Everyone stared at the other Prince Fusu on the sky, wanting to know why he chose to learn the words of historians first.

【"Why do you want to study history?"】

【King Qin Ying Zheng looked at his eldest son and asked with rare doubt:】

【"Because I think that reading history can help people understand the rise and fall of things, understand gains and losses, learn from the past and look to the future."】

【"Just like the Legalists, Confucians, Mohists, Taoists, Yin-Yangists, and Diplomats, they did not emerge out of thin air. They must have influenced the various philosophers and sages under various circumstances and reasons."】

【"Then, after the reflections of the sages on everything, they finally concluded"】

【"So I think if you want to understand the opinions of various philosophers, you must first understand the national environment in which they were put forward."】

【"Knowing the reasons and backgrounds for their emergence, we can understand why the various philosophers had such and such opinions at that time, and we can also better appreciate and understand the fundamental purpose of the opinions of the various philosophers."】

【"Only then will you be able to understand whether the words of the various philosophers, whether spoken in the past, today, or in the future, are appropriate or whether they need to be reformed and innovated!"】

【The four-year-old Fusu looked up at his tall father and expressed his thoughts clearly.】

【Qin King Ying Zheng, rarely appeared stunned in front of his eldest son Fusu】

【Although he always thought that his eldest son Fusu was excellent】

【But it was not until now that he realized that he had greatly underestimated the excellence of his eldest son!】

【At least, at his age, I don't have such a deep understanding of historians.】

【After a long while, King Ying Zheng of Qin touched Fusu's little head intimately, smiling but with a serious look, he said:"Okay! Then I will tell you history!"

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