【When Prince Fusu was one year old and could talk and walk, he no longer cried like a child.】

【When he was three years old, one day, when King Ying Zheng of Qin came to the harem to visit Fusu and his mother, Fusu reached out and gently tugged at his father's sleeve, and said crisply:"Father, I want to learn to read.""】

【It is a bit early for a three-year-old to learn to read.】

【Generally, children of this age are still in a stage of being ignorant and playing around.】

【At this age, let alone being able to learn to read, even eating three meals a day may not be possible.】

【Therefore, even the children of the royal family would not start learning to read until they were five or six years old.】

【But this is just an ordinary child. King Qin Ying Zheng knows his first child better.】

【Quiet, smart and worry-free!】

【Almost anything can be understood and remembered as soon as it is said】

【From childhood to adulthood, I have never let anyone worry about it.】

【In addition, it was Fusu who took the initiative to bring up the idea of reading, so after thinking for a while, King Ying Zheng of Qin agreed and said,"Okay, I will arrange for a teacher to teach you how to read in a few days.""】

【"I want my father to teach me how to read!" Fusu looked up at his tall father and said】

【King Qin Ying Zheng was stunned and subconsciously wanted to refuse】

【After all, as the king of Qin, he had many state affairs on weekdays. Not to mention taking time out to teach a child to read, he only came to visit Fusu once every three or five days.】

【And there is another reason that is hard to say, that is, he does not know how to get along with his children.】

【The parental love of ordinary people was basically not experienced by Qin King Ying Zheng.】

【After all, his father abandoned his wife and children when he was two years old!】

【His mother just recently chose a lover over him!】

【It can be said that what his parents brought him were almost all bad memories!】

【So under such circumstances, King Qin Ying Zheng could not find a suitable and normal reference template for getting along with his children.】

【Therefore, when his children wanted to get close to him, Qin King Ying Zheng's first reaction was to be a little overwhelmed.】

【So King Qin Ying Zheng chose the way he was most familiar with, treating his subjects in a serious manner, with a stern face to deal with his children seriously. 】

Under the skylight, all the civil and military officials bowed their heads and kept silent.

After all, whether it was the former king abandoning his wife and children, or the former queen mother's male favorite Lao Ai rebelling, it was an indelible black history for their majesties.

And now the skylight can be said to have made their majesties' past black history public, and it is even known to the world in a real sense.

Maybe the people of the world are laughing at their majesties at this moment, so you can imagine how angry their majesties will be.

In Wu County, Kuaiji County, Xiang Liang looked at the skylight showing the scene of King Qin Ying Zheng being abandoned in Zhao State as a teenager. He first laughed, and then said angrily:

"Bah, it’s all the fault of those useless people in Zhao State!"

"If they had killed the tyrant while he was still a hostage, there would not have been the disaster of the destruction of the six kingdoms today!"

"Zhao deserves to be destroyed!"

Although the six kingdoms were destroyed, it does not mean that they were united against the same enemy.

At least Xiang Liang, as a remnant of the Chu Kingdom, looked down on the other five kingdoms and believed that the other five kingdoms dragged down Chu, otherwise Chu would not have perished.

In the old land of Han, Zhang Liang also temporarily came out of his dilemma. Looking at the picture on the sky curtain showing Zhao Ji supporting Lao Ai's rebellion, he could not help but sneer:

"The father is not close and the mother does not love!"

"Tyrants are born with bad luck!"

At the same time, Zhang Liang began to think about how to use this to greatly disparage the reputation of Qin Emperor Ying Zheng and arouse more resentment among the people.

In Pei County, Liu Ji listened to what Tianmu said, put down the dog meat in his hand, and said with a smack of his tongue:

"It turns out that the First Emperor was not born rich and prosperous, and everything went well for him!"

He had always thought that people like the First Emperor, who were of noble descent, were born to have everything go well and be happy.

From what he heard now, it was hard to say about other aspects. Maybe in terms of parents, the First Emperor's parents were not as good as his parents.

Although his parents did not think much of him, and even scolded him from time to time, saying that he was not as good at business as his second brother.

But at least his father would not abandon his wife and children, and his mother would not want a lover instead of him.

In the Xianyang Palace, a group of princes and princesses of the Qin Dynasty lowered their heads and secretly glanced at their father from time to time.

It was the first time they knew these things about their grandfather and mother in detail. But this is normal. In the past, the former king abandoned his wife and children, and the former queen supported the rebellion of male favorites. This kind of thing can be said to be an unspoken taboo in the past under the rule of Emperor Qin Yingzheng.

Naturally, no one would be tired of living and tell these messy things to the princes and princesses. What made the princes and princesses even more unexpected was that their father didn't know how to talk to them. He only gets along with women, so he always has a serious face when facing them!

This strange contrast immediately made all the princes and princesses feel that the majestic and cold image of their father in their hearts had quietly changed a little. Some princes and princesses even thought about being bolder and more presumptuous in front of their father in the future.

However, just as this thought arose, they saw the father standing in front of them calmly turned his head and glanced at them.

Suddenly, all the princes and princesses were so scared that they buried their heads.


It is impossible to be presumptuous in front of the father in this life!

After looking back, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng continued to look up at the sky.

As for the speculation of all the ministers, he was angry because the affairs of the former king and the former queen were revealed to the world?

He was naturally angry.

However, for him, no matter how angry he was, the affairs of the former king and the former queen were all things of the past.

If the demise of the Qin State had not weighed on his mind, he would definitely be furious now, even���It would not be too much to order a strict ban on people from talking about this matter.

But now, he just wants to know why the Qin State perished, and how to change the future of the Qin State's demise!

For this reason, he can put everything else aside and endure it for now.

【Seeing his father wanting to refuse, Fusu spoke again:"Half an hour, father, just teach me for half an hour every day."】

【King Ying Zheng of Qin stared down at Fusu, and Fusu looked back at him without fear.】

【After a long while, King Qin Ying Zheng finally said,"Bring me some writing brushes, ink and silk. I will teach you how to do it today.""】

【King Qin Ying Zheng had never taught his children before, and he didn't know if he could teach his children well.】

【However, as a request from his first son, King Qin Ying Zheng was still willing to give it a try if it was possible.】

【If today's teaching is good, then he will try to teach Fusu for half an hour every day in the future. At worst, he can extend the time for reviewing memorials by half an hour at night.】

【If the teaching today is not good, then he will find a few teachers to teach Prince Fusu later.】

【At the order of King Qin Ying Zheng, the attendants soon brought pens, ink and silk.】

【Then the father and son, one boldly taught, and the other boldly learned.】

【The more Qin King Ying Zheng taught, the happier he became.】

【Because he found that as long as he taught it once, Fusu could remember it immediately and write it down accurately.】

【But in just half an hour, he had already taught Fusu hundreds of words.】

【At this rate, it would probably take only ten days or half a month to teach Fusu the most basic literacy.】

【Moreover, during the teaching process, Fusu did not cry or make a fuss at all, and was serious and did not require Ying Zheng to waste any unnecessary thoughts.】

【Thinking of this, King Qin Ying Zheng was also very happy and said:"As long as you can continue to be like today, I will continue to teach you to read and write."】

【Prince Fusu also nodded and responded crisply,"Yes, father!"】

【After that, in just three months, Prince Fusu learned tens of thousands of characters.】

【By the time he was four years old, Prince Fusu was already familiar with the languages of the seven kingdoms.】.........

PS1: The new book is about to start, and I urgently need the strong support of all the handsome guys, beautiful girls, and big guys! If you pass by, don't miss it. I'm begging for collection, recommendation, Amway, flowers, and everything. If you haven't collected it yet, please click to collect it. Thank you! I kneel down to all the big guys!

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